

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-04 研討會論文 Investigation of physical properties of carbon materials by machine learning potential W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, K. Chen, R. Y. Yang, and S. Y. Wang
2024-02 期刊論文 A first-principles study of the electronic structure and mechanical and optical properties of Mn-doped K2SiF6 [SCIE#66]W. Y. Zhao, K. Chen, J. Zhou, F. Y. Ma, C. Qiao, Y. J. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, and S. Y. Wang* Chinese Journal of Physics
2024- 期刊論文 A new accurate, efficient and transferable deep learning interatomic potential for carbon with advanced applications [SCIE#67]K. Chen, R. Y.Yang, Z. F. Wang, W. Y. Zhao, Y. M. Xu, H. J. Sun, C. Zhang, S. Y. Wang*, K. M. Ho, C. Z. Wang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Carbon
2024- 研討會論文 融入科學數位量測之探究實作課程初探:以聲頻法推算物體體積為例 張仁壽、卓家萱、蘇萬生*
2023-12 期刊論文 順應時代潮流的「科學探究競賽—這樣教我就懂」十年有成 蔣振宇*、陳寶玉、施柏亨、蘇萬生、黃琴扉* 科學研習雙月刊第62卷第6期
Science Study Monthly
2023-09 研討會論文 運用科教館常設展區自主性學習地圖豐富國小雙語科學教學設計與實踐 陳佩雯、郭青鵬、于曉平、何依庭、蘇萬生*
2023-08 期刊論文 Structural, mechanical, electronic and optical properties of biphenylene hydrogenation: a first-principles study [SCIE#65]K. Chen, J. Zhou, W. Y. Zhao, R. Y. Yang, C. Qiao, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, S. Y. Wang* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2023-06 期刊論文 The luminescence mechanism of ligand-induced interface states in silicon quantum dots [SCIE#64]J. Zhou, F. Y. Ma, K. Chen, W. Y. Zhao, R. Y. Yang, C. Qiao, H. Shen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, M. Lu, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, and S. Y. Wang* Nanoscale Advances
2023-06 期刊論文 在科學的基地裡,科學家到底做了甚麼呢? 黃嘉郁、陳佩雯、李名揚、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第62卷第3期
Science Study Monthly
2023-06 研討會論文 A machine learning carbon potential constructed and its applications R. Y. Yang, S. Y. Wang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2023-05 其他 舞動中的扶搖直上—另類尺寸大小快篩 (2023科學探究競賽-這樣教我就懂) 蘇致頫、徐翊巽 (國小組指導老師:蘇萬生、許毓娟)
2023-04 期刊論文 國小生活領域課程融入原子能線上科普活動之實踐 黃真瑱、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第62卷第2期
Science Study Monthly
2022-12 期刊論文 學童數位閱讀素養之教學初探 林秀貞、呂玉環、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第61卷第6期
Science Study Monthly
2022-12 專書論文 升級社教機構服務—整合電子票證為遊客提供更多便利 蘇萬生*、李曼怡、邵奎凱、徐靖茹 科教館學刊
2022-12 專書論文 核能科普之素養導向微課程設計與實踐 紀乃友*、蘇萬生 科教館學刊
2022-11 期刊論文 Influence of group-IVA doping on electronic and optical properties of monolayer ZnS:a first-principles study [SCIE#63]B. Liu, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and B. R. Wu Nanomaterials
2022-09 期刊論文 The process of constructing the concept map of autonomous learning mapping in the permanent exhibition area of the National Taiwan Science Education Center in Taiwan H. P. Yu*, H. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Wu, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生) ICEBT'22:Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business and E-Technology
2022-09 研討會論文 108課綱素養導向活動設計—以核能科普自主學習微課程發展為例 紀乃友*、蘇萬生
2022-09 研討會論文 提供觀眾更便利的參觀體驗:以國立臺灣科學教育館電子票證整合建置為例 蘇萬生*、王世文、徐靖茹、邵奎凱
2022-06 期刊論文 2022第一屆量子科技科普線上推廣壁報展 林昱廷、余進忠*、蘇萬生 科學研習雙月刊第61卷第3期
Science Study Monthly
2022-06 期刊論文 A new direct band gap Si-Ge allotrope with advanced electronic and optical properties [SCIE#62]H. Shen, R. Y. Yang, J. Zhou, Z. Y. Yu, M. Lu, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and S. Y. Wang* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2022-06 技術報告 自製滑降遊具 (物理實作平台) 李致翔、蘇萬生*
2022-06 其他 《玫瑰的數字》科學劇賞析對觀眾學習成效之探討(Investigating the Effect of the Science Drama《The Number of Roses》on Participant Learning) [碩士論文]蘇萬生(Wan-Sheng Su)
2022-06 其他 免疫細胞的T戰士 (2022科學探究競賽-這樣教我就懂) 蘇致頡、蘇致頫 (國小組指導老師:蘇萬生、許毓娟)
2022-05 專書 航空工程與風力發電 蘇萬生(推薦序) 海峽前鋒文化事業有限公司
2022-04 期刊論文 A first-principles study of structural, electronic and optical properties of α-Te tubular nanostructures modulated by uniaxial strain [SCIE#61]Z. Y. Yang, Y. Y. Chen, Y. R. Guo, H. Shen, S. Y. Wang*, Y. Jia, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* New Journal of Physics
2022-04 期刊論文 疫情下的小小程式設計師線上課程與競賽 謝依潔、陳思穎、吳建明、羅小茹、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第61卷第2期
Science Study Monthly
2022-04 專書 小朋友造風車 蘇萬生(推薦序) 海峽前鋒文化事業有限公司
2022-02 期刊論文 A first-principles study of electronic and optical properties of the tetragonal phase of monolayer ZnS modulated by biaxial strain [SCIE#60]B. Liu, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and B. R. Wu RSC Advances
2022-02 期刊論文 Theoretical investigation of methane oxidation reaction over the novel metal-free catalyst biphenylene network [SCIE#59]W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and C. H. Yeh* Diamond and Related Materials
2022-02 期刊論文 運用能源議題融入國小低年級生活領域之實踐 黃真瑱、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第61卷第1期
Science Study Monthly
2021-12 期刊論文 疫情下的物理探究實作競賽 張智淳、余進忠*、蘇萬生 科學研習雙月刊第60卷第6期
Science Study Monthly
2021-12 專書 風力發電20問 蘇萬生(推薦序) 海峽前鋒文化事業有限公司
2021-11 期刊論文 Electronic and optical properties of hydrogen-terminated biphenylene nanoribbon:a first-principles study [SCIE#58]H. Shen, R. Y. Yang, K. Xie, Z. Y. Yu, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, B. R. Wu, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and S. Y. Wang* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2021-10 期刊論文 科教館女性科技人才培育課程綜論與教學現場延伸運用之實踐 黃真瑱、佟冠誼、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第60卷第5期
Science Study Monthly
2021-09 研討會論文 培養科學的轉譯者與愛好者—「全國科學探究競賽—這樣教我就懂」競賽 蔣振宇*、蔣正興、蘇萬生
2021-09 研討會論文 常設展區自主性學習地圖2.0:結合擴增實境之遊戲式行動學習 何依庭、蘇萬生*
2021-09 研討會論文 整合科教場館設施之科學議題實境探索遊戲:開發與初探 林博雅、鄭秉漢、蘇萬生*
2021-08 期刊論文 藝數FUN手玩- 跨域、跨界、跨思維的數學美感實作課程 李佳玲、呂玉環、彭良禎、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第60卷第3期
Science Study Monthly
2021-04 期刊論文 女孩們,FUN科學! 黃真瑱、呂玉環、林琦峯、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第60卷第2期
Science Study Monthly
2021-02 期刊論文 Luminescence mechanism in hydrogenated silicon quantum dots with single oxygen ligand (Selected as Inside Back Cover) [SCIE#57]H. Shen, Z. Y. Yu, J. J. Wang, M. Lu, C. Qiao, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, Y. Jia, L. Y. Chen, C. Z. Wang, K. M. Ho, and S. Y. Wang* Nanoscale Advances
2021-02 期刊論文 透過議題式桌遊創造科學對話與互動-從0到100的實戰設計工坊 顏慈瑤、黃奕誠、鄭秉漢*、蘇萬生*、張俊彥* 科學研習雙月刊第60卷第1期
Science Study Monthly
2020-12 期刊論文 深耕女力科學-「傑出女科學家」桌遊推廣成效初探 陳萱、黃真瑱、呂玉環、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第6期
Science Study Monthly
2020-12 期刊論文 能源教育議題課程的發展與實踐-科普素養的向下紮根 黃真瑱、陳世文、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第6期
Science Study Monthly
2020-11 研討會論文 促進國小女性學童參與STEAM活動之教學策略初探 呂玉環、黃真瑱、陳世文、蘇萬生*
2020-10 期刊論文 全國高中探究實作競賽的三部曲 余進忠*、蘇萬生 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第5期
Science Study Monthly
2020-10 期刊論文 大手拉小手 親子共學趣 黃真瑱、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第5期
Science Study Monthly
2020-08 期刊論文 「全國大專暨高中青年物理辯論競賽」真的只是物理辯論? 余進忠*、蘇萬生 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第4期
Science Study Monthly
2020-08 期刊論文 讓思考可見-探究式教學遊戲化策略 陳佩雯、呂玉環、程詩婷、顏慈瑤、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第4期
Science Study Monthly
2020-07 期刊論文 Electric field-tunable structural phase transitions in monolayer tellurium [SCIE#56]J. J. Wang, H. Shen, Z. Y. Yu, S. Y. Wang*, Y. Y. Chen, B. R. Wu, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* ACS Omega
2020-07 研討會論文 國立科學教育館常設展區「自主性學習地圖」之建置與運用情形分析 于曉平*、陳鴻宜、熊召弟、吳育雅、蘇萬生
2020-06 期刊論文 串出不一樣的思維能力-以STEAM概念發展女力空間思維 呂玉環、顏慈瑤、黃奕誠、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第3期
Science Study Monthly
2020-04 期刊論文 嘿!JUST FUN,金華女孩們!女力探索科學! 黃真瑱、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第2期
Science Study Monthly
2020-03 研討會論文 Tuning structural and electronic properties of α-Te tubular nanostructures by uniaxial strain Y. R. Guo, J. J. Wang, S. Y. Wang, Y. Jia, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2020-02 期刊論文 女孩們一起探索科學趣 顏慈瑤、陳虹樺、蘇萬生*、陳雪玉 科學研習雙月刊第59卷第1期
Science Study Monthly
2019-12 期刊論文 A first-principles study of strain tuned optical properties in monolayer tellurium [SCIE#55]J. J. Wang, Y. R. Guo, H. Shen, Y. Y. Chen, R. J. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, L. Y. Chen, S. Y. Wang*, Y. Jia, H. Y. Chen, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* RSC Advances
2019-12 期刊論文 Properties of Si nanostructural modification on Si (111) surface [SCIE#54]Y. H. Dong, X. P. Ding, Q. J. Zang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and W. C. Lu* Chinese Journal of Physics
2019-12 期刊論文 遊戲化核能知識卡牌桌遊推廣 顏慈瑤、李柏翰、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第58卷第6期
Science Study Monthly
2019-10 期刊論文 Investigation of electronic property modulation driven by strain in monolayer tellurium [SCIE#53]J. J. Wang, Y. R. Guo, C. Qiao, H. Shen, R. J. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, L. Y. Chen, S. Y. Wang*, Y. Jia, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Chinese Journal of Physics
2019-10 期刊論文 氣象探究研習營~數位科技愛地球 楊玉蘭、黃嘉郁、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第58卷第5期
Science Study Monthly
2019-10 研討會論文 MorSensor感測晶片在探究實作上之創意應用 李柏翰、江政龍、蘇萬生*、陳雪玉
2019-10 研討會論文 Strain-induced electronic property modulation of monolayer tellurium: A first-principles study J. J. Wang, Y. R. Guo, S. Y. Wang, Y. Jia, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2019-10 研討會論文 核災過後 卡牌桌遊設計 李柏翰、吳俊霖、黃柏諺、曾昱凱、黃淑靖、蘇健友、蘇萬生*、陳雪玉
2019-09 期刊論文 Temperature dependence of structural, dynamical, and electronic properties of amorphous Bi2Te3: an ab initio study [SCIE#52]Y. R. Guo, C. Qiao, J. J. Wang, H. Shen, S. Y. Wang*, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, C. Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho New Journal of Physics
2019-09 專書 課綱裡的科技輕鬆搞懂:15位資訊專業的父母親,以案例和說故事為國高中重新解構及釐清108科技領域課綱 蘇萬生(推薦序) 臺灣商務印書館
2019-08 期刊論文 MorSensor積木好好玩-新興科技在自然領域探究實作之創意應用 楊玉蘭、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第58卷第4期
Science Study Monthly
2019-06 期刊論文 智慧科教館 蘇萬生、蔡佳穎*、林欣璇 科學發展第558期
Science Development
2019-03 期刊論文 Bergman-type medium range order in amorphous Zr77Rh23 alloy studied by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations [SCIE#51]Y. R. Guo, C. Qiao, J. J. Wang, H. Shen, S.Y. Wang*, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, C. Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2019-03 期刊論文 Structural, electronic, and optical properties of α-Te tubular nanostructures: A first-principles study [SCIE#50]Y. R. Guo, S. Y. Wang, Y. Jia, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* APL Materials
2019-02 期刊論文 蠟燭燃燒實驗的IoT之旅 李柏翰 、江政龍、蘇萬生* 科學研習雙月刊第58卷第1期
Science Study Monthly
2019-01 期刊論文 Theoretical study on nanostructural modifications of the Si (111) surface [SCIE#49]Y. H. Dong, X. H. Liu, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, L. Z. Zhao, Q. J. Zang, and W. C. Lu* Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
2018-10 期刊論文 溫柔的力量:提升女性科學「實作」能力專題導言 陳鴻宜、蘇萬生(共同特約主編) 科學研習月刊第57卷第8期
Science Study Monthly
2018-10 研討會論文 Structural and electronic properties of α-Te tubular nanostructures: a first-principles study Y. R. Guo, S. Y. Wang, Y. Jia, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2018-06 期刊論文 A first-principles study of the electrically tunable band gap in few-layer penta-graphene [SCIE#48]J. J. Wang, Z. Y. Wang, R. J. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, L. Y. Chen, S.Y. Wang*,C. C. Tsoo, H. J. Huang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2018-06 期刊論文 Optical properties and local structure evolution during crystallization of Ga16Sb84 alloy [SCIE#47]F. Dong, Y. R. Guo, C. Qiao, J. J. Wang, H. Shen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), R. J. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, L. Y. Chen, S. Y. Wang*, X. S. Miao, and M. Xu* Scientific Reports
2018-06 研討會論文 科教EZ GO (科技部106年度科學志工火車頭計畫成果報告) 蘇萬生(Wan-Sheng Su)
2018-05 期刊論文 Screening effects on field enhancement factor of zigzag graphene nanoribbon arrays: a first-principles study [SCIE#46]H. Hu, T. C. Lin, T. C. Leung*, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2018-04 期刊論文 人文中的科學足跡專題導言 蘇萬生*(特約主編) 科學研習月刊第57卷第4期
Science Study Monthly
2018-01 專書 誰說不能從武俠學物理? 蘇萬生(推薦序) 時報文化
2018-01 技術報告 MorSensor科普應用與體驗教案設計報告書[國家實驗研究院晶片中心委託案] 蘇萬生(Wan-Sheng Su)
2017-12 期刊論文 突破傳統課室的教與學—跨域整合共創教育新思維 陳虹樺、蘇萬生* 牛頓科學雜誌第122期12月號
2017-11 期刊論文 Novel penta-graphene nanotubes: strain-induced structural and semiconductor-metal transitions [SCIE#45]Z. Y. Wang, X. R. Cao, R. J. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, L.Y. Chen, S.Y. Wang*, C. Z. Wang, K. M. Ho, Y. J. Fan, B. Y. Jin, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Nanoscale
2017-10 研討會論文 A first-principles study of the electrically tunable band gap in multilayer penta-graphene J. J. Wang, S. Y. Wang, C. C. Tsoo, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2017-09 期刊論文 音樂中的科學機密專題導言 蘇萬生*(特約主編) 科學研習月刊第56卷第9期
Science Study Monthly
2017-09 研討會論文 一個和科學情境有關的演示教學 林准儂、陳虹樺、蘇萬生*
2017-07 期刊論文 Effect of body defect on mechanical behaviors of Cu nanowire under tension: A molecular dynamics investigation [SCIE#44]C. Qiao, Y. Y. Guo, Z. Y. Wang, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, L. Y. Chen, Y. L. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, Y. Jia*, S. Y. Wang* Journal of Materials Science
2017-07 研討會論文 Examining the Trend of Taiwan Primary and High School Scientific Exhibition by Using Text Mining Technique S.-Y. Wang, O.H.T. Lu, W. –L. Lee, T.H.C. Chiang, W.-S. Su, M.-C. Lin and S.J.H. Yang*
2017-03 期刊論文 Si-centered capped trigonal prism ordering in liquid Pd82Si18 alloy study by first-principles calculations [SCIE#43]F. Dong, G. Q. Yue, Y. R. Guo, C. Qiao, Z. Y.Wang, Y. X. Zheng, R. J. Zhang, Y. Sun, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), M. J. Kramer, S. Y. Wang*, C. Z. Wang*, K. M, Ho, and L. Y. Chen RSC Advances
2017-03 期刊論文 多元與融合—「科學教育傳播新途徑國際研討會」講演選粹 蘇萬生*、吳昱鋒 科學研習月刊第56卷第3期
Science Study Monthly
2017-03 研討會論文 Tunable magnetic states on the zigzag edges of hydrogenated and halogenated group-IV nanoribbons F. C. Chuang, T. C. Wang, C. H. Hsu, Z. Q. Huang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)
2017-03 研討會論文 應用文字探勘技術探究臺灣中小學科學展覽與產業發展趨勢之關聯性研究 呂欣澤、王紹宇、李彣龍、林銘照、蘇萬生、楊振華*
2017-01 期刊論文 Calculated Magnetism on Mn(1-x)FexB Alloys P. H. Lee, S. H. Chen, Y. A. Chen, K. L. Chen, T. W. Wang, S. W. Wang, B. S. Wu, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and S. K. Chen* BAOJ Physics
2017-01 期刊論文 串珠工藝中的數學與科學探究 翁條雄、蘇萬生* 牛頓科學雜誌第111期1月號
2016-12 期刊論文 A new carbon allotrope: Penta-graphene as a metal-free catalyst for CO oxidation [SCIE#42]R. Krishnan, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and H. T. Chen* Carbon
2016-12 期刊論文 Tunable magnetic states on the zigzag edges of hydrogenated and halogenated group-IV nanoribbons [SCIE#41]T. C. Wang, C. H. Hsu, Z. Q. Huang, F. C. Chuang*, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and G. Y. Guo* Scientific Reports
2016-12 研討會論文 運用電腦模擬場域專家探討近年科學展覽趨勢 呂欣澤、李彣龍、王紹宇、楊振華*、林銘照、蘇萬生*
2016-11 期刊論文 科教館開啟跨域人才培育之門 柯尚彬、謝甫宜、藍偉瑩、蘇萬生* 牛頓科學雜誌第109期11月號
2016-10 研討會論文 Tunable electronic properties of penta-graphene nanotubes via external strain Z.Y. Wang, L. Y. Chen, S. Y. Wang*, Y. J. Fan, B. Y. Jin, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2016-06 期刊論文 Electronic structure and optical properties of boron suboxide B6O system: First-principles investigations [SCIE#40]J. J. Wang, Z. Y. Wang, Y. Y. Jing, S. Y. Wang*, C. F. Chou, H. Hu, S. H. Chiou, C. C. Tsoo, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Solid State Communications
2016-06 期刊論文 The fracture behaviors of monolayer phosphorene with grain boundaries under tension:a molecular dynamics study [SCIE#39]Y. Y. Guo, C. Qiao, A. H. Wang, J. P. Zhang, S. Y. Wang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* and Y. Jia* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2016-03 期刊論文 Structural and optical properties of Ge60Te40: experimental and theoretical verification [SCIE#38]X. Y. Yi, Z. Y. Wang, F. Dong, S. Cheng, J. Wang, C. C. Liu, J. Li*, S. Y. Wang, T. Y. Yang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and L. Y. Chen Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
2016-01 期刊論文 Electronic and optical properties of novel carbon allotropes [SCIE#37]Z. Y. Wang, F. Dong, B. Shen, R. J. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, L.Y. Chen, S.Y. Wang*, C. Z. Wang, K. M. Ho, Y. J. Fan, B. Y. Jin and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Carbon
2015-11 期刊論文 Plasmonic photocatalytic reactions enhanced by hot electrons in a one-dimensional quantum well [SCIE#36]H. J. Huang*, B. H. Liu, C. T. Lin and W. S. Su(蘇萬生) AIP Advances
2015-11 研討會論文 A first-principles study of electronic and optical properties of novel carbon allotropes W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, Z. Y. Wang, and S. Y. Wang
2015-11 研討會論文 Magnetic states on zigzag edge of hydrogenated and halogenated group-IV nanoribbons T. C. Wang, C. H. Hsu, Z. Q. Huang, F. C. Chuang*, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and G. Y. Guo
2015-10 期刊論文 Si78 double cage structure and special optical properties [SCIE#35]L. Z. Zhao*, W. C. Lu*, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), W. Qin, C. Z. Wang and K. M. Ho Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2015-07 期刊論文 Magnetic evolution and anomalous Wilson transition in diagonal phosphorene nanoribbons driven by strain [SCIE#34]S. Zhang, C. Li*, Z. X. Guo, J. H. Cho, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and Y. Jia* Nanotechnology
2015-05 期刊論文 A first-principles study of the electronic structure and mechanical and optical properties of CaAlSiN3 [SCIE#33]Z. Y. Wang, B. Shen, F. Dong, S. Y. Wang*, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2015-05 期刊論文 Using a functional C84 monolayer to improve the mechanical properties and alter substrate deformation [SCIE#32]W. J. Lee*, M. S. Ho, C. P. Huang, C. F. Chou, J. H. Tsai, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* RSC Advances
2015-03 研討會論文 Screening effect on electronic and field-emission properties of graphene nanoribbons W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, H. Hu, T. C. Lin, and T. C. Leung
2014-12 研討會論文 Relative stability of cagelike fullerenes: local curvatures and bond length alternation Y. J. Fan, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and B. Y. Jin*
2014-10 期刊論文 Strain driven topological phase transitions in atomically thin films of group IV and V elements in the honeycomb structures [SCIE#31]Z.Q. Huang, C.H. Hsu, F.C. Chuang*, Y.T. Liu, H. Lin*, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), V. Ozolins, and A. Bansil New Journal of Physics
2014-10 技術報告 B12O2晶體材料電子結構與機械性質技術分析流程建置及案例驗證報告書[工研院材化所委託案] 蘇萬生(Wan-Sheng Su)
2014-09 研討會論文 "Influence of oriented topological defects on the mechanical properties of graphene Y. S. Chen, M. S. Ho, W. J. Lee, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2014-07 期刊論文 Quantum confinement effect in armchair graphene nanoribbons: Effect of strain on band gap modulation studied using first-principles calculations [SCIE#30]S. M. Loh, Y. H. Huang, K. M. Lin*, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), B. R. Wu, and T. C. Leung* Physical Review B
2014-07 研討會論文 Quantum confinement effect in armchair graphene nanoribbons:strain effect on band gap modulation investigated by first-principles method S. M. Loh, K. M. Lin, Y. H. Huang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and T. C. Leung
2014-06 期刊論文 Probing characteristics of Si(111) surface with embedded fullerene molecules via scanning probe microscopy J. H. Wu, C. P. Huang, C. C. Su, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and M. S. Ho* 真空科技
Journal of Vacuum Society of the R.O.C.
2014-05 期刊論文 Strain effects on the band gap and work function of zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene: A comparative study [SCIE#29]K. M. Lin,Y. H. Huang,W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and T. C. Leung* Computer Physics Communications
2014-03 研討會論文 A comparative study of topological electronic structures of bilayers of group IV and V atoms Z. Q. Huang, Y. T. Liu, C. H. Hsu, F. C. Chuang, H. Lin, C. Y. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and A. Bansil
2014-02 期刊論文 Investigation into the formation of 13-6 helical multi-shell gold nanowires [SCIE#28]W. S. Su(蘇萬生), H. T. Chen, J. G. Chang, Y. T. Wang, and W. J. Lee* Computational Materials Science
2013-12 研討會論文 Theoretical insight into the screening effect on the electronic and magnetic properties of graphene nanoribbons W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, J. G. Chang*, T. C. Lin, and T. C. Leung
2013-11 研討會論文 Molecular dynamics study on the nanoindentation of Si(111) surface with embedded C84 monolayer W. J. Lee*, J. G. Chang, M. S. Ho, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)
2013-11 研討會論文 Orientation effect of topological defects on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube heterojunctions: Molecular dymanics study W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, W. J. Lee, J. G. Chang, and A. C. Yang
2013-10 期刊論文 Influence of oriented topological defects on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube heterojunctions [SCIE#27]W. J. Lee, J. G. Chang, A. C. Yang, Y. T. Wang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, C. Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho Journal of Applied Physics
2013-10 研討會論文 A comparative study of topological electronic structures of bilayers of group IV and V Z. Q. Huang, Y. T. Liu, C. H. Hsu, F. C. Chuang*, H. Lin*, C. Y. Chen, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and A. Bansil
2013-10 研討會論文 Molecular dynamics simulation into the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube heterojunctions A. C. Yang, W. J. Lee, N. Y. Chen, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2013-10 研討會論文 The magnetism of Cr1-xMnxB, Mn1-xFexB and Fe1-xCoxB alloys:First-Principles electronic structure calculations P. H. Lee, S. H. Chen, C. Y. Lin, T. W. Wang, B. S. Wu, S. W. Wang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2013-08 研討會論文 Deformation behaviors and mechanical properties of coaxial and bias (6,0)/(8,0) single-walled carbon nanotube heterojunctions W. J. Lee*, J. G. Chang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)
2013-08 研討會論文 Tuning electronic properties of carbon nanotubes by external strain: A first-principles study W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and F. C. Chuang
2013-07 研討會論文 Probing characteristics of Si(111) surface with embedded fullerene molecules via scanning probe microscopy M. S. Ho*, C. P. Huang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and C. C. Su
2013-06 期刊論文 Electronic and structural properties of carbon nanotubes modulated by external strain [SCIE#26]W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Journal of Applied Physics
2013-05 期刊論文 Characteristics of Si(111) surface with embedded C84 molecules [SCIE#25]C.P. Huang, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), C.C. Su, and M. S. Ho* RSC Advances
2013-05 期刊論文 Investigation into the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube heterojunctions [SCIE#24]W. J. Lee and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2013-04 期刊論文 Electronic and optical properties of bundled single-walled carbon nanotubes investigated by the first-principles method [SCIE#23]T.H. Cho, W.S. Su(蘇萬生)*, T.C. Leung*, Wei Ren, and C.T. Chan Computer Physics Communications
2013-03 期刊論文 Effects of Cs adsorption on the field emission characteristics of closed single-walled carbon nanotubes [SCIE#22]P.H. Lee, C.Y. Chiang, Y.T. Wang, W.J. Lee, and W.S. Su(蘇萬生)* Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
2013-03 研討會論文 Ab-initio study of field emission characteristics of single-walled ZnO nanotubes W. C. Chen, F. C. Chuang, Z. Q. Huang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2013-03 研討會論文 Adsorption and Dynamics behaves of Platinum Atoms on Si (111)-7x7 Surface Studied with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and First principles Calculation C. F. Chou, H. T. Tu, C. M. Yang, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and M. S. Ho
2012-12 期刊論文 Diffusion of the vacancy defect leading to the formation of multi-shell structures in the nanowire and nanobridge [SCIE#21]W.J. Lee, C.W. Pao, Y.T. Wang, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), and J.G. Chang* Journal of Applied Physics
2012-10 研討會論文 Influence of strain on the work functions of carbon nanotubes investigated by the first-principles method W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and H. Hu
2012-10 研討會論文 Molecular dynamics simulation for mechanical properties of coaxial and eccentric (6,0)/(8/0) carbon nanotube intramolecular junctions W. S. Su(蘇萬生), C. Y. Chang, J. G. Chang, Y. T. Wang, and W. J. Lee*
2012-06 期刊論文 Target Molecular Simulations of RecA Family Protein Filaments [SCIE#20]Z. Y. Su, W. J. Lee, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and Y. T. Wang* International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2012-02 研討會論文 The effects of 5-7 defects on the mechanical characteristics of carbon nanotubes intramolecular junctions and their influences on electronic properties W. J. Lee, J. G. Chang, Y. T. Wang, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*
2011-09 研討會論文 Tuning the electronic properties of finite-length single-walled carbon nanotubes by various tip geometries and their field-emission characteristics W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, P. H. Lee, and C. Y. Chiang
2011-08 期刊論文 Justificatiion of the total ionic pseudopotentials in first-principle methods [SCIE#19]T. L. Li* and W. S. Su(蘇萬生) Chinese Journal of Physics
2011-07 期刊論文 Electronic structures and work functions of BC3 nanotubes: A first-principle study [SCIE#18]W.S. Su(蘇萬生), C.P. Chang, M.F. Lin*, and T.L. Li* Journal of Applied Physics
2011-05 期刊論文 Competitive diamond-like and endohedral fullerene structures of Si70 [SCIE#17]L. Z. Zhao, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), W. C. Lu*, C. Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho Journal of Computational Chemistry
2011-04 期刊論文 Electronic properties of bilayer AA-stacked zigzag nanographene ribbons [SCIE#16]S.L. Chang, C.H. Tsai, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), S.C. Chen*, and M.F. Lin* Diamond and Related Materials
2011-04 期刊論文 Structural and electronic properties of hydrogen adsorptions on BC3 sheet and graphene: a comparative study [SCIE#15]F. C. Chuang, Z. Q. Huang, W. H. Lin, M. A. Albao, and W. S. Su(蘇萬生)* Nanotechnology
2011-03 期刊論文 Tuning the electronic properties of monolayer graphene by the periodic aligned graphene nanoribbons [SCIE#14]C.H. Lee, S.C. Chen, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), R.B. Chen*, and M.F. Lin* Synthetic Metals
2011-03 研討會論文 Hexagonal motifs on the Ir(100) surface reconstructions: A first-principles study W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, F. C. Chuang, K. M. Lin, and T. C. Leung
2011-02 期刊論文 Structural and electronic properties of graphene nanotube-nanoribbon hybrids [SCIE#13]C.H. Lee, C.K. Yang, M.F. Lin*, C.P. Chang*, and W.S. Su(蘇萬生) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2011-01 期刊論文 A first-principles study on the electromechanical effect of graphene nanoribbon [SCIE#12]W. S. Su(蘇萬生), B. R. Wu*, and T. C. Leung Computer Physics Communications
2011-01 期刊論文 Low-energy electronic structures of nanotube-nanoribbon hybrid systems [SCIE#11]C.H. Lee, S.C. Chen, C.K. Yang, W.S. Su(蘇萬生)*, and M.F. Lin* Computer Physics Communications
2010-11 研討會論文 Electronic properties of BC3 nanotubes: A first-principles study W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, C. P. Chang, T. L. Li, and M. F. Lin
2010-10 期刊論文 Influence of strain on the hexagonal motifs of the Ir(100) surface reconstructions: A first-principles study [SCIE#10]W.S. Su(蘇萬生), F.C. Chuang*, K.M. Lin, and T.C. Leung Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
2010-08 期刊論文 Nanomeasurements of electronic and mechanical properties of fullerene embedded Si(111) surfaces [SCIE#09]C.P. Huang, C.C. Su, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), C.F. Hsu, and M.S. Ho* Applied Physics Letters
2010-08 研討會論文 Ab-inito study of field emission by single-walled ZnO nanotubes W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, J. M. Lu*, J. G. Chang*, S. P. Ju, and C. Chen
2010-06 期刊論文 Atomic structure and mechanical properties of BC2N superlattice [SCIE#08]B.R. Wu, Z.Q. Huang, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), Y.Y. Hsieh, and F.C. Chuang* Diamond and Related Materials
2009-07 期刊論文 Low-energy Landau levels of Bernal zigzag graphene ribbons [SCIE#07]Y.C. Huang, C.P. Chang*, W.S. Su(蘇萬生), and M.F. Lin* Journal of Applied Physics
2009-07 期刊論文 The screening effect on field enhancement factor of the finite-length small radius single-walled carbon nanotubes [SCIE#06]W. S. Su(蘇萬生)*, F. C. Chuang, T. H. Cho, and T. C. Leung Journal of Applied Physics
2009-06 期刊論文 Electronic and optical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes under a uniformtransverse electric field: A first-principles study [SCIE#05]T. H. Cho, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), T. C. Leung*, Wei Ren, and C. T. Chan Physical Review B
2009-06 期刊論文 Low-energy electronic properties of double-walled carbon nanotubes under external field [SCIE#04]C. H. Li, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), R. B. Chen, and M. F. Lin* Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures
2007-12 期刊論文 Work function of single-walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes: First-principles study [SCIE#03]W.S. Su(蘇萬生), T.C. Leung*, and C. T. Chan Physical Review B
2007-09 其他 The Novel Electronic Properties of the Carbon Nanotubes: A first-Principles study (碳奈米管奇異電性之第一原理研究) [博士論文]Wan-Sheng Su(蘇萬生)
2007-04 期刊論文 Work function of small radius carbon nanotubes and their bundles [SCIE#02]W.S. Su(蘇萬生), T.C. Leung*, Bin Li, and C.T. Chan Applied Physics Letters
2007-03 研討會論文 The work function of small radius carbon nanotubes W. S. Su(蘇萬生), and T. C. Leung*
2004-03 研討會論文 The workfunction of carbon nanotube studies by first-principles calculation W. S. Su(蘇萬生), T. C. Leung*, and C. T. Chan
2003-11 期刊論文 Relationship between surface dipole, work function and charge transfer: Some exceptions to an established rule [SCIE#01]T. C. Leung, C. L. Kao, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), Y. J. Feng, and C. T. Chan Physical Review B
2003-11 研討會論文 The effects of tube length and tube-tube distance on the workfunction of carbon nanotube studies by first-principles calculation W. S. Su(蘇萬生), T. C. Leung*, and C. T. Chan
2002-10 研討會論文 Electronic structures of single-wall carbon nanotubes under electric fields W. S. Su(蘇萬生), T. C. Leung*, and C. T. Chan
2001-10 研討會論文 Effect of order overlayer on work function of the W surfaces studied using first-principles calculation T. C. Leung*, C. L. Kao, W. S. Su(蘇萬生), Y. J. Feng, and C. T. Chan
1997-09 其他 第一原理對矽在鋁(111)表面的研究 (First-principles studies of Si on the Al(111) surface) [碩士論文]蘇萬生(Wan-Sheng Su)