

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2025-11 技術報告 人文及社會領域性別化創新操作手冊與分析機制 詹盛如、陳怡如、楊家瑜、楊正誠
2024-09 期刊論文 臺灣師資培育學程的國際化:多元脈絡與現實 詹盛如、楊正誠 當代教育研究季刊
2024-04 期刊論文 Why do students pursue a doctorate in the era of the ‘PhD crisis’? Evidence from Taiwan Horta, H., Li, H., & Chan, S.J. Higher Education Quarterly
2024-03 期刊論文 Students’ Online Learning Adoption during an Emergency Situation: Integrating the Self-Determination and Perceived Risk Theories Chan, S.J., Nong, T. X. & Nguyen, T. T. T. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
2024-02 專書論文 Outbound Student Mobility from Southeast Asia: A Pull Factor Analysis Chan, S. J., Yang, C. Y., Tai, H. C. & Dennis Teo E.J. East and Southeast Asian Perspectives on the Internationalisation of Higher Education: Policies, Practices and Prospects
2023-09 期刊論文 全球高等教育資歷認可機制:歷史性的創舉 詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2023-06 期刊論文 Students as a Nexus of Cultural Diplomacy: Estimating the Outcomes of the International Higher Education Scholarship Program in Taiwan Lin, A. & Chan, S. J. Journal of Studies in International Education
2023-06 期刊論文 高等教育資料治理:英國經驗及其對我國之啟示 楊家瑜、詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2023-06 專書論文 Exploring Emerging Governance Models of Transnational Research Partnership and the Influence of Science Globalism Under the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Longitudinal Study of a PIRE Project in Taiwan and the USA Hou, A.Y.C., Chen, K. H.J., Chan, S. J., Hill, C., Hu, Z., Chen, P. & Tsai, R. Crafting the Future of International Higher Education in Asia via Systems Change and Innovation
2023-05 專書論文 高職僑生專班畢業生對於臺灣的認同感研究 林昭良、郭婕慇、詹盛如 後疫情時代下的國際教育-無國界教育的跨越與另類可能性
2023-04 期刊論文 Adopting neoliberal values in Taiwan’s higher education governance: a hybridisation process Chan, S. J., Yang, C. C. & Lo, W. Y. W. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
2023-04 期刊論文 Youth Generation and social movements within education in Asia Chan, S. J., Liu, M. H. & Chang, C. W. International Studies in Sociology of Education
2023-03 期刊論文 A year of missed opportunity: Post-Covid learning loss – A renewed call to action M.Niaz Asadullah, Donia Smaali Bouhlila, Sheng-Ju Chan, Alexandra Draxler, Wei Ha, Stephen P. Heyneman,*, Thomas F. Luschei, Tesfaye Semela, Miri Yemini International Journal of Educational Development
2022-11 專書論文 Higher Education and Social and Civic Development: The Experiences of Engaged Universities and Social Responsibility in the Asia-Pacific Region. Chan, S. J. International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific
2022-07 技術報告 大學公私立整併之法規研析 詹盛如、黃士銘、陳宏彰、楊家瑜
2022-06 其他 Universalization and After? Fighting for equitable higher education in Taiwan Chan, S. J.
2022-05 專書論文 Asian Perspectives and Approaches for Developing Assistance in Promoting Human Capital Cheng, I. H. & Chan, S. J. Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Education
2022- 期刊論文 Knowledge production and International Academic collaboration in Taiwan: A disciplinary analysis Chan, S.J., Yang, C. Y. & Tsai, H.C. Asia Pacific Journal of Education
2021-10 技術報告 在陸臺商學校教育推動現況及未來發展 詹盛如、陳玉娟、楊正誠
2021-08 期刊論文 World class universities and international student mobility: Repositioning strategies in the Asian Tigers Oleksiyenko, A. V., Chan, S.J., Kim, S.K., Lo, W. Y. Y. & Manning, K. D. Research in Comparative & International Education
2021-05 期刊論文 Is quality assurance relevant to overseas qualification recognition in Asian higher education? Examining the regulatory framework and the roles of quality assurance agencies and professional accreditors A. Y. C. Hou, C. Hill, S.J. Chan, D.I.R. Chen & M.Tang Journal of Education and Work
2021- 期刊論文 我國大學校務自我評鑑執行現況之探析 詹盛如、池俊吉、許品鵑、郭玟杏、林佳宜 臺灣教育研究期刊
2021- 專書 Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges and Future Trends A.Y.C. Hou, T.L. Chiang & S.J. Chan (eds) Springer
2021- 專書論文 Historical Development of Higher Education in Taiwan from the Past to Present Hou, A. Y. C., Chiang, T. L., Chan, S.J. & Lu, I. J. G. Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges and Future Trends
2021- 專書論文 Internationalization and Universities in Taiwan: Policies, Practices, and Prospects S.J. Chan Higher Education in Taiwan: Global, Political and Social Challenges and Future Trends
2021- 專書論文 Professional education: Models and issues Chan, S. J. & Chou, H.C. The Oxford Handbook on Higher Education in Asia
2020-12 期刊論文 評介《大學社會責任與生活品質》 詹盛如 當代教育研究季刊
2020-07 技術報告 大學公私立整併之分析 詹盛如、黃士銘、謝卓君、陳宏彰
2020- 期刊論文 Editorial: promoting global cities status: talent attraction and retention in Asia Mok, K. H. & Chan, S.J. Globalisation, Societies and Education
2020- 期刊論文 Knowledge production and internationalisation of research in Taiwan: a new watershed? Chan,S.J., Yang C.Y. & Tai,H.C. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
2020- 期刊論文 Life course productivity model to analyze academic research issues: a longitudinal analysis at one Taiwanese university Fu, Y.C., Chan, S.J., Huang, S.M & Lee,Y.H Studies in Higher Education
2020- 期刊論文 Massified Master’s Education in Taiwan: A Credential Game? Yang, C. C. & Chan, S.J. Higher Education Policy
2020- 期刊論文 Student learning venture overseas in the transnational research partnership – a Taiwan and US PIRE case study Hou, A.Y.C., Chan, S.-J., Lin, L. & Hu, Z. Higher Education Evaluation and Development
2020- 期刊論文 Transit point of global talent social cultural dimensions of short term student circulation Chang, C.W. & Chan, S.J. Globalisation, Societies and Education
2020- 期刊論文 Who influences higher education decision-making in Taiwan? An analysis of internal stakeholders Chan, S. J. & Chuo, P.C. Studies in Higher Education
2020- 期刊論文 臺灣師資培育國際化的推動:師培機構主管之觀點 詹盛如、楊正誠 中等教育
2020- 期刊論文 英美國際教育策略之探究 侯雅雯、詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2020- 專書論文 How commercialization and corporatization affect academic freedom in higher education: A case analysis of a university in Taiwan Shieh, E.J.J. & Chan, S.J. Academic freedom under siege: Higher Education in East Asia, the U.S. and Australia
2020- 專書論文 In whose interests? Talent policy and international assistance in East Asia. Chan,S.J. 新世代新需求—臺灣教育發展的挑戰
2020- 專書論文 大學整併的新可能:公私整併的模式與途徑 詹盛如、陳宏彰、黃士銘 大學整併:成效、問題與展望
2019- 期刊論文 中小學在地國際化:大學外籍生宅配到偏遠學校方案 詹盛如、王雅玄與林婉玲 教育研究月刊
2019- 期刊論文 國際教育迷思解析與未來發展 詹盛如 教育脈動
2019- 期刊論文 新科技、創新與品質保證 詹盛如 評鑑雙月刊
2019- 專書論文 Development Assistance Projects for Developing Human Capital Cheng, I. H. & Chan, S.J. In Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Education
2019- 專書論文 Research, Development and Innovation: Transformation in Taiwanese Higher Education Kuo, Y. C. & Chan, S.J. Transformation in Higher Education Governance in Asia
2019- 專書論文 國際組織 詹盛如 比較與國際教育
2019- 專書論文 英國教育 姜添輝、康萃婷、詹盛如 比較與國際教育
2019- 專書論文 英國的大學校務研究:發展與趨勢 許育萍、詹盛如 各國大學品質保證與校務研究
2018- 期刊論文 Changing landscapes of Asian higher education Chan, S. J. Asian Education and Development Studies
2018- 期刊論文 Globalism, Regionalism and Nationalism: The Dynamics of Student Mobility in Higher Education across the Taiwan Strait Lo, W.Y.Y. & Chan, S.J. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
2018- 期刊論文 Governance Styles in Taiwanese Universities: Features and Effects Chan, S.J. & Yang, C.Y. International Journal of Educational Development
2018- 期刊論文 In Dialogue with Science's Social Contract with Society: Rhetoric and Reality in Taiwan's University Research Funding Policy Kuo, Y.C. & Chan, S.J. Asian Education and Development Studies
2018- 期刊論文 國際教育的理念為何?四大取向分析與評論 詹盛如 臺灣教育
2018- 期刊論文 高等教育的社會責任探討 詹盛如 政府審計季刊
2018- 專書論文 Higher Education Systems and Institutions in Taiwan Chan, S.J. & Hsu, Y.P. Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions
2018- 專書論文 Taiwanese Struggle in University Governance Reforms: The Case of Incorporatization Chan, S.J. & Yang, C.Y & Liu,H.H Higher Education Governance in East Asia
2018- 專書論文 The Development and Progress of Higher Education Research in Taiwan: Massification Matters Chan, S.J. & Huang, T.M. Researching Higher Education in Asia
2018- 專書論文 國家競爭力:科研、人才與創新 詹盛如 繁榮與進步:教育的力量
2017-10 技術報告 高等教育公共性之分析 詹盛如、黃月純、陳怡如、劉秀曦
2017- 期刊論文 Hybrid University in Taiwan: The prominence of traditional intellects Chan, S.J. & Yang, C. C. Studies in Higher Education
2017- 期刊論文 Is higher education expansion related to increasing unemployment rates? A comparative analysis of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan Yang, C.C. & Chan, S.J. International Journal of Chinese Education
2017- 期刊論文 The Hybrid University in East Asia: Searching for the new paradigm Chan, S. J, Lee, M. & Yang, R. Studies in Higher Education
2017- 期刊論文 Understanding regionalization in Philippine higher education Albia, J.E. & Chan, S. J. Higher Education Evaluation and Development
2017- 期刊論文 亞洲跨境學生流動:哪些品質重要? 詹盛如 評鑑雙月刊
2017- 期刊論文 大學生學習評量政策:大學該有的角色? 詹盛如 評鑑雙月刊
2017- 專書論文 亞洲國際組織與教育整合 詹盛如 比較教育200年週年紀念專書
2016-09 技術報告 各國技職教育升學進路分析 詹盛如、張源泉、楊武勳、李家宗、陳怡如
2016- 期刊論文 Aiming for better employment: A holistic analysis from admission to labour market Chan, S.J. & Lin, J.W. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
2016- 期刊論文 校務評鑑的多元視野與架構 詹盛如 評鑑雙月刊
2016- 期刊論文 臺灣高等教育研究現況分析 詹盛如、黃庭玫 評鑑雙月刊
2016- 專書論文 A Journey back to the Center: Asian Higher Education in Global Context Chan, S.J. The Palgrave Handbook of Asia Pacific Higher Education
2016- 專書論文 After Massification and Response to Internationalization: Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Taiwan and Hong Kong Mok, K. H. & Chan, S.J. The Palgrave Handbook of Asia Pacific Higher Education
2016- 專書論文 Aid for Human Resource Development: The Rise of Asia Cheng, I.H. & Chan, S.J. Routledge Handbook of International Education and Development
2015-12 期刊論文 Higher Education Research Community in Taiwan: An Emerging Field Chan,S.J. & Chan,Y. Higher Education Policy
2015-11 期刊論文 前進東南亞高等教育:區域化的拓展 黄庭玫、詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2015-09 技術報告 我國高等教育資源籌措與分配 詹盛如、李家宗、劉秀曦、陳玉娟
2015-07 技術報告 因應人口變遷趨勢我國教育經費合理計算基準之研究 詹盛如、劉秀曦
2015- 期刊論文 Massification of higher education in Taiwan: Shifting pressure from admission to employment Chan,S.J. & Lin,L.W. Higher Education Policy
2015- 期刊論文 The influence of commercialization on academic work: A case analysis of university T in Taiwan Shieh, J.J. & Chan, S.J. Higher Education Evaluation and Development
2015- 期刊論文 臺灣大學實習制度之調查分析 陳怡如、詹盛如、黃文定 評鑑雙月刊
2015- 期刊論文 臺灣高等教育財政:回顧與前瞻 詹盛如、劉秀曦 高等教育
2015- 專書 International education aid in developing Asia: Policies and Practice Cheng, I. H. & Chan, S.J. Springer
2015- 專書論文 Conclusion: International Education Development in the Post-2015 Era Cheng, I.H. & Chan, S.J. International Education Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices
2015- 專書論文 The Employment of the College Graduate: Changing Wage in Mass Higher Education Chan, S.J. & Yang, C.H. Mass Higher Education Development in East Asia: Strategy, Quality, and Challenges
2015- 專書論文 The Evolving Patterns and History of Taiwan’s Official Educational Aid Cheng, I.H., Chan, S.J. & Lee, P.B. International Education Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices
2015- 專書論文 The Quest for Entrepreneurial University in Taiwan: Policies and Practices in Industry-Academy Cooperation Chan, S.J. & Mok, K.H. Research, Development and Innovation in Asia Pacific Higher Education
2015- 專書論文 Trends and Challenges of Aid Effectiveness: The Rise of Asia Chan, S.J. & Chung, Y.H. International Education Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices
2015- 專書論文 英國大學品質保證制度與實踐 謝卓君、詹盛如 高等教育機構品質保證制度與實際:國際觀與本土觀
2014-12 期刊論文 學歷通膨?韓國發展經驗 詹盛如、楊濟華 臺灣教育評論月刊
2014-11 期刊論文 十二年國民基本教育:追求「公平」或「卓越」之評析 詹盛如 教育資料與研究
2014-11 期刊論文 面對少子化與全球化的挑戰:高等教育組織的發展策略 詹盛如、楊家瑜 評鑑雙月刊
2014-02 期刊論文 Recruiting students from China: Taiwan's policies and dilemmas it faces Sheng-Ju Chan Chinese Education & Society
2013-12 專書論文 Between the East and the West: Challenges for Internationalizing Higher Education in East Asia Sheng-Ju Chan The Dynamics of Higher Education Development in East Asia: Asian Cultural Heritage, Western Dominance, Economic Development, Globalization
2013-10 期刊論文 Book review: Mobility and migration in Asian Pacific higher education Sheng-Ju Chan Higher Education
2013-10 期刊論文 Taiwan strides towards the United Nations post-2015 development agenda: Who upholds the vision of sustainable development? I-Hsuan Cheng & Sheng-Ju Chan Norrag News
2013-09 期刊論文 大學的內部治理:同僚管理與共享治理 詹盛如 臺灣教育評論月刊
2013-08 期刊論文 英國「國際學校獎」運作機制與功能之探究 黃文定、詹盛如、陳怡如 教育資料與研究
2013-06 期刊論文 Internationalizing higher education sectors: Explaining the approaches in four Asian countries Sheng-Ju Chan Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
2013-03 技術報告 各國大學實習制度之調查分析 楊國賜、王如哲、詹盛如、陳怡如
2013-01 專書論文 個案研究法 詹盛如 社會科學研究方法新論
2012-12 期刊論文 Going International: Double/Joint Degree Programs in a Taiwanese University Sheng-Ju Chan Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development
2012-12 期刊論文 Sharing the emerging educational market in China: Cross-border EMBA programmes in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Sheng-Ju Chan,Fang-Min Chang Asian Education and Development Studies
2012-10 期刊論文 Neoliberal developments in higher education: the United Kingdom and Germany Sheng-Ju Chan Higher Education
2012-06 期刊論文 Enhancing global competitiveness: University ranking movement in Asia Sheng-Ju Chan Evaluation in Higher Education
2012-06 期刊論文 Shifting patterns of student mobility in Asia Sheng-Ju Chan Higher Education Policy
2011-09 期刊論文 Cross-border educational collaboration between Taiwan and China: The implications for educational governance Sheng-Ju Chan Asia Pacific Journal of Education
2011-06 期刊論文 成本分攤與學生財務援助:論新式貸款機制之興起 詹盛如 高等教育
2010-08 期刊論文 高等教育機構的聚合與分化:臺灣與英國之比較 詹盛如 山東科技大學學報
2010-08 專書論文 Shifting governance patterns in Taiwanese higher education: A recentralised future? Chan, S. J.
2010-06 期刊論文 臺灣高等教育治理政策之改革--新管理主義的觀點 詹盛如 教育資料與研究
2010-01 專書論文 世界銀行 詹盛如
2010--- 期刊論文 學校文化與優質化學校─人類學的文化觀點 黃文定、詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2009-02 期刊論文 校長培育政策:論中央的失落與地方的興起 詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2009--- 期刊論文 英國中等教育夥伴關係—以「教育改善夥伴」計畫為例 詹盛如、蔡宜家 教育資料集刊
2009--- 期刊論文 英國1990年代後期職業教育改革動向 林永豐、詹盛如 教育資料集刊
2009--- 期刊論文 英國學校體制之變革—以信託學校為例 詹盛如、盧思妤 教育資料集刊
2009--- 期刊論文 英國高等教育改革建言探討 詹盛如、林永豐 教育資料集刊
2008-12 期刊論文 台灣教育經費的現況分析 詹盛如 教育資料集刊
2008-12 期刊論文 大學治理模式之探索 詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2008-12 期刊論文 機構的多元分化:論台灣高等教育的未來發展 詹盛如 高等教育
2008-11 期刊論文 Management of diversity in higher education: Theories, reflux and policies options considered 詹盛如 比較教育
2007-12 研討會論文 高等教育機構的聚合與分化:台灣與英國之比較 詹盛如
2007-11 專書論文 十二年基本教育與明星高中的存廢 詹盛如
2007-10 期刊論文 教育政策的經濟分析:效率的觀點 詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2007-06 期刊論文 國際組織教育援助活動之評析 詹盛如 比較教育
2007-03 期刊論文 Mergers in Taiwanese higher education Chan, Sheng-Ju Compare
2006-08 期刊論文 高等教育整併:嘉義大學的經驗 詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2006-03 期刊論文 Mergers in Taiwanese Higher Education:With special reference to efficiency effects 詹盛如 Institute of Education, University of London
2004-12 期刊論文 從兩條國道政策的反省論我國的教育分流架構 林永豐,詹盛如 教育研究資訊
2004-05 期刊論文 英國高等教育財政改革與論爭 詹盛如 教育研究月刊
2001-12 期刊論文 台灣高等教育類型與功能之探討 詹盛如 教育研究資訊