

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2023-04 期刊論文 Extended Line Emission in the BCG of Abell 2390 L. Alcorn, H. Yee, L. Drissen, C. Rhea, S. Sivanandam, J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, B.-C. Hsieh, L. Lin, Y.-T. Lin, Q. Liu, A. Muzzin, A. Noble, and I. Pintos-Castro Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2023-04 期刊論文 Galaxy clusters at z~1 imaged by ALMA with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect T. Kitayama, S. Ueda, N. Okabe, T. Akahori, M. Hilton, J. P. Hughes, Y. Ichinohe, K. Kohno, E. Komatsu, Y.-T. Lin, H. Miyatake, M. Oguri, C. Sifón, S. Takakuwa, M. Takizawa, T. Tsutsumi, J. van Marrewijk, and E. J. Wollack Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2023-03 期刊論文 The Spitzer Coverage of HSC-Deep with IRAC for Z studies (SHIRAZ) I: IRAC mosaics M. Annumziatella, A. Sajina, M. Stefanon, D. Marchesini, M. Lacy, I. Labbe ́, L. Houston, R. Bezanson, E. Egami, X. Fan, D. Farrah, J. Greene, A. Goulding, Y.-T. Lin, X. Liu, T. Moutard, Y. Ono, M. Ouchi, M. Sawicki, M. Strauss, J. Surace, and K. Whitaker The Astronomical Journal
2023-02 期刊論文 A New Stellar Mass Proxy for Subhalo Abundance Matching C.-Y. Chuang and Y.-T. Lin The Astrophysical Journal
2023-01 期刊論文 The eROSITA Final Equatorial Survey (eFEDS): X-ray properties of Subaru optically-selected clusters N. Ota, N. T. Nguyen-Dang, I. Mitsuishi, M. Oguri, M. Klein, N. Okabe, M. E. Ramos-Ceja, T. H. Reiprich, F. Pacaud, E. Bulbul, M. Brüggen, A. Liu, K. Migkas, I. Chiu, V. Ghirardini, S. Grandis, Y.-T. Lin, H. Miyatake, S. Miyazaki, and J. S. Sanders Astronomy and Astrophysics
2022-10 期刊論文 A pair of early- and late-forming galaxy cluster samples: A novel way of studying halo assembly bias assisted by a constrained simulation Y.-T. Lin, H. Miyatake, H. Guo, Y.-K. Chiang, K.-F. Chen, T.-W. Lan, and Y.-Y. Chang Astronomy and Astrophysics
2022-10 期刊論文 Subhalo Abundance Matching using Progenitor Mass S. Masaki, D. Kashino, and Y.-T. Lin Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2022-08 期刊論文 Dissecting Nearby Galaxies with piXedfit: II. Spatially Resolved Scaling Relations Among Stars, Dust, and Gas Abdurro'uf, Y.-T. Lin, H. Hirashita, T. Morishita, S. Tacchella, P.-F. Wu, M. Akiyama, and T. Takeuchi The Astrophysical Journal
2022-07 期刊論文 SDSS-IV MaNGA: Cannibalism Caught in the Act - on the Frequency of Occurrence of Multiple Cores in Brightest Cluster Galaxies Y.-H. Hsu, Y.-T. Lin, S. Huang, D. Nelson, V. Rodriguez-Gomez, H.-T. Lai, J. Greene, A. Leauthaud, A. Aragon-Salamanca, K. Bundy, E. Emsellem, M. Merrifield, S. More, N. Okabe, Y. Rong, J. Brownstein, R. Lane, K. Pan, and D. Schneider The Astrophysical Journal
2022-06 期刊論文 MUSUBI (MegaCam Ultra-deep Survey: u∗-Band Imaging)-Data for the COSMOS and SXDS Fields W.-H. Wang, S. Foucaud, B.-C. Hsieh, H.-Y. Jian, L. Lin, Y.-T. Lin, J. Coupon, Y. Hashimoto, M. Ouchi, K. Shimasaku, Y. Ohyama, K. Umetsu, S.-Y. Wang, and T.-C. Chang The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2022-05 期刊論文 The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): A complete census of X-ray properties of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam weak lensing shear-selected clusters in the eFEDS footprint M. Ramos-Ceja, M. Oguri, S. Miyazaki, V. Ghirardini, I.-N. Chiu, N. Okabe, A. Liu, T. Schrabback, D. Akino, Y. Bahar, E. Bulbul, N. Clerc, J. Comparat, S. Grandis, M. Klein, Y.-T. Lin, A. Merloni, I. Mitsuishi, H. Miyatake, S. More, K. Nandra, A. Nishizawa, N. Ota, F. Pacaud, T. Reiprich, and J. Sanders Astronomy and Astrophysics
2022-04 期刊論文 The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data Abdurro'uf et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Supplementary Series
2022-04 期刊論文 Third Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program H. Aihara et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2022-02 期刊論文 Dissecting Nearby Galaxies with piXedfit: I. Spatially Resolved Properties of Stars, Dust, and Gas as Revealed by Panchromatic SED Fitting Abdurro’uf, Y.-T. Lin, H. Hirashita, T. Morishita, S. Tacchella, M. Akiyama, T. Takeuchi, and P.-F. Wu The Astrophysical Journal
2022-01 期刊論文 On the constraints of galaxy assembly bias in velocity space K. McCarthy, Z. Zheng, H. Guo, W. Luo, and Y.-T. Lin Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2021-11 期刊論文 Brightest cluster galaxies are statistically special from z=0.3 to z=1 R. Dalal, M. Strauss, T. Sunayama, M. Oguri, Y.-T. Lin, S. Huang, Y. Park, M. Takada Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2021-10 期刊論文 Identifying AGN Host Galaxies by Machine Learning with HSC+WISE Y.-Y. Chang, B.-C. Hsieh, W.-H. Wang, Y.-T. Lin, C.-F. Lim, Y. Toba, and Y. Zhong The Astrophysical Journal
2021-08 期刊論文 Angular clustering and host halo properties of [OII] emitters at z>1 in the Subaru HSC survey T. Okumura, M. Hayashi, I.-N. Chiu, Y.-T. Lin, K. Osato, B.-C. Hsieh, and S.-C. Lin Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2021-06 期刊論文 Understanding X-ray and optical selection of galaxy clusters: a comparison of the XXL and CAMIRA cluster catalogues obtained in the common XXL-HSC SSP area J. Willis, M. Oguri, M. Ramos-Ceja, F. Gastaldello, M. Sereno, C. Adami, S. Alis, B. Altieri, L. Chiappetti, P. Corasaniti, D. Eckert, S. Ettori, C. Garrel, P. Giles, J.-P. Lefevre, L. Faccioli, S. Fotopoulou, A. Hamabada, E. Koulouridis, M. Lieu, Y.-T. Lin, B. Maughan, A. Nishizawa, T. Okabe, N. Okabe, F. Pacaud, S. Paltani, M. Pierre, M. Plionis, B. Poggianti, E. Pompei, T. Sadibekova, K. Umetsu, and P. Valageas Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2021-05 期刊論文 Introducing piXedfit: A Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting Code Designed for Resolved Sources Abdurro’uf, Y.-T. Lin, P.-F. Wu, and M. Akiyama The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2021-05 期刊論文 Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam excavates colossal over- and underdense structures over 360 deg2 out to z=1 R. Shimakawa, Y. Higuchi, M. Shirasaki, M. Tanaka, Y.-T. Lin, M. Hayashi, R. Momose, C.-H. Lee, H. Kusakabe, T. Kodama, and N. Yamamoto Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2021-03 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of >4000 Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters M. Hilton et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2021-02 期刊論文 Active gas features in three HSC-SSP CAMIRA clusters revealed by high angular resolution analysis of MUSTANG-2 SZE and XXL X-ray observations N. Okabe, S. Dicker, D. Eckert, T. Mroczkowski, F. Gastaldello, Y.-T. Lin, M. Devlin, C. Romero, M. Birkinshaw, C. Sarazin, C. Horellou, T. Kitayama, K. Umetsu, M. Sereno, B. Mason, J. ZuHone, A. Honda, H. Akamatsu, I.-N. Chiu, K. Kohno, K.-Y. Lin, E. Medezin- ski, S. Miyazaki, I. Mitsuishi, A. J. Nishizawa, M. Oguri, N. Ota, F. Pacaud, M. Pierre, J. Sievers, V. Smolcic, S. Stanchfield, K. Tanaka, R. Yamamoto, C. Yang, and A. Yoshida Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2021-02 期刊論文 Evolution of the grain size distribution in Milky Way-like galaxies in post-processed IllustrisTNG simulations Y.-H. Huang, H. Hirashita, Y.-H. Hsu, Y.-T. Lin, D. Nelson, and A. Cooper Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2021-02 期刊論文 SITELLE Hα Imaging Spectroscopy of z∼0.25 Clusters: Emission-line Galaxy Detection and Ionized Gas Offset in Abell 2390 and Abell 2465 Q. Liu, H. Yee, L. Drissen, S. Sivanandam, I. Pintos-Castro, L. Alcorn, B.-H. Hsieh, L. Lin, Y.-T. Lin, A. Muzzin, A. Noble, L. Old The Astrophysical Journal
2021-01 期刊論文 A comparative study of satellite galaxies in Milky Way-like galaxies from HSC, DECaLS, and SDSS W. Wang, M. Takada, X. Li, S. Carlsten, T.-W. Lan, J. Shi, H. Miyatake, S. More, R. Beaton, R. Lupton, Y.-T. Lin, T. Qiu, W. Luo Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2020-10 期刊論文 A 16 deg2 survey of emission-line galaxies at z < 1.6 from HSC-SSP PDR2 and CHORUS M. Hayashi, R. Shimakawa, M. Tanaka, M. Onodera, Y. Koyama, A. Inoue, Y. Komiyama, C.-H. Lee, Y.-T. Lin, and K. Yabe Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2020-10 期刊論文 A clustering-based self-calibration of the richness-to-mass relation of CAMIRA galaxy clusters out to z=1.1 in the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey I.-N. Chiu, T. Okumura, M. Oguri, A. Agrawal, K. Umetsu, and Y.-T. Lin Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society
2020-10 期刊論文 Weak lensing clusters from HSC survey first-year data: Mitigating the dilution effect of foreground and cluster member galaxies T. Hamana, M. Shirasaki, and Y.-T. Lin Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan
2020-08 期刊論文 SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES) IV: Spatial clustering and halo masses of 450-micron-selected sub-millimeter galaxies C.-F. Lim, C.-C. Chen, W.-H. Wang, W.-L. Tee, I. Smail, Y.-T. Lin, D. Scott, Y. Toba, Y.-Y. Chang, Y. Ao, A. Babul, A. Baker, S. Chapman, D. Clements, C. Conselice, Y. Gao, T. Greve, L. C. Ho, S. Hong, H. S. Hwang, M. Koprowski, M. Michałowski, H. Shim, X. Shu, and J. Simpson The Astrophysical Journal
2020-08 期刊論文 The UV Luminosity Function of Protoclusters at z~4: the Bright-end Excess and the Enhanced Star Formation Rate Density K. Ito, N. Kashikawa, J. Toshikawa, R. Overzier, M. Kubo, H. Uchiyama, Y. Liang, M. Onoue, M. Tanaka, Y. Komiyama, C.-H. Lee, Y.-T. Lin, M. Marinello, C. Martin, and T. Shibuya The Astrophysical Journal
2020-03 期刊論文 Mass Bias of Weak Lensing Shear-selected Galaxy Cluster Samples K.-F. Chen, M. Oguri, Y.-T. Lin, and S. Miyazaki The Astrophysical Journal
2020-02 期刊論文 A VLT/SINFONI study of black hole growth in high redshift radio-loud quasars from the CARLA survey M. Marinello, R. A. Overzier, H. Ro ̈ttgering, J. Kurk, C. de Breuck, J. Vernet, D. Wylezalek, D. Stern, K. Duncan, N. Hatch, N. Kashikawa, Y.-T. Lin, R. Nemmen, and A. Saxena Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2019-10 期刊論文 SILVERRUSH. VIII. Spectroscopic Identifications of Early Large-scale Structures with Protoclusters over 200 Mpc at z~6-7: Strong Associations of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies Y. Harikane, M. Ouchi, Y. Ono, S. Fujimoto, D. Donevski, T. Shibuya, A. Faisst, T. Goto, B. Hatsukade, N. Kashikawa, K. Kohno, T. Hashimoto, R. Higuchi, A. Inoue, Y.-T. Lin, C. Martin, R. Overzier, I. Smail, J. Toshikawa, H. Umehata, Y. Ao, S. Chapman, D. Clements, M. Im, Y. Jing, T. Kawaguchi, C.-H. Lee, M. Lee, L. Lin, Y. Matsuoka, M. Marinello, T. Na- gao, M. Onodera, S. Toft, and W.-H. Wang The Astrophysical Journal
2019-10 期刊論文 Second Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program H. Aihara et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2019-09 期刊論文 The whole picture of the large-scale structure of the CL1604 supercluster at z∼0.9 M. Hayashi, Y. Koyama, T. Kodama, Y. Komiyama, Y.-T. Lin, S. Miyazaki, R. Shimakawa, T. Suzuki, I. Tanaka, M. Yamamoto, and N. Yamamoto Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2019-02 期刊論文 The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA Derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools and Stellar Library D. Aguado et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2019-02 期刊論文 The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey. I: Survey Overview and a Catalog of >2000 Galaxy Clusters at z~1 A. H. Gonzalez, D. P. Gettings, M. Brodwin, S. A. Stanford, D. Wylezalek, B. Decker, P. R. M. Eisenhardt, D. P. Marrone, E. Moravec, C. O’Donnell, B. Stalder, D. Stern, Z. Abdulla, G. Brown, J. Carlstrom, K. C. Chambers, B. Hayden, Y.-T. Lin, E. Magnier, F. Masci, A. B. Mantz, M. McDonald, W. Mo, S. Perlmutter, E. L. Wright, and G. R. Zeimann The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2018-10 期刊論文 A Detection of the Environmental Dependence of the Sizes and Stellar Haloes of Massive Central Galaxies S. Huang, A. Leauthaud, J. Greene, K. Bundy, Y.-T. Lin, M. Tanaka, R. Mandelbaum, S. Miyazaki, and Y. Komiyama Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2018-05 期刊論文 An Analysis Framework for Understanding the Origin of Nuclear Activity in Low-Power Radio Galaxies Yen-Ting Lin, Hung-Jin Huang, and Yen-Chi Chen The Astronomical Journal
2018-04 期刊論文 Individual stellar haloes of massive galaxies measured to 100 kpc at z=0.3-0.5 using Hyper Suprime-Cam S. Huang, A. Leauthaud, J. Greene, K. Bundy, Y.-T. Lin, M. Tanaka, S. Miyazaki, and Y. Komiyama Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2018-01 期刊論文 An optically-selected cluster catalog at redshift z=0.1-1.1 from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A data M. Oguri, Y.-T. Lin, S.-C. Lin, A.J. Nishizawa, A. More, S. More, B.-C. Hsieh, E. Medezinski, H. Miyatake, H.-Y. Jian, L. Lin, M. Takada, N. Okabe, J. Speagle, J. Coupon, A. Leauthaud, R. Lupton, S. Miyazaki, P. Price, M. Tanaka, I.-N. Chiu, Y. Komiyama, Y. Okura, M.M. Tanaka, and T. Usuda Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 A 16 deg^2 survey of emission-line galaxies at z<1.5 in HSC-SSP Public Data Release 1 M. Hayashi, M. Tanaka, R. Shimakawa, H. Furusawa, R. Momose, J. Silverman, T. Kodama, Y. Komiyama, Y. Koyama, A. Leauthaud, Y.-T. Lin, S. Miyazaki, T. Nagao, A. Nishizawa, M. Ouchi, T. Shibuya, K. Tadaki, and K. Yabe Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 A large sample of shear-selected clusters from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A Wide field mass maps S. Miyazaki, M. Oguri, T. Hamana, M. Shirasaki, M. Koike, Y. Komiyama, K. Umetsu, Y. Utsumi, N. Okabe, S. More, E. Medezinski, Y.-T. Lin, H. Miyatake, H. Murayama, N. Ota, and I. Mitsuishi Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program H. Aihara et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 First results on the cluster galaxy population from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. II. Faint end color-magnitude diagrams and radial profiles of red and blue galaxies at z=0.1-1.1 A. Nishizawa, M. Oguri, T. Oogi, S. More, M. Takada, T. Nishimichi, M. Nagashima, N. Bahcall, J. Coupon, S. Huang, H.-Y. Jian, Y. Komiyama, A. Leauthaud, L. Lin, Y.-T. Lin, R. Mandelbaum, H. Miyatake, S. Miyazaki, M. Strauss, and M. Tanaka Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 GOLDRUSH. II. Clustering of galaxies at z~4-6 revealed with the half-million dropouts over the 100 deg^2 area corresponding to 1 Gpc^3 Y. Harikane, M. Ouchi, Y. Ono, S. Saito, P. Behroozi, S. More, K. Shimasaku, J. Toshikawa, Y.-T. Lin, M. Akiyama, J. Coupon, Y. Komiyama, A. Konno, S.-C. Lin, S. Miyazaki, A. J. Nishizawa, T. Shibuya, and J. Silverman Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 GOLDRUSH. III. A systematic search for protoclusters at z~4 based on the >100 deg^2 area J. Toshikawa, H. Uchiyama, N. Kashikawa, M. Ouchi, R. Overzier, Y. Ono, Y. Harikane, S. Ishikawa, T. Kodama, Y. Matsuda, Y.-T. Lin, M. Onoue, M. Tanaka, T. Nagao, M. Akiyama, Y. Komiyama, T. Goto, and C.-H. Lee Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 Luminous quasars do not live in the most overdense regions of galaxies at z~4 H. Uchiyama, J. Toshikawa, N. Kashikawa, R. Overzier, Y.-K. Chiang, M. Tanaka, Y. Niino, S. Ishikawa, M. Onoue, K. Ichikawa, M. Akiyama, J. Coupon, Y. Harikane, M. Imanishi, T. Kodama, Y. Komiyama, C. H. Lee, Y.-T. Lin, S. Miyazaki, T. Nagao, A. Nishizawa, Y. Ono, M. Ouchi, M. Strauss, and S.-Y. Wang Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 Multiwavelength study of X-ray luminous clusters in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program S16A field K. Miyaoka, N. Okabe, T. Kitaguchi, M. Oguri, Y. Fukuzawa, E. Medezinski, R. Mandelbaum, A. Nishizawa, T. Hamana, Y.-T. Lin, H. Akamatsu, Y. Fujita, Y. Ichinohe, Y. Komiyama, T. Sasaki, M. Takizawa, S. Ueda, K. Umetsu, J. Coupon, C. Hikage, A. Hoshino, A. Leauthaud, K. Matsushita, K. Mitsuishi, H. Miyatake, S. Miyazaki, S. More, K. Nakazawa, N. Ota, K. Sato, D. Spergel, T. Tamura, M. Tanaka, M. Tanaka, and Y. Utsumi Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich cluster mass calibration using Hyper Suprime-Cam weak lensing E. Medezinski, N. Battaglia, K. Umetsu, M. Oguri, H. Miyatake, A. Nishizawa, C. Sifon, D. Spergel, I.-N. Chiu, Y.-T. Lin, N. Bahcall, and Y. Komiyama Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2018-01 期刊論文 SDSS-IV MaNGA: Uncovering the Angular Momentum Content of Central and Satellite Early-type Galaxies J. Greene, A. Leauthaud, E. Emsellem, J. Ge, A. Aragon-Salamanca, J. Greco, Y.-T. Lin, S. Mao, K. Masters, M. Merrifield, S. More, N. Okabe, D. Schneider, D. Thomas, D. Wake, K. Pan, D. Bizyaev, D. Oravetz, and A. Simmons The Astrophysical Journal
2018-01 期刊論文 The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and survey design H. Aihara et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
2017-12 期刊論文 First Results on the Cluster Galaxy Population from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey. III. Brightest Cluster Galaxies, Stellar Mass Distribution, and Active Galaxies Y.-T. Lin, B.-C. Hsieh, S.-C. Lin, M. Oguri, K.-F. Chen, M. Tanaka, I.-N. Chiu, S. Huang, T. Kodama, A. Leauthaud, S. More, A. Nishizawa, K. Bundy, L. Lin, and S. Miyazaki The Astrophysical Journal
2017-12 期刊論文 SDSS-IV MaNGA: Probing the Kinematic Morphology–Density Relation of Early-type Galaxies with MaNGA J. E. Greene, A. Leauthaud, E. Emsellem, D. Goddard, J. Ge, B. H. Andrews, J. Brinkman, J. R. Brownstein, J. P. Greco, D. Law, Y.-T. Lin, K. L. Masters, M. Merrifield, S. More, N. Okabe, D. P. Schneider, D. Thomas, D. A. Wake, R. Yan, N. Drory The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2017-12 期刊論文 The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory F. Albareti et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2017-07 期刊論文 Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies and the Distant Universe M. Blanton et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astronomical Journal
2017-07 期刊論文 VICS82: The VISTA-CFHT Stripe 82 Near-Infrared Survey J. Geach, Y.-T. Lin, M. Makler, J.-P. Kneib, N. Ross, W.-H. Wang, B.-C. Hsieh, A. Leauthaud, K. Bundy, H. J. McCracken, J. Comparat, G. Caminha, P. Hudelot, L. Lin, L. Van Waerbeke, M. Pereira, and D. Mast The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2016-12 期刊論文 SPIDERS: the Spectroscopic Follow-up of X-ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies in SDSS-IV N. Clerc et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2016-07 期刊論文 SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey J. Timlin et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2016-04 期刊論文 Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z=0-7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data Y. Harikane et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal
2016-03 期刊論文 On Detecting Halo Assembly Bias with Galaxy Populations Yen-Ting Lin, Rachel Mandelbaum, Yun-Hsin Huang, Hung-Jin Huang, Neal Dalal, Benedikt Diemer, Hung-Yu Jian, and Andrey Kravtsov The Astrophysical Journal
2016-02 期刊論文 First-Generation Science Cases for Ground-Based Terahertz Telescopes H. Hirashita et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan
2016-02 期刊論文 The SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Overview and Early Data K. Dawson et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astronomical Journal
2015-12 期刊論文 The z<1.2 Optical Luminosity Function and the Evolving Mass Growth Rate of Galaxies Richard Beare, Michael Brown, Kevin Pimbblet, Fuyan Bian, and Yen-Ting Lin The Astrophysical Journal
2015-11 期刊論文 The Stripe 82 Massive Galaxy Project I: Catalog Construction Kevin Bundy, Alexie Leauthaud, Shun Saito, Adam Bolton, Yen-Ting Lin, Claudia Maraston, Robert Nichol, Donald Schneider, Daniel Thomas, and David Wake The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2015-10 期刊論文 The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey: MOO J1142+1527, A 10^15 Msun Galaxy Cluster at z=1.19 A. Gonzalez et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2015-09 期刊論文 The Red Radio Ring: a Gravitationally Lensed Hyperluminous Infrared Radio Galaxy at z=2.553 Discovered through Citizen Science J. Geach et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2015-03 期刊論文 Inferring the dark matter halo masses of individual galaxies from neighboring galaxy counts Masamune Oguri and Yen-Ting Lin The Astrophysical Journal
2015-01 期刊論文 Stellar mass assembly of brightest cluster galaxies at late times Takahiro Inagaki, Yen-Ting Lin, Hung-Jin Huang, Bau-Ching Hsieh, and Naoshi Sugiyama Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2014-11 期刊論文 A Measurement of the Millimeter Emission and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Associated with Low-Frequency Radio Sources M. Gralla et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2014-08 期刊論文 Star Formation at z=4-6 from the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH) C. Steinhardt et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) The Astrophysical Journal Letters
2014-01 期刊論文 The Evolution of Dust-Obscured Star Formation Activity in Galaxy Clusters Relative to the Field Over the Last 9 Billion Years: a Herschel SPIRE Stacking Analysis S. Alberts, A. Pope, M. Brodwin, D. Atlee, Y.-T. Lin, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2013-12 期刊論文 Modeling Color-Dependent Galaxy Clustering in Dissipationless Simulations Shogo Masaki, Yen-Ting Lin, and Naoki Yoshida Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2013-11 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: the stellar content of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect selected galaxy clusters M. Hilton et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2013-10 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological parameters from three seasons of data J. Sievers et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
2013-07 期刊論文 The Stellar Mass Growth of Brightest Cluster Galaxies in the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey Yen-Ting Lin, Mark Brodwin, Anthony Gonzalez, Paul Bode, Peter Eisenhardt, Adam Stanford, and Alexey Vikhlinin Astrophysical Journal
2013-04 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Relation Between Galaxy Cluster Optical Richness and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect N. Sehgal et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2013-03 期刊論文 Subaru Weak-Lensing Measurement of a z=0.81 Cluster Discovered by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Survey H. Miyatake et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2013-01 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Data Characterization and Map Making R. Dunner et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2012-10 期刊論文 A UV Ultra-Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z=2.78 in NDWFS Bootes Field F. Bian, X. Fan, L. Jiang, A. Dey, R. Green, R. Maiolino, F. Walter, I. McGreer, R. Wang, Y.-T. Lin Astrophysical Journal
2012-09 期刊論文 The Blanco Cosmology Survey: Data Acquisition, Processing, Calibration, Quality Diagnostics and Data Release S. Desai et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2012-07 期刊論文 Detection of Galaxy Cluster Motions with the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect N. Hand* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Physical Review Letters
2012-05 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: High-Resolution SZA Observations of ACT SZE-selected Clusters from the Equatorial Strip E. D. Reese* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2012-01 期刊論文 Baryon Content of Galaxy Clusters at z=0-0.6 Yen-Ting Lin*, S. Adam Stanford, Peter R. M. Eisenhardt, Alexey Vikhlinin, Ben J. Maughan, and Andrey Kravtsov Astrophysical Journal Letters
2012-01 期刊論文 Correlations in the (Sub)millimeter background from ACTxBLAST A. Hajian* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-12 期刊論文 Galaxies in X-ray Groups I: Robust Membership Assignment and the Impact of Group Environments on Quenching M. George* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-11 期刊論文 The serendipitous observation of a gravitationally lensed galaxy at z=0.9052 from the Blanco Cosmology Survey: The Elliot Arc E. J. Buckley-Geer* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-10 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Calibration with WMAP using Cross-Correlations A. Hajian* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-09 期刊論文 SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems D. Eisenstein* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astronomical Journal
2011-09 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological Parameters from the 2008 Power Spectrum J. Dunkley* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-08 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Selected Galaxy Clusters at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey T. Marriage* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-07 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Detection of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement in Groups and Clusters Associated with Luminous Red Galaxies N. Hand* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-06 期刊論文 A Multiband Study of the Galaxy Populations of the first four Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect-Selected Galaxy Clusters A. Zenteno* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-05 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmology from Galaxy Clusters detected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect N. Sehgal* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-04 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Extragalactic Sources at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey T. A. Marriage*, J. B. Juin, Y.-T. Lin et al. Astrophysical Journal
2011-04 期刊論文 The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III H. Aihara* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2011-03 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum at 148 and 218 GHz from the 2008 Southern Survey S. Das* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2011-02 期刊論文 The Clustering of Massive Galaxies at z~0.5 from the First Semester of BOSS Data M. White* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2010-12 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT): Beam Profiles and First SZ Cluster Maps A. Hincks* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
2010-11 期刊論文 On the Populations of Radio Galaxies with Extended Morphology at z<0.3 Yen-Ting Lin*, Yue Shen, Michael A. Strauss, Gordon T. Richards, and Ragnhild Lunnan Astrophysical Journal
2010-11 期刊論文 Optical Redshift and Richness Estimates for Galaxy Clusters Selected with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from 2008 South Pole Telescope Observations F. High* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2010-11 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Physical Properties and Purity of a Galaxy Cluster Sample Selected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect F. Menanteau* et al. (Including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2010-10 期刊論文 The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the 600 < ell < 8000 Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum at 148 GHz J. Fowler* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2010-06 期刊論文 A New Test of the Statistical Nature of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies Yen-Ting Lin*, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, and Christopher J. Miller Astrophysical Journal
2010-02 期刊論文 Simulations of the Microwave Sky N. Sehgal*, P. Bode, S. Das, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo, K. Huffenberger, Y.-T. Lin, J. Ostriker, and H. Trac Astrophysical Journal
2009-06 期刊論文 Luminous Red Galaxy Population in Clusters at z=0.2-0.6 Shirley Ho*, Yen-Ting Lin, David N. Spergel, and Chris Hirata Astrophysical Journal
2009-06 期刊論文 Quasar Clustering from SDSS DR5: Dependences on Physical Properties Y. Shen*, M.A. Strauss, N.P. Ross, P.B. Hall, Y.-T. Lin, G.T. Richards, D.P. Schneider, D.H. Weinberg, A.J. Connolly, X. Fan, J.F. Hennawi, F. Shankar, D.E. Vanden Berk, N.A. Bahcall, R.J. Brunner Astrophysical Journal
2009-04 期刊論文 Spectral Energy Distribution of Radio Sources in Nearby Clusters of Galaxies: Implications for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Surveys Y.-T. Lin*, R.B. Partridge, J. Pober, K. El Bouchefry, S. Burke, J. Klein, J. Coish, and K. Huffenberger Astrophysical Journal
2007-06 期刊論文 Missing Thermal Energy of the Intracluster Medium Niayesh Afshordi*, Yen-Ting Lin, Daisuke Nagai, and Alastair J. R. Sanderson Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
2007-05 期刊論文 Radio Sources in Galaxy Clusters: Radial Distribution, 1.4GHz and K-band Bivariate Luminosity Function Yen-Ting Lin* and Joseph J. Mohr Astrophysical Journal Supplementary Series
2006-10 期刊論文 Evolution of the K-band Galaxy Cluster Luminosity Function and Scaling Relations Yen-Ting Lin*, Joseph J. Mohr, Anthony H. Gonzalez, and S. Adam Stanford Astrophysical Journal Letters
2006-03 期刊論文 A Beginner's Guide to the Theory of CMB Temperature and Polarization Power Spectra in the Line-of-Sight Formalism Yen-Ting Lin* and Benjamin D. Wandelt Astroparticle Physics
2006-03 期刊論文 The FLAMINGOS Extragalactic Survey R.J. Elston* et al. (including Y.-T. Lin) Astrophysical Journal
2005-08 期刊論文 WMAP constraints on the Intracluster Medium Niayesh Afshordi*, Yen-Ting Lin, and Alastair J. R. Sanderson Astrophysical Journal
2004-12 期刊論文 K-band Properties of Galaxy Clusters and Groups: Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Intracluster Light Yen-Ting Lin* and Joseph J. Mohr Astrophysical Journal
2004-08 期刊論文 K-band Properties of Galaxy Clusters and Groups: Luminosity Function, Radial Distribution and Halo Occupation Number Yen-Ting Lin*, Joseph J. Mohr, and S. Adam Stanford Astrophysical Journal
2003-07 期刊論文 Analysis of Clumps in Molecular Cloud Models: Mass Spectrum, Shapes, Alignment, and Rotation Chares F. Gammie*, Yen-Ting Lin, James M. Stone, and Eve C. Ostriker Astrophysical Journal
2003-07 期刊論文 Near-Infrared Properties of Galaxy Clusters: Luminosity as a Binding Mass Predictor and the State of Cluster Baryons Yen-Ting Lin*, Joseph J. Mohr, and S. Adam Stanford Astrophysical Journal
2003-01 期刊論文 Cosmological Implications of the BIMA 30 GHz Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Galaxy Cluster Survey Yen-Ting Lin* and Joseph J. Mohr Astrophysical Journal