

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2021-07 期刊論文 Mobile Service Co-innovation and Service Performance: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective Luo, M.M., Chen, Y. C. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
2021-07 研討會論文 Human-Computer Interaction Factors and Mobile Game Satisfaction: A Cross Culture Study. Luo,M.M.*
2021-05 期刊論文 Trust and Closeness: A Mixed Method for Understanding the Relationship of Social Network Users Yang, L., Wang, X., & Luo, M.M. Journal of International Technology and Information Management
2021-01 研討會論文 Factors Affecting Negative E-WOM: A Literature Review and Merged Model. Luo, M. M.*,& Chih-Chia Chien
2021-01 研討會論文 Trust and Closeness: A Mixed Method for Understanding the Relationship of Social Network Users Lei Yang, Xue Wang, Luo, M. M.*
2020-11 專書 Technology Acceptance Of Information Services Luo, M. M.* Services for Science and Education Ltd
2020-09 期刊論文 Wiki use for knowledge integration and learning: A three tier conceptualization Luo, M. M.*, & Chea, S. Computers & Education
2020-06 期刊論文 Online Game and Social Identity: An Empirical study Luo M.M.*, & Liao, J. International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS)
2020-04 期刊論文 Facebook EWOM Marketing Strategy: A Social Support Theory Perspective Luo, M. M.*, Chen, M. W., Chea, S. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
2020-02 研討會論文 Online Game and Social Identity: An Empirical study Luo, M. M.*, & Jerome Liao
2019-12 期刊論文 從社會臨埸感理論探討LINE貼圖之溝通滿意度之研究 羅美玲*, & 黃育琪。 電子商務研究
Electronic Commerce Studies
2019-01 期刊論文 Let's Google: Uncertainty and bilingual search Luo, M. M.*, & Nahl, D. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
2019-01 研討會論文 Pleasantness, Activation, and Negative Affectivity: A Test of Extended UTAUT Model Chea, S., & Luo, M. M.*
2018-08 研討會論文 E-Commerce and Social Media Use in Cambodia Luo, M. M.*, & Chea, S.
2018-06 期刊論文 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT: THE CASE OF NTT DOCOMO Luo, M. M.* International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS)
2018-02 研討會論文 Customer Experience Management: The Case of NTT DoCoMo Luo, M. M.*
2018-01 期刊論文 Cognitive appraisal of incident handling, affects, and post-adoption behaviors: A test of affective events theory Luo, M. M.*, & Chea, S. International Journal of Information Management
2018-01 專書論文 E-service Adoption: The Three Q Model Luo M.M.* Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 594
2018-01 研討會論文 Internet Use in Cambodia: A media Dependency Theory Perspective Luo, M. M.*
2017-09 研討會論文 The Effects of Team Cues, Cognitive Collaboration, and Knowledge Integration in Wiki Supported Learning Environment. Luo, M. M.*
2017-08 研討會論文 E-Services: An Experience Centric Perspective Chea, S. & Luo, M. M.*
2017-07 專書論文 The Effect of Social Rewards and Perceived Effectiveness of e-Commerce Institutional Mechanisms on Intention to Group Buying Luo M.M.*, & Chea S. Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 498
2017-07 研討會論文 E- Service Adoption: The Three Q Model Luo, M. M.*
2017-06 期刊論文 數位策略:全球化的供需經濟模式 羅美玲*, & 高佳薇。 電子商務研究
Electronic Commerce Studies
2017-04 期刊論文 Internet Village Motoman Project in Rural Cambodia: Bridging the Digital Divide Luo, M.M.* and Chea, S. Information Technology & People
2017-01 期刊論文 Factors influencing Online Shoppers’ Repurchase Intentions: The Roles of Satisfaction and Regret Liao C., Lin H.N., Luo, M. M., Chea, S. Information & Management
2017-01 研討會論文 Customer Experience Management: The 4 P’s of e-Marketing in M-Commerce Context Luo, M. M.*
2016-07 研討會論文 The Effect of Social Rewards and Perceived Effectiveness of E-commerce Institutional Mechanisms on Intention to Group Buying Luo, M.M.* & Chea, S.
2016-06 研討會論文 Post-Adoption Behavior of Digital Media: The Merge of U&G Theory and Affect Event Theory Luo, M.M.*, Chea, S., & Bui, T.
2015-07 期刊論文 Conceptualization of Online Experience Sophea Chea, Margaret M. Luo Open Journal of Social Sciences
2015-07 研討會論文 Conceptualization and design framework for online experience. Chea, S. & Luo, M. M.*
2015-07 研討會論文 Mobile Service Co-innovation and Service Performance: A Cross Industry Study. Chen, J., Chen, Y. C. & Luo, M. M.*
2014-09 期刊論文 Uses and Gratifications and Acceptance of Web-based Information Services: An Integrated Model Luo, M. M.* & Remus, W. Computers in Human Behavior
2013-06 期刊論文 Continuance Intention of Information Technology Users: The Impact of Perceived Enjoyment, Habit, and User Involvement on Blogs Shiau, W. L. & Luo, M. M.* Behaviour & Information Technology
2012-12 期刊論文 Factors Affecting Online Group Buying Intention and Satisfaction: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective Shiau, W. L. & Luo, M. M.* Computers in Human Behavior
2012-07 研討會論文 Affects and Post-Adoption Behaviors of Blog Users Luo, M.M.*, Chea, S., Chen, J. & Chen, S. C.
2012-07 研討會論文 How Do Web Events Impede E-Service Use Luo, M.M.*, Chen, J. & Lin, P.Y.
2012-07 研討會論文 Uncertainty and online information seeking Luo, M.M.*, Chea, S., & Chen, J.
2012-01 研討會論文 Revitalizing the P’s of e-Marketing with Customer Experience Management Chea, S., Tung X. B., & Luo, M. M.*
2011-07 期刊論文 An Examination of the Effects of Virtual Experiential Marketing on Online Customer Intentions and Loyalty Luo, M. M.*, Chen, J. S., Chin, R. K. H., & Liu, C. C. The Service Industries Journal
2011-04 期刊論文 Web-Based Information Service Adoption: A Comparison of the Motivational Model and the Uses and Gratifications Theory Luo, M. M.*, Chea, S., & Chen, J. S. Decision Support Systems
2011-01 研討會論文 Uncertainty, Affect, and Information Search Luo, M. M.*, Nahl, D., & Chea, S.
2010-08 研討會論文 Psychological Ownership toward Blog Entry, Social Presence, and Satisfaction in an E-learning Environment Chea, S., & Luo, M. M.*
2010-07 研討會論文 Continuance Intention of Blog Users: The Impact of Perceived Enjoyment and User Involvement Shiau, W. L., & Luo, M. M.*
2009-08 研討會論文 E-Service Customer Retention: An Affective Events Theory Perspective Chea, S.& Luo, M. M.*
2009-07 研討會論文 Affect in Technology Acceptance Theory Luo, M. M.* & Remus, W.
2009-07 研討會論文 Information Quality, System Quality, and Cognitive Absorption: Exploring the Acceptance of Information Services Luo, M. M.*, Chea, S., & Chen, J.
2009-01 研討會論文 If You Build It, They Will Use: Usage Motivations and Unintended Effects of the Internet Village Motoman Project in Rural Cambodia Chea, S., Luo, M. M.*, & Bui, T. X.
2008-12 研討會論文 Bolg and Students Learning of an IT Topic: The Role of Social Presence and Psychological Ownership Luo, M. M.*
2008-01 期刊論文 Post-Adoption Behaviors of E-service Customers: The Interplay of Cognition and Emotion Chea, S., & Luo, M. M.* International Journal of Electronic Commerce
2008-01 研討會論文 Virtual Experiential Marketing on Online Customer Intentions and Loyalty Chen, J. S., Ching, R. K. H., Luo, M. M.*, & Liu, C. C.
2007-01 期刊論文 Technology Acceptance of the Lonely Planet Website: An Exploratory Study Luo, M. M.*, Remus, W., & Sheldon, P. J. Information Technology & Tourism
2007-01 研討會論文 Cognition, Emotion, Satisfaction, and Post-Adoption Behaviors of E-service Customers Chea, S., & Luo, M. M.*
2006-12 期刊論文 E-service Customer Retention: The Role of Negative Affectivity and Perceived Switching Cost Chea, S., & Luo, M. M.* Journal of Information Science and Technology (JIST)
2006-08 研討會論文 Technology Acceptance of Internet-based Information Services: An Integrated Model of TAM and U&G Theory Luo, M. M.*, Remus, W., & Chea, S.
2006-06 研討會論文 Technology Acceptance of Travel Service Website: An Exploratory Study Luo, M. M.*, Remus, W., & Sheldon, P. J.
2005-12 研討會論文 Users as Social Actors: The Case of Internet Village Motoman Project in Rural Cambodia Luo, M.M.*
2005-08 研討會論文 E-service Customer Retention: The Role of Negative Affectivity and Perceived Switching Cost Chea, S., & Luo, M. M.*
2004-05 研討會論文 The Effect of Combined-Language Search Strategy on Users' Search Experience Luo, M. M.*