

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-05 期刊論文 Photoluminescence of Monolayer WSe2 Enhanced by the Exciton Funnel E®ect and the Interfacial Carrier Tunneling E®ect When Integrated with 3D Si Wrinkled Structures Yanhui Lv, Gang Wu, Guo-En Chang, Cormac Ó Coileain, Kuan-Ming Hung, Sunil K. Arora, Ching-Ray Chang, H. H. Cheng and Han-Chun Wu SPIN
2023-11 期刊論文 Strain-Dependent Optical Properties of Monolayer WSe2 Yanhui Lv, Mohamed Abid, H. H. Cheng, Cormac Ó Coileain, R. G. S Sofin, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu, J. Phys. Chem. C
2023-08 期刊論文 Dark current analysis on GeSn p-i-n photodetectors Soumava Ghosh, Greg Sun, Timothy A. Morgan, Gregory T. Forcherio, Hung-Hsiang Cheng and Guo-En Chang Sensors 2023, 23, 7531 2023.
2023-05 期刊論文 Photoresponse of Graphene Channel in Graphene-Oxide–Silicon Photodetectors Kuo-Chih Lee, Yu-Hsien Chuang, Chen-Kai Huang, Hui Li, Guo-En Chang, Kuan-Ming Hung and Hung Hsiang Cheng Photonics
2023-03 期刊論文 GeSn Vertical Heterostructure p-i-n Waveguide Light Emitting Diode for 2 μm Band Silicon Photonics Radhika Bansal, Yue-Tong Jheng, Kuo-Chih Lee, H. H. Cheng, and Guo-En Chang IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 44, NO. 3, MARCH (2023).
2023-03 期刊論文 Transfer-Printing-Enabled GeSn Flexible Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Photodetectors with Strain-Amplified Mid-Infrared Optical Responses Yeh-Chen Tai, Shu An, Po-Rei Huang, Yue-Tong Jheng, Kuo-Chih Lee, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, Munho Kim and Guo-En Chang Nanoscale
2023-01 期刊論文 Time-Resolved Photoluminescence in GeSn Film by New Infrared Streak Camera Attachment Based on a Broadband Light Upconversion Patrik Ščajev, Saulius Miasojedovas, Algirdas Mekys, Pavels Onufrijevs and Hung-Hsiang Cheng Coating
2022-05 期刊論文 Design and Optimization of GeSnWaveguide Photodetectors for 2-m Band Silicon Photonics Soumava Ghosh, Radhika Bansal, Greg Sun, Richard A. Soref, Hung-Hsiang Cheng and Guo-En Chang sensors
2022-04 期刊論文 Achievable Performance of Uncooled Homojunction GeSn Mid-infrared Photodetectors Guo-En Chang, Shui-Qing Yu, Jifeng Liu, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, Richard A. Soref, and Greg Sun IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
2022-01 期刊論文 Power-Dependent Investigation of Photo-Response from GeSn-Based p-i-n Photodetector Operating at High Power Density Chiao Chang, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, Gary A. Sevison, Joshua R. Hendrickson, Zairui Li, Imad Agha, Jay Mathews, Richard A. Soref and Greg Sun Materials
2021-12 期刊論文 Efficient Suppression of Charge Recombination in Self-Powered Photodetectors with Band-Aligned Transferred van der Waals Metal Electrodes Gang Wu, Hee-Suk Chung, Tae-Sung Bae, Jiung Cho, Kuo-Chih Lee, Hung Hsiang Cheng, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Kuan-Ming Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
2021-07 期刊論文 Extension of spectral sensitivity of GeSn IR photodiode after laser annealing Patrik Ščajev, Pavels Onufrijevs, Algirdas Mekys, Tadas Malinauskas, Dominykas Augulis, Liudvikas Subačius, Kuo-Chih Lee, Jevgenijs Kaupuzs, Sarunas Varnagiris, Arturs Medvids, Hung Hsiang Cheng Applied Surface Science 555 (2021) 149711
2021-07 期刊論文 Planar GeSn lateral p-i-n resonant-cavity-enhanced photodetectors for short-wave infrared integrated photonics Chen-Yang Chang, Radhika Bansal, Kuo-Chih Lee, Greg Sun, Richard Soref, H. H. Cheng, and Guo-En Chang Optics Letters
2021-04 期刊論文 Electro-absorption modulation in GeSn alloys for wide-spectrum mid-infrared applications Yun-Da Hsieh, Jun-Han Lin, Richard Soref, Greg Sun, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, and Guo-En Chang Communications Materials
2021-02 期刊論文 GeSn lateral p-i-n waveguide photodetectors for mid-infrared integrated photonics Cheng-Hsun Tsai, Kuan-Chih Lin, Chin-Yuan Cheng, Kuo-Chih Lee, H. H. Cheng, and Guo-En Chang Optics Letters
2020-12 期刊論文 Electrical contact barriers between 3D metal and layered SnS2 Lv, Chengzhai; Yan, Wen-Jie; Shieh, Tung-Ho; Zhao, Yue; Wu, Gang; zhao, Yanfeng; Lv, Yanhui; Zhang, Duan, Chen, Yanhui, Arora, Sunil, Coileáin Cormac, Chang Ching-Ray, Cheng Hung Hsiang*, Hung, K.–M, Wu. Han-Chun ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
2020-10 期刊論文 Amplifying photocurrent of graphene on GeSn film by sandwiching a thin oxide between them Yanhui Lv, Hui Li, Kuo-Chih Lee, Guo-En Chang, Tung-Ho Shieh, Xiao-Shan Wu, Ching-Ray Chang, Han-Chun Wu, Kuan-Ming. Hung, and Hung-Hsiang Cheng Appl. Phys. Lett.
2020-10 期刊論文 Photoelectrical properties of Graphene/ doped GeSn vertical heterostructures Yanhui Lv, Hui Li, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Duan Zhang, Chenglin Heng, Ching-Ray Chang, K. -M. Hung, Huang Hsiang Cheng* and Han-Chun Wu RSC Advances
2020-09 期刊論文 Temperature dependent carrier lifetime, diffusion coefficient and diffusion length in Ge0.95Sn0.05 epilayer Patrik Ščajev, Vaiva Soriūtė, Gediminas Kreiza, Tadas Malinauskas, Sandra Stanionytė, Pavels Onufrijevs, Arturs Medvids, Hung-Hsiang Cheng Journal of Applied Physics
2020-08 期刊論文 Strain-free GeSn nanomembranes enabled by transfer-printing techniques for advanced optoelectronic applications Tai, Yeh-Chen; Yeh, Po-Lun ; An, Shu; Cheng, Henry; Kim, Munho; Chang, Guo-En Nanotechnology
2020-07 期刊論文 Planar GeSn photodiode for high-detectivity photodetection at 1550 nm Kuo-Chih Lee, Min-Xiang Lin, Hui Li, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, Greg Sun, Richard Soref, Joshua R. Hendrickson, Kuan-Ming Hung, Patrik Scajev, and Arthur Medvids Appl. Phys. Lett.
2020-06 期刊論文 Photoelectrical properties of Graphene/ doped GeSn vertical heterostructures Yanhui Lv, Hui Li, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Duan Zhang, Chenglin Heng, Ching-Ray Chang, K. -M. Hung, Huang Hsiang Cheng and Han-Chun Wu RSC Advances
2020-03 期刊論文 Direct-indirect GeSn band structure formation by laser Radiation: The enhancement of Sn solubility in Ge Pavels Onufrijevs, PatrikŠčajev, Arturs Medvids, Mindaugas Andrulevicius, Saulius NargelasTadas, Malinauskas Sandra, Stanionytė Martynas, Skapas, Liga Grase, Arturs Pludons, Michael Oehme, Klara Lyutovich, Erich Kasper, Joerg Schulze, Hung Hsiang Cheng Optic and laser technologies, 128 (2020) 106200
2020-03 期刊論文 Electrical Contact Barriers between a Three-Dimensional Metal and 2 Layered SnS2 Chengzhai Lv, Wenjie Yan, Tung-Ho Shieh,Yue Zhao, Gang Wu, Yanfeng Zhao, Yanhui Lv, Duan Zhang, Sunil K. Arora, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Ching-Ray Chang, H. H. Cheng, K. -M. Hung, and Han-Chun Wu ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
2020-03 期刊論文 Silicon-based high-responsivity GeSn short-wave infrared heterojunction phototransistors with a floating base Wei-Ting Hung, Devesh Barshilia, Rikmantra Basu, H. H. Cheng, and Guo-En Chang Optics Letters
2020-01 期刊論文 GeSn resonant-cavity-enhanced photodetectors for efficient photodetection at the 2 µm wavelength band Cheng-Hsun Tsai, Bo-Jun Huang, Richard A. Soref, Greg Sun, H. H. Cheng, and Guo-En Chang, Optics Letters
2019-06 期刊論文 Electrically-injected GeSn vertical-cavity surface emitters on silicon-on-insulator platforms B. J. Huang, Y. D. Hsieh, G. Sun, R. Soref, H. H. Cheng, and G. E. Chang ACS Photonics
2017- 期刊論文 Comparative investigation of Schottky barrier height of Ni/n-type Ge and Ni/n-type GeSn Li. Sian. Jheng, Hui. Li, Chiao. Chang, Hung. Hsiang. Cheng, and Liang. Chen. Li AIP ADVANCES 7, 095324 (2017).
2017- 期刊論文 Room-temperature 2-m GeSn P-I-N homojunction light-emitting diode for inplane coupling to group-IV waveguides Chiao Chang, Tai-Wei Chang, Hui Li, Hung Hsiang Cheng, Richard Soref, Greg Sun, and Joshua R. Hendrickson Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 141105 (2017).
2017- 期刊論文 Sn-based waveguide p-i-n photodetector with strained GeSn/Ge multiple-quantum-well active layer YU-HUI HUANG, GUO-EN CHANG1, HUI LI, AND H. H. CHENG Optics Letters Vol 42. No. 9, 1652-1655
2017- 期刊論文 Spectroscopic ellipsometry and X-ray diffraction studies on Si1-xGex/Si epifilms and superlattices Deng Xiea, Zhi. Ren Qiub, Lingyu Wan, Devki N. Talwar, Hung-Hsiang Cheng, Shiyuan Liu, Ting Mei, Zhe Chuan Feng Applied Surface Science
2017- 期刊論文 X-ray Diffraction Simulation of GeSn/Ge Multi-quantum Wells with Kinematic Approach Hui Li, Chiao Chang, and Hung Hsiang Cheng Journal of Crystal Growth 468 (2017) 272–274
2016-12 期刊論文 Ge0.975Sn0.025 320 × 256 imager chip for 1.6–1.9 μm infrared vision CHIAO CHANG, HUI LI, CHIEN-TE KU, SHIH-GUO YANG, HUNG HSIANG CHENG,* JOSHUA HENDRICKSON, RICHARD A. SOREF, AND GREG SUN Applied Optics
2016-05 期刊論文 Disorder-induced enhancement of indirect absorption in a GeSn photodetector grown by molecular beam epitaxy H. Li, C. Chang, H. H. Cheng, G. Sun, and R. A. Soref Appl. Phys. Lett.
2016-04 期刊論文 Sn-based Ge/Ge0.975Sn0.025/Ge p-i-n photodetector operated with back-side illumination C. Chang, H. Li, S. H. Huang, H. H. Cheng, G. Sun, and R. A. Soref Appl. Phys. Lett.
2016-03 期刊論文 Temperature-dependent electroluminescence from GeSn heterojunction light-emitting diode on Si substrate C. Chang, H. Li, S. -H. Huang, L. -C. Lin, and H. -H. Cheng Jpn. J. Appl. Phys
2016-01 期刊論文 Diode-like electrical characteristics of SiGe wrinkled heterostructure operating under both forward and reverse bias Li Hui, Chen Tsung Pin, Chang Chiao, Cheng Hung Hsiang, Chang Guo En, Hung Guan Ming Applied Physics Letter
2015-09 期刊論文 The strain dependence of Ge1−xSnx (x = 0.083) Raman shift Chiao Chang, Hui Li, Tsung-Pin Chen, Wei-Kai Tseng, Henry Cheng, Chung-Ting Ko, Chung-Yen Hsieh, Miin-Jang Chen, Greg Sun Thin Solid Film
2014-12 期刊論文 GeSn p-i-n waveguide photodetectors on silicon substrates Yu-Hsiang Peng, H. H. Cheng, Vladimir I. Mashanov and Guo-En Chang Applied Physics Letter
2014-10 期刊論文 Characteristics of Sn segregation in Ge/GeSn heterostructures H. Li, C. Zhang, T. P. Chen, and H. H. Cheng Applied Physics Letter
2014-07 期刊論文 Substitutional Incorporation of Sn in Compressively Strained Thin Films of Heavily-Alloyed Ge1-xSnx/Ge Semiconductor Probed by X-ray Absorption and Diffraction Methods Soo, Yun-Liang; Wu, Tai-Sing; Chen, Y. C.; Shiu, Y. F.; Peng, H. J.; Tsai, Y. W.; Liao, P.Y.; Zheng, Y. Z.; Chang, Shih-Lin; Chan, Ting; Lee, Jyh; Sterbinsky, George; Li, Hui; Cheng, Henry Semiconductor Science and Technology
2014-06 期刊論文 Electrical characteristics of Ni Ohmic contact on n-type GeSn H. Li, H. H. Cheng, L. C. Lee, C. P. Lee, L. H. Su, and Y. W. Suen Applied Physics Letters
2014-05 期刊論文 Structural and optical characteristics of Ge1−xSnx/Ge superlattices grown on Ge-buffered Si(001) wafers Jia-Zhi Chen, H. Li, H. H. Cheng, and Guo-En Chang Optical Materials Express
2014-04 期刊論文 Reflection high energy electron diffraction studies on SixSnyGe1−x−y on Si(100) molecular beam epitaxial growth A.I. Nikiforov, V.I. Mashanov, V.A. Timofeev, O.P. Pchelyakov, H. H. Cheng Thin Solid Films
2013-12 期刊論文 GeSn-based p-i-n photodiodes with strained active layer on a Si wafer H. H. Tseng, H. Li, V. Mashanov, Y. J. Yang, H. H. Cheng, G. E. Chang, R. A. Soref, and G. Sun Applied Physics Letters
2013-09 期刊論文 Quantum-confined photoluminescence from Ge1−xSnx/Ge superlattices on Ge-buffered Si(001) substrates Guo-En Chang, Wen-Yao Hsieh, Jia-Zhi Chen, and H. H. Cheng Optics Letters
2013-06 期刊論文 Sn-based group IV structure for resonant tunneling diode K. Y. Wu, B. H. Tsai, J. Z. Chen, H. H. Cheng, Guo-En Chang, V. I. Mashanov, G. Sun, R. A. Soref IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS
2013-06 期刊論文 Strain relaxation and Sn segregation in GeSn epilayers under thermal treatment H. Li, Y. X. Cui, K. Y. Wu, W. K. Tseng, H. H. Cheng, and H. Chen Applied Physics Letters
2013-05 期刊論文 Mid-infrared electroluminescence from a Ge/Ge0.922Sn0.078/Ge double heterostructure p-i-n diode on a Si substrate H. H. Tseng, K. Y. Wu, H. Li, V. Mashanov, H. H. Cheng, G. Sun and R. A. Soref Applied Physics Letters
2013-04 期刊論文 Theoretical analysis of n-type Si-based resonant tunneling diodes deposited on either partially or fully relaxed SiGe buffer layers K. Y. Wu, H. H. Cheng, K. M. Hung, and G. Sun IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
2013-03 期刊論文 A high-performance laser energy meter based on anisotropic Seebeck effect in a strongly correlated electronic thin film G. Y. Zhang, H. R. Zheng, W. H. Huang, X. Y. Zhang, D. L. Gao, H. Zhang, P. X. Zhang, T. Y. Tseng, H. U. Habermeier, C. T. Lin, and H. H. Cheng Applied Physics A
2013-01 期刊論文 Optical gain of germanium infrared lasers on different crystal orientations Guo-En Chang and Henry H Cheng Journal of Physics D-applied Physics
2012-06 期刊論文 Franz-Keldysh Electro-Absorption Modulation in Germanium-Tin Alloys R. A. Soref and G. Sun, and H. H. Cheng Journal of Applied Physics
2012-05 期刊論文 Transformation of a two-dimensional to one-dimensional energy profile on a spatially deformed Si0.82Ge0.18/Si0.51Ge0.49 wrinkled heterostructure Guo-En Chang, H. H. Cheng, G. Sun, and R. A. Soref Journal of Applied Physics
2012-02 期刊論文 Strain analysis of a wrinkled SiGe bilayer thin film Guo-En Chang, Chia-Ou Chang, and H. H. Cheng Journal of Applied Physics
2011-10 期刊論文 Investigation of Ge1-xSnx/Ge with high Sn composition grown at low-temperature I. S. Yu, T. H. Wu, K. Y. Wu, H. H. Cheng*, V. I. Mashanov, A. I. Nikiforov, O. P. Pchelyakov, and X. S. Wu AIP Advances
2011-01 期刊論文 Formation of Ge-Sn nanodots on Si(100) surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy Vladimir Mashanov*, Vladimir Ulyanov, Vyacheslav Timofeev, Aleksandr Nikiforov, Oleg Pchelyakov, Ing-Song Yu, Henry Cheng Nanoscale Research Letters
2010-12 期刊論文 Strain relaxation in SiGe virtual substrate characterized by high resolution X-ray diffraction W. S. Tan, H. L. Cai, X. S. Wu, K. M. Deng, H. H. Cheng International Journal of Modern Physics B
2010-09 期刊論文 Design of a Si-based lattice-matched room-temperature GeSn/GeSiSn multi-quantum-well mid-infrared laser diode G. Sun*, R. A. Soref, and H. H. Cheng Optical Express
2010-08 期刊論文 Design of an electrically pumped SiGeSn/GeSn/SiGeSn double-heterostructure mid-infrared laser H. H. Cheng*, G. Sun, R. A. Soref, and Journal of Applied Physics
2010-08 期刊論文 Local intermixing on Ge/Si heterostructures at low temperature growth H. H. Cheng*, W. P. Huang, V.I. Mashanov, and G. Sun Journal of Applied Physics
2010-06 期刊論文 Temperature-dependent Rabi rotation in semiconductor quantum dots K.-M. Hung, W.-J. Hong, K.-J. Su, T.-H. Shieh, K.-Y. Wu, and H. H. Cheng Applied Physics Letters
2010-05 期刊論文 Carrier dynamics of terahertz emission based on strained SiGe/Si single quantum well K. M. Hung, J. -Y. Kuo, H. H. Cheng* Applied Physics Letters
2010-03 期刊論文 Radiation emission from wrinkled SiGe/SiGe nanostructure A. I. Fedorchenko, H. H. Cheng*, G. Sun, and R. A. Soref Applied Physics Letters
2009-04 期刊論文 Thickness dependence of nanofilm elastic modulus Alexander I. Fedorchenko,a An-Bang Wang, and Henry H. Cheng Applied Physics Letters
2008-09 期刊論文 Electron tunneling in a strained n-type Si1-xGex/Si/Si1-xGex double-barrier structure 鄭鴻祥* Applied Physics Letters
2008-07 期刊論文 Probing landau quantization with the presence of insulator-quantum Hall transition in a GaAs two dimensional electron gas system 鄭鴻祥 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
2008--- 期刊論文 Type-I / Type-II exciton in strained Si/SiGe multi-QWs. 鄭鴻祥 Physica E
2007-10 期刊論文 The characteristic of strain relaxation on SiGe virtual substrate with thermal annealing 鄭鴻祥* Applied Physics Letters
2007-08 期刊論文 Observation of type-I and type-II excitons in strained Si/SiGe quantum-well structures 鄭鴻祥 Applied Physics Letters
2007-08 期刊論文 Strain on wrinkled bilayer thin film 鄭鴻祥 Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
2007-07 期刊論文 Strain on wrinkled bilayer thin film 鄭鴻祥 Applied Physics Letters
2007-06 期刊論文 Strain Free Ge/GeSiSn Qunatum cascade laser based on L-valley intersubband transitions 鄭鴻祥 Applied Physics Letters
2006-08 期刊論文 Strain-induced wrinkling on SiGe free standing film 鄭鴻祥 Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
2006-07 期刊論文 Strain-induced wrinkling on SiGe free standing film 鄭鴻祥 Applied Physics Letters
2006-04 期刊論文 Strain modulation of SiGe virtual substrate 鄭鴻祥 Applied Physics Letters
2005-09 期刊論文 Raman study of Si-Ge intermixing in Ge quantum rings and dots V.I. Mashanov, H.-H. Cheng, C.-T. Chia, Y.-H. Chang Physica E
2005-09 期刊論文 Smoothing of Si0.7Ge0.3 virtual substrates by gas-cluster-ion beam H. Chen, F. Chen, X. M. Wang, X. K. Yu, J. R. Liu, K. B. Ma, W. K. Chu. H. H. Cheng I. S. Yu, Y. T. Applied Physics Letters
2005-09 期刊論文 Wrinkling of a debonded initially compressed SiGe film 鄭鴻祥 Journal of Mechanics
2004-01 期刊論文 Grazing incidence X-ray scattering from Ge/Si superlattices grown at low temperature X. S. Wu, T. P. A. Hase, B. K. Tanner, and H. H. Cheng Surface Science
2003-04 期刊論文 On the equivalence between magnetic-field-induced phase transitions in the integer quantum Hall effect C. F. Huang, Y. H. Chang, H. H. Cheng, Z. P. Yang, S. Y. Wang, D. H. Yeh, H. T. Chou, C. P. Lee, and Solid State Communication
2003-01 期刊論文 Raman spectroscopy of self-assembled Ge islands on Si T. R. Yang, M. M. Dvoynenko, Z. C. Feng, and H. H. Cheng European Physical Journal B
2002-12 期刊論文 Effect of low-temperature Si buffer layer on SiGe growth deposited bu molecular beam epitaxy S. W. Lee, H. C. Chen, L. J. Chen, Y. H. Peng, C. H. Kuan, and H. H. Cheng Journal of Applied Physics
2002-07 期刊論文 Enhanced growth of CoSi2 on epitaxial Si0.7Ge0.3 with a sacrificial amorphous Si interlayer W. W. Wu, T. F. Chiang, S. L. Cheng, S. W. Lee, L. J. Chen, Y. H. Peng, and H. H. Cheng Applied Physics Letters
2002-01 期刊論文 Insulator to quantum Hall conductor at low magnetic fields C. F. Huang, Y. H. Chang, C. H. Lee, H. T. Chou, H. D. Yeh, C. T. Liang, Y. F. Chen, H. H. Cheng, G. Physical Review B
2001-08 期刊論文 Mechanism of THz lasing in SiGe/Si quantum wells A. Blom, M. A. Odnoblyudov, H. H. Cheng, K. A. Chao Applied Physics Letters
2001-06 期刊論文 Inverted Hut Structure of Si-Ge Nanocrystals Studied by EXAFS method Y. L. Soo, G. Kioseoglou, S. Huamg, S. Kim, Y. H. Kao, and H. H. Cheng Applied Physics Letters
2000-08 期刊論文 Band alignment and excitons in SiGe/Si multi-quantum wells H. H. Cheng, S. T. Yen, and R. J. Nicholas Physical Review B