

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-09 期刊論文 Anomalous thresholds for the S-matrix of unstable particles Katsuki Aoki, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2024-05 期刊論文 Bootstrapping string theory EFT Li-Yuan Chiang, Yu-tin Huang, and He-Chen Weng Journal of High Energy Physics
2024-05 期刊論文 De-projecting the EFThedron Li-Yuan Chiang, Yu-tin Huang, Laurentiu Rodina, and He-Chen Weng Journal of High Energy Physics
2024-02 期刊論文 The geometry of the modular bootstrap Li-Yuan Chiang,Zu-Chen Huang, Yu-tin Huang, Wei Li, Laurentiu Rodina, and He-Chen Weng Journal of High Energy Physics
2023-09 期刊論文 The ABJM Amplituhedron Song He, Yu-tin Huang, Chia-kai Kuo Journal of high Energy Physics
2023-02 期刊論文 The two-loop eight-point amplitude in ABJM theory Song He, Yu-tin Huang, Chia-Kai Kuo, Zhenjie Li Journal of High Energy Physics
2022-12 期刊論文 Gravitational Faraday effect from on-shell amplitudes Wei-Ming Chen, Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-tin Huangb, and Jung-Wook Kim Journal of High Energy Physics
2022-08 期刊論文 The 2PM Hamiltonian for binary Kerr to quartic in spin Wei-Ming Chen, Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-tin Huang, Jung-Wook Kim Journal of High Energy Physics
2022-07 期刊論文 UV-Complete Gravity Amplitudes and the Triple Product Yu-tin Huang and Grant N. Remmen Physical Review D
2022-05 期刊論文 Amplitudes from Coulomb to Kerr-Taub-NUT William T. Emond, Yu-Tin Huang, Uri Kol, Nathan Moynihan, Donal O'Connell Journal of High Energy Physics
2022-05 期刊論文 Bulk locality from the celestial amplitude Chi-Ming Chang, Yu-tin Huang, Zi-Xun Huang, Wei Li SciPost Physics
2022-03 期刊論文 Causality, unitarity, and the weak gravity conjecture Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yu-tin Huang, Jin-Yu Liu, Grant N. Remmen Journal of High energy physics
2022-03 期刊論文 Into the EFThedron and UV constraints from IR consistency Li-Yuan Chiang, Yu-tin Huang, Wei Li, Laurentiu Rodina, He-Chen Weng Journal of High energy physics
2022-02 期刊論文 On unitarity of tree-level string amplitudes Nima Arkani-Hamed, Lorenz Eberhardt, Yu-tin Huang, Sebastian Mizera Joournal of High Energy Physics
2022-01 期刊論文 The orthogonal momentum amplituhedron and ABJM amplitudes Yu-tin Huang, Ryota Kojima, Congkao Wen, Shun-Qing Zhang Journal of High Energy Physics
2021-11 期刊論文 Scattering Amplitudes For All Masses and Spins Nima Arkani-Hamed, Tzu-Chen Huang, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2021-10 期刊論文 Minimal spin deflection of Kerr-Newman and Supersymmetric black hole Bo-Ting Chen, Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-tin Huang, Man Kuan Tam Journal of High Energy Physics
2021-05 期刊論文 The EFT-Hedron Nima Arkani-Hamed, Tzu-Chen Huang Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2021-04 期刊論文 Carving out the Space of Open-String S-matrix Yu-tin Huang, Jin-Yu Liu, Laurentiu Rodina, Yihong Wang Journal of High Energy Physics
2020-12 期刊論文 Kerr-Newman stress-tensor from minimal coupling Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-Tin Huang, Jung-Wook Kim Journal of High Energy Physics
2020-10 期刊論文 Silence of Binary Kerr Black Holes Rafael Aoude, Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-tin Huang, Camila S. Machado, and Man-Kuan Tam Physical Review Letters
2020-09 期刊論文 Classical potential for general spinning bodies Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-Tin Huang, Jung-Wook Kim. Journal of High Energy Physics
2020-08 期刊論文 The Double Copy of Electric-Magnetic Duality Yu-Tin Huang, Uri Kol, Donal O'Connell Physical Review D
2020-05 期刊論文 Complete Hamiltonian for spinning binary systems at first post-Minkowskian order Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-tin Huang, Jung-Wook Kim, Sangmin Lee Journal of High Energy Physics
2020-01 期刊論文 Kerr black holes as elementary particles Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yu-tin Huang, Donal O'Connell Journal of High Energy Physics
2019-07 期刊論文 Unitarity bounds on charged/neutral state mass ratios Wei-Ming Chen, Yu-tin Huang, Toshifumi Noumi, and Congkao Wen Physical Review D
2019-06 期刊論文 On the Positive Geometry of Conformal Field Theory Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yu-Tin Huang, Shu-Heng Shao Journal of High Energy Physics
2019-04 期刊論文 The simplest massive S-matrix: from minimal coupling to Black Holes Ming-Zhi Chung, Yu-Tin Huang, Jung-Wook Kim, Sangmin Lee Journal of High energy physics
2018-12 期刊論文 Dualities for Ising networks Yu-Tin Huang, Chia-Kai Kuo, Congkao Wen Physical Review Letters
2018-06 期刊論文 N=3 harmonic supersymmetric Wilson loop Yu-tin Huang Dharmesh Jain Physical Review D
2017-12 期刊論文 On the exactness of soft theorems Andrea L. Guerrieri Yu-tin Huang Zhi-zhong Li Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2017-08 期刊論文 S-matrix singularities and CFT correlation functions Carlos Cardona, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2016-10 期刊論文 Universality in string interactions Yu-tin Huang, Oliver Schlotterer, Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2016-09 期刊論文 Exploring soft constraints on effective actions Massimo Bianchi, Andrea L. Guerrieri, Yu-tin Huang, Chao-Jung Lee, Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2016-09 期刊論文 Factorization of Chiral String Amplitudes Yu-tin Huang, Warren Siegel, Ellis Ye Yuan Journal of High Energy Physics
2015-12 期刊論文 Soft theorems from anomalous symmetries Yu-tin Huang, Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2015-09 期刊論文 Exact coefficients for higher dimensional operators with sixteen supersymmetries Wei-Ming Chen, Yu-tin Huang, Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2015-09 期刊論文 More on soft theorems: Trees, loops, and strings Massimo Bianchi, Song He, Yu-tin Huang, and Congkao Wen Physical Review D
2015-07 期刊論文 New Fermionic Soft Theorems for Supergravity Amplitudes Wei-Ming Chen, Yu-tin Huang, and Congkao Wen PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2015-03 期刊論文 From U(1) to E8: soft theorems in supergravity amplitudes Wei-Ming Chen, Yu-tin Huang, Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2015-01 期刊論文 Integrable Amplitude Deformations for N=4 Super Yang-Mills and ABJM Theory Till Bargheer, Yu-tin Huang, Florian Loebbert, Masahito Yamazaki Physical Review D
2015-01 專書 Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theory and Gravity Henriette Elvang and Yu-tin Huang Cambridge University Press
2014-12 期刊論文 Grassmannians for scattering amplitudes in 4d N=4 SYM and 3d ABJM Henriette Elvang, Yu-tin Huang, Cynthia Keeler, Thomas Lam, Timothy M. Olson, Samuel B. Roland, David E Speyer Journal of High Energy Physics
2014-12 期刊論文 Loop corrections to soft theorems in gauge theories and gravity Song He, Yu-tin Huang, Congkao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2014-06 期刊論文 Consistency Conditions for Gauge Theory S Matrices from Requirements of Generalized Unitarity Yu-tin Huang and David A. McGady Physical Review Letters
2014-06 期刊論文 The Positive orthogonal Grassmannian and loop amplitudes of ABJM Yu-tin Huang, CongKao Wen, Dan Xie Journal of Physics A
2014-02 期刊論文 ABJM amplitudes and the positive orthogonal Grassmannian Yu-tin Huang, CongKao Wen Journal of High Energy Physics
2013-11 期刊論文 On three-algebra and bi-fundamental matter amplitudes and integrability of supergravity Yu-tin Huang, Henrik Johansson, Sangmin Lee Journal of High Energy Physics
2013-04 期刊論文 Equivalent D=3 Supergravity Amplitudes from Double Copies of Three-Algebra and Two-Algebra Gauge Theories Hernik Johansson and Yu-tin Huang Physical Review Letters
2013-04 期刊論文 One-loop renormalization and the S matrix Yu-tin Huang, David A. McGady, and Cheng Peng Physical Review D
2013-03 期刊論文 The two-loop six-point amplitude in ABJM theory S. Caron-Huot, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2012-11 期刊論文 A new integral formula for supersymmetric scattering amplitudes in three dimensions Yu-tin Huang and Sangmin Lee Physical Review Letters
2012-11 期刊論文 Ultraviolet cancellations in half-maximal supergravity as a consequence of the double-copy structure Zvi Bern, Scott Davies, Tristan Dennen, and Yu-tin Huang Physical Review D
2012-10 期刊論文 Chiral three-point interactions in 5 and 6 dimensions Bartlomiej Czech, Yu-tin Huang, Moshe Rozali Journal of High Energy Physics
2012-05 期刊論文 Absence of Three-Loop Four-Point Ultraviolet Divergences in N=4 Supergravity Zvi Bern, Scott Davies, Tristan Dennen, and Yu-tin Huang Physical Review Letters
2011-11 期刊論文 Basics of generalized unitarity Zvi Bern and Yu-tin Huang Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
2011-11 期刊論文 Dualities for loop amplitudes of N = 6 Chern-Simons matter theory Wei-Ming Chen, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2011-09 期刊論文 On-shell superamplitudes in N<4 SYM Henriette Elvang, Yu-tin Huang, Cheng Peng Journal of High Energy Physics
2011-04 期刊論文 Generalized unitarity and six-dimensional helicity Zvi Bern, John Joseph Carrasco, Tristan Dennen, Yu-tin Huang, and Harald Ita Physical Review D
2011-03 期刊論文 Tree-level recursion relation and dual superconformal symmetry of the ABJM theory Dongmin Gang, Yu-tin Huang, Eunkyung Koh, Sangmin Lee, Arthur E. Lipstein Journal of High Energy Physics
2011-01 期刊論文 Dual conformal properties of six-dimensional maximal super Yang-Mills amplitudes Tristan Dennen, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2010-11 期刊論文 Dual superconformal symmetry of N=6 Chern-Simons theory Yu-tin Huang, Arthur E. Lipstein Journal of High Energy Physics
2010-10 期刊論文 Amplitudes of 3D and 6D maximal superconformal theories in supertwistor space Yu-tin Huang, Arthur E. Lipstein Journal of High Energy Physics
2010-09 期刊論文 Gravity as the square of gauge theory Zvi Bern, Tristan Dennen, Yu-tin Huang, and Michael Kiermaier PHYSICAL REVIEW D
2010-04 期刊論文 Supertwistor space for 6D maximal super Yang-Mills Tristan Dennen, Yu-tin Huang, Warren Siegel Journal of High Energy Physics
2009-04 期刊論文 First-quantized N=4 Yang-Mills Machiko Hatsuda (Urawa U. & KEK, Tsukuba), Yu-tin Huang, Warren Siegel Journal of High Energy Physics
2009-04 期刊論文 MHV Lagrangian for N=4 super Yang-Mills Haidong Feng, Yu-tin Huang Journal of High Energy Physics
2008-10 期刊論文 Worldgraph Approach to Yang-Mills Amplitudes from N=2 Spinning Particle Peng Dai, Yu-tin Huang and Warren Siegel Journal of High Energy Physics
2008-09 期刊論文 String interactions on the random lattice Haidong Feng, Yu-tin Huang, Warren Siegel Physics Letters B
2007-09 期刊論文 Running anti-de Sitter radius from QCD-like strings Yu-tin Huang and Warren Siegel Journal of High Energy Physics
2005-04 期刊論文 N=4 super-Yang–Mills NMHV loop amplitude in superspace Yu-tin Huang Physics Letters B