出版年月 |
著作類別 |
著作名稱 |
作者 |
收錄出處 |
2024-11 |
Origin of Nonlinear Photocurrents in Chiral Multifold Semimetal CoSi Unveiled by Terahertz Emission Spectroscopy |
Y.-J. Chan, S. M. Faizanuddin, R. Kalaivanan, S. Raman, H. Lin, U. Kar, A. K. Singh, W.-L. Lee, R. K. Vankayala, M.-N. Ou, and Y. C. Wen* |
Physical Review B
2024-06 |
Effects of Chain-Chain Interaction on the Configuration of Short-Chain Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers on A Metal Surface |
C. L. Liao, S. M. Faizanuddin, J. Haruyama, W.-S. Liao*, and Y. C. Wen* |
Journal of Chemical Physics
2024-01 |
An Economical Single-Shot Pulse Picker without Nonlinear Effect and Dispersion |
Chen-Wei Hu, Chia-Yen Lu, Yu-Chieh Wen, and Hung-Wen Chen |
Review of Scientific Instruments
2023-05 |
Surface Potential at Electrolyte/Air Interfaces: A Quantitative Analysis via Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy |
L. Dalstein, K.-Y. Chiang, and Y.-C. Wen* |
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
2023-04 |
Momentum-Dependent Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy of Bonded Interface Layer at Charged Water Interfaces |
Yao Hsiao, Ting-Han Chou, Animesh Patra, and Yu-Chieh Wen* |
Science Advances
2020-06 |
Wavelength-Scanning Second Harmonic Generation for Determining Absolute Charge Density at Aqueous Interfaces |
Laetitia Dalstein, Jung-Ren Huang, and Yu-Chieh Wen* |
Optics Letters
2020-01 |
Affinity of Hydrated Protons at Intrinsic Water/Vapor Interface Revealed by Ion-Induced Water Alignment |
K.-Y. Chiang, L. Dalstein, Y.-C. Wen |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2019-08 |
Direct Quantification of Water Surface Charge by Phase-Sensitive Second Harmonic Spectroscopy |
L. Dalstein, K.-Y. Chiang, Y.-C. Wen |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2018-04 |
Sharing of Na+ by Three -COO- Groups at Deprotonated Carboxyl-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers Charged Aqueous Interface |
X. Liu, G. Huang, K.-K. Hu, N. Sheng, C. Tian, Y. R. Shen, Y.-C. Wen, G. Shi, and H. Fang |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2016-06 |
Surface pH and Ion Affinity at the Alcohol-Monolayer/Water Interface Studied by Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy |
Y.-C. Wen, S. Zha, C. Tian, and Y. R. Shen |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2016-05 |
Ultrafast Dynamics of Quasiparticles and Coherent Acoustic Phonons in Slightly Underdoped (BaK)Fe2As2 |
K.-H. Lin, K.-J. Wang, C.-C. Chang, Y.-C. Wen, B. Lv, C.-W. Chu, and M.-K. Wu |
Scientific Reports
2016-01 |
Unveiling Microscopic Structures of Charged Water Interfaces by Surface-Specific Vibrational Spectroscopy |
Y.-C. Wen, S. Zha, X. Liu, S. Yang, P. Guo, G. Shi, H. Fang, Y. R. Shen, and C. Tian |
Physical Review Letters
2015-07 |
An Overview of the Fe-Chalcogenide Superconductors |
M.-K. Wu, P. Wu, Y.-C. Wen, M.-J. Wang, P.-H. Lin, W.-C. Lee, T.-K. Chen, and C.-C. Chang |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
2015-03 |
Superconductivity in Fe-chalcogenides |
C.-C. Chang, T.-K. Chen, W.-C. Lee, P.-H. Lin, M.-J. Wang, Y.-C. Wen, P.-M. Wu, and M.-K. Wu |
Physica C
2014-11 |
Observation of Pseudogaplike Feature above Tc in LiFeAs by Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy |
K.-H. Lin, K.-J. Wang, C.-C. Chang, Y.-C. Wen, D.-H. Tsai, Y.-R. Wu, Y.-T. Hsieh, M.-J. Wang, B. Lv, P. C.-W. Chu, and M.-K. Wu |
Physical Review B
2014-09 |
Probing Hydrophilic Interface of Solid/Liquid-Water by Nanoultrasonics |
P.-A. Mante, C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, H.-Y. Chen, S.-C. Yang, Y.-R. Huang, I.-J. Chen, Y.-W. Chen, V. Gusev, M.-J. Chen, J.-L. Kuo, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun |
Scientific Reports
2013-11 |
Thermal Boundary Resistance between GaN and Cubic Ice and THz Acoustic Attenuation Spectrum of Cubic Ice from Complex Acoustic Impedance Measurements |
P.-A. Mante, C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun |
Physical Review Letters
2012-10 |
Ultrafast Dynamics and Phonon Softening in Fe1+ySe1−xTex Single Crystals |
C.-W. Luo, I.-H. Wu, P.-C. Cheng, J.-Y. Lin, K.-H. Wu, T.-M. Uen, J.-Y. Juang, T. Kobayashi, Y.-C. Wen, T.-W Huang, K.-W. Yeh, M.-K. Wu., D. A. Chareev, O. S. Volkova, and A. N. Vasiliev |
2012-09 |
Selectively Probing Vibrations in A Plasmonic Supracrystal |
P.-A. Mante, H.-Y. Chen, M.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Wen, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2012-06 |
Gap Opening and Orbital Modification of Superconducting FeSe above the Structural Distortion |
Y.-C. Wen, K.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, J.-Y. Luo, C.-C. Shen, H.-L. Liu, C.-K. Sun, M.-J. Wang, and M.-K. Wu* |
Physical Review Letters
2012-05 |
Comment to "Obsercation of Anomalous Acoustic Phonon Dispersion in SrTiO3 by Broadband Stimulated Brillouin Scattering" |
A. Devos*, Y.-C. Wen, P.-A. Mante, and C.-K. Sun |
Applied Physics Letters
2011-11 |
Femtosecond Optical Excitation of Coherent Acoustic Phonons in a Piezoelectric p-n Junction |
Y.-C. Wen, G.-W. Chern, K.-H. Lin, J. J. Yeh, and C.-K. Sun* |
Physical Review B
2011-10 |
Elastic Stiffness of Single-Crystalline FeSe Measured by Picosecond Ultrasonics |
Y.-C. Wen*, Y.-C. Liao, H.-H. Chang, B.-H. Mok, T.-W. Huang, K.-W. Yeh, J.-Y. Luo, M.-J. Wang, C.-K. Sun, and M.-K. Wu |
Journal of Applied Physics
2011-08 |
Femtosecond Ultrasonic Spectroscopy Using A Piezoelectric Nanolayer: Hypersound Attenuation in Vitreous Silica Films |
Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, H.-P. Chen, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2011-06 |
Using Hole Screening Effet on Hole-Phonon Interaction to Estimate Hole Density in Mg-doped InN |
Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen, Y.-L. Hong, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, Y.-T. Lin, L.-W. Tu, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2011-02 |
Acoustic Velocity and Optical Index Birefringence in A-Plane ZnO Thin Films |
Y.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, W.-R. Liu, W.-F. Hsieh, and C.-K. Sun* |
Chinese Journal of Physics
2011-02 |
Investigations of Phononic Bandgap in A 3D Quantum-Dot Crystal |
Y.-C. Wen, J.-H. Sun, T.-T. Wu, C. Dais, D. Grützmacher, and C.-K. Sun* |
Chinese Journal of Physics
2010-11 |
Femtosecond Laser-Ultrasonic Investigation of Plasmonic Fields on The Metal/Gallium Nitride Interface |
H.-P. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, Y.-H. Chen, C.-H. Tsai, K.-L. Lee, P.-K. Wei, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2010-03 |
Three-Dimensional Phononic Nanocrystal Composed of Ordered Quantum Dots |
Y.-C. Wen, J.-H. Sun, C. Dais, D. Grützmacher, T.-T. Wu, J.-W. Shi, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2010-02 |
Observation of Sub-100 Femtosecond Electron Cooling Time in InN |
Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2009-12 |
Specular Scattering Probability of Acoustic Phonons in Atomically Flat Interfaces |
Y.-C. Wen et. al. |
Physical Review Letters
2009-11 |
Photogeneration of Coherent Shear Phonons in Oriented Wurtzite Semiconductors by Piezoelectric Coupling |
Y.-C. Wen, T.-S. Ko, T.-C. Lu, H.-C. Kuo, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun* |
Physical Review B
2009-08 |
Electrically Manipulating the Optical Sensitivity Function in Quantum-Wells for Nanoacoustic Wave Detection |
P.-H. Wang, Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, C.-M. Lai, H.-C. Lin, P.-R. Chen, J.-W. Shi, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2008-06 |
Observation of Femtosecond Carrier Thermalization Time in Indium Nitride |
S.-Z. Sun, Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun* |
Journal of Applied Physics
2008-04 |
Cr:Forsterite-Laser-Based Fiber-Optic Nonlinear Endoscope with Higher Efficiencies |
M.-C. Chan, S.-W. Chu, C.-H. Tseng, Y.-C. Wen, Y.-H. Chen, G.-D. John Su, and C.-K. Sun* |
Microscopy Research Technology
2007-09 |
Molecular Imaging of Cancer Cells Using Plasmon-resonant-enhanced Third-harmonic-generation in Silver Nanoparticles |
S.-P. Tai, et. al. |
Advanced Material
2007-09 |
Narrow Band Detection of Propagating Coherent Acoustic Phonons in Piezoelectric InGaN/GaN Multiple-quantum Wells |
C.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, H.-P. Chen, T.-M. Liu, C.-C. Pan, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2007-04 |
Efficient Generation of Coherent Acoustic Phonons in (111) InGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells through Piezoelectric Effects |
Y.-C. Wen, L.-C. Chou, H.-H. Lin, V. Gusev, K.-H. Lin, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2006-12 |
Ultrafast Carrier Thermalization in InN |
Y.-C. Wen, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Shen, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2006-11 |
Compositional Dependence of Longitudinal Sound Velocities of Piezoelectric (111) InxGa(1-x)As Measured by Picosecond Ultrasonics |
Y.-C. Wen, L.-C. Chou, H.-H. Lin, K.-H. Lin, T.-F. Kao, and C.-K. Sun* |
Journal of Applied Physics
2006-07 |
Measuring Plasmon-resonance Enhanced Third-harmonic x(3) of Ag Nanoparticles |
T.-M. Liu, S.-P. Tai, C.-H. Yu, Y.-C. Wen, S.-W. Chu, L.-J. Chen, M. Prasad, K.-J. Lin, and C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters
2005-02 |
Generation of Picosecond Acoustic Pulses Using a P-N Junction with Piezoelectric Effects |
K.-H. Lin, C.-T. Yu, Y.-C. Wen, C.-K. Sun* |
Applied Physics Letters