

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2023- 期刊論文 Liquidity Premiums, Interest Rate Differentials and Nominal Exchange Rate Prediction Wang, Yi-Chiuan and Jyh-Lin Wu Journal of Forecasting
2023- 期刊論文 Monetary policy transparency and Real Exchange Rate Adjustment Lai, Zheng-Hao and Jyh-Lin Wu Review of International Economics
2022- 期刊論文 Evaluating the Treatment Effect of Hard Pegs: New Wine in Old Bottles Lai, Zheng-Hao and Jyh-Lin Wu Open Economic Review
2022- 期刊論文 Exchange Rate Regimes and Current Account Persistence Tseng, Fu Min and Jyh-Lin Wu The World Economy
2022- 期刊論文 名目匯率制度與實質匯率調非 工業國家之實證研究 王彥惇,賴正豪,吳致寧,曾富民 經濟論文叢刊
2020-05 期刊論文 Revisiting The Persistence of Real Exchange Rates Show-Lin Chen, and Jyh-Lin Wu Journal of International Money and Finance
2018-11 期刊論文 Identifying Exchange Rate Common Factors Greenaway-McGrevy, Ryan, Mark, Nelson, Sul, Donggyu, Wu, Jyh-Lin International Economic Review,
2018-09 期刊論文 Does A Flexible Exchange Rate Regime Increase Inflation Persistence Jo-Wei Wu, Jyh-Lin Wu Journal of International Money and Finance
2018-01 期刊論文 New Evidence on Asymmetric Return-Volume Dependence and Extreme Movements Wang, Yi-Chiuan, Wu, Jyh-lin, Lai, Yi-Hau; 王翊全, 吳致寧, 賴育豪 Journal of Empirical Finance
2017-09 期刊論文 Does the Launch of the Euro Hinder the Current Account Adjustment of the Eurozone Wu, Jo-Wei, Wu, Jyh-Lin 吳若瑋、吳致寧 Economic Inquiry
2017-08 期刊論文 Segmentation of Consumer Markets in the U.S.: What Do Intercity Price Differences Tell Us? Choi, Chi-Young, Murphy, Anthony, Wu, Jyh-Lin Canadian Journal of Economics
2017-06 期刊論文 Conditional PPP and Real Exchange Rate Convergence in the Euro Area Bergin, Paul, Glick, Reuven, Wu, Jyh-Lin Journal of International Money and Finance
2016-06 期刊論文 A Simple Panel Unit-Root Test with Smooth Breaks in the Presence of a Multifactor Error Structure Lee, Chinnan, Wu,Jyh-Lin, Yang, Lixong Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
2015-12 期刊論文 Fundamentals and Exchange Rate Prediction Revisited Wang, Yi-Chiuan, Wu, Jyh-Lin 王翊全,吳致寧 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
2015-01 期刊論文 The Taylor Principle in the Long Run: An Empirical Perspective" Cho, Yu-Hsi, Wu, Jyh-Lin; 周有熙, 吳致寧 Contemporary Economic Policy
2014-11 期刊論文 Mussa Redux and Conditional PPP Bergin, Paul, Glick, Reuven, Wu, Jyh-Lin Journal of Monetary Economics
2014-03 期刊論文 台灣利率法則之估計—即時資料 vs.修正資料 吳若瑋,吳致寧 經濟論文
2013-10 期刊論文 Credit Constraint and the Asymmetric Monetary Policy Effect on House Prices Nan-Kuang Chen, Yu-Hsi Chou, Jyh-Lin Wu; 陳南光, 周有熙, 吳致寧 Pacific Economic Review
2013-07 期刊論文 The Micro-Macro Disconnect of Purchasing Power Parity Bergin, Paul, Glick, Reuven, Wu, Jyh-Lin Review of Economics and Statistics
2013-05 期刊論文 A revisit to the dependence structure between the stock and foreign exchange markets: A dependence-switching copula approach Wang, Yi-Chiuan, Wu, Jyh-Lin, Lai, Yi-Hao;王翊全,吳致寧,賴育豪 Journal of Banking and Finance
2013-01 期刊論文 Fundamentals and Nominal Exchange-Rate Predictability: Evidence from Forecast Combinations Wu, Jyh-Lin, Wang, Yi-Chiuan;吳致寧,王翊全 International Review of Economics and Finance
2012-06 期刊論文 再探台灣匯率制度 吳致寧, 黃惠君, 汪建南, 吳若瑋 經濟論文叢刊
2011-11 期刊論文 Price-Dividend Ratios and Stock Price Predictability Wu, Jyh-Lin Wu, Hu, Yu-Hau; 吳致寧,胡育豪 Journal of Forecasting
2011-09 期刊論文 Can Dividend yields Out-Predict UK’s Stock Return without Short Rates Wu, Jyh-Lin, Hu, Yu-Hau, Lee, Chingnan; 吳致寧,胡育豪,李慶男 Manchester School
2011-09 期刊論文 再論台灣非線性利率法則 吳致寧, 李慶男, 張志揚, 林依伶, 陳佩玗, 林雅淇 經濟論文
2011-07 期刊論文 Home Bias and the Persistence of Real Exchange Rates Chen, Show-Lin, Wu, Jyh-Lin; 陳秀淋,吳致寧 Economic Modeling
2011-06 期刊論文 Further Evidence on Purchasing Power Parity and Country Characteristics Wu, Jyh-Lin, Cheng, Su-Ying, Ho, Han; 吳致寧,程素英,侯瀚, International Review of Economics and Finance
2011-06 期刊論文 淨國外資產部位失衡與金融調整效果 ─ 台灣的實證研究 丁千容, 吳致寧 經濟論文
2011-04 期刊論文 A Re-examination on Dissecting the Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle Wu, Jyh-Lin, Lee, Chingnun, Wang, Tzu-Wei;吳致寧,李慶男,王子惟 Journal of International Money and Finance
2010-11 期刊論文 The Dynamic Impact of Financial Institutions on Economic Growth: Evidence from the European Union Wu, Jyh-Lin , Ho, Han, Cheng, Su-Ying;吳致寧,侯瀚,程素英 Journal of Macroeconomics
2009-12 期刊論文 A Revisit to the Non-linear Mean Reversion of Real Exchange Rates: Evidence from a Series-specific Non-linear Panel Unit-root Test Wu, Jyh-Lin, Lee, Hsiu-Yun;吳致寧,李秀雲 Journal of Macroeconomics
2009-10 期刊論文 New Evidence on Nominal Exchange Rate Predictability Wu, Jyh-Lin, Hu, Yu-Hau;吳致寧,胡育豪 Journal of International Money and Finance
2009-06 期刊論文 Purchasing Power Parity, Productivity Differentials and Non-linearity Wu, Jyh-Lin, Chen, Pe-Fen, Lee, Chingnan;吳致寧,陳佩芬,李慶男 The Manchester School
2008-07 期刊論文 A Revisit on Dissecting the PPP Puzzle: Evidence from A Nonlinear Approach Wu, Jyh-Lin Wu, Chen, Pei-Fen;吳致寧,陳佩芬 Economic Modelling
2006- 期刊論文 Price Indices and Nonlinear Mean_Reversion of Real Exchange Rates Wu, Jyh-Lin Wu*, Chen, Pei-Fen;吳致寧,陳佩芬 Southern Economic Journal
2005-06 期刊論文 A Theory Based, State-dependent Phillips Curve and its Estimation Lee, Shiu-Yun, Wu, Jyh-Lin, Chen, Show-Lin;李秀雲,吳致寧,陳秀淋 Economic Inquiry
2005-02 期刊論文 Long-Run Money Demand Revisited: Evidence from a Nonlinear Approach Chen, Show-Lin, Wu, Jyh-Lin;陳秀淋,吳致寧 Journal of International Money, and Finance
2004-07 期刊論文 Convergence of Interest Rates around the Pacific Rim Shiu-Yun Lee and Jyh-Lin Wu;李秀雲,吳致寧 applied economics
2004- 期刊論文 Are Liquidity Effects Vanishing? – Evidence from a Nonlinear Approach Show-Lin Chen, Li-Ju Tsai, Jyh-Lin Wu;陳秀淋,蔡麗茹,吳致寧 Journal of Macroeconomics
2004- 期刊論文 Are Real Exchange Rates Nonstationary: The Pacific Basin Perspective Jyh-Lin Wu, Li-Ju Tsai, Show-Lin Chen;吳致寧,蔡麗茹,陳秀淋 Journal of Asian Economics
2003- 期刊論文 Sources of Inflation Uncertainty and Real Economic Activity Jyh-Lin Wu, Shaw-Lin Chen and Hsiu-Yun Lee;吳致寧,陳秀淋,李秀雲 Journal of Macroeconomics
2002- 期刊論文 Pitfalls in Using Granger Causality Tests to Find An Engine of Growth Shiu-Yun Lee, Kenneth Lin and Jyh-Lin Wu;李秀雲,林向愷,吳致寧 Applied Economics Letters
2001- 期刊論文 Are Current Account Deficits Sustainable?: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Jyh-lin Wu Economics Letters
2001- 期刊論文 Is Purchasing Power Parity Overvalued? Jyh-Lin Wu and Shaw-Wen Wu Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
2001- 期刊論文 Mean Reversion in Inflation Rates: Evidence from 13 OECD Countries Jyh-Lin Wu and Shiu-Yun Lee;吳致寧,李秀雲 Journal of Macroeconomics
2001- 期刊論文 Mean Reversion of Interest Rates in Eurocurrency Markets Jyh-Lin Wu and Shaw-Lin Chen;吳致寧,陳秀淋 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
2001- 期刊論文 Nominal exchange-Rate Prediction : Evidence from a Nonlinear Approach, Jyh-Lin Wu and Shaw-Lin Chen;吳致寧,陳秀淋 Journal of International Money and Finance
2001- 期刊論文 Real Exchange Rate Prediction Over Short Horizon Jyh-lin Wu and Show-Lin Chen;吳致寧,陳秀淋 Review of International Economics
2000-10 期刊論文 Mean Reversion of the Current Account: Evidence from the Panel Dat Unit-Root Test Jyh-Lin Wu;吳致寧 Economic Letters
2000-09 期刊論文 A Re-examination of Purchasing Power Parity in Japan and Taiwan Jyh-Lin Wu and Shaw-Lin Chen;吳致寧,陳秀淋 Journal of Macroeconomics