

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2016-12 期刊論文 使用門檻共整合模型來探討台灣豬肉市場不對稱的價格傳遞過程 黃柏農、李佳珍 農業經濟叢刊
2016-01 期刊論文 A Tax Can Increase Profit of a Monopolist or a Monopoly-like Firm: A Fiction or Distinct Possibility? Yang, Chin W, Hui Wen Cheng, Ching Wen Chi and Bwo-Nung Huang Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics
2015-07 專書論文 Dynamic Interactions between Institutional Investors and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation: One-regime and Threshold VAR Models Hung, Ken and B. N. Huang Handbook of Financial Econometrics and Statistics
2012-06 期刊論文 Oil Price Movements and Stock Markets Revisited: A Case of Sector Stock Price Indexes in the G-7 Countries Bi-Juan Lee, Chin Wei Yang and Bwo-Nung Huang* Energy Economics,
2012-02 研討會論文 New Evidence on Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus from the Four Asian Economies Huang, Bwo-Nung and Yang, Chin-Wei
2011-11 期刊論文 Military Expenditure and Economic Growth across Different Groups: A Dynamic Panel Granger-Causality Approach Chang, H. C., B. N. Huang* and C. W. Yang Economic Modelling
2011-08 期刊論文 On the Relationship between Military Expenditure, Threat, and Economic Growth-A Nonlinear Approach Yang, Albert J. F., William N. Trumbull, Chin Wei Yang, and Bwo_Nung Huang* Defense and Peace Economics
2011-08 研討會論文 Does Financial Openness Spur Economic Growth?A Panel Threshold Regression Approach Liao, Hui-Chin, Bwo-Nung Huang, and Kuo-Chun Yeh
2011--- 期刊論文 A Monopolist Can Never Price in the Inelastic Range of a Demand Curve or Can It? Yang*, C. W., C. B. Hawley, B. N. Huang and M. J. Huang The American Economist
2010--- 期刊論文 Oil Price Formation through Unstable, Inelastic Demand and Cartel Imperatives Hwang*, M. J., C. W. Yang and B. N. Huang Journal of Energy Market
2010--- 期刊論文 台灣地區豬肉需求之估計-以台中市、台南市 及高雄市為例 李佳珍*、 黃柏農 、 黃聖茹 農業經營管理年刊
2010--- 期刊論文 台灣毛豬市場批發價格與交易量之非線性關係探討-雙變量門檻迴歸模型之應用 李佳珍*、黃柏農 農業與經濟
2009-01 期刊論文 The Dynamics of a Nonlinear Relationship between Crude Oil Spot and Futures Prices: A Multivariate Threshold Regression Approach Huang, Bwo-Nung*, C. W. Yang, and M. J. Hwang Energy Economics
2009--- 期刊論文 台灣股票市場之動態系統風險之研究 黃柏農、鄭素姻、侯翰*、王祝三 經濟研究
2009--- 期刊論文 台股日內指數期貨與現貨市場價格發現與套利行為 - 多變量門檻自我迴歸模型之應用 柏婉貞*、黃柏農 證券市場發展季刊
2009--- 期刊論文 當期景氣衰退指標可否做為門檻變數?樣本外預測檢定之應用 李源明、黃柏農、王冠閔* 經濟研究
2008-12 研討會論文 台灣豬肉部門的不對稱價格傳遞 李佳珍、黃柏農
2008-06 研討會論文 Military Expenditure and Economic Growth-A Non-linear Approach Yang, Albert J. F., and Huang, Bwo-Nung
2008-05 研討會論文 臺灣毛豬市場不對稱價格傳遞關係之研究 李佳珍、黃柏農
2008--- 期刊論文 Causal Relationship Between Energy Consumption and GDP Growth Revisited:A Dynamic Panel Data Approach Huang, Bwo-Nung*, M. J. Hwang, and C. W. Yang Ecological Economics
2008--- 期刊論文 Does More Energy Consumption Bolster Economic Growth?An Application of the Nonlinear Threshold Regression Model Huang, Bwo-Nung*, M. J. Hwang, and C. W. Yang Energy Policy
2008--- 期刊論文 Factors Affecting an Economy’s Tolerance and Delay of Response to the Impact of a Positive Oil Price Shock Huang, Bwo-Nung Energy Journal
2008--- 期刊論文 Tourism Development and Economic Growth: A Nonlinear Approach Po, Wan-Chen and Bwo-Nung Huang* Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
2008--- 期刊論文 外匯現貨市場日內買/賣報價非線性行為之研究 柏婉貞*、黃柏農 財務金融學刊
2008--- 期刊論文 股價與產出波動不對稱的外溢效應 李源明、黃柏農、王冠閔* 財務金融學刊
2007-11 研討會論文 Will the Use of Energy Bring About Economic Growth? An Application of the Nonlinear Threshold Regression Model Huang, Bwo-Nung, Hwang, M. J. and Yang, C. W.,
2007--- 期刊論文 台股指數期貨與現貨市場日內報酬波動與交易量非線性行為之研究 柏婉貞*、黃柏農 經濟研究