

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-10 期刊論文 Development of Potential Slip Surface Identification Model for Active Deep-Seated Landslide Sites: A Case Study in Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu, Chun-Chia Hsiung, Yu-Jia Chiu, Yi-Fan Liao, Jie-Ru Lin Geosciences
2024-09 研討會論文 整合自然電位差與電阻井測資料建置裂隙岩體孔內透水係數推估模式之初探—以沉積岩為例 尤資捷、許世孟
2024-08 研討會論文 崩塌滑動面判釋模式建置之研究 尤資捷、許世孟、熊俊嘉
2024-05 研討會論文 整合多種井測資料推估裂隙岩體孔內水力傳導係數之初探 —以砂岩為例 尤資捷、許世孟
2023-10 期刊論文 Investigating Formation Factor–Hydraulic Conductivity Relations in Complex Geologic Environments: A Case Study in Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu,Guan-Yu Liu, Ming-Chia Dong, Yi-Fan Liao and Jia-Sheng Li Water
2023-10 研討會論文 利用深度學習方法建立崩塌地裂隙岩體透水係數推估模式 李佳昇、許世孟、蘇泰維
2023-10 研討會論文 應用影像分割技術辨識岩芯地質特徵之可行性研究 -以沉積岩為例 李佳昇、許世孟
2023-05 研討會論文 以鑽孔岩體透水係數分布推估崩塌地滑動深度之可行性研究 熊俊嘉、許世孟*、廖逸凡
2023-04 期刊論文 Exploration and Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Geologically Complex Terrain Shih-Meng Hsu*, Cheng-Haw Lee, Liang-Cheng Chang Applied Sciences
2023-01 期刊論文 Evaluation of rock mass permeability along a borehole by integrating the techniques of geological features and logistic regression: A case study in Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu*, Yi-Fan Liao, Ming-Chia Dong Environmental Earth Sciences
2022-12 期刊論文 漫談山區裂隙岩體水文地質特性—以臺灣中段與南段山區為例 柯建仲、許世孟、周柏儀、林燕初、梁嘉宏 經濟部中央地質調查所彙刊
2022-11 研討會論文 井下電阻與流體導電度資料推估水力傳導係數可行性研究-以臺灣山區地質環境為例 廖逸凡、劉貫宇、許世孟*
2022-10 期刊論文 Investigating fault zone hydraulic properties and groundwater potential in a fault-dominated aquifer system: A case study of the Dili fault in Central Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu, Chien-Chung Ke, Ming-Chia Dong, Yen-Tsu Lin Engineering Geology
2022-07 期刊論文 Investigation and Estimation of Groundwater Level Fluctuation Potential: A Case Study in the Pei-Kang River Basin and Chou-Shui River Basin of the Taiwan Mountainous Region Nai-Chin Chen, Hui-Yu Wen, Feng-Mei Li, Shih-Meng Hsu* , Chien-Chung Ke,Yen-Tsu Lin and Chi-Chao Huang Applied Sciences
2022-06 期刊論文 讓學習產生意義──「防災工程實務課程」之教學創新實踐 許世孟 大學教學實務與研究學刊
2022-06 研討會論文 應用井下探測資訊建立山區裂隙岩體水文地質參數推估模式之研究 董名家、許世孟*、劉貫宇
2022-03 期刊論文 山區季節性地下水位變動潛勢分析 林燕初、許世孟、陳耐錦、柯建仲 地工技術
2021-12 期刊論文 Disaster Prevention Education for Soil and Water Conservation: A Case Study on Large-scale Landslide Disaster Prevention Shih-Meng Hsu, Yi-Fan Liao, Ming-Chia Tung, Yung-Sheng Lin, Yu-Hui Lin, Chun-Fa Chien 中華水土保持學報
Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation
2021-12 期刊論文 山區部落智能供水與坡地安全防護系統建置 羅鴻傑、周柏儀、許世孟 大地技師
2021-11 研討會論文 應用羅吉斯迴歸法建立山區地下水資源開發潛能場址預測模式 廖逸凡、董名家、許世孟*
2021-10 研討會論文 應用羅吉斯迴歸建立山區裂隙岩體滲透性質預測模式 許世孟、廖逸凡、董名家*
2021-06 期刊論文 Infinitely Smooth Polyharmonic RBF Collocation Method for Numerical Solution of Elliptic PDEs Chih-Yu Liu, Cheng-Yu Ku*, Li-Dan Hong and Shih-Meng Hsu Mathematics
2021-06 期刊論文 THREE-DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HYDRO-STRUCTURES OF FRACTURED ROCK MASS Feng-Mei Li, Chien-Chung Ke, Shih-Meng Hsu*, Chia-Hung Liang 中國土木水利工程學刊
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
2021-04 期刊論文 Quantifying the hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses along a borehole using composite geological indices: A case study in the mid and upper Choshui River Basin in Central Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu Engineering Geology
2021-03 期刊論文 A platform for Kuroshio Energy Harvesters Po-Hung Yeh, Shang-Yu Tsai, Wei-Ren Chen, Shih-Meng Hsu, Bang-Fuh Chen Ocean Engineering
2021-03 期刊論文 變質岩之水文地質特性與實務調查分析技術建置之研究 柯建仲、許世孟、林燕初、陳柏瑞、羅鴻傑、魏倫瑋 地工技術
2021-02 期刊論文 Use of hydraulic test data to recognize fracture network pattern of rock mass in Taiwan mountainous areas Shih-Meng Hsu *, Chien-Ming Chiu, Chien-Chung Ke, Cheng-Yu Ku, Hao-Lun Lin Applied Sciences
2021-01 期刊論文 A collocation method with space–time radial polynomials for inverse heat conduction problems Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu, Jing-En Xiao, Shih-Meng Hsu, Weichung Yeih Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
2020-11 期刊論文 Multiquadrics without the Shape Parameter for Solving Partial Differential Equations Cheng-Yu Ku, Chih-Yu Liu, Jing-En Xiao, Shih-Meng Hsu Symmetry
2020-11 研討會論文 山區部落複合災害同步整治之初探 董名家、許世孟、廖逸凡、邱健銘、林浩倫
2020-11 研討會論文 臺灣山區鑽孔場址地下水流維度之研究 許世孟、林浩倫、邱健銘
2020-06 期刊論文 Mitigating drought and landslide simultaneously for mountain tribes of Taiwan: hydrogeological investigation, modelling, and development of an intelligent hazard prevention system Hung-Chieh Lo, Shih-Meng Hsu*, Po-Yi Chou, and Chien-Chung Ke Natural Hazards
2020-04 期刊論文 Rock mass permeability classification schemes to facilitate groundwater availability assessment in mountainous areas: a case study in Jhuoshuei river basin of Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu* ,Jun-Pu Hsu, Chien-Chung Ke , Yen-Tsu Lin & Chi-Chao Huang Geosciences Journal
2020-02 期刊論文 Analysis and quantification of groundwater recession characteristics in regolith-bedrock aquifers: a case study in the mid- and upper-Choshuei river basin in central Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu* and Jin-Fa Li Environmental Earth Sciences
2019-12 期刊論文 給學生「帶得走的能力」――以工程師專案素養培育 融入山坡地工程教學之應用 許世孟 大學教學實務與研究學刊
2019-11 期刊論文 Applicability of Method to Estimate Transmissivity Based on Yield-Drawdown Analysis in Mountainous Fractured-Rock Aquifers: A Case Study in Taiwan S.M. Hsu and P.Y. Chou Engineering Geology
2019-09 研討會論文 應用水力試驗資料推估鑽孔周遭裂隙網絡密度 邱健銘、許世孟、柯建仲、林燕初
2019-07 研討會論文 A study on recognition of fracture network pattern and hydraulic boundary around a borehole S. M. Hsu, C. M. Chiu, C. C. Ke, Y. S. Wang, Y. T. Lin
2019-04 研討會論文 Determination of fractured bedrock hydraulic conductivity on a borehole scale: An empirical development with field applications Shih-Meng Hsu and Jun-Pu Hsu
2019-03 期刊論文 Unravelling preferential flow paths and estimating groundwater potential in a fractured metamorphic aquifer in Taiwan by using borehole logs and hybrid DFN/EPM model Shih-Meng Hsu*, C. C. Ke, Y. T. Lin, C. C. Huang, Y. S. Wang Environmental Earth Sciences
2018-09 研討會論文 應用坡地水文地質調查成果於部落智慧防災系統之開發 許世孟, 羅鴻傑, 王俊德, 柯建仲, 董名家
2018-08 研討會論文 裂隙岩體含水層地下水退水行為分析與補注量推估 李進發、許世孟
2018-06 研討會論文 Groundwater recession curve analysis and recharge estimation for the mountainous fractured rock environment: a case study in the mid- and upper-Jhuoshuei river basin in central Taiwan Shih-Meng Hsu and Jin-Fa Lee
2017-12 期刊論文 NUMERICAL MODELING OF UNSATURATED LAYERED SOIL FOR RAINFALL-INDUCED SHALLOW LANDSLIDES Chih-Yu LIU, Cheng-Yu KU , Jing-En XIAO, Chi-Chao HUANG, Shih-Meng HSU Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management
2017-08 研討會論文 Integrated Borehole Televiewer and Double Packer Test Data Applied to Rock Mass Permeability Classification Shih-Meng Hsu, Y. T. Lin, C. C. Huang
2017-07 研討會論文 A simple method to identify groundwater potential site Shih-Meng Hsu, C. C. Ke, Y. T. Lin, C. C. Huang
2017-04 期刊論文 井測技術應用於裂隙岩體之水力特性及水流路徑調查 陳柏瑞, 許世孟, 林燕初, 黃智昭 中興工程季刊
2016-08 期刊論文 Comment on "Determining Transmissivity of Fracture Sets with Statistical Significance Using Single-Borehole Hydraulic Tests: Methodology and Implementation at Heshe Well Site in Central Taiwan" P.Y. Chou,C.C. Ke,H.C. Lo,P.J. Chen,S.M. Hsu Engineering Geology
2016-07 期刊論文 地下水補注敏感區判釋與評估技術之建立 許世孟、周柏儀、林榮潤、陳柏瑞、冀樹勇、羅鴻傑 中興工程季刊
2016-04 研討會論文 Characterizing and Modelling Preferential Flow Path in Fractured Rock Aquifer: A Case Study at Shuangliou Fractured Rock Hydrogeology Research Site Hsu, S. M., Ke, C. C., Lo, H. C., Lin, Y. T., and Huang, C. C.
2016-04 研討會論文 HYDRUS模式在土壤及地下水污染場址暴露評估之應用與探討 周柏儀、許世孟、蕭彤恩、莊謹綸
2016-04 研討會論文 Implication of Groundwater Resources Utilization in Mountainous Region for Slopeland Disaster Prevention Huang, C. C., Hsu, S. M., Lo, H. C.
2016-04 研討會論文 Mapping of Potential Groundwater Sites by Remote Sensing Data Jung-Jun Lin, Yuei-An Liou, Shih-Meng Hsu, Su-Yun Chi
2016-04 研討會論文 地下水補注敏感區判釋與評估技術之建立 許世孟、周柏儀、林榮潤
2016-04 研討會論文 應用高精度多光譜衛星影像判釋地下水特徵與影像量化之研究 林榮潤、許世孟、劉說安、林燕初、黃智昭
2016-01 期刊論文 山區地下水資源開發對提升坡地防災研究 羅鴻傑、許世孟、徐森彥 中興工程季刊
2015-09 研討會論文 RECESSION CURVE ANALYSIS IN FRACTURED ROCK MEDIA Shih-Meng Hsu, Hui-Yu Wen, Nai-Chin Chen, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2015-09 研討會論文 山區觀光風景潛藏於地下之藍金探勘實務─以雙流森林遊樂區為例 許世孟、羅鴻傑、陳柏瑞、柯建仲、林燕初、黃智昭
2015-04 期刊論文 遙測技術應用於山區地下水潛能場址之研究 林榮潤、許世孟、李鳳梅 中興工程季刊
2014-11 研討會論文 GPS、雨量與地下水位之關聯性研究 李鳳梅、許世孟、王逸民
2014-11 研討會論文 Identification of Groundwater Protection Zones Using a Multi-source Assessment Model 許世孟、周柏儀、陳耐錦、林榮潤、李鳳梅
2014-11 研討會論文 臺灣山區地下水水文循環概念模型建置之研究-以立霧溪與花蓮溪流域為例 許世孟、李鳳梅、林燕初、黃智昭
2014-10 期刊論文 山區地下水脆弱度評估方法研究-以濁水溪中上游流域為例 許世孟、周柏儀、李鳳梅、林燕初、黃智昭、王詠絢 西太平洋地質科學
2014-10 研討會論文 光纖光柵井下地溫感測系統之開發與實測 周柏儀、許世孟、蔡美雯、呂昱達、俞旗文、陳文山
2014-09 期刊論文 Composite hydrogeological investigation and characterisation methods applied at a nuclear power plant site in Taiwan Hung-Chieh Lo, Po-Yi Chou, Chun-Chieh Huang, Po-Jui Chen, Shih-Meng Hsu Water and Environment Journal
2014-06 期刊論文 Fractured-bedrock aquifer studies based on a descriptive statistics of well-logging data: a case study from the Dajia River basin, Taiwan Po-Yi Chou, Shih-Meng Hsu, Jung-Jun Lin, Hung-Chieh Lo, Po-Jui Chen Acta Geophysica
2014-06 期刊論文 The Combined Use of Heat-pulse Flowmeter Logging and Packer Testing for Transmissive Fracture Recognition Hung-Chieh Lo, Po-Jui Chen, Po-Yi Chou, Shih-Meng Hsu Journal of Applied Geophysics
2014-06 專書論文 Characterising the Spatial Distribution of Transmissivity in the Mountainous Region: Results from Watersheds in Central Taiwan Po-Yi Chou, Jung-Jun Lin, Shih-Meng Hsu, Hung-Chieh Lo, Po-Jui Chen, Chien-Chung Ke, Wong-Ru Lee, Chun-Chieh Huang, Nai-Chin Chen, Hui-Yu Wen, Feng-Mei Lee Fractured Rock Hydrogeology
2014-04 期刊論文 台灣山區地下水資源調查與評估技術之建立 許世孟、柯建仲、陳耐錦、冀樹勇 中興工程季刊
2014-01 期刊論文 山區岩層抽水試驗分析及應用 - 以台灣西部中段山區為例 黃俊傑、許世孟、林燕初、黃智昭 中興工程季刊
2013-12 期刊論文 濁水溪流域山區岩層水文地質特性與地下水資源潛勢之研究 黃智昭、林榮潤、許世孟 經濟部中央地質調查所彙刊
2013-11 研討會論文 創新井溫量測技術開發 許世孟、周柏儀、蔡美雯、吳文煌
2013-11 研討會論文 大梨山地區坡地環境安全防護網建置 徐森彥、許世孟、施俊成
2013-11 研討會論文 山區地下水資源取用潛勢、區位及方式之評析 許世孟、李鳳梅、林燕初、黃智昭
2013-09 期刊論文 應用孔內水文地質調查成果於山崩潛勢評估 林榮潤、周柏儀、許世孟、林燕初、黃智昭 中華水土保持學報
2013-09 研討會論文 A parsimonious method for groundwater vulnerability mapping in fractured bedrock aquifers based on well Logging – the RGVCC method Po-Yi Chou, Nai-Chin Chen, Shih-Meng Hsu
2013-09 研討會論文 An assessment of permeability ratio between fractures and matrix in mountainous area – 3 years of investigative experience from Taiwan Po-Yi Chou, Shih-Meng Hsu, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2013-09 研討會論文 Delineation of recharge-prone areas at Taichung basin, Taiwan Po-Yi Chou, Shih-Meng Hsu, Chun-Chieh Huang
2013-08 期刊論文 Shallow crustal thermal structures of central Taiwan foothills region Shao-Kai Wu, Wu-Cheng Chi, Shih-Meng Hsu, Chien-Chung Ke, Yun-Shuen Wang Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2013-07 期刊論文 Modelling of Crack Propagation in Anisotropic Material Using Single-domain Boundary Element Method Chien-hung Ke, Wong-Rui Lee, Shih-Meng Hsu, Chao-Shi Chen Key Engineering Materials
2013-07 期刊論文 裂隙岩體水文地質特性研究與工程應用 譚志豪、許世孟、柯建仲、鍾明劍、王金山 中興工程季刊
2013-07 研討會論文 Spatial Distribtution of Potential Water-bearing Zone in the Mountainous Region of Taiwan Jung-Jun Lin, Po-Yi Chou, Shih-Meng Hsu, Su-Yun Chi, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2013-04 期刊論文 分級抽水試驗之安全出水量初步研究 高世鍊、許世孟、柯建仲 中興工程季刊
2012-12 研討會論文 Identification of Groundwater Potential Site in Taiwan Mountainous Region Shih-Meng Hsu, Jung-Jun Lin, Nai-Chin Chen, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2012-10 研討會論文 山區地下岩層水力特性調查-以濁水溪與北港溪流域為例 許世孟、柯建仲、林燕初、黃智昭
2012-09 期刊論文 Prediction of hydraulically transmissive fractures using geological and geophysical attributes: a case history from the mid Jhuoshuei River basin, Taiwan Chou, P. Y., Lo, H. C., Hsu, S. M., Lin, Y. C., Huang, C. C. Hydrogeology Journal
2012-09 研討會論文 Modeling Groundwater Flow Behavior of Fractured Rock quifer Using the Hybrid DFN-EPM Approach Chien-Chung Ke, Wong-Rui Lee, Shih-Meng Hsu, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2012-08 研討會論文 Assessment of Ground-water Dynamics in the Mid-Taiwan Mountainous Region Nai-Chin Chen, Wang-Ru Lee, Shih-Meng Hsu
2012-08 研討會論文 Ground-water Exploration in Regolith-bedrock Aquifer: A Case Study in the Basins of Da-Jia River and Upper-Jhuoshuei River, Central Taiwan Yen-Tsu Lin, Shih-Meng Hsu, Su-Yun Chi, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2012-08 研討會論文 Investigation and Mapping of Rock Type Aquifer in Central Mountainous Region of Taiwan Jung-Jun Lin, Shih-Meng Hsu, Su-Yun Chi, Yen-Tsu Lin, Chi-Chao Huang
2012-07 期刊論文 流域岩層水文地質單元調查技術 林榮潤、許世孟、 林燕初、黃智昭 中興工程季刊
2012-06 期刊論文 Using an integrated method to estimate watershed sediment yield during heavy rain period: a case study in Hualien County, Taiwan Hsu, S. M., Wen, H. Y., Chen, N. C., Hsu, S. Y. Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences
2012-05 研討會論文 大甲溪流域與濁水溪流域潛在地熱能源區位之調查 許世孟、陳柏瑞、羅鴻傑
2012-03 期刊論文 Two-Dimensional Fracture Mechanics Analysis Using a Single-Domain Boundary Element Method Chien-Chung Ke, Cheng-Lung Kuo, Shih-Meng Hsu, Shang-Chia Liu, Chao-Shi Chen Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2012-03 期刊論文 Using borehole prospecting technologies to determine the correlation between fracture properties and hydraulic conductivity: a case study in Taiwan Lo, H. C., Chou, P. Y., Hsu, S. M., Chao, C. H., Wang, C. T. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics
2012-03 期刊論文 暴雨事件整合點源及非點源之集水區土砂產量推估研究 溫惠鈺、許世孟、邱琳濱 中國土木水利工程學刊
2012-03 研討會論文 山區農村部落環境資源永續發展之調查研究-以雲林縣古坑鄉為例」 林榮潤、許世孟、黃俊傑
2012-01 期刊論文 Use of stable water isotopes to assess sources and influences of slope groundwater on slope failure Peng, T. R., Wang, C. H., Hsu, S. M., Chen, N. C., Su, T. W., and Lee, J. F. Hydrological Processes
2012-01 期刊論文 集水區土砂災害研究 許世孟、溫惠鈺、趙啟宏、陳耐錦、冀樹勇 中興工程季刊
2012-01 研討會論文 井下探測技術於地熱能源探勘之應用 羅鴻傑、陳柏瑞、許世孟
2011-12 研討會論文 紅土台地及水區整體調查規劃之研究 陳耐錦、許世孟、溫惠鈺、徐森彥
2011-10 研討會論文 台灣中段山區地下水動態行為之分析-以濁水溪流域及北港溪流域為例 陳耐錦、許世孟、李鳳梅
2011-09 研討會論文 台灣中段山區水文地質架構調查研究 許世孟、陳耐錦、李鳳梅、林榮潤
2011-08 研討會論文 Application of Hydrogeological Investigation to Determine Groundwater Modeling Approach in Taiwan Mountainous Region Hsu, S. M., Ke, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Hung, J. J.
2011-08 研討會論文 Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Montane Regions of Taiwan Ku, C. Y., Hsu, S. M., Ke, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Hung, J. J., and Wang, Y. S.
2011-04 研討會論文 Ground-water Exploration in Regolith-bedrock Aquifer: A Case Study in the Basins of Mid-Jhuoshuei River and Beigang River, Central Taiwan Hsu, S. M., Ke, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Hung, C. C.
2011-04 研討會論文 Watershed Sediment Yield Estimate during Heavy Rain Period Hsu, S. M., Wen, H. Y., Chao, C. H., Chen, N. C., Chi, S. Y.
2011-02 專書論文 Rock Mass Hydraulic Conductivity Estimated by Two Empirical Models Shih-Meng Hsu, Hung-Chieh Lo, Shue-Yeong Chi and Cheng-Yu Ku Developments in Hydraulic Conductivity Research
2010-12 期刊論文 台灣山區地下水資源探勘 許世孟、柯建仲、冀樹勇、林燕初、黃智昭、王詠絢 土木水利
2010-10 研討會論文 Identification of Rainfall-Induced Slope Failures: A Case Study in Hualien Chen, N. C., Hsu, S. M., Hsu, S. Y., and Chi, S. Y.
2010-06 期刊論文 Coupled Stability Analysis of Rainfall-Induced Landslide: A Case Study in Taiwan Piedmont Area Lo, H. C., Hsu, S. M., Chi, S. Y, Ku, C. Y. Geotechnical Special Publication
2010-04 期刊論文 水文地質調查及分析技術發展與應用 許世孟、羅鴻傑 中興工程 40週年紀念專刊
2010-03 期刊論文 Applications of simulation technique on debris-flow hazard zone delineation: a case study in Hualien County, Taiwan Hsu, S. M., Chiou, L. B., Lin, G. F., Chao, C. H., Wen, H. Y., Ku, C. Y. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.
2010-02 期刊論文 Identification of groundwater sources of a local-scale creep slope: using environmental tracers Peng, T. R., Wang, C. H., Hsu, S. M., Wang, G. S., Su, T. W., Lee, J. F. Journal of Hydrology
2010-02 期刊論文 Integrating Multiple Subsurface Exploration Technologies in Slope Hydrogeologic Investigation: A Case Study in Taiwan Hsu, S. M., Lo, H. C., Ku, C. Y., Jeng, D. Isaac, Chi, S. Y. Geotechnical Special Publication
2010-01 期刊論文 土石流潛勢溪流危害度評估模式之研究 溫惠鈺、許世孟、趙啟宏 中興工程季刊
2010-01 期刊論文 降雨特性對坡地穩定性影響之關聯性研究-以義興崩塌地為例 羅鴻傑、許世孟、顧承宇、蘇泰維、李錦發 中興工程季刊
2009-11 期刊論文 An empirical model for Estimating hydraulic conductivity of highly disturbed fractured rocks in Taiwan Ku, C. Y., Hsu, S. M., Chung, M. C., Chi, S. Y., Fei, L. Y. Engineering Geology
2009-10 研討會論文 Integrating Empirical and Dynamic Approaches on Prediction of Debris Flow Hazard Zone Hsu, S. M., Chao, C. H., Wen, H. Y., Chi, S. Y. Ku, C. Y.
2009-01 專書 Probabilistic Approach to Hydraulic Analysis and Modeling- Modeling of 2-D Velocity Distribution and Discharge Estimation in Open Channel Flow Shih-Meng Hsu VDM Verlag Dr. Muller
2008-03 期刊論文 A Rock Mass Classification Scheme for Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity of Fractured Rocks Hsu, S. M., Chung, M. C., Ku, C. Y., Tan, C. H., Chi, S. Y. Geotechnical Special Publication
2008-03 期刊論文 岩盤工址水力特性調查與案例應用 許世孟、顧承宇、鍾明劍、蘇泰維、李錦發 地工技術雜誌
2008-03 研討會論文 A study on hydraulic properties of fractured rocks using a double packer technique: a case study Hsu, S. M., Chung, M. C., Ku, C. Y., and Tan, C. H.
2007-10 研討會論文 An Application of Borehole Acoustic Televiewer and Double Packer System to The Study Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Rocks: A Case Study in Kaohsiung, Taiwan Hsu, S. M., Chung, M. C., Ku, C. Y., Tan, C. H., and Weng, M. C.
2006-01 期刊論文 Probabilistic approach to modeling of velocity distributions in fluid flows Chiu, C. L. and Hsu, S. M. Journal of Hydrology
2005-12 期刊論文 Efficient Methods of Discharge Measurements in Rivers and Streams Based on Probability Concept Chao‐Lin Chiu, Shih‐Meng Hsu, Ning‐Chien Tung Hydrological Processes
2004-07 期刊論文 Numerical Analysis of Tidal Effects on Seawater Intrusion in Unconfined Aquifers by A Time-independent Finite Difference Method Chen, B. F. and Hsu, S. M. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering