

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2019-12 期刊論文 Field measurement of a cryogenic permanent magnet undulator at the TPS 楊謹鋼*,黃睿哲,楊智勝,陳智偉,朱耘諒,黃清鄉;C. K. Yang, J. C. Huang, C. S. Yang, C. W. Chen, Y. L. Chu, C. S. Hwang IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2019-01 期刊論文 Numerical analysis of brilliance and coherent photon flux of segmented undulator radiation based on statistical optics 羅皓文*,鍾廷翊,李志浩,黃清鄉*;H. W. Luo*, T. Y. Chung, C. H. Lee and C. S. Hwang* J. Synchrotron Rad.
2018-06 期刊論文 A Hall probe calibration system at low temperature for the TPS cryogenic permanent magnet undulator 楊謹鋼*,張正星,陳思達,林富源,黃清鄉;C. K. Yang,C. S. Chang, S. D. Chen,F.Y. Lin,C. S. Hwang IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2018-06 期刊論文 Constructing a Permanent Magnet Phase Shifter 楊智勝,鍾延翊*,郭政穎,詹智全,黃清鄉; C. S. Yang, T.Y. Chung, C. Y. Kuo, J. C. Jan, and C.S. Hwang IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2018-06 期刊論文 Design Improvement of a Staggered YBCO Undulator 陳思達*,江辰安,楊佳明,楊謹綱,羅皓文,詹智全,陳引幹,張正祥,黃清鄉,;S. D. Chen, C. A. Chiang, C.M. Yang, C. K. Yang, H. W. Lou, J. C. Jan, I. G. Chen, C. H. Chang, C. S. Hwang IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2018-06 期刊論文 Design of Cone Magnets and Shielding to Align and Calibrate Hall Probe Measurement System 朱耘諒*,鍾延翊,楊智勝,揚謹綱,郭政穎,林富源,黃清鄉;Y. L. Chu, T.Y. Chung, C. S. Yang, C. K. Yang, C. Y. Kuo, F.Y. Lin, C. S. Hwang IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2017-01 期刊論文 A Compact 4.4 Tesla Cryogenic Wavelength Shifter for the Taiwan Photon Source 王昭晴,張正祥,黃清鄉,李志浩,; C.C. Wang,C.H. Chang, C.S. Hwang,C. H. Lee IEEE Magnetics Letters
2017-01 期刊論文 Challenges of in-vacuum and cryogenic permanent magnet undulator technologies 黃睿哲*,楊謹鋼, 張正星,張正祥, 黃清鄉;J. C. Huang, H. Kitamura,C. K. Yang, Cheng-Hsing Chang,C. H. Chang, and C. S. Hwang Physical Review Accelerator and Beams
2017-01 期刊論文 Influence of Imperfections of a Magnetic Circuit on the Field Performance for TPS In-Vacuum Undulators 楊謹鋼*,張正星,陳思達,林富源,黃清鄉;C. K. Yang*, C. S. Chang, Y. L. Chu, J. C. Huang, C. S. Hwang IEEE Magnetics Letters
2017-01 期刊論文 Investigating excitation-dependent and fringe-field effects of electromagnet and permanent-magnet phase shifters for a crossed undulator 鍾延翊*,楊智勝,朱耘諒,林富源,詹智全,黃清鄉;T.Y. Chung, C. S. Yang, Y. L. Chu, F. Y. Lin, J. C. Jan, and C.S. Hwang Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A
2016-06 期刊論文 Design of a 4.7-T Wavelength Shifter with Cryogenic Permanent Magnets at NSRRC 俞詠騰,王昭晴,陳輝煌,黃睿哲,黃清鄉,張正祥,;Y.T. Yu, C.C. Wang, H.H. Chen, J.C. Huang, C.S. Hwang, C.H. Chang, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2016-06 期刊論文 Design of a Hybrid Multiperiod Robinson Wiggler for TPS Light Source 黃政瑋,鍾延翊,張正祥,黃清鄉*, C. W. Huang, T. Y. Chung, C.H. Chang, C. S. Hwang, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2016-06 期刊論文 Field Measurement System in Vacuum for a Cryogenic Permanent-Magnet Undulator at NSRRC 楊謹鋼*,張正星,陳思達,林富源,黃清鄉; C. K. Yang,C. H. Chang, S. D. Chen, F.Y. Lin, C. S. Hwang, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond
2016-04 期刊論文 Performance of the TPS Pulsed Magnets 朱耘諒,楊智勝,林富源,范棋翔,陳慶隆,郭政穎,詹智全,張正祥*,黃清鄉,陳建德, Y. L. Chu, C. S. Yang, F. Y. Lin, C. S. Fann, C. L. Chen, C. Y. Kuo, J. C. Jan, C. H. Chang, C. S. Hwang, and C. T. Chen, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science
2016-03 期刊論文 Active and passive compensation of APPLE II-introduced multipole errors through beam-based measurement 鍾廷翊*,黃思榮,傅皇文,張和平,黃清鄉, T.Y. Chung, S.J. Huang, H.W. Fu, H.P. Chang, and C.S. Hwang Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A
2016-01 期刊論文 Applicability of a double-undulator configuration 黃睿哲*,楊謹鋼, 邱茂森, 張正祥, 黃清鄉, J.C. Huang, H. Kitamura, C.K. Yang, M.S. Chiu, C.H. Chang, C.S. Hwang Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A
2015-08 期刊論文 Development of an Algorithm for Magnet Sorting and Field Shimming for TPS Elliptically Polarized Undulators 鍾延翊*,張正星,張正祥,黃清鄉;T. Y. Chung, Cheng-Hsing Chang, Cheng-Hsiang Chang, C. S. Hwang, Synchrotron Radiation News
2015-05 期刊論文 Beam-induced heat load in in-vacuum undulators with a short magnetic gap 黃睿哲*, 張正星, 張正祥, 黃清鄉, J.C. Huang, H. Kitamura, Cheng-Hsing Chang, Cheng-Hsiang Chang, C.S. Hwang, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A
2014-06 期刊論文 A Measurement System in Situ to Measure the Magnetic Field of an in-vacuum Undulator 楊謹鋼*, 張正祥, 黃睿哲, 黃清鄉,鍾廷翊, Chin-Kang Yang, Cheng-Hsing Chang, Jui-Che Huang, Ching-Shiang Hwang, and Ting-Yi Chung IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2014-06 期刊論文 Feasibility and features of a staggered undulator constructed with HTS YBCO bulks 陳思達,黃清鄉*,楊佳明,陳引幹;S.D. Chen, C.S. Hwang*, C.M. Young, I.G. Chen IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2014-06 期刊論文 Magnet-sorting Algorithm for an elliptically polarized undulator at TPS 鍾延翊*,陳思達,黃清鄉,張正星,林富源,黃睿哲,詹智全,張正祥,;T. Y. Chung*, S. D. Chen, C. S. Hwang, C. S. Chang, F. Y. Lin, J. C. Huang, J. C. Jan, C. H. Chang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2014-06 期刊論文 Multipole errors and methods of correction for TPS lattice magnets 詹智全*,郭政穎,張正祥,朱耘諒,俞詠騰,林富源,鍾延翊,陳輝煌,黃明雄,楊智勝, 黃清鄉 ;J. C. Jan*, C. Y. Kuo, C. H. Chang, Y. L. Chu, Y. T. Yu, F. Y. Lin, T. Y. Chung, H. H. Chen,H. M. Huang, C. S. Yang, and C. S. Hwang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2014-06 期刊論文 Performance of NSRRC in-vacuum undulator 黃睿哲*, 吳伶慧,楊謹綱,詹哲鎧,鍾延翊,黃清鄉;J. C. Huang, L. H. Wu, C. K. Yang, C. K. Chuan, T. Y. Chung, C. S. Hwang, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2012-06 期刊論文 A Superconducting Magnetization System with Hybrid Superconducting Wire for the Study and Application of Superconductivity 陳思達,俞詠騰,詹智全,林富源, 黃清鄉*,陳引幹,杜昭宏,溫增明,張俊彥;S. D. Chen, Y. T. Yu, J. C. Jan, F. Y. Lin, C. S. Hwang*, I. G. Chen, C. H. Du, T. M. Uen, and C. Y. Chang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL
2012-06 期刊論文 Crosstalk issues of vicinity magnets studied by novel rotating-coil system 詹智全, 郭政穎,朱耘諒,林富源,鍾延翊, 張正祥,黃清鄉;J. C. Jan, C. Y. Kuo, Y. L. Chu, F. Y. Lin, T. Y. Chung, C. H. Chang, and C. S. Hwang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2012-06 期刊論文 Design and Measurement of the Septum Magnets for the Taiwan Photon Source 郭政穎*, 楊智勝, 林富源, 朱耘諒, 詹智全, 黃睿哲, 黃清鄉, 陳俊榮, 劉永慧,張正祥;C. Y. Kuo*, C. S. Yang, F. Y. Lin, Y. L. Chu, J. C. Jan, J. C. Huang, C. S. Hwang, J. R. Chen, Y. H. Liu, and C. H. Chang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2012-06 期刊論文 Design and construction performance of the TPS accelerator magnets 詹智全*,黃清鄉,陳輝煌,黃明雄,楊智勝,林富源,郭政穎,朱耘諒,鍾延翊, 張正祥 ;J. C. Jan*, C. S. Hwang, H. H. Chen, H. M. Huang, C. S. Yang, F. Y. Lin, C. Y. Kuo, Y. L. Chu, T. Y. Chung,C. H. Chang, Nicholas Kerr, and Brendon Coad IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2012-06 期刊論文 Design, fabrication and measurement of gradient damping wiggler for the ALPHA storage ring 黃政瑋, 黃清鄉*, 李世元, 郭政穎, 黃明雄, 陳思達, 俞詠騰, 林富源, 張正祥, 黃迪靖 ;C.W. Huang, C. S. Hwang*, S. Y. Lee, C. Y. Kuo, M. H. Huang, S. D. Chen, Y. T. Yu, F. Y. Lin, C. H. Chang, and D. J. Huang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2012-06 期刊論文 Design, fabrication and performance tests of a HTS superconducting dipole magnet 楊謹鋼*, 黃清鄉*, 詹智全, 林富源, 張正祥, M. Fee, M. Christian;C. K. Yang, C. S. Hwang*, J. C. Jan, F. Y. Lin, C. H. Chang, M. Fee, and M. Christian IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2011-06 期刊論文 Design of a HTS magnet for application to resonant X-ray scattering 陳思達,俞詠騰,詹智全,黃政瑋,詹智全,黃清鄉*,陳引幹,杜昭宏,溫增明,黃迪靖,張俊彥 ;S. D. Chen, Y. T. Yu, Z. W. Huang, J. C. Jan, C. S. Hwang*, I. G. Chen, C. H. Du, T. M. Uen, D. J. Huang, and C. Y. Chang IEEE T. APPL. SUPERCON.
2011-06 期刊論文 Magnetic-field shimming and field measurement issue of the 130-pole superconducting undulator 詹志全,黃清鄉,吳仲明,林富源,張正祥: J. C. Jan*, C. S. Hwang*, C. M. Wu, F. Y. Lin and C. H. Chang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2011-01 期刊論文 Development trends for insertion devices of future synchrotron light sources 黃清鄉*,詹智全,張正星,陳思達,張正祥,溫增明;C. S. Hwang*, J. C. Jan, C. S. Chang,S. D. Chen,C. H. Chang,and T. M. Uen Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams
2009-06 期刊論文 Field Trimming by Iron Pieces and Coils in a Superconducting Undulator 詹智全*,黃清鄉*,林富源,張正祥,林佩樺,S. Chunjarean, 陳建德, Jyh-Chyuan Jan, Ching-Shiang Hwang*, Fu-Yuen Lin, Cheng-Hsiang Chang, Pei-Hua Lin, Somjai Chunjarean, and Chien-Te Chen IEEE T. APPL. SUPERCON.
2008-06 期刊論文 Design and Improvement of a Mini-pole Superconducting Undulator at NSRRC 詹智全,黃清鄉,林佩樺,林富源,張正祥;J. C. Jan, C. S. Hwang, P. H. Lin, and F. Y. Lin IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2008-06 期刊論文 Design and Performance of a New Magnetized Magnet Block on EPU Structure 黃清鄉*,張正星,林富源,黃明雄,林佩樺,張正祥,陳輝煌;C. S. Hwang*, C. S. Chang, F. Y. Lin, M. H. Huang, P. H. Lin, C. H. Chang, and H. H. Chen IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2007-06 期刊論文 Design of cryogen-free mini-pole superconducting undulator 詹智全*, 黃清鄉, 林佩樺, 張正祥, 林富源;J. C. Jan, C. S. Hwang, P. H. Lin, C. H. Change, and F. Y. Lin IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2007-06 期刊論文 Design, Construction and Performance Testing of a 6.5 T Superconducting Wavelength Shifter 黃清鄉*,B. Wang, B. Wahrer, C. Taylor, C. Chen, T. Juang;林富源, 詹智全,張正祥,陳輝煌, 黄明雄, 許國棟, 熊高鈺 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2007-06 期刊論文 Eight Tesla Superconducting Solenoid Magnet for the Magnetic Circular Dichroism Study 張正祥*, 黃清鄉, 林富源, 黄明雄, 陳輝煌, 詹智全, 楊智勝, 林宏基;C. H. Chang*, C. S. Hwang, F. Y. Lin, M. H. Huang, H. H. Chen, J. C. Jan, C. S. Yang, and H.-J. Lin IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2006-06 期刊論文 Analysis of heat load in a superconducting wiggler with a semi-cold UHV beam duct 陳輝煌*, 黃清鄉, 張正祥, 林富源, 許憲能, 張進春, 熊高鈺, 陳俊榮;H. H. Chen, C. S. Hwang,C. H. Chang, F. Y. Lin, S. N. Hsu, C. C. Chang, G. Y. Hsiung,J. R. Chen IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2006-06 期刊論文 Mini-pole Superconducting Undulator for X-ray Synchrotron Light Source 黃清鄉*,詹智全,林佩樺,張正祥,黃明雄,林富源,樊台清,陳輝煌 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY
2006-06 期刊論文 Preliminary test results concerning the “Within -Achromat” Superconducting Wiggler at NSRRC 張正祥*,黃清鄉,陳輝煌,林富源,黄明雄,樊台清,詹智全,張進春,許憲能,熊高鈺,陳俊榮 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.
2006-01 期刊論文 Superconducting wiggler with semi-cold beam duct at Taiwan light source 黃清鄉*, 張正祥, 陳輝煌,林富源, 樊台清, 黄明雄, 詹智全, 許國棟, 陳秀珍,許憲能, 熊高鈺, 張和平,郭錦城, 簡源震, 蕭豐祁, 陳俊榮 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A
2004-09 期刊論文 Comparison of two superconducting elliptical undulators for generating circularly polarized light 黃清鄉*,林佩樺 Physical review special topics-Accelerators and Beams
2004-06 期刊論文 Comparison of Predesign Parameters for Mini- Pole In-Vacuo Superconducting Undulators 黃清鄉*, 李宛萍,林佩樺, 張正祥 IEEE Trans. On Appl. Supercon.
2004-05 期刊論文 Design concept of superconducting multipole wiggler with variably polarized x-ray 黃清鄉*, 張正祥, 李宛萍,林富源 American Institute Of Physics
2004-03 期刊論文 Construction and performance of a superconducting multipole wiggler 黃清鄉, B. Wang, J. Y. Chen, 張正祥, 陳輝煌, 樊台清,林富源,黄明雄,張進春,許憲能, 熊高鈺,許國棟, 陳秀珍,簡源震, 陳俊榮, 陳建德 American Institute Of Physics
2003-06 期刊論文 Design of a superconducting multipole wiggler for synchrotron radiation 黃清鄉*,B. Wang, J. Y. Chen, R. Wahrer, 張正祥, 樊台清, 林富源, 陳輝, 黄明雄, 陳建德 IEEE. Trans. On Appl. Supercom.
2003-06 期刊論文 Integral Magnetic Field Measurement using an Automatic Fast Long-Loop-Flip Coil System 黃清鄉*,林富源, 樊台清 IEEE. Trans. On Instru. and Measu.
2002-09 期刊論文 A novel superconducting octupole magnet for photon scattering experiments 黃清鄉,陳建德, B. Wang, R. Wahrer,張正祥,C. Y. Liu, 林富源 J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
2002-03 期刊論文 Design and construction performance of a compact cryogen-free superconducting wavelength shifter 黃清鄉, B. Wang and R. Wahrer, 陳輝煌, 張正祥,林富源, 樊台清, 陳建德 IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercom.
2002-03 期刊論文 Performance of an advanced elliptically polarized undulator with shimming 黃清鄉, 張正祥,林富源, 陳輝煌, 樊台清 Rev. Sci. Instrum.
2001-06 期刊論文 Stretch-wire System for Integral Magnetic Field Measurements 黃清鄉, C.H. Hong,林富源, S.L. Yang Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Physics A
2000-09 期刊論文 A permanent magnet device for producing variable high magnetic field in three dimensions 黃清鄉,陳建德, P.C. Chen, 陳輝煌,張正祥,黄明雄 J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
2000-06 期刊論文 An overview of the insertion device development at SRRC 黃清鄉*, 張正祥, 樊台清,王兆恩,陳俊榮, 陳建德 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Physics A
2000-03 期刊論文 The design of a compact cryogen-free superconducting wavelength shifter for synchrotron radiation 黃清鄉, P.C. Chang, 張正祥, 陳建德 , B. Wang, T. Juang, J.Y. Chen, and R. Wahrer IEEE. Trans. On Appl. Supercom.
1999-09 期刊論文 A PC-based real-time Hall probe automatic measurement system for magnetic fields 黃清鄉,林富源,鄭伯昆 IEEE. Trans. On Instrum. and Meas.
1999-01 期刊論文 Various polarization features of a variably polarized undulator with different phasing modes 黃清鄉*,林佩樺 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. A