

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-06 期刊論文 生氣壓抑之自主神經與心血管反應. 莊芷晴, 林庭光, 許博程, & 翁嘉英. 中華心理學刊
2024-04 期刊論文 漸進式全身等長阻力訓練之定位與生理效益 吳博軒、翁嘉英 、何承訓 運動表現期刊
2023-10 期刊論文 The differential impact of Type D personality on the prognosis of patients with stable coronary artery disease. Lin, T. K., Hsu, B. C., Li, Y. D., Chen, C. H., Lin, J. W., Chien, C. Y., & Weng, C. Y. Psychology & Health
2022-12 專書論文 Chapter 25. Psychopathophysiology and compassion-based cognitive behavior group therapy for patients with coronary artery disease. Weng, C. Y.*, Lin, T. K., & Hsu, B. C. Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy by disorder: case studies and application for adults.
2022-12 專書論文 Chapter 40. CASE STUDY: Compassion-based cognitive-behavior group therapy for patients with coronary artery disease. Lin, T. K., Lin, C.L., Wong, S.S., & Weng, C. Y.* Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy by disorder: case studies and application for adults.
2022-03 期刊論文 The impact of sources of perceived social support on readmissions in patients with heart failure Tin-Kwang Lin, Bo‐Cheng Hsu* , Yi‐Da Li , Chi‐Hsien Chen , Jiunn‐Wen Lin , Chen‐Yu Chien , & Chia‐Ying Weng* Journal of Psychosomatic Research
2020-04 期刊論文 Negative Affectivity Is Associated with a Higher Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure in Normotensive Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Lin, T. K., Lin, C. L., Li, Y. D., Huang, Y., Koo, M.*, & Weng, C. Y.* Medicina(Kaunas, Lithuania)
2019-07 期刊論文 血管收縮/擴張反應、D 型/非 D 型人格的高血壓患者在生氣情境下之自主神經系統反應 林庭光, 李易達, 翁嘉英*, 紀慧菁* 臨床心理學刊
Archives of Clinical Psychology
2019-06 期刊論文 Prognostic Value of Anxiety Between Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction and Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Tin-Kwang Lin, Bo‐Cheng Hsu* , Yi‐Da Li , Chi‐Hsien Chen , Jiunn‐Wen Lin , Chen‐Yu Chien , and Chia‐Ying Weng* Journal of the American Heart Association
2019-04 期刊論文 Negative affectivity and social inhibition are associated with increased cardiac readmission in patients with heart failure: A preliminary observation study. Tin-Kwang Lin,Kai-Xun You,Chiu-Tien Hsu,Yi-Da Li,Chin-Lon Lin,Chia-Ying Weng* , Malcolm Koo PLoS ONE
2018-11 期刊論文 A pilot-study to assess the feasibility and acceptability of an Internet-based cognitive-behavior group therapy using video conference for patients with coronary artery heart disease Lin, T. K., Yu, P. T., Lin, L. Y., Liu, P. Y., Li, Y. D., Hsu, C. T., Cheng, Y. R., Yeh, C. Y., Wong, S. S., Pai, S. A., Shee, H. L., Weng, C. Y.* PLoS One
2018-09 期刊論文 Blood pressure reactivity and recovery to anger recall in hypertensive patients with type D personality Li, Y. D., Lin, T. K., Tu, Y. R., Chen, C. W., Lin, C. L., Lin, M. N., Koo, M.*, Weng, C. Y* Acta Cardiologica Sinica
2017-11 期刊論文 Cognitive decline and slower reaction time in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Chen K. C., Weng C. Y., Hsiao S., Tsao W. L. & Koo M. Psychogeriatrics
2016-09 期刊論文 心臟心理社會復健方案:認知行為團體心理治療取向 翁嘉英,林俊龍,林庭光,陳志暐,李易達,許秋田,翁樹澍&白世安 中華心理學刊
Chinese Journal of Psychology
2015-08 期刊論文 心理因子與代謝症候群之關聯性:以參與健康檢查成人樣本為例 林名男,林庭光,林俊龍,鍾玉琪,左佳馨,陳琇慧,翁樹澍,翁嘉英* 中華心理衛生學刊
2015-06 期刊論文 The relationship between expressive/ suppressive hostility behavior and autonomic nervous activations in coronary artery disease patients. Lin, I. M., Weng, C. Y., Lin, T. K.*, Lin, C. L. Acta Cardiologica Sinica
2015-02 期刊論文 心理社會危險因子與心血管疾病 Psychosocial Risk Factors and Cardiac Rehabilitation 翁嘉英,林庭光,陳志暐,林俊龍,張弘儒 內科學誌
2013-12 期刊論文 台灣地區華人情緒與相關心理生理資料庫—標準化華語版情緒電影短片材料庫與主觀評量常模(Taiwan corpora of Chinese emotions and relevant psychophysiological data—Standard Chinese emotional film clips database and subjective evaluation normative data) 梁育綺、謝淑蘭*、翁嘉英、孫蒨如 中華心理學刊
2013-12 期刊論文 抗壓性格量表之編製及信度、效度的建立 The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Dispositional Stress-Resistance Scale 涂冠宇*,翁嘉英 教育研究與發展期刊
2013-02 期刊論文 The validity of the type d construct and its assessment in Taiwan Weng, C.Y.* ,Denollet, J. ,Lin, C.L. ,Lin, T.K. ,Wang, W.C. ,Lin, J.J. ,Wong, S.S. ,Mols F. BMC Psychiatry
2012-12 期刊論文 情緒影片誘發的自律神經反應模式(Patterns of autonomic activity differentiate emotions induced by film clips) 李囿運、謝淑蘭*、翁嘉英、孫蒨如、梁庚辰 中華心理學刊
2012-09 專書 轉角找回好心情 - 清心減壓最能實做的8堂課 翁嘉英 天下雜誌
2010-06 期刊論文 Effects of a cognitive-behavioral group program for community-dwelling elderly with minor depression Hsu, C. T., Weng, C. Y.*, Kuo, C. S., Lin, C.L., Jong, M. C., Kuo, S. Y., Chen, P. F. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
2010-05 期刊論文 The Moderating effects of gender on the associations between multidimensional hostility and psychosomatic symptoms: A Chinese case. Weng, C. Y*, Lin, I. M., Jiang, D. Y. International Journal of Psychology
2009-06 期刊論文 慢性緊縮型頭痛患者在心理壓力下之顱周肌及自主神經活動特性 游秀英,周裕軒,翁嘉英* 臨床心理學刊
2009-03 期刊論文 台灣臨床心理學在心血管疾病之研究與應用現況 翁嘉英* 應用心理學研究
2008-10 期刊論文 Hostility trait and vascular dilatory functions in healthy Taiwanese. Lin, T. K.*, Weng, C. Y., Chen, C. C., Lin, I. M. & Lin, C. L.* Journal of Behavior Medicine
2008- 期刊論文 Current and Future Status of Biofeedback in Taiwan Lin, I. M., E. Peper*, Weng, C. Y. Biofeedback
2007-12 期刊論文 短式華人敵意量表之發展與信效度考驗 翁嘉英*、林宜美、呂碧鴻、陳秀蓉、吳英璋、鄭逸如 測驗學刊
2007-12 專書論文 華人多元自尊的概念分析與量表建構:本土化觀點 翁嘉英*,楊國樞,許燕
2006-08 專書論文 A型性格與冠狀動脈心臟病 翁嘉英
2006-06 期刊論文 Psychohysiological Assessment of Buddhist Taiwanese Chanting: A Case Report Lin, I. M., E. Peper*, Lin, W. C., Long, G. H. , A. Burke, Weng, C. Y. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine.
2006--- 專書論文 疼痛與疼痛管理 翁嘉英
2005- 期刊論文 憂慮對威脅反應之自主神經活動抑制效果檢證 翁嘉英*、鄧閔鴻 中華心理學刊
2005- 期刊論文 青少年自尊內容向度之建構研究 翁嘉英 應用心理研究
2004- 期刊論文 照顧者知覺患者疾病特性對其社會距離與照顧行為的影響 黎士鳴、翁嘉英 中華心理衛生學刊
2003- 期刊論文 Development and Psychometric Properties of the Self-evaluation Profile Inventory for Chinese Chronically Disabled Patients. 翁嘉英*、王文中、吳英璋 Formosa Journal of Mental Health
2003- 期刊論文 『病人角色』的抗拒與接受:接受血液透析治療患者的心理調適歷程 翁嘉英*、吳振能、吳英璋 中華心理衛生學刊
2003- 期刊論文 憂慮的正向預期與憂慮程度之間的關係 鄧閔鴻、翁嘉英*、李毅達 中華心理衛生學刊
2002- 期刊論文 冠狀動脈心臟病與頭痛病人的敵意型態比較 林宜美、翁嘉英* 中華心理學刊