

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2023-10 期刊論文 Kinetics of the Color-Fading Reaction of Phenolphthalein in Alkaline Solution Studied with a Simple and Economical Device Guan-Jie Luo, Pei-Hsuan Wu, Ming-Le Lin, Fang-Fei Chou, Jim Jr-Min Lin Journal of Chemical Education
2022-11 期刊論文 Building an oxidation reactor in Taiwan: From volatile organic compounds to secondary organic aerosols Yen‐Hsiu Lin, Yen‐Ju Wu, Jim Jr‐Min Lin* Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
2022- 期刊論文 Absolute photodissociation cross sections of thermalized methyl vinyl ketone oxide and methacrolein oxide Lin Yen-Hsiu, Takahashi Kaito, Lin Jim Jr-Min Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2021-09 期刊論文 A new approach to determine the absolute photodissociation cross section of molecules in a cell Lin Yen‐Hsiu, Lin Jim Jr‐Min* Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
2021-07 期刊論文 Substituent Effect in the Reactions between Criegee Intermediates and 3-Aminopropanol Kuo Mei-Tsan, Yang Jie-Ning, Lin Jim Jr-Min*, Takahashi Kaito* The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2021-02 期刊論文 Surprisingly long lifetime of methacrolein oxide, an isoprene derived Criegee intermediate, under humid conditions Lin Yen-Hsiu, Yin Cangtao, Takahashi Kaito, Lin Jim Jr-Min* Communications Chemistry
2020-11 期刊論文 Kinetics of Unimolecular Decay of Methyl Vinyl Ketone Oxide, an Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediate, under Atmospherically Relevant Conditions Yen-Hsiu Lin, Chung-Hsin Yang, Kaito Takahashi and Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2020-11 期刊論文 Kinetics of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) reactions with isoprene-derived Criegee intermediates studied with direct UV absorption Mei-Tsan Kuo, Isabelle Weber, Christa Fittschen, Luc Vereecken, Jim Jr-Min Lin ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2020-08 期刊論文 Reactions of Criegee Intermediates are Enhanced by Hydrogen‐Atom Relay Through Molecular Design Mei‐Tsan Kuo, Kaito Takahashi, and Jim Jr‐Min Lin CHEMPHYSCHEM
2020-08 期刊論文 Temperature‐dependent kinetics of the simplest Criegee intermediate reaction with dimethyl sulfoxide Yu‐Lin Li, Chun‐Yu Lin, Yen‐Hsiu Lin, and Jim Jr‐Min Lin JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2020-06 期刊論文 The role of the iodine-atom adduct in the synthesis and kinetics of methyl vinyl ketone oxide—a resonance-stabilized Criegee intermediate Yen-Hsiu Lin, Yu-Lin Li, Wen Chao, Kaito Takahashi, Jim Jr-Min Lin PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2020-04 期刊論文 First direct kinetic measurements and theoretical predictions of an isoprene-derived Criegee intermediate with implications for aerosol formation R. L. Caravan, M. F. Vansco, K. Au, M. A. H. Khan, Y.-L. Li, F. A. F. Winiberg, K. Zuraski, Y.-H. Lin, W. Chao, N. Trongsiriwat, P. J. Walsh, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, J. J.-M. Lin, D. E. Shallcross, L. Sheps, S. J. Klippenstein, C. A. Taatjes and M. I. Lester PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
2020-02 期刊論文 Unimolecular decomposition rates of a methyl-substituted Criegee intermediate syn-CH3CHOO Yu-Lin Li, Mei-Tsan Kuo, Jim Jr-Min Lin* RSC ADVANCES
2019-09 期刊論文 Effects of Water Vapor on the Reaction of CH2OO with NH3 Wen Chao, Cangtao Yin, Kaito Takahashi, Jim Jr-Min Lin* PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2019-09 期刊論文 Hydrogen-Bonding Mediated Reactions of Criegee Intermediates in the Gas Phase -- The Competition between Bimolecular and Termolecular Reactions and the Catalytic Role of Water Wen Chao, Cangtao Yin, Kaito Takahashi, Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2019-06 期刊論文 Temperature and isotope effects in the reaction of CH3CHOO with methanol Wen Chao, Yen-Hsiu Lin, Cangtao Yin, Wei-Hong Lin, Kaito Takahashi* and Jim Jr-Min Lin* Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
2019-02 期刊論文 Water Vapor Does Not Catalyze the Reaction between Methanol and OH Radicals Wen Chao, Jim Jr-Min Lin, Kaito Takahashi, Alexandre Tomas, Lu Yu, Yoshizumi Kajii, Sebastien Batut, Coralie Schoemaecker, and Christa Fittschen* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
2019-01 期刊論文 Synergy of Water and Ammonia Hydrogen Bonding in a Gas-Phase Reaction Wen Chao, Cangtao Yin, Yu-Lin Li, Kaito Takahashi,* and Jim Jr-Min Lin* J. Phys. Chem. A
2019- 期刊論文 Temperature-Dependent Rate Coefficient for the Reaction of CH3SH with the Simplest Criegee Intermediate Li Yu-Lin, Lin Yen-Hsiu, Yin Cangtao, Takahashi Kaito*, Chiang Che-Yu, Chang Yuan-Pin*, Lin Jim Jr-Min The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2018-12 期刊論文 Criegee Intermediate Reaction with Alcohol Is Enhanced by a Single Water Molecule Yen-Hsiu Lin, Cangtao Yin, Wei-Hong Lin, Yu-Lin Li, Kaito Takahashi*, Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2018-10 期刊論文 Absolute Infrared Absorption Cross Section of the Simplest Criegee Intermediate Near 1285.7 cm–1 Yuan-Pin Chang,* Yu-Lin Li, Meng-Ling Liu, Ting-Chun Ou, and Jim Jr-Min Lin J. Phys. Chem. A
2018- 期刊論文 Kinetics of the simplest Criegee intermediate reaction with ozone studied using a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser spectrometer Yuan-Pin Chang, Hsun-Hui Chang and Jim Jr-Min Lin PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2017- 期刊論文 High resolution quantum cascade laser spectroscopy of the simplest Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, between 1273 cm−1 and 1290 cm−1 Chang Yuan-Pin*, Merer Anthony J.*, Chang Hsun-Hui, Jhang Li-Ji, Chao Wen, Lin Jim Jr-Min The Journal of Chemical Physics
2017- 期刊論文 Reactivity of Criegee Intermediates toward Carbon Dioxide Lin Yen-Hsiu, Takahashi Kaito, Lin Jim Jr-Min* The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2017- 期刊論文 Structure-dependent reactivity of Criegee intermediates studied with spectroscopic methods Jr-Min Lin Jim, Chao Wen Chemical Society Reviews
2017- 期刊論文 Temperature-Dependent Rate Coefficients for the Reaction of CH2OO with Hydrogen Sulfide Smith Mica C., Chao Wen, Kumar Manoj, Francisco Joseph S., Takahashi Kaito, Lin Jim Jr-Min* The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2017- 期刊論文 UV Spectrum of the Simplest Deuterated Criegee Intermediate CD2 OO Ting Allen Wei-Lun, Lin Jim Jr-Min Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
2016-03 期刊論文 Unimolecular Decomposition Rate of the Criegee Intermediate (CH3)2COO Measured Directly with UV Absorption Spectroscopy Mica C. Smith, Wen Chao, Kaito Takahashi, Kristie A. Boering, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2016- 期刊論文 Absolute UV absorption cross sections of dimethyl substituted Criegee intermediate (CH3)2COO Chang Yuan-Pin, Chang Chun-Hung, Takahashi Kaito, Lin Jim Jr-Min Chemical Physics Letters
2016- 期刊論文 Temperature dependence of the reaction of anti-CH3CHOO with water vapor Lin Liang-Chun, Chao Wen, Chang Chun-Hung, Takahashi Kaito, Lin Jim Jr-Min Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
2015-07 期刊論文 Kinetics of a Criegee intermediate that would survive high humidity and may oxidize atmospheric SO2 Hao-Li Huang, Wen Chao and Jim Jr-Min Lin PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
2015-06 期刊論文 Strong Negative Temperature Dependence of the Simplest Criegee Intermediate CH2OO Reaction with Water Dimer Mica C. Smith, Chun-Hung Chang, Wen Chao, Liang-Chun Lin, Kaito Takahashi, Kristie A. Boering, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2015-01 期刊論文 Direct kinetic measurement of the reaction of the simplest Criegee intermediate with water vapor Wen Chao, Jun-Ting Hsieh, Chun-Hung Chang, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* SCIENCE
2015- 期刊論文 Electronic quenching of O(1 D) by Xe: Oscillations in the product angular distribution and their dependence on collision energy Lauren A. Garofalo, Mica C. Smith, Paul J. Dagdigian, Jacek Kłos, Millard H. Alexander, Kristie A. Boering, Jim Jr-Min Lin JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2014-09 期刊論文 Detailed mechanism of the CH2I+O2 reaction: Yield and self-reaction of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO Wei-Lun Ting, Chun-Hung Chang, Yu-Fang Lee, Hiroyuki Matsui, Yuan-Pern Lee*, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2014-08 期刊論文 The non-statistical dynamics of the 18O+32O2 isotope exchange reaction at two energies Annalise L. Van Wyngarden, Kathleen A. Mar, Jim Quach, Anh P.Q. Nguyen, Aaron A. Wiegel, Shi-Ying Lin, Gyorgy Lendvay, Hua Guo, Jim J. Lin, Yuan T. Lee, and Kristie A. Boering JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2014-08 期刊論文 UV absorption spectrum of the C2 Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO Mica C. Smith, Wei-Lun Ting, Chun-Hung Chang, Kaito Takahashi, Kristie A. Boering, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2014-04 期刊論文 The UV absorption spectrum of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO Wei-Lun Ting, Ying-Hsuan Chen, Wen Chao, Mica C. Smith, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2013-08 期刊論文 Formation of NO3 in the Photolysis of N2O5 Man-Nung Su, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES
2013-08 期刊論文 Note: a transient absorption spectrometer using an ultra bright laser-driven light source Man-Nung Su, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS
2012-11 期刊論文 Does Ozone-Water Complex Produce Additional OH Radicals in the Atmosphere? Bing Jin, Man-Nung Su, and Jim J. Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2012-04 期刊論文 Photofragmentation Translational Spectroscopy of Methyl Azide (CH3N3) Photolysis at 193 nm: Molecular and Radical Channel Product Branching ratio Quinto-Hernandez, Jeremie Doehla, Wen-Tsung Huang, Chien-Yu Lien, Wei-Yen Lin, Jim Jr-Min Lin, and Alec M. Wodtke J. Phys. Chem. A
2012-04 期刊論文 Photoproduct Channels from BrCD2CD2OH at 193 nm and the HDO + Vinyl Products from the CD2CD2OH Radical Intermediate Caroline C. Womack, Britni J. Ratliff, Laurie J. Butler, Shih-Huang Lee, and Jim Jr-Min Lin J. Phys. Chem. A
2011-10 研討會論文 Probe Unstable Species with Synchrotron Radiation Jim Jr-Min Lin
2011-09 期刊論文 Dynamics of Reactions between Two Closed-shell Molecules Jim J. Lin* PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2011-09 期刊論文 Photolysis Cross Section of Ozone Dimer I-Cheng Chen, Andrew F Chen, Wen-Tsung Huang, Kaito Takahashi and Jim J. Lin* CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL
2011-08 研討會論文 How the Ozone Hole is Formed Jim Jr-Min Lin
2011-07 期刊論文 UV Photolysis of ClOOCl and the Ozone Hole Jim J. Lin*, Andrew F Chen, and Yuan T. Lee CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL
2011-06 研討會論文 Photochemistry of ClOOCl and Formation of the Ozone Hole Jim Jr-Min Lin
2011-05 期刊論文 Double methyl substitution in simple alkenes leads to low-barrier reactions towards molecular fluorine Zhi-Qiang Li, Chen-Hsun Tsai, Andrew F Chen, Yu-Ju Lu, and Jim J. Lin* CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS
2011-01 期刊論文 Photodissociation dynamics of ClOOCl at 248.4 and 308.4 nm Wen-Tsung Huang, Andrew F. Chen, I-Cheng Chen, Chen-Hsun Tsai, and Jim Jr-Min Lin* PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2010-03 研討會論文 Photolysis of ClOOCl and the Ozone Hole Controversy Jim Jr-Min Lin
2010-01 期刊論文 Photodissociation Cross Section of ClOOCl at 330 nm Bing Jin, I-Cheng Chen, Wen-Tsung Huang, Chien-Yu Lien, Nikhil Guchhait, and Jim J. Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2009-11 期刊論文 Photodissociation cross sections of ClOOCl at 248.4 and 266 nm Chien-Yu Lien, Wei-Yen Lin, Hsueh-Ying Chen, Wen-Tsung Huang, Bing Jin, I-Cheng Chen, and Jim J. Lin* JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2009-05 期刊論文 UV Absorption Cross Sections of ClOOCl Are Consistent with Ozone Degradation Models Hsueh-Ying Chen, Chien-Yu Lien, Wei-Yen Lin, Yuan T. Lee, and Jim J. Lin* SCIENCE
2009-02 期刊論文 Dynamics of the F2 reaction with propene: the effect of methyl substitution Jing-Wen Fang, Tingxian Xie, Hsueh-Ying Chen, Yu-Ju Lu, Yuan T. Lee, and Jim J. Lin* JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2009-01 期刊論文 Barrierless Reactions between Two Closed-shell Molecules. II. Dynamics of F2 + CH3SSCH3 Reaction H.-C. Shao, T. Xie, Y.-J. Lu, C.-H. Chang, J.-W. Pan, and J. J. Lin* JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2008-11 期刊論文 Dynamics of Reactions O(1D) + C6H6 and C6D6 Hui-Fen Chen, Chi-Wei Liang, Jim J. Lin, Yuan-Pern Lee, J. F. Ogilvie, Z. F. Xu, and M. C. Lin The Journal of Chemical Physics
2008-11 期刊論文 Exploring the dynamics of reaction N+SiH4 with crossed molecular-beam experiments and quantum-chemical calculations I-C. Lu , W.-K. Chen , C. Chaudhuri , W.-J. Huang , J. J. Lin and S.-H. Lee I.-Chung Lu, Wei-Kan Chen, Chanchal Chaudhuri, Wen-Jian Huang, Jim J. Lin, and Shih-Huang Lee The Journal of Chemical Physics
2008-08 期刊論文 Investigation of the O+allyl addition/elimination reaction pathways from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate Benjamin L. FitzPatrick, Kai-Chung Lau, Laurie J. Butler, Shih-Huang Lee, and Jim Jr-Min Lin The Journal of Chemical Physics
2008-05 期刊論文 Dynamics of the F2 reaction with the simplest pi-bonding molecul Y.-J. Lu, T. Xie, J.-W. Fang, H.-C. Shao, and J. J. Lin JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2008-03 期刊論文 Barrierless reactions between two closed-shell molecules. I. Dynamics of F2+CH3SCH3 reaction Yu-Ju Lu, Lance Lee, Jun-Wei Pan, Tingxian Xie, Henryk A. Witek and Jim Jr-Min Lin JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2007-08 期刊論文 Determining the Partial Photoionization Cross Sections of Ethyl Radicals B. L. FitzPatrick, M. Maienschein-Cline, L. J. Butler, S. -H. Lee, and J. J. Lin J. Phys. Chem. A
2007-02 期刊論文 Nonstatistical Behavior of Reactive Scattering in the 18O+32O2 Isotope Exchange Reaction A. Van Wyngarden, K. Mar, K. Boering, J. J. Lin, Y. T. Lee, S. Y. Lin, H. Guo, and G. Lendvay J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2007-01 期刊論文 The simplest all-nitrogen ring: Photolytically filling the cyclic-N3 well Peter C. Samartzis, Jim Jr-Min Lin, Tao-Tsung Ching, Chanchal Chaudhuri, Shih-Huang Lee and Alec M. Wodtke The Journal of Chemical Physics
2007- 期刊論文 Dynamics of the F2 + CH3SCH3 reaction―A molecule-molecule reaction without entrance barrier Yu-Ju Lu, Lance Lee, Jun-Wei Pan, Henryk A. Witek and Jim Jr-Min Lin J. Chem. Phys.
2006-10 期刊論文 Collision-free photochemistry of methylazide: Observation of unimolecular decomposition of singlet methylnitrene C. Larson, Y. Ji, P. Samartzis, A. M. Wodtke, S.-H. Lee, J. J. Lin, C. Chaudhuri and T.-T. Ching The Journal of Chemical Physics
2006-10 期刊論文 The bending vibrational levels of the acetylene cation: A case study of the Renner-Teller effect in a molecule with two degenerate bending vibrations Sheunn-Jiun Tang, Yung-Ching Chou, Jim Jr-Min Lin and Yen-Chu Hsu The Journal of Chemical Physics
2006-10 期刊論文 Unimolecular dissociation of the propargyl radical intermediate of the CH+C2H2 and C+C2H3 reactions L. R. McCunn, B. L. FitzPatrick, M. J. Krisch, L. J. Butler, C.-W. Liang and J. J. Lin The Journal of Chemical Physics
2006-06 期刊論文 The heat of formation of chlorine-isocyanate and the relative stability of isoelectronic molecules: An experimental and theoretical study Y. Ji, P. Bobadova-Parvanova, C. Larson, P. C. Samartzis, K. Morokuma, J. J. Lin, T.-T. Ching, C. Chaudhuri, S.-H. Lee and A. M. Wodtke The Journal of Chemical Physics
2006-03 期刊論文 Rotationally selected product pair correlation: F + CD4 →DF(v’) + CD3(v2= 0 and 2, N) J.-G. Zhou, W.-C. Shiu, J. J. Lin and K. Liu The Journal of Chemical Physics
2006- 期刊論文 Crossed molecular beam studies on the reaction dynamics of O(1D) + N2O Y.-J. Lu, C.-W. Liang and J.J. Lin J. Chem. Phys.
2005-11 期刊論文 Unimolecular Dissociation of the CH3OCO Radical:  An Intermediate in the CH3O + CO Reaction L. R. McCunn, K. C. Lau, M. J. Krisch, L. J. Butler, J.-W. Tsung and J. J. Lin J. Phys. Chem. A
2005-08 期刊論文 Two photoionization thresholds of N3 produced by ClN3 photodissociation at 248 nm: Further evidence for cyclic N3 P. C. Samartzis, J. J. Lin, T.-T. Ching, C. Chaudhuri, Y. T. Lee, S.-H. Lee and A. M. Wodtke The Journal of Chemical Physics
2005-06 期刊論文 Selective ionization of photofragments using tunable radiation from a synchrotron S. H. Lee, J. J. Lin, and Y. T. Lee Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
2005-04 期刊論文 Mode correlation of product pairs in the reaction OH+CD4→HOD+CD3 B.-L. Zhang, W.-C. Shiu, J. J. Lin, and K. Liu J. Chem. Phys.
2004-07 期刊論文 Observation of a reactive resonance in the integral cross section of a six-atom reaction: F + CHD3 J.-G. Zhou, J. J. Lin, K. Liu J. Chem. Phys.
2004-05 期刊論文 Energy Dependence of Oxygen Isotope Exchange and Quenching in the O(1D) + CO2 Reaction: A Crossed Molecular Beam Study M. J. Perri, A. L. Van Wyngarden, J. J. Lin, Y. T. Lee, and K. A. J. Phys. Chem.
2004-03 期刊論文 Reactive Resonance in a Polyatomic Reaction 林志民* 劉國平* Physical Review Letters
2004-02 期刊論文 On the Cl*(2P1/2) reactivity and the effect of bend excitation in the Cl + CH4/CD4 reactions J.-G. Zhou, J. J. Lin, B.-L. Zhang, K. Liu J. Phys. Chem.
2004-02 期刊論文 Rotationally selected product pair correlation in F+CD4→DF(ν′)+CD3(ν = 0,N) J.-G. Zhou, W.-C. Shiu, J. J. Lin, and K. Liu J. Chem. Phys.
2004-01 期刊論文 Imaging the pair-correlated excitation function: The F+CH4→HF(v′)+CH3(ν = 0) reaction W.-C. Hsu, J. J. Lin, K. Liu, M. Wu, D. H. Parker J. Chem. Phys
2004- 期刊論文 Imaging the Pair-Correlated Excitation Functions: the F + CH4 HF(v’) + CH3(v=0) Reaction. W.C. Hsu, J.J. Lin* and K. Liu* J. Chem. Phys.
2003-10 期刊論文 Dynamics of the O (1D)+ CO2 oxygen isotope exchange reaction M. J. Perri, A. L. Van Wyngarden, K. A. Boering, J. J. Lin, Y. T. Lee J. Chem. Phys.
2003-10 期刊論文 Mode-correlated product pairs in the F+CHD3→DF+CHD2 reaction J.-G. Zhou, J. J. Lin, K. Liu J. Chem. Phys.
2003-09 期刊論文 Insights into dynamics of the F+CD4 reaction via product pair correlation J.-G. Zhou, J. J. Lin, W.-C. Hsu, and K. Liu J. Chem. Phys.
2003-05 期刊論文 Crossed-beam scattering of F+ CD→ DF+ CD (νNK) Jingang Zhou, Jim J. Lin*, Weicheng Shiu, Shih-Chieh Pu, Kopin Liu J. Chem. Phys.
2003-05 期刊論文 State-Specific Correlation of Coincident Product Pairs in the F + CD4 Reaction J. J. Lin, J.-G. Zhou, W.-C. Hsu, and K. Liu Science
2003-04 期刊論文 Application of time-sliced ion velocity imaging to crossed molecular beam experiments J. J. Lin*, J.-G. Zhou, W.-C. Hsu, and K. Liu Review of scientific instruments
2003- 期刊論文 Crossed-Beam Scattering of F + CD4 DF + CD3(nNK): the Integral Cross Sections. J.-G. Zhou, J.J. Lin, W.C. Hsu, S.C. Pu and K. Liu* J. Chem. Phys.