

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-03 期刊論文 Accurate kinetic studies of OH + HO2 radical–radical reaction through direct measurement of precursor and radical concentrations with high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy I-Yun Chen, Che-Wei Chang, Christa Fittschen, and Pei-Ling Luo* Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2023-11 期刊論文 Measurements of absolute line strength of the ν1 fundamental transitions of OH radical and rate coefficient of the reaction OH + H2O2 with mid-infrared two-color time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy Che-Wei Chang, I-Yun Chen, Christa Fittschen, and Pei-Ling Luo* Journal of Chemical Physics
2023-09 研討會論文 Reactive free radical determination by high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo
2023-08 研討會論文 Long-Wave Mid-Infrared Time-Resolved Dual-Comb Spectroscopy of the Simplest Criegee Intermediate Pei-Ling Luo
2023-06 期刊論文 Direct gas-phase formation of formic acid through reaction of Criegee intermediates with formaldehyde Pei-Ling Luo*, I-Yun Chen, M. Anwar H. Khan, and Dudley E. Shallcross Communications Chemistry
2023-02 期刊論文 Dimeric Product of Peroxy Radical Self-Reaction Probed with VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Theoretical Calculations: The Case of C2H5OOC2H5 Hao Yue, Cuihong Zhang, Xiaoxiao Lin, Zuoying Wen, Weijun Zhang, Sabah Mostafa, Pei-Ling Luo, Zihao Zhang, Patrick Hemberger, Christa Fittschen, and Xiaofeng Tang International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023-02 研討會論文 High-resolution mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo
2023-01 期刊論文 Kinetics and pressure-dependent HOx yields of the reaction between Criegee intermediate CH2OO and HNO3 Pei-Ling Luo Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2022-07 研討會論文 Determination of reaction intermediates and kinetics with high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo
2022-06 研討會論文 Mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy: A new approach to kinetic and product studies in gas-phase reactions Pei-Ling Luo
2022-04 期刊論文 Synchronized two-color time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy for quantitative detection of HOx radicals formed from Criegee intermediates Pei-Ling Luo* and I-Yun Chen Analytical Chemistry
2022-03 研討會論文 Quantification of OH and HO2 radicals in the reaction CH2I + O2 with mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo
2022-01 研討會論文 Detection of nitrogen dioxide based on multi-pass absorption and quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy I-Yun Chen, Yu-Xuan Wu, and Pei-Ling Luo
2022-01 研討會論文 Ozone detection using a 3D-printed photoacoustic cell with a 265-nm LED Yu-Xuan Wu and Pei-Ling Luo
2021-04 期刊論文 Infrared characterization of the products and the rate coefficient of the reaction between Criegee intermediate CH2OO and HCl Wei-Che Liang, Pei-Ling Luo*, and Yuan-Pern Lee* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2020-12 期刊論文 Long-wave mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy of short-lived intermediates Pei-Ling Luo Optics Letters
2020-07 期刊論文 Simultaneous determination of transient free radicals and reaction kinetics by high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo* and Er-Chien Horng Communications Chemistry
2019-08 期刊論文 Fast molecular fingerprinting with a coherent, rapidly tunable dual-comb spectrometer near 3 μm Pei-Ling Luo*, Er-Chien Horng, and Yu-Chan Guan Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2019-07 期刊論文 Rate coefficient of the reaction CH2OO + NO2 probed with a quantum-cascade laser near 11 μm Pei-Ling Luo*, Chen-An Chung, and Yuan-Pern Lee* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2019-03 研討會論文 High-resolution mid-infrared laser spectroscopy of small Criegee intermediates Pei-Ling Luo
2018-09 期刊論文 High-resolution vibration-rotational spectra and rotational perturbation of the OO-stretching (ν6) band of CH2OO between 879.5 and 932 cm−1 Pei-Ling Luo*, Yasuki Endo and Yuan-Pern Lee* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2018-08 期刊論文 Identification and self-reaction kinetics of Criegee intermediates syn-CH3CHOO and CH2OO via high-resolution infrared spectra with a quantum-cascade laser Pei-Ling Luo*, Yasuki Endo and Yuan-Pern Lee* Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2017-05 期刊論文 Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy with electro-optic modulators Ming Yan, Pei-Ling Luo, Kana Iwakuni, Guy Millot, Theodor W. Hänsch, Nathalie Picqué* Light: Science & Applications
2016-12 期刊論文 Precision Frequency Measurements of 3,4He 23P→33D Transitions at 588 nm Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Li-Bang Wang*, Jow-Tsong Shy* Phys. Rev. A.
2016-11 研討會論文 Ultra-broadband Dual-comb coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo, Ming Yan, Theodor W. Hänsch, Nathalie Picqué
2016-06 研討會論文 Mid-infrared frequency-agile dual-comb spectroscopy Pei-Ling Luo, Ming Yan, Kana Iwakuni, Guy Millot, T. W. Hänsch, Nathalie Piqué
2015-07 研討會論文 Precision spectroscopy of the 23P→33D and spin-forbidden 23P→31D transitions in Helium Pei-Ling Luo, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Li-Bang Wang, Jow-Tsong Shy
2015-05 期刊論文 Doppler-free intermodulated fluorescence spectroscopy of 4He 23P-31,3D transitions at 588 nm with a one-watt compact laser system Pei-Ling Luo, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Jow-Tsong Shy*, Li-Bang Wang* Appl. Phys. B
2015-05 研討會論文 Doppler-free spectroscopy of 2³P→3³D and spin-forbidden 2³P→3¹D transitions at 588 nm Pei-Ling Luo, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Li-Bang Wang and Jow-Tsong Shy
2015-01 研討會論文 Doppler-free spectroscopy of 4He 2³P→3³D and 2³P→3¹D transitions at 588 nm Pei-Ling Luo, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Li-Bang Wang, Jow-Tsong Shy
2014-08 研討會論文 Precision frequency measurement of transitions between singlet states in atomic heliumPrecision frequency measurement of transitions between singlet states in atomic helium Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Li-Bang Wang, Jow-Tsong Shy
2014-01 研討會論文 Absolute frequency measurement of the 4He 21S0-21P1 and 21P1-31D2 transitions: New determinations of the 21S0 and 21P1 ionization energy Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy, Li-Bang Wang
2013-11 期刊論文 Measurement of the 21P1-31D2 Transition Frequency in 4He Pei-Ling Luo, Yu-Chan Guan, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy*, and Li-Bang Wang* Phys. Rev. A
2013-10 期刊論文 Erratum: Precision frequency metrology of helium 21S0-21P1 transition Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy*, and Li-Bang Wang* Phys. Rev. Lett.
2013-07 期刊論文 Precision frequency metrology of helium 21S0-21P1 transition Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy*, and Li-Bang Wang* Phys. Rev. Lett.
2013-06 研討會論文 Absolute frequency measurement of the 21S0-21P1 transition in atomic helium Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy, and Li-Bang Wang
2012-09 期刊論文 Frequency stabilization of a single-frequency volume Bragg grating-based short-cavity Tm:Ho:YLF laser to a CO2 line at 2.06 um Pei-Ling Luo*, Chien-Cheng Kuo, Cheng-Chung Lee, Jow-Tsong Shy Appl. Phys. B
2012-01 研討會論文 Frequency stabilization of a volume Bragg grating based Tm:Ho:YLF laser to CO2 line at 2-micron Pei-Ling Luo and Jow-Tsong Shy
2011-06 研討會論文 Precision measurement of CO2 hotband transition at 4.3 μm using a hot cell Pei-Ling Luo, Jyun-Yu Tian, Hshan-Chen Chen, Yu-Hung Lien, and Jow-Tsong Shy
2010-07 研討會論文 Precision spectroscopy of atomic helium 21S0-21P1 transition Pei-Ling Luo and Jow-Tsong Shy
2008-12 研討會論文 Absolute frequency measurement of the high J (J>60) fundamental band transitions of 12C16O2 near 4.3 μm Chieh-Hsing Chung, Wei-Jo Ting, Pei-Ling Luo, Hshan-Chen Chen, Yu-Hung Lien, and Jow-Tsong Shy
2008-08 期刊論文 Development of a variable spectral-width, wavelength-tunable light source using a superluminescent diode with optical feedback Fang-Wen Sheu* and Pei-Ling Luo American Journal of Physics
2007-12 研討會論文 A Single Mode Laser Output of a Superluminescent-diode System with Feedback Mechanism Using a Volume Bragg Grating Fang-Wen Sheu, Pei-Ling Luo, Chien-Jung Liao, Yu-Hung Lien, Jow-Tsong Shy, and Te-Yuan Chung
2007-01 研討會論文 Temporal coherence characteristics of a superluminescent diode system with an optical feedback mechanism Fang-Wen Sheu and Pei-Ling Luo
2006-12 研討會論文 Wavelength-tunable laser source by a SLD system with an optical feedback mechanism Fang-Wen Sheu and Pei-Ling Luo
2006-01 研討會論文 An improvement in the confocal microscopy using a fiber tip as the spatial filter Fang-Wen Sheu, Pei-Ling Luo, Yung-Hui Shih, Guo-Sheng Hung, and Ya-Ting Chen