

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2025-02 期刊論文 Anisotropic and Temperature-Independent Magnetic Susceptibility Peak in MoSe1.8Te0.2 Van der Waals Layers Shiu-Ming Huang, Ankush Saxena, Fu-En Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, Kuan-Ting Liu, and Mitch M.C Chou ACS Applied Electronic Materials
2024-12 期刊論文 The surface oxidation effect on photocurrent in WSe1.95Te0.05 nanosheets Shiu-Ming Huang, Tzu-Yueh Tu, Pin-Cing Wang, Chang-Yu Li, Mitch Chou, Hao-Ting Wu, Yue-Cheng Hsieh, and Ruei-San Chen iScience
2024-08 期刊論文 Enhancement of NO2 sensing in Sb2Te2Se by vacancies Shiu-Ming Huang, Fu-En Cheng, Wei-Chueh Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, You-Jhih Yan, Mitch M.C. Chou, Chih-Mien Lee, and Chiu-Hsien Wu Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
2024-05 期刊論文 The structure induced magnetic susceptibility peak to dip transition in the MoSe2−xTex Shiu-Ming Huang, Fu-En Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, Kuan-Ting Liu, and Mitch Chou Results in Physics
2024-01 期刊論文 Significant Enhancement of NO2 Detection Response in MoTe2 Nanostructures with a 1T'-2H Structure Mixture Shiu-Ming Huang, Wei-Chueh Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, Fu-En Cheng and Chiu-Hsien Wu ACS Applied Nano Materials
2023-05 期刊論文 The oxidation enhancement photocurrent response in WSe1.95Te0.05 nanosheets Shiu-Ming Huang, Tzu-Yueh Tu, Pin-Cing Wang, Chang-Yu Li, Mitch Chou, Hao-Ting Wu, Yue-Cheng Hsieh and Ruei-San Chen Applied surface science
2023-01 期刊論文 The temperature-independent paramagnetism susceptibility peak at zero magnetic fields in the non-topological WSe2 single crystal Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, Kuo-Yi Hung, Fu-En Cheng, Chang-Yu Li and Mitch Chou Results in Physics
2022-11 期刊論文 On the Paramagnetic-Like Susceptibility Peaks at Zero Magnetic Field in WSe2−xTex Single Crystals Shiu‑Ming Huang, Pin‑Cing Wang, Kuo‑Yi Hung, Fu‑En Cheng, Chang‑Yu Li and Mitch Chou Nanoscale Research Letter
2022-08 期刊論文 A singular paramagnetic susceptibility peak in a WSe2/MoSe2 chemical bonding structure Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, and Fu-En Cheng Applied Physics Letters
2022-05 期刊論文 The lattice distortion induced ferromagnetism in the chemical bonded MoSe2/WSe2 at room temperature Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cyuan Chen, and Pin-Cing Wang Nanoscale Research Letters
2022-03 期刊論文 The quantum oscillations in different probe configurations in the BiSbTe3 topological insulator macroflake Shiu-Ming Huang, Chien Lin, Sheng-Yu You, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, and Mitch Chou Sci. Rep.
2022-01 期刊論文 The singularity paramagnetic peak of Bi0.3Sb1.7Te3 with p-type surface state Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, Pin-Cyuan Chen, Jai-Long Hong, Cheng-Maw Cheng, Hao-Lun Jian, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu and Mitch M. C. Chou Nanoscale Research Letters
2021-12 期刊論文 The Magnetic Susceptibility Bifurcation in the Ni-Doped Sb2Te3 Topological Insulator with Antiferromagnetic Order Accompanied by Weak Ferromagnetic Alignment Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Ching Wang, Hao-Lun Jian and Mitch Chou Nanoscale Research Letters
2021-12 期刊論文 The high coercivity field in the chemically bonded WSe2/MoSe2 powder Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cyuan Chen and Pin-Cing Wang Nanomaterials
2021-02 期刊論文 The Highly Uniform Photoresponsivity from Visible to Near IR Light in Sb2Te3 Flakes Shiu-Ming Huang, Jai-Lung Hung, Mitch Chou, Chi-Yang Chen, Fang-Chen Liu and Ruei-San Chen Sensors
2020-08 期刊論文 Observation of Landau level dependent Aharonov-Bohm-like oscillations in a topological insulator Shiu-Ming Huang, Chien Lin, Sheng-Yu You, Pin-Cyuan Chen, Jai-Long Hong, Jyun-Fong Wong, Hao-Lun Jian, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, Mitch Chou. Nanoscale Research Letters
2018-11 期刊論文 The extremely enhanced photocurrent response in topological insulator nanosheets with high conductance Shiu-Ming Huang, Lin-Jie Lin, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, Mitch Chou, Ho-Feng Hsieh, Chin-Jung Ho, and Ruei-San Chen Nanoscale Research Letters
2018-11 期刊論文 The thickness-induced magneto-transport and optic properties enhancement in Sb2Te3 flakes Shiu-Ming Huang, Kai-Jui Chen, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, Mitch Chou Sci. Rep.
2018-05 期刊論文 The Aharonov-Bohm oscillation in the BiSbTe3 topological insulator macroflake Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Chun Wang, Chien Lin, Sheng-Yu You, Wei-Cheng Lin, Lin-Jie Lin, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, and Mitch Chou Appl. Phys. Lett.
2018-04 期刊論文 Single crystalline SmB6 nanowires for self-powered, broadband photodetectors covering mid-infrared Yong Zhou, Jiawei Lai, Lingjian Kong, Junchao Ma, Zhu Lin, Fang Lin, Rui Zhu, Jun Xu, Shiu-Ming Huang, Dongsheng Tang, Song Liu, Zhensheng Zhang, Zhi-Min Liao, Dong Sun, and Dapeng Yu Appl. Phys. Lett.
2018-01 期刊論文 Confined-path interference suppressed quantum correction on weak antilocalization effect in a BiSbTeSe2 topological insulator Laixiang Qin, Xin-Chen Pan, Fengqi Song, Liang Zhang, Zhang-Hao Sun, Ming-Qiang Li, peng Gao, Ben-Chuan Lin, Shiu-Ming Huang, Rui Zhu, Jun Xu, Fang Lin, Haizhou Lu, Da-Peng Yu, and Zhi-Min Liao Appl. Phys. Lett.
2017-10 期刊論文 Interplay between topological surface states and superconductivity in SmB6/NbN tunnel junctions Zhu Lin, Yong Zhou, Ling-Jian Kong, Dongsheng Tang, Hai-Zhou Lu, Shiu-Ming Huang, Rui Zhu, Jun Xu, Fang Lin, Jianbo Wang, Zhi-Min Liao, and Dapeng Yu Phys. Rev. B
2017-08 期刊論文 High-responsive photoconductance in the Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator nanosheet at room temperature S. M. Huang, S. J. Huang, Y. J. Yan, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, H. W. Yang, Y. S. Chang, and R. S. Chen RSC Advances
2017-07 期刊論文 Enhancement of carrier transport characteristic in the Sb2Se2Te topological insulators by N2 adsorption Shiu-ming Huang, Shih-Jhe huang, Ching Hsu, Paritosh Wadekar, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu and Mitch M. C. Chou Sci. Rep.
2017-05 期刊論文 Thickness-dependent conductance in Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator nanosheets Shiu-Ming Huang, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu and Mitch Chou Sci. Rep.
2017-03 期刊論文 Effect of thermal annealing on the spin Seebeck effect in Pt/Ni81Fe19 at room temperature S. M. Huang Thin Solid Film
2017-03 期刊論文 Extremely high-performance visible light photodetector in the Sb2SeTe2 nanoflake S. M. Huang, S. J. Huang, Y. J. Yan, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, H. W. Yang, Y. S. Chang and R. S. Chen Sci. Rep.
2017-02 期刊論文 Observation of surface oxidation resistant Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator S. M. Huang, C. Y. Huang, S. J. Huang, C. Hsu, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, P. V. Wadekar, Quark Y. S. Chen and L. W. Tu J. Appl. Phys.
2017-01 期刊論文 Two-carrier transport-induced extremely large magnetoresistance in high mobility Sb2Se3 S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou J. Appl. Phys.
2016-12 期刊論文 The large linear magnetoresistance in Sb2Se2Te single crystal with extremely low mobility S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, M. Chou Mater. Res. Express
2016-08 期刊論文 The temperature dependence of the crossover magnetic field of linear magnetoresistance in the Cu0.1Bi2Se3 S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, M. Chou Mater. Res. Express
2016-06 期刊論文 The linear magnetoresistance from surface state of the Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou J. Appl. Phys.
2016-05 期刊論文 Shubnikov-de Hass oscillation of Bi2Te3 topological insulator with cm-scale uniformity S. M. Huang, S. Y. Lin, J. F. Chen, C. K. Lee, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, C. M. Cheng, and H. D. Yang J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
2015-07 期刊論文 Gate-tunable coherent transport in Se-capped Bi2Se3 grown on amorphous SiO2/Si Y. Hung Liu, C. Wei Chong, J. Lun Jheng, S. Yu Huang, J. C. Andrew Huang, Z. Li, H. Qiu, S. Ming Huang, V.V. Marchenkov Appl. Phys. Lett.
2015-07 期刊論文 The influence of graphene surface configuration on the molecular detection output signal S. M. Huang and J. L. Jheng J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys
2015-01 期刊論文 Effects of molecular adsorption on carrier transport properties of large-size graphene Shiu-Ming Huang and Pushpendra Kumar J. Appl. Phys. 117, 025103 (2015)
2014-11 期刊論文 Gas detection using large-size graphene with defects Shiu-Ming Huang, Yu-Fang Fan, and Pushpendra Kumar J. Appl. Phys. 116, 193704 (2014)
2013-07 期刊論文 A possible solution for charge sensing in vertical double quantum dots S. M. Huang, A. O. Badrutdinov, K. Kono, and K. Ono J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 345301 (2013)
2013-07 期刊論文 Dynamic nuclear polarization with three electrons in a vertical double quantum dot A. O. Badrutdinov, S. M. Huang, K. Ono, K. Kono, and D. A. Tayurskii Phys. Rev. B 88, 035303 (2013)
2013-02 期刊論文 Strong Rashba Spin–Orbit Interaction Intensity in Low-Potential-Barrier Quantum Dots S. M. Huang, A. O. Badrutdinov, K. Kono and K. Ono Jpn. J. Appl. Phys 52, 04CJ02 (2013)
2012-12 期刊論文 Spin blockade with spin singlet electrons Y. C. Sun, S. Amaha, S. M. Huang, J. J. Lin, K. Kono, and K. Ono Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 085325 (2012)
2012-09 期刊論文 Gate-Controlled Rashba Spin-Orbit interaction Intensity in Semiconductor Heterostructures S. M. Huang Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 26, 1230015 (2012)
2011-10 期刊論文 Enhancement of Rashba coupling in vertical In0.05Ga0.95As/GaAs quantum dots S. M. Huang, A. O, Badrutdnov, L. Serra, T. Tokura, T. Nakaoka, N. Kumaga, T. Arakawa, D. A. Tayurskii, K. Kono, and K. Ono Phys. Rev. B 84, 085325 (2011)
2011-04 期刊論文 Level Broading effect in electron tunneling through double quantum dots with different g factors S. M. Huang, Y. Tokura, H. Akimoto, K. Kono, J. J. Lin, S. Tarucha, and K. Ono Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 04DJ02 (2011)
2011-01 期刊論文 Cotunneling effects in GaAs vertical double quantum dots A. O. Badrutdinov, S, M. Huang, K. Kono, K. Ono, and D. A. Tayurskii JETP lett. 93, 217 (2011)
2010-04 期刊論文 Spin bottleneck in resonant tunneling through double quantum dots S. M. Huang, Y. Tokura, H. Akmoto, K. Kono, J.J. Lin, S. Tarucha, and K. Ono Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 136801 (2010)
2008-04 期刊論文 Spin Transport from Doublet State to Triplet State in Vertical Quantum Dots S. M. Huang, H. Akimoto, K. Kono ,J. J. Lin, S. Tarucha ,and K. Ono Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47, 3257 (2008)
2007-07 期刊論文 Observation of Strong Electron Dephasing in Highly Disordered Cu93Ge4Au3 Thin Films S. M. Huang, T. C. Lee, H. Akimoto, K. Kono, and J. J. Lin Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 046601 (2007)