

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2022-12 期刊論文 Correlation of time-dependent nonlinear response with phosphorus concentration in Si ultrathin film Ting-Yu Yen, Yu-Hsiang Huang, Meng-Ting Shih, Wei-Ting Chen, Kung-Ming Hung, Kuang-Yao Lo. Surfaces and Interfaces
2022-11 期刊論文 Competition between oxygen and water molecules on SiO2/P-doped Si surface: The electrical dipole evolution on water/oxygen-adsorbed oxide surface Yu-Hsiang Huang, Ting-Yu Yen, Meng-Ting Shi, Yang-Ho Hung, Wei-Ting Chen, Chiu-Hsin Wu, Kung-Ming Hung, Kuang-Yao Lo. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical
2022-09 期刊論文 Light-Tunable Polarity and Erasable Physisorption-Induced Memory Effect in Vertically Stacked InSe/SnS2 Self-Powered Photodetector Yue Zhao, Jiung Cho, Miri Choi, Cormac ÓCoileáin, Sunil Arora, Kuan-Ming Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, Mohamed Abid, and Han-Chun Wu ACS Nano
2022- 期刊論文 Robust Anti-Ambipolar Behavior and Gate-Tunable Rectifying Effect in van der Waals p–n Junctions Yanhui Lv, Che-Yu Wu, Yue Zhao, Gang Wu, Mohamed Abid, Jiung Cho, Miri Choi, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Kuan-Ming Hung,* Ching-Ray Chang, Yuh-Renn Wu,* and Han-Chun Wu* ACS Applied Electronic Materials
2021-12 期刊論文 Efficient Suppression of Charge Recombination in Self-Powered Photodetectors with Band-Aligned Transferred van der Waals Metal Electrodes Gang Wu, Hee-Suk Chung, Tae-Sung Bae, Jiung Cho*, Kuo-Chih Lee, Hung Hsiang Cheng, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Kuan-Ming Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
2021-09 期刊論文 Graphene/SnS2 van der Waals Photodetector with High Photoresponsivity and High Photodetectivity for Broadband 365–2240 nm Detection Yue Zhao, Tsung-Yin Tsai, Gang Wu, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Yan-Feng Zhao, Duan Zhang, Kuan-Ming Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, Yuh-Renn Wu*, and Han-Chun Wu* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
2021-04 期刊論文 Giant gauge factor of Van der Waals material based strain sensors Wenjie Yan, Huei-Ru Fuh, Yanhui Lv, Ke-Qiu Chen, Tsung-Yin Tsai, Yuh-Renn Wu, Tung-Ho Shieh, Kuan-Ming Hung ✉, Juncheng Li, Duan Zhang, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Sunil K. Arora, Zhi Wang, Zhaotan Jiang, Ching-Ray Chang and Han-Chun Wu ✉ Nature Communications
2020-10 期刊論文 Amplifying photocurrent of graphene on GeSn film by sandwiching a thin oxide between them Y. Lv, H. Li, K.-C. Lee, G.-E. Chang, T.-H. Shieh, X.-S. Wu, C.-R. Chang, H.-C. Wu,* K.-M. Hung,* and H.-H. Cheng* Applied Physics Letters
2020-06 期刊論文 Enhanced NO2 Sensitivity in Schottky-Contacted n‐Type SnS2 Gas Sensors W. Yan, C. Lv, D. Zhang, Y. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Ó Coileaín, Z. Wang, Z. Jiang, K.-M. Hung,* C.-R. Chang, and H.-C. Wu* ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
2020-06 期刊論文 Photoelectrical properties of graphene/doped GeSn vertical heterostructures Y. Lv, H. Li, C. O ́ Coilea ́in, D. Zhang, C. Heng, C.-R. Chang, K.-M. Hung, H. H. Cheng* and H.-C. Wu* RSC Advances
2020-04 期刊論文 Electrical Contact Barriers between a Three-Dimensional Metal and Layered SnS2 C. Lv, W. Yan, Tu.-H. Shieh, Y. Zhao, G. Wu, Y. Zhao, Y. Lv, D. Zhang, Y. Chen, S. K. Arora, C. O Coileain, C.-R. Chang, H. H. Cheng, K.-M. Hung,* and H.-C. Wu* ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
2020-03 期刊論文 Planar GeSn photodiode for high-detectivity photodetection at 1550 nm K.-C. Lee, M.-X. Lin, H. Li, H.-H. Cheng, G. Sun, R. Soref, J. R. Hendrickson, K.-M. Hung, P. Scajev, and A. Medvids Applied Physics Letters
2013-11 研討會論文 Performance Improvement in Lattice-Matched AlInGaN/InGaN LEDs H.-T Fan, T.-H. Shieh, K.-M. Hung*, Y.-H. Hsu, S.-H. Huang
2013-11 研討會論文 Reducing Piezoelectric effect in GaN-base LED Using Pulse Laser Annealing T.-H. Shieh, A.-C. Wang, K.-Y. Wu, Y.-S. Wang, Y.-H. Hsu, H.-T. Fan, F.-B. Chen, S.-H. Huang, K.-M. Hung*
2013-03 期刊論文 Theoretical Analysis of n-Type Si-Based Resonant Tunneling Diodes Deposited on Either Partially or Fully Relaxed SiGe Buffer Layers K. Y. Wu, H. H. Cheng*, K. M. Hung, G. Sun IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
2012-09 研討會論文 Charge-induced Magnetism in Si with Bi-carbon Clusters 36. T.-H. Shieh, K.-Y. Wu, H.-C. Chang, K.-M. Hung*, Y.-H. Hsu, H.-T. Fan and Y.-S. Wang
2010-06 期刊論文 Temperature-dependent Rabi rotation in semiconductor quantum dots K.-M. Hung*, W.-J. Hong, K.-J. Su, T.-H. Shieh, K.-Y. Wu, and H. H. Cheng Applied Physics Letters
2010-05 期刊論文 Carrier dynamics of terahertz emission based on strained SiGe/Si single quantum well K. M. Hung, J.-Y. Kuo, C. C. Hong, H. H. Cheng*), G. Sun, and R. A. Soref Applied Physics Letters
2008-09 期刊論文 Electron tunneling in a strained n-type Si1−xGex/Si/Si1−xGex K. M. Hung, T. H. Cheng, W. P. Huang, K. Y. Wang, H. H. Cheng,G. Sun, and R. A. Soref Applied Physics Letters
2008-02 期刊論文 Precipitation analysis on P-implanted silicon by reflectivity spectrum Shih-An Huang, Kuang-Yao Lo*)and Li-Hsuan Hsu, Kuang-Ming Hung*) Applied Physics Letters
2007-10 期刊論文 Distorted-Field Scattering in Nano-scale MOSFET in Ballistic Transport Regime K.-M. Hung*, J.-H. Dai, K.-Y. Wu, W. Y. Tso, J.-T. Chen, K.-Y. Horng and T.-H. Shieh Journal of Physics: Condense Matter
2007-08 期刊論文 Theory of Polaron Resonance in Quantum Dots and Quantum-Dot Molecules 洪冠明 J. Appl. Phys.
2007-07 期刊論文 Polaron Resonance in Quantum Dots and Quantum-Dot Molecules K.-M. Hung and C.-S. Chen Solid State Communications
2006-06 期刊論文 Single-electron differential-amplifier/inverter/non-inverter 洪冠明 Solid State Communications