

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-12 其他 Dark Matter Annual Modulation Analysis with Combined Nuclear and Electron Recoil Channels H.B. Li, M.K. Pandey, C.H. Leung, L. Singh, H.T. Wong, H.-C. Chi, M. Deniz, Greeshma C., J.-W. Chen, H.C. Hsu, S. Karadag, S. Karmakar, V. Kumar, J. Li, F.K. Lin, S.T. Lin, C.-P. Liu, S.K. Liu, H. Ma, D.K. Mishra, K. Saraswat, V. Sharma, M.K. Singh, M.K. Singh, V. Singh, D. Tanabe, J.S. Wang, C.-P. Wu, L.T. Yang, C.H. Yeh, and Q. Yue
2024-12 其他 Many-body atomic response functions of xenon and germanium for leading-order sub-GeV dark matter-electron interactions effective field theory C.-P. Liu, Mukesh K. Pandey, Lakhwinder Singh, Chih-Pan Wu, Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, and Henry T. Wong
2023-08 期刊論文 Inverse Primakoff scattering for axionlike particle couplings C.-P. Wu, C.-P. Liu, Greeshma C., L. Singh, J.-W. Chen, H.-C. Chi, M. K. Pandey, and H. T. Wong Physical Review D
2023-08 研討會論文 Atomic Response Functions for Light Dark Matter Direct Searches Cheng-Pang Liu
2022-09 期刊論文 Spin-dependent dark matter-electron interactions C.-P. Liu, Chih-Pan Wu, Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, Mukesh K. Pandey, Lakhwinder Singh, and Henry T. Wong Physical Review D
2022-08 研討會論文 Atomic responses in direct searches of light dark matter Cheng-Pang Liu
2021-05 期刊論文 Studies of quantum-mechanical coherency effects in neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering V. Sharma, L. Singh, H. T. Wong, M. Agartioglu, J.-W. Chen, M. Deniz, S. Kerman, H. B. Li, C.-P. Liu, K. Saraswat, M. K. Singh, and V. Singh Physical Review D
2020-12 期刊論文 Constraints from a many-body method on spin-independent dark matter scattering off electrons using data from germanium and xenon detectors Mukesh K. Pandey, Lakhwinder Singh, Chih-Pan Wu, Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, Chung-Chun Hsieh, C.-P. Liu, and Henry T. Wong Physical Review D
2020-12 期刊論文 Model-independent determination of the Migdal effect via photoabsorption C.-P. Liu, Chih-Pan Wu, Hsin-Chang Chi, and Jiunn-Wei Chen Physical Review D
2020-03 期刊論文 Relativistic impulse approximation in Compton scattering Chen-Kai Qiao, Hsin-Chang Chi, Lei Zhang, Peng Gu, Cheng-Pang Liu, Chang-Jian Tang, Shin-Ted Lin, and Keh-Ning Huang Journal of Physics B
2019-10 期刊論文 Discovery potential of multiton xenon detectors in neutrino electromagnetic properties Chung-Chun Hsieh, Lakhwinder Singh, Chih-Pan Wu, Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, C.-P. Liu, Mukesh K. Pandey, and Henry T. Wong Physical Review D
2019-02 期刊論文 Constraints on millicharged particles with low threshold germanium detectors at Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory L. Singh, J.W. Chen, H.C. Chi, C.-P. Liu, M.K. Pandey, H.T. Wong, C.P. Wu, M. Agartioglu, M. Deniz, H.B. Li, S.T. Lin, V. Sharma, M.K. Singh, V. Singh, and Q. Yue Physical Review D
2018-07 研討會論文 Atomic Aspects of Light Dark Matter Searches Cheng-Pang Liu
2017-10 期刊論文 Low-energy electronic recoil in xenon detectors by solar neutrinos Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, C.-P. Liu, Chih-Pan Wu Physics Letters B
2017-07 研討會論文 Electromagnetic Interactions of Neutrinos Cheng-Pang Liu
2017-05 研討會論文 Many-body Physics in Neutrino Detection and DM Searches Cheng-Pang Liu
2016-09 研討會論文 Many-Body Physics in Light Dark Matter and Low-Energy Neutrino Detection Cheng-Pang Liu
2016-07 研討會論文 Low Energy Atomic Response to Neutrino Scattering Cheng-Pang Liu, J.-W. Chen, H.-C. Chi, H. T. Wong, C.-P. Wu
2016-06 期刊論文 Coherency in neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering S. Kerman, V. Sharma, M. Deniz, H. T. Wong, J.-W. Chen, H. B. Li, S. T. Lin, C.-P. Liu, and Q. Yue Physical Review D
2016-05 期刊論文 Atomic ionization by sterile-to-active neutrino conversion and constraints on dark matter sterile neutrinos with germanium detectors Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, Shin-Ted Lin, C.-P. Liu, Lakhwinder Singh, Henry T. Wong, Chih-Liang Wu, and Chih-Pan Wu Physical Review D
2015-11 期刊論文 Electronic and nuclear contributions in sub-GeV dark matter scattering: A case study with hydrogen Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, C.-P. Liu, Chih-Liang Wu, and Chih-Pan Wu Physical Review D
2015-09 研討會論文 Atomic Ionization by Neutrinos at Low Energies Cheng-Pang Liu
2015-07 研討會論文 Constraining Neutrino Electromagnetic Moments by Low Energy Experiments Cheng-Pang Liu
2015-01 期刊論文 Constraining neutrino electromagnetic properties by germanium detectors Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, Keh-Ning Huang, Hau-Bin Li, C.-P. Liu, Lakhwinder Singh, Henry T. Wong, Chih-Liang Wu, and Chih-Pan Wu Physical Review D
2015-01 研討會論文 Neutrino and Dark Matter Detection at Low Energies 劉承邦
2014-08 研討會論文 Constraining Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties by Atomic Ionization Cheng-Pang Liu
2014-07 期刊論文 Constraints on millicharged neutrinos via analysis of data from atomic ionizations with germanium detectors at sub-keV sensitivities Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, Hau-Bin Li, C.-P. Liu, Lakhwinder Singh, Henry T. Wong, Chih-Liang Wu, Chih-Pan Wu Physical Review D
2014-05 研討會論文 Exotic Electromagnetic Moments -- A Venue of New Physics Cheng-Pang Liu
2014-04 期刊論文 Atomic ionization of germanium by neutrinos from an ab initio approach Jiunn-Wei Chen, Hsin-Chang Chi, Keh-Ning Huang, C.-P. Liu, Hao-Tse Shiao, Lakhwinder Singh, Henry T. Wong, Chih-Liang Wu, and Chih-Pan Wu Physics Letters B
2013-10 研討會論文 Neutrino Magnetic Moments Cheng-Pang Liu
2013-08 期刊論文 Ionization of hydrogen by neutrino magnetic moment, relativistic muon, and WIMP Jiunn-Wei Chen, C.-P. Liu, Chien-Fu Liu, and Chih-Liang Wu Physical Review D
2013-08 期刊論文 On the Parametrization of Low-Energy Parity-Violating Observables C.-P. Liu Few-Body Systems
2013-04 研討會論文 Electric Dipole Moments of Light Nuclei Cheng-Pang Liu
2013-03 期刊論文 Near threshold proton–proton fusion in effective field theory Jiunn-Wei Chen, C.-P. Liu, Shen-Hsi Yu Physics Letters B
2013-03 期刊論文 Parity violation in two-nucleon systems C.-P. Liu Hyperfine Interaction
2012-11 期刊論文 Quark-mass dependence of two-nucleon observables Jiunn-Wei Chen, Tze-Kei Lee, C.-P. Liu, and Yu-Sheng Liu Physical Review C
2012-06 期刊論文 Deuteron magnetic quadrupole moment from chiral effective field theory C.-P. Liu, J. de Vries, E. Mereghetti, R.G.E. Timmermans, U. van Kolck Physics Letters B
2011-12 期刊論文 Electric dipole moments of light nuclei from chiral effective field theory J. de Vries, R. Higa, C.-P. Liu, E. Mereghetti, I. Stetcu, R. G. E. Timmermans, and U. van Kolck Physical Review C
2011-08 研討會論文 Search for T-odd Nuclear Moments Cheng-Pang Liu
2011-07 研討會論文 Electric Dipole Moments of p, n, 2He+, and 3He2+ Cheng-Pang Liu
2010-11 期刊論文 Electric dipole moments of p, n, 2H+, and 3He2+ C.-P. Liu Nuclear Physics A
2010-07 研討會論文 Nuclear Degree of Freedom in Schiff Screening Cheng-Pang Liu
2010-06 研討會論文 Schiff Moments: The Nuclear Electric Dipole Moments Detected in Atoms Cheng-Pang Liu
2010-02 研討會論文 Nuclei as Laboratories for New Physics 劉承邦
2009-04 研討會論文 Anapole and Electric Dipole Moments of Nucleon Cheng-Pang Liu
2009-01 研討會論文 Electric Dipole Moments of Neutron, Deuteron, and 3He 劉承邦
2008-09 期刊論文 The old and the new of parity-violating two-pion-exchange NN potential C. H. Hyun, B. Desplanques, S. Ando, and C.-P. Liu Modern Physics Letters A
2008-06 期刊論文 Nuclear electric dipole moment of 3He I. Stetcu, C.-P. Liu, J. L. Friar, A. C. Hayes, and P. Navratil Physics Letters B
2008-06 期刊論文 Parity-violating nucleon-nucleon interaction from different approaches B. Desplanques, C. H. Hyun, S. Ando, and C.-P. Liu Physical Review C
2008- 研討會論文 Nuclear electric dipole moment of 3He I. Stetcu, C.‐P. Liu, J. L. Friar, A. C. Hayes, and P. Navrátil
2007-09 期刊論文 Atomic electric dipole moments: The Schiff theorem and its corrections C.-P. Liu, M. J. Ramsey-Musolf, W. C. Haxton, R. G. E. Timmermans, and A. E. L. Dieperink Phys. Rev. C
2007-08 期刊論文 Schiff screening of relativistic nucleon electric-dipole moments by electrons C.-P. Liu and J. Engel Phys. Rev. C
2007-06 期刊論文 Parity-violating observables of two-nucleon systems in effective field theory C.-P. Liu Phys. Rev. C
2007--- 研討會論文 Strangeness-conserving hadronic parity violation at low energies C.-P. Liu
2006-06 期刊論文 Parity nonconservation in elastic \vec{p} p scattering C.-P. Liu, C. H. Hyun, and B. Desplanques Phys. Rev. C
2006-02 期刊論文 Time-reversal violation in threshold \vec{n} \vec{p} scattering C.-P. Liu* and R. G. E. Timmermans Phys. Lett. B
2006--- 研討會論文 Schiff theorem and the electric dipole moments of hydrogen-like atoms C.-P. Liu, W. C. Haxton, M. J. Ramsey-Musof, R. G. E. Timmermans, and A. E. L. Dieperink
2005-02 研討會論文 Parity violating asymmetry in gamma + d ---> eta + p at low energy C. Hyun, C.-P. Liu, and B. Desplanques
2005--- 研討會論文 Parity violation in pp scattering and vector-meson weak-coupling constants C. H. Hyun, C.-P. Liu, and B. Desplanques
2004-11 期刊論文 P - and T -odd two-nucleon interaction and the deuteron electric dipole moment C.-P. Liu* and R. G. E. Timmermans Phys. Rev. C
2004-06 期刊論文 Parity nonconservation in the photodisintegration C.-P. Liu*, C. H. Hyun, and B. Desplanques Phys. Rev. C
2003-10 期刊論文 Deuteron anapole moment with heavy mesons C.-P. Liu*, C. H. Hyun, and B. Desplanques Phys. Rev. C
2003-03 期刊論文 Hadronic parity violation and inelastic electron deuteron scattering C.-P. Liu*, G. Prézeau, and M. J. Ramsey-Musolf Phys. Rev. C
2003--- 研討會論文 Nuclear anapole moments and the parity nonconserving nuclear interaction Cheng-Pang Liu
2002-03 期刊論文 Nuclear anapole moments W. C. Haxton, C.-P. Liu*, and M. J. Ramsey-Musolf Phys. Rev. C
2001-06 期刊論文 Anapole moment and other constraints on the strangeness conserving hadronic weak interaction W. C. Haxton, C.-P. Liu*, and M. J. Ramsey-Musolf Phys. Rev. Lett.