

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-04 研討會論文 Social cognition theory and online social community user’s participation on green energy technology products Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Shih-Shuo Yeh, Yun-An Yeh, Chun Po Chiu
2023-12 期刊論文 A consumption value evaluation and environmental consciousness of rental preference on long-term rental YouBike in Taiwan You-Hung Lin, Hsin Hsin Chang, Shih-Shuo Yeh, Kit Hong Wong, Ting Yu Tseng Research in Transportation Business & Management
2023-09 期刊論文 A Mixed-methods Study of Governance Mechanisms and Outsourcing Information System Services on Goal Performance Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Yu-Yu Lu, Yi Wen Chen Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
2023-08 期刊論文 Exploring user motivations to proactive stickiness through pleasure-arousal-dominance model towards online games Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Yu-Yu Lu, Cheng-Lung Lee Information Technology & Management
2023-04 研討會論文 Using of Cognition-Affect-Behavior Model on Mobile Location-Based Advertisement (LBA): The Delivery Type of LBA as a moderator Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Ya-Rong Liang, Chiao Hsuan Fan
2022-12 技術報告 學研新創之法遵法務認知及服務需求之現況、趨勢與未來研究報告 侯明欽、邱士峰、林佑鴻、楊青璇
2022-10 研討會論文 A Study of Service Innovation and Service Value Co-creation: Empirical Evidence from In-destination Tour Service Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Yu Yu Lu & Ying Fan Lee
2021-10 研討會論文 An evaluation of consumption value on long-term renting of city bike Hsin Hsin Chang, Kit Hong Wong, You-Hung Lin & Ting Yu Tseng
2021-10 研討會論文 Exploring the effects of user motivation on pleasure-arousal-dominance and proactive stickiness Yu-Yu Lu, Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Cheng Lung Lee
2021-09 期刊論文 Understanding the effects of loyalty program relational benefits, emotion elicitation, and self-disclosure on long-term customer relationship Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Yu-Yu Lu, Ruei Chin Chang International Journal of Information and Management Science
2021-08 研討會論文 The factors of relational benefits in loyalty program and its impacts on long-term customer relationship Hsin Hsin Chang, You-Hung Lin, Yu-Yu Lu, Ruei Chin Chang
2018-09 技術報告 英國未來電信基礎設施政策分析 林佑鴻
2018-07 技術報告 論歐盟對於網際網路互連未加管制之理由 林佑鴻
2018-05 技術報告 英國競爭上訴法庭CISBO案之分析 林佑鴻
2018-03 技術報告 法國電信用戶迴路細分化(LLU)與光纖投資政策概析 林佑鴻
2018-02 技術報告 論歐盟通用資料保護規範(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)對我國企業之適用性 林佑鴻
2017-11 技術報告 美國頻譜政策—頻譜之競標及轉讓 林佑鴻
2017-10 技術報告 歐盟電信用戶迴路細分化之最新發展 林佑鴻
2017-09 技術報告 由Google Spain案論數位被遺忘權 林佑鴻
2016-03 專書 The Constitutionality and Legality of Telecoms Forced Access Mechanisms—A Comparative Study of the European Union and Taiwan (University of Edinburgh School of Law PhD Thesis) You-Hung Lin School of Law, University of Edinburgh
2016-02 研討會論文 The Legality of Telecoms Forced Access Mechanisms under European Union Law You-Hung Lin
2015-04 研討會論文 Intensity of Judicial Reviews of Specialised Sector Regulations: Case Study of Competition Regulations in the European Union and Taiwan You-Hung Lin
2014-04 研討會論文 Fundamental Rights Infringement and Telecoms Forced Access—Case Study of Interconnection and Property Rights in the European Union and Taiwan You-Hung Lin
2013-04 研討會論文 Property Rights Infringements resulting from the Forced Access of Telecommunications Networks: A Comparative Study of the European Union and Taiwan You-Hung Lin
2011-09 技術報告 電信普及服務制度及其利弊評析 林佑鴻
2011-08 技術報告 從互連義務論美國法中電信法和反競爭法之關係 林佑鴻
2011-06 技術報告 英國、義大利、瑞典、澳洲及紐西蘭不同電信拆分模式之研究 林佑鴻、鍾國強
2011-01 技術報告 對「瑞典擘劃引進功能性分離機制以促進有效競爭」一文之回應兼論電信功能性分離之利弊 林佑鴻
2010-11 技術報告 論美國法上之瓶頸設施原則 林佑鴻
2010-03 技術報告 歐盟電信管制架構中主導業者之義務 林佑鴻
2009-09 技術報告 各國NGN政策之研究 林佑鴻
2009-06 技術報告 我國電子商務產業最新發展觀察 林佑鴻、劉全福
2009-03 技術報告 美國及歐盟各國電信網路用戶迴路細分化之研究 林佑鴻