Controlling Andreev bound states with the magnetic vector potential
Christian M. Moehle, Prasanna K. Rout, Nayan A. Jainandunsing, Dibyendu Kuiri, Chung Ting Ke, Di Xiao, Candice Thomas, Michael J. Manfra, Michał P. Nowak and Srijit Goswami
Nano Letter
InSbAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gases as a Platform for Topological Superconductivity
C. M. Moehle, C. T. Ke, C. Thomas, D. Xiao, M. Lodari, V. van de Kerkhof, R. Termaat, S. Metti, C. R Guinn, R. Kallaher, G. C. Gardner, G. Scappucci, M. J. Manfra, and S. Goswami
Nano Letters
Nonequilibrium quantum critical steady state: Transport through a dissipative resonant level
Gu Zhang, Chung-Hou Chung, Chung-Ting Ke, Chao-Yun Lin, Henok Mebrahtu, Alex I. Smirnov, Gleb Finkelstein, and Harold U. Baranger
Physical Review Research
Quantum dots in an InSb two-dimensional electron gas
I. Kulesh, C. T. Ke, C. Thomas, S. Karwal, C. M. Moehle, S. Metti, R. Kallaher, G. C Gardner, M. J Manfra, S. Goswami
Physical Review Applied
Anomalous periodicity of magnetic interference patterns in encapsulated graphene Josephson junctions
C. T. Ke*, A. W. Draelos*, A. Seredinski*, M. T. Wei, H. Li, M. Hernandez-Rivera, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, Y. Bomze, I. V. Borzenets, F. Amet, G. Finkelstein
Physical Review Research
Ballistic superconductivity and tunable π–junctions in InSb quantum wells
C. T. Ke*, C. M. Moehle*, F. K. de Vries, C. Thomas, S. Metti, C. R Guinn, R. Kallaher, M. Lodari, G. Scappucci, T. Wang, R. E. Diaz, G. C. Gardner, M. J. Manfra, S. Goswami
Nature communications
Chiral quasiparticle tunneling between quantum Hall edges in proximity with a superconductor
M. T. Wei, A. W. Draelos, A. Seredinski, C. T. Ke, H. Li, Y. Mehta, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, G. Finkelstein, F. Amet, I. V. Borzenets
Physical Review B
Subkelvin lateral thermal transport in diffusive graphene
A. W. Draelos, A. Silverman, B. Eniwaye, E. G. Arnault, C. T. Ke, M. T. Wei, I. Vlassiouk, I. V. Borzenets, F. Amet, G. Finkelstein
Physical Review B
Investigation of supercurrent in the quantum Hall regime in graphene Josephson junctions
A. W. Draelos, M. T. Wei, A. Seredinski, C. T. Ke, Y. Mehta, R. Chamberlain, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, I. V. Borzenets, F. Amet, G. Finkelstein
Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Supercurrent in graphene Josephson junctions with narrow trenches in the quantum Hall regime
A. Seredinski, A. Draelos, M.-T. Wei, C. T. Ke, T. Fleming, Y. Mehta, E. Mancil, H. Li, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. Tarucha, M. Yamamoto, I. V Borzenets, F. Amet, G. Finkelstein
MRS Advances
Ballistic Graphene Josephson Junctions from the Short to the Long Junction Regimes
I. V. Borzenets, F. Amet, C. T. Ke, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, G Finkelstein
Physical Review Letter
Critical current and Thouless energy in long diffusive graphene-based Josephson junctions
C. T. Ke, I. V. Borzenets, A. W. Draelos, F. Amet, Y. Bomze, G. Jones, M. Craciun, S. Russo, M. Yamamoto, S. Tarucha, G. Finkelstein
Nano Letters
Supercurrent in the quantum Hall regime
F. Amet*, C. T. Ke*, I. V. Borzenets, Y-M. Wang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Y. Bomze, S. Tarucha, G. Finkelstein
Importance of diameter control on selective synthesis of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes
J. Li, C. T. Ke, K. Liu, P. Li, S. Liang, G. Finkelstein, F. Wang, J. Liu
ACS Nano
Anisotropic dielectric and ferroelectric response of multiferroic LiCu2O2 in magnetic field
L. Zhao, K. W. Yeh, S. M. Rao, T. W. Huang, P. Wu, W. H. Chao, C. T. Ke, C. E. Wu, M. K Wu
Europhysics letters
Longitudinal Field Muon Spin Rotation Study of Magnetic Freezing in Fe Rich FeSe0.25Te0.75
W. A. MacFarlane, O. Ofer, K.H. Chow, M.D. Hossain, T. J. Parolin, H. Saadaoui, Q. Song, D. Wang, D.J. Arseneau, B. Hitti, K.-W. Yeh, C.-T. Ke, M.-K. Wu
Physics Procedia
Characterization of multiferroic LiTMxCu2−xO2 (TM=Ni and Zn) single crystals
W.-H. Chao, K.-W. Yeh, T.-K. Chen, C.-L. Chen, L. Zhao, C.-C. Chang , T.-W. Huang , C. T. Ke, M.-K. Wu
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Convective solution transport—An improved technique for the growth of big crystals of the superconducting α-FeSe using KCl as solvent
S. M. Rao, B. H. Mok, M.-C. Ling, C. T. Ke, T.-K. Chen, I.-M. Tsai, Y.-L. Lin, H.-L. Liu, C.-L. Chen, F.-C. Hsu, T.-W. Huang, T.-B. Wu, M.-K. Wu
Journal of Applied Physics
Low-temperature fabrication of superconducting FeSe thin films by pulsed laser deposition
The development of the superconducting tetragonal PbO‐type FeSe and related compounds
M.-K. Wu, K.-W. Yeh, H.-C. Hsu, T.-W. Huang, T.-K. Chen, J.-Y. Luo, M.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, C. T. Ke, M. H. Moh, S. M. D. Rao
Physica Status Solidi
Growth and investigation of crystals of the new superconductor α-FeSe from KCl solutions
B. H. Mok, S. M. Rao, M.-C. Ling, K.-J. Wang, C. T. Ke, P. M. Wu, C.-L. Chen, F.-C. Hsu, T.-W. Huang, J.-Y. Luo, D.-C. Yan, K.-W. Yeh, T.-B. Wu, A. M. Chang, M.-K. Wu
Crystal Growth and Design
Superconducting FeSe1−xTex Single Crystals Grown by Optical Zone-Melting Technique
K.-W. Yeh, C. T. Ke, T.-W. Huang, T.-K. Chen, Y.-L. Huang, P. M. Wu and M.-K. Wu
Crystal Growth & Design
The development of the superconducting PbO-type β-FeSe and related compounds
M.-K. Wu, F.-C. Hsu, K.-W. Yeh, T.-W. Huang, J.-Y. Luo, M.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, T.-K. Chen, S. M. Rao, B. H. Mok, C.-L. Chen, Y.-L. Huang, C. T. Ke, P. M. Wu, A. M. Chang, C.-T. Wu and T.-P. Perng
Physica C
Deep-level emissions in GaAsN/GaAs structures grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition
J. F. Chen, C. T. Ke, P. C. Hsieh, C. H. Chiang, W. I. Lee, S. C. Lee, “Deep-level emissions in GaAsN/GaAs