

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-06 研討會論文 The Riddle of the Voucher: Parental choice and Conservative governments in the 1980s Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2024-06 研討會論文 教育券之謎:英國保守黨執政下「父母擇校權」的政策發展與決策歷程(1979-1988) 顧曉雲
2024- 期刊論文 The Crisis in Education: Brian Simon’s Battle for Comprehensive Education (1970-1979) Hsiao-Yuh Ku Paedagogica Historica
2024- 期刊論文 The reform of “free” state education: Arthur Seldon and Education Voucher Scheme (1957-1988) Hsiao-Yuh Ku History of Education
2023-07 研討會論文 Back to Classical Liberalism: Arthur Seldon and the Reform of "Free" State Education (1957-1988) Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2023-07 研討會論文 The British Comprehensive Education Movement: Brian Simon and the Labour Governments (1945-1979) Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2023-06 研討會論文 從左派到右派:英國新自由主義教育家Rhodes Boyson的教育改革理念與實踐(1950-1990) 顧曉雲
2023- 專書 Brian Simon and the Struggle for Education McCulloch, G., Canales, A. F. & Ku, H. Y. UCL Press
2022-08 研討會論文 Arthur Seldon的古典自由主義教育改革理念與實踐(1957-1990) 顧曉雲
2022- 期刊論文 Defending Comprehensive Education: Brian Simon and the Conservative Governments (1979-1990) Hsiao-Yuh Ku British Journal of Educational Studies
2022- 期刊論文 Ideological Struggle in Education: Brian Simon and Comprehensive Education Movement (1946-1965) Hsiao-Yuh Ku History of Education
2021-11 研討會論文 意識形態的批判:英教育家Brian Simon與綜合中學改革運動 (1946-1990) 顧曉雲
2021-09 研討會論文 Defending Comprehensive Education: Brian Simon and the Conservative Governments (1979-1990) Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2021-09 研討會論文 The Crisis in Education: Brian Simon’s Battle for Comprehensive Education (1970-1979) Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2021-06 研討會論文 Ideological Struggle in Education: Brian Simon and the Comprehensive Education Movement in England (1946-1965) Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2021-04 研討會論文 Brian Simon對柴契爾政府新右派教育政策的回應(1980-1990) 顧曉雲
2021- 期刊論文 英教育史家Brian Simon與綜合中學改革運動(1946-1990) 顧曉雲 教育研究集刊
2020-11 研討會論文 Brian Simon 對智力測驗的批評及其綜合中學理念的提倡(1946-1965) 顧曉雲
2020-05 專書 Education for Democracy in England in World War II Hsiao-Yuh Ku Routledge
2019-12 專書論文 民主與教育有何關係?英國二次大戰期間一場教育改革的考察 顧曉雲 教育的理則:教育學核心議題(三)
2019-11 研討會論文 英國二次大戰期間的民主與教育改革論述研究 顧曉雲
2019-04 期刊論文 英社會主義學者Sidney Webb的民主與教育改革論述(1884-1904) 顧曉雲 哲學與文化
2018-09 研討會論文 Democracy and Educational Reform: Key Discourses in England in World War II Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2018-03 研討會論文 國家在教育中的角色:英國十九世紀兩種民主觀的檢視與比較 顧曉雲
2017-09 期刊論文 Education for Democratic Citizenship: Ernest Simon’s Ideals of Liberal Democracy and Citizenship Education in England, 1934-1944 Hsiao-Yuh Ku Historia y Memoria de la Educación
2017-09 研討會論文 English progress towards Social democracy: Sidney Webb and the Education of working-class children, 1884-1914 Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2017-07 研討會論文 The emancipation of working-class children: British Socialists and Educational Reform (1880-1914) Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2017-06 期刊論文 In Pursuit of Democracy: Shena Simon and the reform of secondary education, 1938-1948 Hsiao-Yuh Ku History of Education
2017-05 研討會論文 社會主義學者Sidney Webb的民主與教育改革論述(1884-1914) 顧曉雲
2017- 專書論文 民主與教育重建:英社會主義學者R. H. Tawney的教改論述與實踐 (1940-1944) 顧曉雲 教育研究新視野:中正大學教育學研究所二十週年論文集
2016-10 研討會論文 民主社會中公民的養成:英教育家Ernest Simon公民素養教育理念之探究 顧曉雲
2016-09 研討會論文 Education for Democratic Citizenship: Ernest Simon’s Ideals of Democracy and Citizenship in England, 1934-1944 Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2016- 期刊論文 Fighting for Social Democracy: R. H. Tawney and Educational Reconstruction in World War II Hsiao-Yuh Ku Paedagogica Historica
2016- 期刊論文 H. C. Dent的民主教育理念及其對英國教育改革之貢獻(1940-1944) 顧曉雲 教育學刊
2015-10 研討會論文 民主與中等教育改革—英教育家Shena Simon的理念與實踐(1938-1948) 顧曉雲
2015-06 研討會論文 In Pursuit of Democracy: Shena Simon and the reform of secondary education, 1938-1948 顧曉雲
2014-11 研討會論文 H. C. Dent的民主教育理念及其對英國教育改革之貢獻(1940-1944) 顧曉雲
2014-07 研討會論文 Fighting for Social Democracy: R. H. Tawney and Educational Reconstruction in World War II Hsiao-Yuh Ku
2014-03 研討會論文 Science teachers’ beliefs of teaching and learning scientific reasoning in Taiwan: Teachers’ exercise of agency and cultural divergence 甄曉蘭、顧曉雲
2013- 期刊論文 Education for Liberal Democracy: Fred Clarke and the 1944 Education Act Hsiao-Yuh Ku History of Education
2013- 期刊論文 Fred Clarke’s Ideals of Liberal Democracy: State and Community in Education Hsiao-Yuh Ku British Journal of Educational Studies
2013- 期刊論文 英教育家F. Clarke民主教育理念之探究 顧曉雲 教育研究集刊
2012-11 研討會論文 Education for liberal democracy: Fred Clarke and the 1944 Education Act Hsiao-Yuh Ku