

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2020-01 期刊論文 Computational analysis of ion orbital loss in diverted positive- and negative-triangularity tokamaks Y.Nishimura, F.L.Waelbroeck, L.J.Zheng Physics of Plasmas
2020-01 期刊論文 Coordinate transformation and construction of finite element mesh in diverted tokamak geometry Y.Nishimura, J.C.Lyu, F.L.Waelbroeck, L.J.Zheng, and C.E.Michoski Contributions to Plasma Physics
2019-02 期刊論文 Electron heating by Langmuir soliton on electrostatic Vlasov-Poisson simulation Yuehung Chen, Yasutaro Nishimura (corresponding author),Tomo Tatsuno (corresponding author) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
2019-02 期刊論文 Numerical studies of Coulomb collisions, relaxation, and Debye shielding by N-body simulation Cheng-Pu Wang and Yasutaro Nishimura (corresponding author) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
2017-03 期刊論文 Self-adjustment and disintegration threshold of Langmuir solitons in inhomogeneous plasmas Y. A. Chen, Y. Nishimura (corresponding author), Y. Nishida, C.Z.Cheng Physical Review E
2015-06 期刊論文 Alpha particle transport in the presence of ballooning type electrostatic driftwaves Y.Nishimura, B.Huang, C.Z.Cheng Nuclear Fusion
2015-02 期刊論文 Particle-in-Cell simulation of plasma sheath dynamics with kinetic ions C.W.Huang, Y.C.Chen, and Y.Nishimura (corresponding author) IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
2014-06 期刊論文 Coulomb collisional effects on high energy particles in the presence of driftwave turbulence B.Huang, Y.Nishimura (corresponding author), and C.Z.Cheng Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research
2014-06 期刊論文 Guiding center orbit following calculation of edge particle and heat transport in stochastic magnetic field C.C.Chang, Y. Nishimura (corresponding author), and C.Z.Cheng Contributions to Plasma Physics
2013-08 期刊論文 Kappa distribution function effects on Landau damping in electrostatic Vlasov simulation Y.H.Chen, Y. Nishimura (corresponding author), and C.Z.Cheng Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2011-01 期刊論文 A perturbation method for guiding center orbit calculations in the presence of Coulomb collisions Y.Nishimura Computer Physics Communications
2010-12 期刊論文 Coulomb collisional relaxation process of ion beams in magnetized plasmas Y.Nishimura IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
2010-08 期刊論文 Alfven wave propagation in initial value MHD simulation in a tokamak geometry Y.Nishimura and C.Z.Cheng Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Series
2009-03 期刊論文 Excitation of low-n toroidicity induced Alfven eigenmodes by energetic particles in global gyrokinetic tokamak plasmas Y.Nishimura PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
2009-01 期刊論文 Full Torus Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations with Kinetic Electrons Y.Nishimura, Z.Lin, L.Chen COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS
2008-03 期刊論文 Guiding center orbit studies in a tokamak edge geometry employing Boozer and Cartesian coordinates Y.Nishimura, Y.Xiao, Z.Lin CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS
2007-12 期刊論文 Global gyrokinetic particle simulations with kinetic electrons Z.Lin, Y.Nishimura, Y.Xiao, I. Holod, W.L.Zhang, L.Chen PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
2007-10 期刊論文 Parallel algebraic multigrid methods in gyrokinetic turbulence simulations M. F. Adams, Y.Nishimura (corresponding author) COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS
2007-04 期刊論文 Electromagnetic global gyrokinetic simulation of shear Alfven wave dynamics in tokamak plasmas Y.Nishimura, Z.Lin, W.X.Wang PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
2006-08 期刊論文 A finite element mesh in a tokamak edge geometry Y.Nishimura, Z.Lin CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS
2006-04 期刊論文 A finite element Poisson solver for gyrokinetic particle simulations in a global field aligned mesh Y.Nishimra, Z.Lin, J.L.V.Lewandowski, S.Ethier JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS
2005-10 期刊論文 Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results - development of integrated operating scenarios for ITER S. Gunter et al. NUCLEAR FUSION
2004-01 期刊論文 Characterization of electrostatic turbulent fluxes in tokamak edge plasmas Y. Nishimura, D. Coster, B. Scott PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
2004-01 期刊論文 Effects of resistive drift wave turbulence on tokamak edge transport Y.Nishimura, K.Borrass, D.Coster, B.Scott CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS
2003-12 期刊論文 Overview of ASDEX upgrade results H. Zohm et al. NUCLEAR FUSION
2002-07 期刊論文 Coupling of perpendicular transport in turbulence and divertor codes Y.Nishimura, D.P.Coster, J.W.Kim, B.D.Scott CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS
2002-06 期刊論文 Tokamak edge model validation and improvement D. P. Coster,J. W. Kim,Y. Nishimura, R. Schneider, X. Bonnin,V. Rozhansky, S. Voskoboynikov PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
1999-12 期刊論文 Onset of high-n ballooning modes during tokamak sawtooth crashes Y. Nishimura, J. D. Callen, C. C. Hegna PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
1998-12 期刊論文 Tearing mode analysis in tokamaks, revisited Y. Nishimura, J. D. Callen, C. C. Hegna PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
1997-07 期刊論文 Stochastic particle transport in magnetic island due to electrostatic drift waves Y.Nishimura, M.Azumi PHYSICS OF PLASMAS