

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-12 期刊論文 Investigation of Ethanol Sensing Properties of a Sputtered InZnO Thin Layer Synthesized with Evaporated Gold Nanoparticles C. C. Chiu, P. Y. Chu, G. J. Chiu, S. W. Tan*, and W. C. Liu IEEE Sensors Journal
2024-12 期刊論文 Study of a Platinum Nano-Particles/Indium Gallium Oxide Based Ammonia Gas Sensor and a Gas Sensing Model for Internet of Things (IoT) Application S. W. Tan, C. W. Chang, Z. H. Jiang, and K. W. Lin IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
2024-10 期刊論文 Study of a highly sensitive ammonia gas sensor based on a sputtered Ga-doped SnO2 (GTO) thin film decorated with evaporated platinum nanoparticles C. K. Kuo, K. H. Luo, P. Y. Chu, J. C. Wang, S. W. Tan*, W. C. Liu Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
2022-11 期刊論文 High-sensitivity position-sensitive detectors to low-power light spots C. H. Huang, S. W. Tan*, H. Lo, C. Lo, C. W. Chen, W. S. Lour Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
2022-10 期刊論文 HBTs with a planar-type extended base as a hydrogen-sensitive sensor C. H. Huang, S. W. Tan*, H. Lo, C. Lo, W. S. Lour Electronics Lett.
2022-10 期刊論文 Temperature dependence of sensing properties of hydrogen-sensitive extended-base heterojunction bipolar transistor C. H. Huang, S. W. Tan*, H. Lo, C. Lo, W. S. Lour International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2021- 期刊論文 The Estimation Life Cycle of Lithium Ion Battery based on Deep Learning Network and Genetic Algorithm S. W. Tan, S. W. Huang Y. Z. Hsieh, S. S. Lin Energies
2021- 期刊論文 Wind Technologies for Wake Effect Performance in Windfarm Layout Based on Population-Based Optimization Algorithm Y. Z. Hsieh, S. S. Lin, E. Y. Chang, K. K. Tiong, S. W. Tan, C. Y. Hor, S. C. Cheng, Y. S. Tsai and C. R. Chen Energies
2020-01 期刊論文 Prediction of Battery Discharge States Based on the Recurrent Neural Network Y. Z. Hsieh, S. W. Tan, S. L. Gu, Y. L. Jeng, Journal of Internet Technology
2020- 期刊論文 ARCS-Assisted Teaching Robots Based on Anticipatory Computing and Emotional Big Data for Improving Sustainable Learning Efficiency and Motivation S. S. Lin*, Y. C. Luo, Y. L. Jeng, S. W. Tan*, C. R. Chen and P. Y. Chiang Sustainability
2013-05 期刊論文 A Current Transport Mechanism of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal GaAs Diodes with Mixed Contacts of Pd and SiO2”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering S. W. Tan and S. W. Lai, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
2013-01 期刊論文 Sensing properties of resistive-type hydrogen sensors with a Pd-SiO2 thin-film mixture C. Lo, S. W. Tan, C. Y. Wei, J. H. Tsai and W. S. Lour International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2012-12 期刊論文 Unidirectional sensing characteristics of structured Au–GaN–Pt diodes for differential-pair hydrogen sensors C. Lo, S. W. Tan, C. Y. Wei, J. H. Tsai, K. Y. Hsu and W. S. Lour International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2012-11 期刊論文 Characterization and Modeling Analysis for Metal-Semiconductor-Metal GaAs Diodes with Pd/SiO2 Mixture Electrode 譚仕煒 PLoS ONE
2012-07 期刊論文 Experimental characterization and modeling analysis on npn AlGaN/GaN HBT with high ideality factor in both collector and base current 譚仕煒 Surface Review and Letters
2012-02 期刊論文 Reduced Turn-On Voltage for npn Graded-Base AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors by Thermal Treatment 譚仕煒 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
2011-09 期刊論文 Hydrogen-sensitive sensor with stabilized Pd-mixture forming sensing nanoparticles on an interlayer S. W. Tan, J. H. Tsai, S. W. Lai, C. Lo, and W. S. Lour Internal Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2007-07 期刊論文 Self-Aligned Enhancement-Mode and Parasite Depletion-Mode Heterojunction Doped-Channel FET for Low Power Supply DCFL Application 譚仕煒* Journal of Electrochemical Society
2007-03 期刊論文 The Influence of Ambient Temperature on the Forward Bias Electrical Characteristics of p-n Heterojunction and Homojunction Interface 譚仕煒 Journal of Electrochemical Society
2005-08 期刊論文 Fringing effects of V-shape gate metal on GaAs/InGaP/InGaAs doped-channel field-effect transistors 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. & Technol.
2005-05 期刊論文 Three-terminal dual-emitter phototransistor with both voltage- and power-tunable optical gain 譚仕煒 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Pt.I
2005-04 期刊論文 Comparisons and modeling of heterojunction phototransistors operated in the Gummel-plot and common-emitter modes 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. & Technol.
2005-03 期刊論文 Comparisons between InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors with a sulfur- and an InGaP-passivated base surface 譚仕煒 Superlattices and Microstructures
2005-02 期刊論文 Characterization and modeling of three-terminal heterojunction phototransistors using an InGaP layer for passivation 譚仕煒 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
2005-02 期刊論文 The influence of base bias on the collector photocurrent for InGaP/GaAs heterojunction phototransistors 譚仕煒 J. Appl. Phys.
2004-09 期刊論文 Experiments and modeling of double-emitter HPTs with different emitter-area ratios for functional applications 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. & Technol.
2004-05 期刊論文 Performance enhancement of double-emitter HPTs with different emitter-area ratios 譚仕煒 Electronics Lett.
2003-12 期刊論文 Sub-0.25 micro gate like heterojunction doped-channel FETs with a controllable notch-angle V-gate 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. & Technol.
2003-11 期刊論文 Sub-0.5-um gate doped-channel FETs with HEMT-like channel using thermally re-flowed photo-resist and spin-on-glass 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. & Technol.
2003-08 期刊論文 An Investigation of direct-current characteristics of composite-emitter heterojunction bipolar transistors 譚仕煒 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Pt.I
2003-08 期刊論文 Optical and electrical characteristics of InGaP/AlGaAs/GaAs composite emitter heterojunction bipolar/phototransistors 譚仕煒 Superlattices and Microstructures
2003-02 期刊論文 Improvements in direct-current characteristics of Al0.45Ga0.55As/GaAs digital-graded superlattice-emitter heterojunction bipolar transistors with reduced turn-on voltage by wet-oxidation 譚仕煒 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
2002-05 期刊論文 Effects of wet-oxidation treatment on Al0.45Ga0.55As/GaAs graded-like superlattice-emitter bipolar transistor with low turn-on voltage 譚仕煒 Appl. Phys. Lett.
2002-04 期刊論文 Investigation of self-aligned p++-GaAs/n-InGaP hetero-junction field-effect transistors 譚仕煒 Physica E
2002-01 期刊論文 Depletion- and enhancement-mode InGaP/GaAs δ-HEMT’s for Low supply-voltage applications 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. & Technol.
2001-08 期刊論文 Dual-Gate In0.5Ga0.5P/In0.2Ga0.8As pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors with high linearity and variable gate-voltage swing 譚仕煒 Semicond. Sci. Technol.