出版年月 | 著作類別 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
2024-12 | 期刊論文 | The synergistic effect of green innovation and governance in carbon neutrality: Insights from Japanese companies | Krishnamurthy Baskar Keerthana, Shih-Wei Wu, Thangavelu Kokulnathan, Mu-En Wu | Business strategy and the environment |
2024-08 | 期刊論文 | Integrating Structured and Unstructured Data with BERTopic and Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Predictive Model for Mortality in ICU Heart Failure Patients | Wu, S.-W.; Li, C.; Chien, T.-N.; Chu, C.-M. | Applied Sciences |
2023-07 | 期刊論文 | The Impact of Corporate Internal Factors on CSR Reports Disclosure Behavior in the Taiwanese Electronic Industry | Chia-Ming Wu, Shih-Wei Wu, Wen-Ta Wu | International review of accounting, banking, and finance |
2023-06 | 期刊論文 | 綠電爭議解決之鑰-中租創造太陽能的共享價值 | 吳斯偉,楊謹華 |
產業與管理論壇 Industry and Management Forum |
2023-05 | 期刊論文 | Is it good to hold more cash before the pandemic? A case of Taiwanese firms | Shih-Wei Wu, Manh-Thao Nguyen, Ngoc Thuy Mai, Jung-Fa Tsai | Heliyon |
2022-10 | 期刊論文 | The Relation between CSR and Financial Performance under Crisis: The Mediating Effect of Foreign Investment | Wu, S. W., Wu, Chia-Ming and Yi-Ling Chen | International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance |
2022-08 | 期刊論文 | Does loan growth impact on bank risk? | Shih-Wei Wu, Manh-Thao Nguyen, Phi-Hung Nguyen | Heliyon |
2021-12 | 期刊論文 | 卜蜂企業-社會許可經營與企業社會責任 | 吳斯偉、楊謹華、湯偉民 |
中山管理評論 Sun Yat-Sen Management Review |
2021-11 | 期刊論文 | The impact of national culture on IPO underpricing and its influence mechanism: A cross-border empirical research | Zhou, X* , Tang, X , Wu, S. W. | Finance Research Letters |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 以動態網絡資料包絡分析法衡量台灣產險業之經營績效 | 吳斯偉、柯子禔 | |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 企業社會責任與公司治理評鑑於公司債券信用利差的影響 | 吳斯偉、張容銓 | |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 利用企業社會責任預測財務困境以─台灣市場為例 | 吳斯偉、尹選成 | |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 探索影響ICO投資報酬率因素之研究 | 張瑋倫、吳斯偉、蔡欣倫 | |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 海運承攬業之效率評估-資料包絡分析法與Tobit之應用 | 吳斯偉、羅晟恩 | |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 疫情影響下國內本土銀行績效評估-運用動態差額變數資料包絡分析法 | 吳斯偉、陳鈺棋 | |
2021-06 | 研討會論文 | 跨界聯名對品牌及企業之影響 | 吳斯偉、彭侑葳 | |
2021-01 | 期刊論文 | Determinant of Smartphone Purchase Intention of the Office Staffs in the North of Vietnam | Thi, D. T. N., Wu, S. W., Hoang, T. T. | Research Journal of Finance and Accounting |
2020-06 | 期刊論文 | 食品安全事件關注對於味全公司股票影響:頂新個案研究 | 吳斯偉、楊謹華 | 政策與人力管理 |
2020-06 | 研討會論文 | Study on the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Listed Banks in China | 吳斯偉、顏禕凡 | |
2020-06 | 研討會論文 | 企業社會責任對在台銀行之投資人情緒對股價指數之影響 | 吳斯偉、范哲瑋 | |
2020-06 | 研討會論文 | 銀行企業社會責任與財務績效關聯性 | 吳斯偉、楊子慶 | |
2018-11 | 期刊論文 | The systematic biases in decision making in the mutual-fund markets: market states and disposition effect | Wu, S. W.*, Dutta, J., and Huang, C. Y. | Cogent Economics and Finance |
2018-10 | 期刊論文 | The influence of cultural distance on the volatility of the international stock market | Zhou, X., Gui, Y., Wu, S. W., and Wang, W. | Economic Modelling |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | All air-conditioned bus service that runs for the METRO route in Belize City | Wu Shih Wei、Enoc Hercules | |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | An analysis on Belize’s Strategic Competencies and Business Strategy to attract Foreign Direct Investment from Taiwan’s Perspective | Wu Shih Wei、Esther N. Carcamo | |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | Business Plan: Fitness Center in Belgium | Wu Shih Wei、Amandine Chantal Cécile Bertolini | |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | Taiwanese National Health Insurance (NHI) as Example for Portuguese National Health System (NHS) | Wu Shih Wei、Paulo Sergio Duarte Rodrigues | |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | 企業社會責任對資金成本與財務績效之影響-以中國能源業為例 | 吳斯偉、黃柏翰 | |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | 探討股權結構,控制權力以及外部董事監督對家族企業多角化之影響 | 吳斯偉、黃紹瑄、呂怜樺 | |
2018-06 | 研討會論文 | 網際網路消費者購買行為分析—以化妝品為例 | 吳斯偉、邱胤潔 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | An Analysis on Belize’s Strategic Competencies and Business Strategy to attract Foreign Direct Investment from Taiwan’s Perspective | 吳斯偉,Esther Carcamo | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | Understanding Indonesian Millennial: The Influence of Country of Origin Effect, Perceived Quality, and Perceived Price towards ASUS Smartphone Purchase Intention | 吳斯偉,Hana Kurniawati | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 不同型態之投資人對企業社會責任績效表現之關聯性研究 | 吳斯偉,張瑋真 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 境外假日對澳門博弈企業股票之假日效果 | 吳斯偉,陳清泉 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 影響蒙古銀行業客戶滿意度的因素 | 吳斯偉,杜光美 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 探討O2O電子商務中影響消費者滿意度與忠誠度之因素 | 吳斯偉,江宜庭 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 探討網路銀行使用滿意度之研究-以資訊系統成功模型驗證 | 吳斯偉,陳業旻 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 消費者從事網路口碑傳播行為探討之研究 | 吳斯偉,李曉宣 | |
2017-06 | 研討會論文 | 蒙古銀行業危機之探討 | 吳斯偉,柏揚 | |
2016-07 | 研討會論文 | An Empirical Study on the Investor Overconfidence of China Stock Market | Chao, C.M.*, Wu, S. W., Yu, Y.T. | |
2016-07 | 研討會論文 | The Effect of Rating Reports of Foreign Institutions on the Trading Behavior of Investors in the Bear Market or Bull Market | Chao, C.M.*, Wu, S. W., Hsu, Y.S. | |
2016-06 | 研討會論文 | 中國企業之企業社會責任對財務績效之影響 | 吳斯偉,沈瑞哲 | |
2016-06 | 研討會論文 | 品牌形象、服務品質、顧客滿意度對於購買意願之影 響–以永慶房屋為例 | 吳斯偉,吳文琪 | |
2016-06 | 研討會論文 | 服務品質、企業形象、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研 究:以 A 商業銀行為例 | 吳斯偉,游凱傑 | |
2016-06 | 研討會論文 | 服務品質、顧客滿意度、再購意願之研究-以 U 咖啡為例 | 吳斯偉,傅俊立 | |
2016-06 | 研討會論文 | 知覺品質與知覺價值對於顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度之影響: 以歐克法自家烘焙咖啡為例 | 吳斯偉,陳建名 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 中國企業之企業社會責任對財務績效之影響 | 吳斯偉,何佳融 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 以風險與報酬為基底之現金股利決策:生命週期理論之新實證方法 | 吳斯偉,劉姿君 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 企業社會責任與資金成本:大陸股票市場之實證研究 | 吳斯偉,陳怡伶 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 假日效應對中國航運業股價報酬與波動性之影響 | 吳斯偉,李定宇 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 台灣銀行服務品質、顧客滿意度、口碑對顧客再購意願之研究 | 吳斯偉,黃素華 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 品牌形象及知覺價值對顧客再購意願之研究 | 吳斯偉,楊秀妍 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 服務失誤類型與尷尬程度對顧客自利性偏誤之影響:視頻實驗之應用 | 吳斯偉,吳振維 | |
2015-06 | 研討會論文 | 雷射測速儀產業之創新商業模式-以T公司為例 | 吳斯偉,蔡瑤昇,黃瓊璋,吳國棟 | |
2014-09 | 期刊論文 | Advantage Management Strategy in Competition via Technological Race Perspective: Empirical Evidence from the Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry | Tsu-Yi Hung, Yu-Ju Hsiao, and Shih-Wei Wu* | The Scientific World Journal |
2014-07 | 研討會論文 | Framing effects in Taiwan stock market investors | Wu, S. W.,* and Chuang, C. C. | |
2014-07 | 研討會論文 | Stock market returns, corporate characteristics, and corporate governance in overall stock market slump | Chao, C.M.*, Wu, S. W., and Chen, C. I. | |
2014-06 | 研討會論文 | 台指賣權與權證定價之比較 | 吳斯偉,駱武昌,葉虹志 | |
2014-06 | 研討會論文 | 台灣期貨商經營績效之評估 | 吳斯偉, 蔡榮發, 鄭暐達 | |
2014-06 | 研討會論文 | 台灣共同基金投資人處分效果之研究 | 吳斯偉, 王若竹 | |
2014-06 | 研討會論文 | 真空鍍膜產業商業模式之探討-以L公司為例 | 吳斯偉, 劉木道, 蔡瑤昇 | |
2014-01 | 期刊論文 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital: an Empirical Study in the Taiwan Stock Market | SHIH-WEI WU; FENGYI LIN; CHIA-MING WU | EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE |
2013-07 | 研討會論文 | A STUDY OF THE INVESTORS’ PSYCHOLOGICAL BIASES | Shih-Wei Wu, Yi-Ju Wu | |
2013-07 | 研討會論文 | An Experimental and Simulated Trading Game Study on Overconfidence | Wu Shih-wei, Lin Fengyi,Wu Chia-ming | |
2013-07 | 研討會論文 | Investors’ Reactions to Rating Reports of Foreign Institutions - Evidence from the Electronics Industry | Chuang-Min Chao, Shih-Wei Wu,Chin-yu Hsu | |
2013-06 | 研討會論文 | A產後護理之家創業個案分析 | 吳斯偉,廖森貴,李昀澔 | |
2013-06 | 研討會論文 | 半導體通路商經營關鍵成功因素探討 -以加值服務型通路商為例 | 吳斯偉,廖森貴,林永義 | |
2013-05 | 研討會論文 | 台灣共同基金特徵、經理人個人特徵對基金從眾之關係探討 | 吳斯偉,陳志杰 | |
2013-05 | 研討會論文 | 基金投資人行為之處分效果─以國內共同基金為例 | 黃欽裕,吳斯偉 | |
2012-12 | 期刊論文 | Earnings management and investor’s stock return | Shih-Wei Wu , Fengyi Lin* , and Wenchang Fang | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade |
2012-12 | 研討會論文 | 一般大眾自身條件與行為偏誤之研究 | 吳斯偉,王妙心,李慈玲,林鈺茹,涂敏玉,黃暉雅 | |
2012-12 | 研討會論文 | 影響速食消費者滿意度與忠誠度因素之研究-以大台北摩斯漢堡為例 | 吳斯偉,林家儒,張文齡,傅子寧,蕭佩芸 | |
2012-07 | 研討會論文 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital: an Empirical Study in the Taiwan Stock Market | Wu, Shih-wei*, Wu, Chia-ming,Lin, Fengyi | |
2012-06 | 期刊論文 | A Study on Taiwanese Corporate Social Responsibility and Ownership Structures | SHIH-WEI WU, FENGYI LIN*, and CHIAMING WU | Corporate Ownership and Control |
2012-06 | 研討會論文 | 創新育成中心服務品質與進駐企業期望落差之探討 | 吳斯偉,薛竣文,廖森貴 | |
2012-06 | 研討會論文 | 國中小補習班經營關鍵成功因素之研究 | 吳斯偉,陳信漳,廖森貴 | |
2012-06 | 研討會論文 | 服務品質與價格知覺對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度影響之研究-以現金運送保全產業T公司為例 | 吳斯偉,翁宗賢,廖森貴 | |
2011-09 | 期刊論文 | 台灣、歐洲與美國股市間波動外溢效果 | 駱武昌, 吳明珊*,吳斯偉 | 會計與財金研究 |
2011-07 | 研討會論文 | Earnings Management, stock performance, and investors' behavior | Shih-wei Wu, Fengyi Lin*, | |
2009-07 | 研討會論文 | Do Investors’ behaviour induced by the earnings management? | Fengyi Lin;Shih-Wei Wu*;Soushan Wu | |
2009-05 | 其他 | Ownership Structure and the Performance of Firms: Evidence from Taiwan | Jen-Ying Shih*;Wun-Hwa Chen;Shih-Wei Wu | |
2008-09 | 專書 | The Overconfident Behaviour of Investors in the Taiwan Stock Market | Shih-wei Wu* | |
2008-05 | 期刊論文 | Overconfidence in judgements: the evidence, the implications and the limitations | 吳斯偉(SHIH-WEI WU),Johnson J. E. V., Sung M. C. | Journal of Prediction Markets |
2007-08 | 研討會論文 | Individual investors’ behaviour: empirical and experimental approach | Wu,Shih-wei* and Johnson, Johnnie |