
Details of Researcher Query

Date of Publication Category Title Author Source
2023-12 期刊論文 Associations of anomalous water temperature,salinity, and pH with change in water color of fish farming ponds Chuang C-H, Chiu U-C, Huang C-W, and Chang KY(*) Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
2023-02 期刊論文 Identifying Drug Candidates for COVID-19 with Large-Scale Drug Screening Wu Y, Pegan SD, Crich D, Lou L, Mullininx LN, Starling EB, Booth C, Chishom AE, Chang KY(*), and Xie Z-R(*) International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2022-01 期刊論文 DeepFlu: a deep learning approach for forecasting symptomatic influenza A infection based on pre-exposure gene expression Zan A, Xie Z-R, Hsu Y-C, Chen Y-H, Lin T-H, Chang Y-S, and Chang KY(*) Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
2021-12 期刊論文 Polyphenols as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRp) Wu Y, Crich D, Pegan SD, Lou L, Hansen MC, Booth C, Desrochers E, Mullininx LN, Starling EB, Chang KY(*), and Xie Z-R(*) Molecules
2021-09 期刊論文 Polyphenols as Alternative Treatments of COVID-19 Wu Y, Pegan SD, Crich D, Hansen MC, Starling EB, Ellison Desrochers E, Booth C, Mullininx LN, Lou L, Chang KY(*), and Xie Z-R(*) Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
2021-05 期刊論文 DeepDISE: DNA Binding Site Prediction Using a Deep Learning Method Hendrix SG, Chang KY, Ryu Z, and Xie Z-R. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2020-11 期刊論文 Structural and Functional Enrichment Analyses for Antimicrobial Peptides Lo SC, Xie Z-R, and Chang KY(*) International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2020-10 期刊論文 In silico identification of drug candidates against COVID-19 Wu Y, Chang KY, Lou L, Edwards LG, Doma BK, and Xie Z-R Informatics in Medicine Unlocked
2019-04 期刊論文 Trends in Regional Cancer Mortality in Taiwan 1992-2014 Ho YR, Ma S-P, and Chang KY(*) Cancer Epidemiology
2018-12 期刊論文 Associations between Water Quality Measures and Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence in Taiwan Chang KY, Wu I-W, Huang B-R, Juang J-G, Wu J-C , Chang S-W, and Chang CC (*) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2017-11 期刊論文 Large-Scale Analysis of Antimicrobial Activities in relation to Amphipathicity and Charge Reveals Novel Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides Wang C.-K., Shih L.-Y., Chang KY(*) Molecules
2017-02 期刊論文 Peptidomic analysis of Type-1 diabetes associated HLA-DQ molecules and the impact of HLA-DM on peptide repertoire editing Zhou Z., Reyes E., Escobar H., Chang KY, Barker A., Rockwood A., Delgado J., He X., Jensen P. (*) European Journal of Immunology
2016-05 期刊論文 Physiological and Proteomic Analysis of Cabbage Leaves in Response to High Temperature and Flooding Stresses Chang KY, Lin K-H, Lo Y-H, Lo H-F (*) Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences
2016-01 期刊論文 QoS-Aware Query Relaxation for Service Discovery with Business Rules. Ma S-P (*), Chang KY, Lin J-H, Ma C-C, Lin J-H. Future Generation Computer Systems
2015-12 期刊論文 Identification and Phylogeny of the First T cell Epitope Identified from a Human Gut Bacteroides Species Perez-Munoz ME, Joglekar P, Shen Y-R, Chang KY, Peterson DA(*) PLOS ONE
2015-12 研討會論文 Electrophysiological Signal Detection Recognition Interactive System Featuring Wearable EEG Device Leo Cho, Chueng Yung Cho, Roger Hung, Tai Young Wang, Yu-wei Lin, Kuan Y. Chang (*)
2015-05 研討會論文 Peptidomic analysis of type-1 diabetes associated HLA-DQ molecules and impact of HLA-DM editing Zemin Zhou, Eduardo Reyes-Vargas, Hernando Escobar, Kuan Chang, Alan Rockwood, Julio Delgado, Xiao He, Peter Jensen (*)
2015-04 期刊論文 A Large-Scale Structural Classification of Antimicrobial Peptides Hao-Ting Lee, Chen-Che Lee, Je-Ruei Yang, Jim Z. C. Lai, Kuan Y. Chang (*) Biomed Research International
2015-03 期刊論文 Analysis and Prediction of the critical regions of Antimicrobial Peptides based on Conditional Random Fields Kuan Y. Chang (*), Tung-pei Lin, Ling-Yi Shih, Chien-Kuo Wang PLOS ONE
2013-08 期刊論文 Analysis and Prediction of Highly Effective Antiviral Peptides Based on Random Forests Kuan Y. Chang (*), Je-Ruei Yang PLoS One
2012-12 研討會論文 Improving Genome Annotation of White Spot Syndrome Virus Ling‐Yi Shih, Chen‐Che Lee, Li‐Li Chen, Kuan Y. Chang (*)
2012-12 研討會論文 基隆市居民健康與環境監測服務系統 李浩霆、林禹辰、陳致瑀、張忠誠、張光遠 (*)
2012-06 研討會論文 Combined Human Ontology and Clusters of Orthology CHOCO: A Search Tool to Identify Gene Function and Recombination Je-Ruei Yang, Tung-Pei Lin, Kuan Y. Chang (*)
2010-12 研討會論文 Designing a dedicated database for eukaryotic algae species - A case study on cross-specis comparison of P450 enzyme Tsan-huang Shih, Tsai-Ling Lee, Kuan-Yuan Chang, Yu-Ping Hsu, Tun-Wen Pai (*)
2009-06 期刊論文 Prediction of HLA-DQ8 beta cell Peptidome using a Computational Program and its Relationship to autoreactive T cells Kuan Y. Chang, Emil R. Unanue (*) Journal of International Immunology
2007-02 期刊論文 Evidence for Active Maintenance of Inverted Repeat Structures identified by a Comparative Genomic approach. Guoyan Zhao, Kuan Y. Chang, Katherine Varley, Gary D. Stormo (*) PLos ONE
2007-01 期刊論文 Predicting Peptides Bound to I-Ag7 Class II Histocompatibility Molecules using a Novel Expectation-Maximization Algorithm Kuan Y. Chang, Anish Suri, Emil R. Unanue (*) Proteomics
2005-10 期刊論文 Correcting BLAST e-values for Low-Complexity Segments Itai Sharon, Aaron Birkland, Kuan Chang, Ran El-Yaniv, Golan Yona (*) Journal of Computational Biology
2002-12 期刊論文 Gramene, a tool for Grass Genomics Ware DH, Jaiswal P, Ni J, Yap IV, Pan X, Clark KY, Teytelmen L, Schmidt SC, Zhao W, Chang K, Cartinhour S, Stein L, McCouch S. (*) Plant Physiology
2002-03 期刊論文 Gramene: Development and Integration of Trait and Gene Ontologies for Rice Jaiswal P., Ware D., Ni J., Chang K., Zhao W., Schmidt S., Pan X., Clark K., Teytelmen L., Cartinhour S., McCouch S., Stein L. (*) Comparative and Functional Genomics
2002-01 期刊論文 Gramene: A Resource for Comparative Grass Genomics Ware D., Jaiswal P., Ni J., Pan X., Chang K., Clark K., Teytelmen L., Schmidt S., Zhao W., Cartinhour S., McCouch S., Stein L. (*) Nucleic Acids Research