Filling the gap between topological insulator nanomaterials and triboelectric nanogenerators
M. Li, H.-W. Lu, Shu-Wei Wang, R.-P. Li, J.-Y. Chen, W.-S. Chuang, F.-S. Yang, Y.-F. Lin, C.-Y. Chen, and Y.-C. Lai
Nature Communications
Demonstration of Dissipative Quasihelical Edge Transport in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators
Shu-Wei Wang, D. Xiao, Z. Dou, M. Cao, Y.-F. Zhao, N. Samarth, C.-Z. Chang, M. R. Connolly, and C. G. Smith
Physical Review Letters
Imaging Bulk and Edge Transport near the Dirac Point in Graphene Moiré Superlattices
Z. Dou, S. Morikawa, A. Cresti, Shu-Wei Wang, C. G. Smith, C. Melios, O. Kazakova, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Masubuchi, T. Machida, and M. R. Connolly
Nano Letters
Imaging ballistic carrier trajectories in graphene using scanning gate microscopy
S. Morikawa, Z. Dou, Shu-Wei Wang, C. G. Smith, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Masubuchi, T. Machida, and M. R. Connolly
Applied Physics Letters
Electron transport in a GaPSb film
S.-T. Lo, H. E. Lin, Shu-Wei Wang, H.-D. Lin, Y.-C. Chin, H.-H. Lin, J.-C. Lin, and C.-T. Liang.
Nanoscale Research Letters
Transport behavior and negative magnetoresistance in chemically reduced graphene oxide nanofilms
Shu-Wei Wang, H. E. Lin, H.-D. Lin, K. Y. Chen, K.-H. Tu, C. W. Chen, J.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Liu, C.-T. Liang and Y. F. Chen