

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2020-11 期刊論文 Properties and durability of cement-based composites with CFBCA, GGBFS and CFA Maochieh Chi, Sung-Ching Chen, Weichung Yeih , Jiangjhy Chang Sci. Int (Lahore)
2019-01 期刊論文 The influences of cement type and curing condition on properties of pervious concrete made with electric arc furnace slag as aggregates Weichung Yeih, Jiang Jhy Chang Journal of Construction and Building Materials
2018-11 期刊論文 Effect of Mixture Variables on Durability for Alkali-Activated Slag Cementitious Chi-Che Hung, Yuan-Chieh Wu, Wei-Ting Lin, Jinag-Jhy Chang, Wei-Chung Yeih Materials
2018-09 期刊論文 Properties of Low Water-Cement Ratio and High Compressive Strength Pervious Concrete M. C. Chi, J. J. Chang, W. Yeih Materials Science Forum
2017-03 期刊論文 Zinc-rich lithium silicate coatings for corrosion prevention in steels J. J. Chang, W. Yeih, K. L. Chen and M. Chi Journal of Marine Sience and Technology (Taiwan)
2016-12 期刊論文 Electrochemical chloride removal for reinforced concrete with steel rebar cage using auxiliary electrodes W. Yeih, J. J. Chang, C. C. Chang, K. L. Chen, and M.C. Chi Cement and Concrete Composites
2016-01 期刊論文 Properties of Pervious Concrete Made With Electric Arc Furnace Slag and Alkali-Activated Slag Cement Chang, J.J., Yeih, W., Chung, T.J., Huang, R. Journal of Construction and Building Materials
2015-12 研討會論文 試體參數對混凝土電阻值影響之研究 張建智、葉為忠、張正勤、陳國廉
2015-11 期刊論文 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Circulated Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Coal Fly Ash Chi, M.C., Chang, J.J., Yeih, W. Advances in Engineering Research
2015-10 研討會論文 Determining Temperature Distribution and Heat Source for Materials with Nonlinear Heat Conduction Coefficients Using Cauchy Data Weichug Yeih , I-Yao Chan, Cheng-Yu Ku, Chia-Ming Fan, and Jiang-Jhy Chang
2015-10 技術報告 試體參數對混凝土電阻值影響之研究 張建智、葉為忠
2015-10 技術報告 電化學除濕法應用於混凝土構件之研究(1/3) 葉為忠、張建智
2015-09 研討會論文 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Circulated Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Coal Fly Ash Maochieh Chi, Jiang Jhy Chang, Weichung Yeih
2015-06 期刊論文 Effect of Mortar Coating on Concrete Carbonation Tsao, W.H., Liang, M.T., Chang, J.J. and Huang, N.M. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2015-04 期刊論文 A Nonlinear Theoretical Study of Modelling Chloride Diffusion in Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Slag Tsao, W.H., Liang, M.T., Chang, J.J., Fang, M.Y. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
2015-04 期刊論文 Effects of Cathodic Current on The Alkali-Silica Aggregate Reaction Chang, J.J., Yeih, W. and Chang, C.C. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2015-03 期刊論文 Properties of Pervious Concrete Made with Air-Cooling Electric Arc Furnace Slag as Aggregates Yeih, W., Fu, T.C., Chang, J.J. and Huang, R. Journal of Construction and Building Materials
2015-02 期刊論文 Study of the Pervious Concrete Properties Using the Experimental Design Method Fu, T.C., Huang, R., Yeih, W, Chang, J.J. and Lee, P.C. Advanced Materials Research
2015-01 期刊論文 Evaluation and Application of Recipe for Binding Materials in Self-Compacting Concrete Yeih , W., Chang, J.J., Chi, M.,Chang, C.C. and Huang, R Key Engineering Materials
2015-01 期刊論文 Evaluation and Application of Recipe for Binding Materials in Self-Compacting Concrete Weichung Yeih, Jiang Jhy Chang, Maochieh Chi, Cheng Chin Chang, Ran Huang Key Engineering Materials
2014-11 期刊論文 Using Design of Experiment to Investigate the Quality Characteristics and Proportioning Designs of Pervious Concrete FU, T.C., Huang, R., Yeih, W, Chang, J.J. and Lee, P.C Applied Mechanics and Materials
2014-10 期刊論文 The Effects of Specimen Parameters on the Resistivity of Concrete Chen, C.T. , Chang, J.J. , and Yeih, W. Journal of Construction and Building Materials
2014-10 期刊論文 The Influence of Aggregate Size and Binder Material on the Properties of Pervious Concrete Fu, T.C., Yeih, W., Chang, J.J. and Huang R. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
2014-10 期刊論文 台北都會區污水下水道污泥使用於管溝回填料之探討 張建智、黃然、葉為忠、紀茂傑 混凝土科技
2014-10 技術報告 海洋環境下混凝土裂縫修補之研究(2/2) 張建智、葉為忠
2014-10 技術報告 透水混凝土應用於消波減能之研究 葉為忠、張建智
2014-09 研討會論文 Evaluation and Application of Recipe for Binding Materials in Self-Compacting Concrete Weichung Yeih , Jiang Jhy Chang, Maochieh Chi, Cheng Chin Chang, Ran Huang
2014-08 研討會論文 鋼筋混凝土結構物耐久性評估指標之研究 紀茂傑、江建德、張建智
2014-07 期刊論文 Effects of Stirrups on Electrochemical Chloride Removal Efficiency Chang, C. C., Yeih, W., Chang, J. J. and Huang, R. Journal of Construction and Building Materials
2014-06 研討會論文 Solving the Cauchy problem of the nonlinear steady-state heat equation using double iteration process Weichung Yeih, Jiang-Jhy Chang, and Chia-Min Fan
2014-03 期刊論文 solving the Cauchy problem of the nonlinear steady-state heat equation using double iteration process Yeih, W., Chan, I.Y., Fan, C.M., Chang, J.J. and Liu, C.S. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
2013-10 研討會論文 On solving the nonlinear backward heat conduction problem using the double iteration algorithm Weichung Yeih, Jiang-Jhy Chang*, Chen-Yu Ku and Chia-Min Fan
2013-10 研討會論文 卜作嵐混凝土節能減碳效益之評估 紀茂傑、張建智、陳漢錚
2013-10 技術報告 海洋環境下混凝土裂縫修補之研究(1/2) 張建智、葉為忠
2013-10 技術報告 電化學除鹽技術的研究(3/3) 葉為忠、張建智
2013-03 期刊論文 The Influence of Mixture Variables for the Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete on the Properties of Concrete Chi-Che Hung and Jiang-Jhy Chang Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2013-01 期刊論文 Flexural Strength of Prestressed Concrete Beams with Tendon Wrapped by Plastic Sheets Wang, T.H., Huang, R. and Chang, J.J. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2012-10 期刊論文 Effect of Alkali-activators on the Strength Development and Drying Shrinkage of Alkali-activated Binder Mao-Chieh Chi, Jiang-Jhy Chang, Ran Huang and Zai-Long Weng Advanced Materials Research
2012-10 期刊論文 Sustainable Performance of Limestone Cement Chun-Tao Chen, Jiang-Jhy Chang, Wei-Chung Yeih and Shun-Ting Chang Advanced Materials Research
2012-10 研討會論文 高鋁活性粉混凝土性質之研究 張建智、葉為忠
2012-10 技術報告 含爐碴及鹼活化爐石漿體之高強度透水混凝土研發 張建智、葉為忠
2012-10 技術報告 鹼活化矽鋁基膠結材料水化機理之研究 紀茂傑、張建智
2012-09 期刊論文 Strength and Drying Shrinkage of Alkali-Activated Slag Paste and Motar Chi, M.C., Chang, J.J., Huang, R. Advances in Civil Engineering
2012-09 研討會論文 石灰石水泥的永續行為 陳君弢、張建智、葉為忠
2012-09 研討會論文 鹼活化爐石漿體與砂漿的強度及乾縮行為 紀茂傑、張建智、黃然
2012-04 期刊論文 Rust-Expansion-Crack Service Life Prediction of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridge/ Viaduct Using Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis Liang, M. T., Chang, J. J.,Chang, H. T. and Yeh, C. J. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2012-04 期刊論文 Studies of The Effect of Diffusion-Induced Chloride Binding on Chlorination Life Predictions for Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridges Liang, M. T., Chang, J. J. and Yu, T. W. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2011-12 技術報告 RC橋梁材料耐久性評估與殘餘壽命預測之研究 黃然、張建智、葉為忠、梁明德、翁在龍
2011-12 技術報告 港灣混凝土構造物修補材料與工法之研究(1/4) 葉為忠、張建智、黃然
2011-12 技術報告 結構材料生命週期評估基準與耐久性評估指標之建立(1) 張建智、紀茂傑、葉為忠
2011-10 技術報告 含爐渣之高強度透水混凝土研發 張建智、葉為忠
2011-08 期刊論文 Effect of Plastering on The Carbonation of a 35-Year-Old Reinforced Concrete Building, Huang, N. M., Chang, J. J. and Liang, M. T. Journal of Construction and Building Materials
2010-10 研討會論文 電弧爐爐碴混凝應用於透水鋪面之研究 葉為忠、張建智、韓大元、張建仁、洪啟哲
2010-10 技術報告 中性化及鹽害環境下混凝土性質及腐蝕行為之研究 張建智、葉為忠
2010-10 技術報告 以電化學復健法修補受鹼骨材反應侵害之水泥基質材料 葉為忠、張建智
2010-03 期刊論文 A Study on Repairing Internal Defects Inside Concrete Using the Electrochemical Deposition Method Yeih, W., Hsu, H. M., Chang, J. J. and Hung, C. C. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
2009-10 研討會論文 A novel method for solving the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation using the fictitious time integration method and BEM W. Yeih, C. C. Chi and J. J. Chang
2009-10 研討會論文 電化學除鹽法應用於鋼筋混凝土成效之研究 張建智、洪啟哲、葉為忠、黃乃明、張建仁
2009-10 技術報告 添加偏高嶺土對混凝土性質影響之研究(II) 張建智、葉為忠
2009-10 技術報告 防水結晶型添加劑對混凝土性質影響之研究 葉為忠、張建智
2009-09 研討會論文 高鋁活性粉混凝土性質之研究 洪啟哲、張建智、葉為忠、黃乃明
2009-04 期刊論文 Effect of Fiber on the Permeability of Cement-Based Composites Containing Silica Fume Wei-Ting Lin, Ran Huang, Jiang-Jhy Chang, Chin-Lai Lin Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
2009-04 期刊論文 Load-Carrying Capacity Service Life Prediction of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridge Using Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis Liang, M. T., Chang, J. J.,Chang, H. T. and Yeh, C. J. Structural Longevity
2009-02 期刊論文 Performance Evaluation of Using Electrochemical Deposition as a Repair Method for Reinforced Concrete Beams Chang, J. J., Yeih, W., Hsu, H, M, and Huang, N. M, Structural Longevity
2008-08 期刊論文 Tracking Hygrothermal Strains of Carbon/Epoxy Composite under Varying Temperature and Humidity Wang, C. H., Tsai, C. L.,Wang, C. H., Tsai, C. L.,Chang, J. J. and Yeih, W. Journal of Composite Materials
2008-05 期刊論文 Tracking the Moisture Expansion of Carbon/Epoxy Composite Exposed to Varying Humidity Chang, T. W., Tsai, C. L., Yeih, W., and Chang, J. J. Journal of Composite Materials
2006-03 期刊論文 Selecting an adequate procedure for the electrochemical chloride removal 張建智 Cement and Concrete Research
2005-01 期刊論文 A study on the efficiency of electrochemical realkalisation of carbonated concrete 張建智 Construction and Building Materials
2005-01 期刊論文 Effects of Gypsum and Phosphoric Acid on the Properties of Sodium Silicate-Based Alkali-Activated Slag Pastes 張建智*,葉為忠等 Cement and Concrete Composites
2004-05 期刊論文 Enhancement of The Bond Strength of Epoxy Coated Steel by The Addition of Fly Ash 葉為忠*,張建智,蔡佐樑 Cement and Concrete Composites
2004-01 期刊論文 Suitability of Several Current Used Concrete Durability Indices on Evaluating the Corrosion Hazard for Carbonated Concrete 張建智*,葉為忠,黃然,陳君弢 Materials Chemistry and Physics
2003-11 期刊論文 A Study on The Setting Characteristics of Sodium Silicate-Activated Slag Pastes 張建智* Cement and Concrete Research
2003-06 期刊論文 Bond Degradation Due to The Desalination Process 張建智* Construction and Building Materials
2002-12 期刊論文 Enhancement of Bond Strength for Epoxy- Coated Rebar Using River Sand 張建智*,葉為忠,蔡佐樑 Construction and Building Materials
2002-10 期刊論文 A Study of The Bond Degradation of Rebar Due to Cathodic Protection Current 張建智* Cement and Concrete Research
2002-03 期刊論文 Effect of Aggregate Properties on the Strength and Stiffness of Lightweight Concrete 紀茂傑*,黃然,楊仲家,張建智 Cement and Concrete Composites