

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2023-01 期刊論文 The influence of price location on reference-price ads, Marketing Cheng, Y., Chuang, S., Lee, C. and Kao, C. Intelligence & Planning. SSCI, IF=3.491,
2023-01 期刊論文 The longer the better? The impact of online travel reviews on consumer trust and visit intention Hung, C. Chuang, S., Cheng, Y., and Hsieh, S. The Journal of Vacation Marketing, SSCI, IF=5.1
2021-04 期刊論文 Consistent price endings increase consumers perceptions of cheapness. Hung, H., Cheng, Y., Chuang, S., Yu, A. P. and Lin, Y. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services SSCI journal impact factor 10.972
2021-04 期刊論文 What triggers travel spending? – The impact of prior spending on additional unplanned purchases" Cheng, Y., Chuang, S., Hung, C. (accepted) Journal of Travel Research. (SSCI: Ranking top 1 in Tourism and Hospitality Journals).journal impact factor 10.981
2020-07 期刊論文 The influence of sharing versus self-use on the preference for different types of promotional offers. Yu, A.P., Chuang, S., Cheng, Y., and Wu, Y. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,SSCI journal impact factor 10.972
2019-12 期刊論文 Endowment Effect: Trading for Oneself Versus Trading for Others Wang, S., Cheng, Y.H., Lee, E. C., and Chuang, S.C. Psychological reports. SSCI
2019-11 期刊論文 Fit or not? Bringing Regulatory Fit into the Frame on Health Food Preferences Kuo, K., Chuang, S., Huang, C.J., and Wu. P. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. SSCI
2019-07 期刊論文 Change in Your Wallet, Change Your Choice: The Effect of the Change-Matching Heuristic on Choice Cheng, Y., Chuang, S., Yu, A.P., and Lia, W., Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. SSCI journal impact factor 10.972
2018-04 期刊論文 The Effects of Consumer Emotion on Nine-Ending Prices Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S.C., and Huang, C.J. NTU Management Review. TSSCI (2018)
2017-03 期刊論文 The Influence of Task Difficulty on Context Effect-Compromise and Attraction Effect Lee, E., L., Chuang, S., Chiu, C., and Lan, K. Current Psychology (SSCI)
2016-09 期刊論文 Framing makes tourists more environmentally conservative, Huang, C.J., Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S., and Kuo, K. Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI: Ranking top 2 in Tourism and Hospitality Journals) journal impact factor 9.011
2015-08 期刊論文 Burger or Yogurt? Indulgent Consumption in Impression Management Contexts Cheng, Y.H., Huang, M., Chuang, S.C., and Ju, Y. R. International Journal of Psychology(SSCI)
2015-01 期刊論文 Guilt No Longer a Sin: The Effect of Guilt in the Service Recovery Paradox Cheng, Y.H., Chang, C., Chuang, S.H., and Liao, Y. Journal of Service Theory and Practice (previously Managing Service Quality)SSCI
2014-09 期刊論文 The Boundary Conditions of the Nine-Ending Pricing Effect in Different Evaluation Modes:Separate, Joint and Sequential. Cheng, Y.H., Chuang, S.C., Cheng, C.J., and Cheng, W.Y. NTU Management Review(TSSCI)
2014-02 期刊論文 Who Gets to Decide Your Complaint Intentions? The Influence of Other Companions on Reaction to Service Failures Huang, M.C, Wu, H., Chuang, S.C., and Lin, W. International Journal of Hospitality Management(SSCI)(SSCI: Ranking top 4 in Tourism and Hospitality Journals) journal impact factor 9.23
2013-12 期刊論文 The effect of companion’s gender on impulsive purchasing: the moderating factor of cohesiveness and susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Cheng, Y. H., Chuang, S.C., Wang, S.M., and Kuo, S. Y. Journal of Applied Social Psychology(SSCI)
2013-12 期刊論文 The impact of self-confidence on the compromise effect Chuang, S. C., Cheng, Y. H., Chang, C. J., and Jiang, Y. T. International Journal of Psychology(SSCI)
2013-12 期刊論文 The impact of the opinions of others on variety-seeking behavior. Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., Wang, S.M., and Cheng, S. Y. Journal of Applied Social Psychology(SSCI)
2013-12 期刊論文 Time pressure and the endowment effect Chuang, S. C. journal of Applied Social Psychology(SSCI)
2013-10 期刊論文 The effect of regulatory focus on conformity behavior. Cheng, Y.H., Kao, T.D., Chuang, S.C., and Chen, S. H. NTU Management Review(TSSCI)
2013-06 期刊論文 Message framing in social networking sites. Kao, D. T., Chuang, S.C., and Wang, S.-M., and Zhang, L. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (SSCI)
2013-05 期刊論文 Product option framing under the influence of a promotion versus prevention focus. Cheng, Y., Yen, H. R., Chuang, S.C., and Cheng, C.J Journal of Economic Psychology(SSCI)
2012-12 期刊論文 The compromise effect in choosing for others. Chang, C. C., Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y. H., and Huang, T. Y. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.(SSCI)
2012-12 期刊論文 The effects of self-diagnostic information on risk perception of internet addiction disorder: Self-positivity bias and online social support. Ling, I L., Chuang, S.C., and Hsiao, C. H. Journal of Applied Social Psychology(SSCI)
2012-10 期刊論文 More than two choices: The influence of context on the framing effect Cheng, Y. H., Chuang, S.C., Huang, M. C. J., Hsieh, W.C. Current Psychology(SSCI)
2012-08 期刊論文 The impact of purchase quantity on the compromise effect: The balance heuristic Cheng, Y.H., Chang, S.S., Chuang, S.C.*, and, Yu. M.W. Journal of Judgment and Decision Making(SSCI)
2012-05 期刊論文 The effect of incomplete information on the compromise effect Chuang, S., Kao, D.T. Cheng, Y. and Chou, T. Journal of Judgment and Decision Making(SSCI)
2012-02 期刊論文 The Effect of Service Failure Types and Service Recovery on Customer Satisfaction: Mental Accounting Perspective. Chuang, S., Cheng,Y., Chang,C. and Yang, S. The Service Industries Journal(SSCI)
2012-02 期刊論文 The influence of suggestions of reference groups in the compromise effect Chuang, S., Cheng, Y., and Hsu, C. Journal of Economic Psychology(SSCI)
2011-12 期刊論文 The Effects of Consumers’ Incidental Emotions on Their Perceptions of Advertised Reference Prices. Cheng, Y. H., Kuan, F. Y., Chuang, S.C., and Huang, C. C. Management Review (TSSCI)
2011-11 期刊論文 The Compromise Effect in Choosing for Others Chang, C., Chuang,S., Cheng,Y., and Huang, T. Journal of Behavior Decision Making(SSCI)
2010-12 期刊論文 Profitability decided by patent quality? An empirical study of the U.S. semiconductor industry. Cheng, Y. H., Kuan, F. Y., Chuang, S.C., and Ken, Y. Scientometrics (SSCI)
2010-12 期刊論文 The effect of corporate image as an affect heuristic on investors' decision making. Su, H. J., Chang, C. J., and Chuang, S. C. Asia Pacific Management Review(TSSCI)
2010-12 期刊論文 產品來源國效應在衝動性購買的影響 莊世杰、鄭尹惠、王穗敏 企業管理學報
2009-12 期刊論文 The Effect of Terminologies on Attitude toward Advertisements and Brands-Consumer Product Knowledge as a Moderator Chuang, S., Tsai,C., Cheng,Y. and Sun, Y. Journal of Business Psychology(SSCI)
2008-12 期刊論文 The Effect of Incidental Affect on Preference for the Status Quo Yen, H. R. and Chuang, S. C. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science(SSCI)
2008-12 期刊論文 The effects of emotion on variety-seeking behavior Chuang, S. C., Kung, C. Y., and Sun, Y. C. Social Behavior and Personality(SSCI)
2007-12 期刊論文 Aspiration and the compromise effect Chuang, S. C., Kao, D. T., Wu, P. H., and Tsai, C. C. Psychological Reports(SSCI)
2007-12 期刊論文 Effect of perceived benefits on reluctance to trade Lin, H. M., Kao, D. T., and Chuang, S. C. Psychological Reports(SSCI)
2007-12 期刊論文 The effects of emotions on the purchase of tour commodities. Chuang, S.C. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing(SSCI)
2007-12 期刊論文 The effects of mood and openness-to-feeling trait on choice. Chuang, S. C. and Chang, C. L. Social Behavior and Personality(SSCI)
2007-12 期刊論文 「品牌熟悉度、促銷訊號及認知需求在折扣效果中的干擾角色」 莊世杰、蘇宏仁、張佳榮 輔仁管理評論
2007-10 期刊論文 The Effect of Induced Positive and Negative Emotion and Openness-to-Feeling in Student’s Consumer Decision Making Chuang, S., and Lin, H. Journal of Business and Psychology(SSCI)
2007-06 期刊論文 The Impact of a Product's Country-of-origin on Compromise and Attraction Effects Chuang, S. C. and Yen, H. R. Marketing Letters(SSCI)
2007-04 期刊論文 Price as Quality or Sacrifice Cur: Role of Goal Orientation Lin, C. H., Wu, P. H., Chuang, S. C., and Kao, D. T. Asian Journal of Social Psychology(SSCI)
2007-02 期刊論文 Sadder but Wiser or Happier and Smarter? A Demonstration of Judgment and Decision-Making 莊世杰 Journal of Psychology(SSCI)
2006-12 期刊論文 GRA to asses the operating performance of non-life insurance companies in Taiwan Kung, C. Y., Yan, T. M., and Chuang, S. C. The Journal of Grey System
2006-12 期刊論文 Applying grey relational analysis to assess the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Kung, C. Y., Yan, T. M. Chuang, S. C., and Wang, J. R. IEEE CIS-RAM, Conference Proceedings
2006-12 期刊論文 The persuasiveness of framed commercial messages: A note on marketing implications for the airline industry. Lin, C. H., Kao, D. T., Chuang, S. C. Journal of Air Transportation Management(SSCI)
2006-06 期刊論文 The Role of Emotions in the Endowment Effect Lin, C., Chuang*, S., Kao, D. T., and Kung, C. Journal of Economic Psychology(SSCI)
2006-04 期刊論文 The Effects of Emotion and Need for Cognition on Consumer Choice Involving Risk Lin, C., Yen,H.R., and Chuang, S. Marketing Letters(SSCI)
2006- 期刊論文 當期利益最大與長期利益最大化之間的選擇:個人決策中框架效果與冒險傾向的影響 莊世杰*龔昶元 管理學報(TSSCI)
2005-12 期刊論文 The effect of individual differences on adolescents’ impulsive buying behavior. Lin, C. H. and Chuang, S. C. Adolescence(SSCI)
2005-12 期刊論文 「消費者行為中衝動性購買的前因與後果之模型探討」 林建煌、莊世杰、龔昶元、賴志松 商管科技季刊
2005-09 期刊論文 一個ERP系統之建構決定因素的理論探索: 整合制度理論、資源依賴理論、資源基礎理論及交易成本理論之理論模型 莊世杰、孫衙聰、葉穎蓉、龔昶元、賴志松、許秉瑜 資訊管理學報(TSSCI)
2005- 期刊論文 The effects of emotions in risk-taking. Chuang, S. C. and Kung, C. Y. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambrideg
2004-12 期刊論文 「企業建構ERP系統之決定因素的理論探索:一個實驗研究」 莊世杰、賴志松 電子商務學報(TSSCI)
2004-12 期刊論文 「網路零售業顧客忠誠度之研究」 林孟璋、莊世杰、陳貴英 行銷評論
2004-12 期刊論文 「深度匯談促進團隊學習與團隊決策效能之研究」 莊世杰 人力資源管理學報
2003-12 期刊論文 「一個整合人力資源、組織脈絡與持續性競爭優勢的策略性人力資源管理架構:資源基礎觀點」 林建煌、黃同圳、莊世杰 商管科技季刊
2002-12 期刊論文 「受訓動機與訓練評量三個層次之關係研究」 莊世杰、楊仁壽、黃俊祥 管理評論(TSSCI)
2001-12 期刊論文 「動態決策案例中標的設定與策略輔助效果」 楊仁壽、莊世杰 中山管理評論(TSSCI)