

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-12 期刊論文 Microstructure and performances of MoN/CrMoNbi-layer coatings Chih-Fu Yang, Chih-Chung Hu, Chih-Tsung Chang, Chun-Chih Hsu, Kun-Yuan Lin, Chun-Yao Hsu Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
2024-08 期刊論文 Laser wafer dicing process optimization using the Taguchi approac Chih-Fu Yang,Chih-Tsung Chang,Rui-Teng Wang,Jin-Yih Kao and Chun-Yao Hsu Journal of Laser Applications
2024-07 期刊論文 Relationship of SSVEP response between flash frequency conditions Chih-Tsung Chang*,Kai-Jun Pai,Chun-Hui Huangc,Chia-Yi Choua,Kun-Wei Liua, and Hong-Bo Lin Progress in Brain Research
2024-07 研討會論文 Design and Implementation of Digital Controlled DC-DC Step-Down Converter Yi-Chieh Hsu, Chih-Tsung Chang, Jin-Jia Liu, Bo-Heng Lu, Hong-Ming Lin
2024-07 研討會論文 Innovative Approaches for Economically Viable Microbial Fuel Cell Systems Utilizing Recycled Materials and Activated Carbon Technology Chih-Tsung Chang, Yi-Chieh Hsu, Chia-Yi Chou and Shih-Chieh Hsu
2024-06 期刊論文 Develop asymmetric, interference-free and excellent heat-dissipation CPU cooler Chih-Fu Yang, Chih-Tsung Chang, Yuan-Nan Tsai, Yu-Hsiang Ting, Chun-Yao Hsu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
2024-06 期刊論文 Optimizing user experience in SSVEP-BCI systems Chih-Tsung Chang*, Kai-Jun Pai, Chun-Hui Huang, Chia-Yi Chou, Kun-Wei Liu, and Hong-Bo Lin Progress in Brain Research
2024-01 期刊論文 Effects of Various Cross-linked Collagen Scaffolds on wound healing in Rats Model by Deep-learning CNN method Chih-Tsung Chang*,Chun-Hui Huang Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
2023-06 期刊論文 The hemostatic effect and wound healing of novel collagen-containing polyester dressing Chih-Tsung Chang* Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition
2023-02 期刊論文 A SIL E-learning System Based on SCORM for special education on sport CHIH-FU YANG, Meng-Yun Chung, Ming-Hung Chang, Ching-Chuan Luo, Yi-Chih Tung, and Chang, Chih-Tsung* International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
2021-12 期刊論文 The Human—Unmanned Aerial Vehicle SystemBased on SSVEP— Brain Computer Interface Ming-An Chung, Chia-Wei Lin and Chih-Tsung Chang* Electronics
2021-12 研討會論文 Controlling the Electric Wheelchair Using the Occlusal Myoelectric Signal Chih-Tsung Chang , Lon-Chen Hung , Fu-Hua Xu
2021-12 研討會論文 Remote Control the Drone with SSVEP Chih-Tsung Chang , Lon-Chen Hung , Chih-Wei Li
2021-11 研討會論文 AIOT智能拐杖 張志聰* ,陳聖文,高家凱.
2021-10 期刊論文 Novel method of multi-frequency flicker to stimulate SSVEP and frequency recognition Chih-Tsung Chang* and Chun-Hui Huang Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
2020-12 研討會論文 以穿戴式手環監測心律生理訊號用於控制智慧型住宅燈具 張志聰* ,鄭智豪.
2017-10 期刊論文 A novel method for the detection of VEP signals from frontal region Chih-Tsung Chang* and Christina Huang International Journal of Neuroscience
2017-01 期刊論文 Variable delay digital comb filter extraction of weak phase signals for SSVEP Chih-Tsung Chang* Po-Lei Lee and En-Hung Lin Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
2012-12 期刊論文 Use of Finite Light Sources to Develop Continuous-Phase Visual Optics Jyun-Jie Sie ; Yu-Ju Liu ; Chih-Tsung Chang ; En-Hung Lin ; Po-Lei Lee ; Kuo-Kai Shyu IEEE Photonics
2012-12 研討會論文 雙頻三相位刺激穩態視覺誘發電位 張志聰