出版年月 |
著作類別 |
著作名稱 |
作者 |
收錄出處 |
2023-09 |
Lower bounds for adiabatic quantum algorithms by quantum speed limits |
Jyong-Hao Chen |
Physical Review Research
2022-10 |
Bounds on quantum adiabaticity in driven many-body systems from generalized orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit |
Jyong-Hao Chen, Vadim Cheianov |
Physical Review Research
2022-08 |
Quantum adiabaticity in many-body systems and almost-orthogonality in complementary subspace |
Jyong-Hao Chen, Vadim Cheianov |
2021-05 |
Stability against contact interactions of a topological superconductor in two-dimensional space protected by time-reversal and reflection symmetries |
Omer M. Aksoy, Jyong-Hao Chen, Shinsei Ryu, Akira Furusaki, and Christopher Mudry |
Physical Review B
2019-05 |
Model of spin liquids with and without time-reversal symmetry |
Jyong-Hao Chen, Christopher Mudry, Claudio Chamon, and A. M. Tsvelik |
Physical Review B
2018-09 |
Giant Pressure Dependence and Dimensionality Switching in a Metal-Organic Quantum Antiferromagnet |
B. Wehinger, C. Fiolka, A. Lanza, R. Scatena, M. Kubus, A. Grockowiak, W. A. Coniglio, D. Graf, M. Skoulatos, J.-H. Chen, J. Gukelberger, N. Casati, O. Zaharko, P. Macchi, K. W. Krämer, S. Tozer, C. Mudry, B. Normand, and Ch. Rüegg |
Physical Review Letters
2017-12 |
Model of chiral spin liquids with Abelian and non-Abelian topological phases |
Jyong-Hao Chen, Christopher Mudry, Claudio Chamon, and A. M. Tsvelik |
Physical Review B
2017-04 |
Coupled spin-1/2 ladders as microscopic models for non-Abelian chiral spin liquids |
Po-Hao Huang, Jyong-Hao Chen, Adrian E. Feiguin, Claudio Chamon, and Christopher Mudry |
Physical Review B
2016-05 |
Non-Abelian topological spin liquids from arrays of quantum wires or spin chains |
Po-Hao Huang, Jyong-Hao Chen, Pedro R. S. Gomes, Titus Neupert, Claudio Chamon, and Christopher Mudry |
Physical Review B
2010-06 |
Effect on Higgs boson decays from large light-heavy neutrino mixing in seesaw models |
Jyong-Hao Chen, Xiao-Gang He, Jusak Tandean, and Lu-Hsing Tsai |
Physical Review D