

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-05 期刊論文 尋找下一個成長引擎 周信輝 哈佛商業評論/Harvard Business Review
2023-03 期刊論文 Towards becoming a service-dominant enterprise: an actor engagement perspective Hsin-Hui Chou, Chao-Chin Huang, Pei-Yun Tu Service Business
2022-12 期刊論文 與機器共舞:以交織理論探索人機協作的能動性 周信輝, 方世杰, 李慶芳, 蔡馥陞, 劉亭蘭 中山管理評論
2022-10 期刊論文 Technology-enabled mobilization in the emergence of a value co-creating ecosystem Hsin-Hui Chou, Fu-Sheng Tsai Journal of Organizational and End User Computing
2022-09 期刊論文 Open innovation and SME performance: The roles of reverse knowledge sharing and stakeholder relationships F. Tsai, S. Cabrilo, H. Chou, F. Hu, A. D. Tang Journal of Business Research
2022-09 期刊論文 商業生態系統發展基礎之服務設計思考 周信輝 科技管理學刊
2022-09 期刊論文 數位轉型,該如何「轉」? 周信輝 哈佛商業評論/Harvard Business Review
2022-06 期刊論文 Collapse of Better Place: A managerial cognition perspective on the failure of an entrepreneurial initiative Mei-Hsing Lin, Hsin-Hui Chou Frontiers in Psychology
2021-12 期刊論文 四大法則打造商業生態系統 周信輝、王逸萍 哈佛商業評論/Harvard Business Review
2020-05 期刊論文 獨自創新,還是攜伴同行? 周信輝、王逸萍 哈佛商業評論/Harvard Business Review
2020-04 期刊論文 校準企業的創新策略:聚焦於需求端的價值創新 周信輝 哈佛商業評論/Harvard Business Review
2020-02 期刊論文 Sociomaterial practices for value co-creation in the sharing economy: evidence from Xbed’s access-based accommodation service Peng Du, Hsin-Hui Chou Information Technology & People
2019-09 期刊論文 The effects of facades of conformity on employee voice and job satisfaction: The mediating role of emotional exhaustion Hsin-Hui Chou, Shih-Chieh Fang, Tsung-Kai Yeh Management Decision
2018-07 研討會論文 The investigation of mobilization and service-dominant logic: Evidence from the service ecosystems of inward investment agencies of Taiwan, Singapore, and Korea Mei-Hsing Lin, Hsin-Hui Chou
2018-06 研討會論文 An investigation of orchestration in the emergence of an ecosystem: Evidence from a smart city ecosystem in Taiwan Mei-Hsing Lin, Hsin-Hui Chou
2018-06 研討會論文 The Impact of Patents on Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings Tsung-Kai Yeh, Hsin-Hui Chou, Yi-Ning Chen, Huai-Liang Liang
2018-05 研討會論文 Transforming towards a service-dominant logic: An empirical investigation from a microfoundation perspective Pei-Yun Tu, Hsin-Hui Chou
2018-04 期刊論文 Coopetition and value creation and appropriation: the role of interdependencies, tensions and harmony Hsin-Hui Chou, Judy Zolkiewski Industrial Marketing Management
2018-04 研討會論文 The role of technology in value co-creation in a shared economy: The case of Xbed from a practice lens Peng Du, Hsin-Hui Chou, Ching-Fang Lee, Shih-Chieh Fang
2018-01 研討會論文 Four alternative pathways of building corporate reputation in the Chinese context: Explore and exploit guanxi and business relationships Yan Guo, Yuerong Lui, Shih-Chieh Fang, Hsin-Hui Chou
2017-09 研討會論文 Transforming a value proposition into realized value: an exploratory study Hsin-Hui Chou
2017-08 期刊論文 「(創)串新」的服務模式:」的服務模式:以價值共創觀點探索尚品宅配的服務流程與本質 杜鵬, 李慶芳, 周信輝, 方世杰 管理學報
2016-06 期刊論文 Mobilizing resources to bridge technological discontinuities Hsin-Hui Chou Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
2016-06 研討會論文 Exploring the role of mobilization in a value co-creation context Hsin-Hui Chou
2016-06 研討會論文 Value co-creation in the hospital-patient collaborative network: A conceptual framework Wen-yen Hsu, Shih-chieh Fang, Chen-wei Yang, Hsin-Hui Chou
2016-01 期刊論文 Network strategies and effects in an interactive context Christina Öberg, Tommy Tsung-Ying Shih, Hsin-Hui Chou Industrial Marketing Management
2015-09 研討會論文 Unfolding coopetition practices in a network: A resource interaction perspective Hsin-Hui Chou, Judy Zolkiewski
2015-08 研討會論文 Value co-creation in public-private partnerships: A case study of culture creative industry Hsin-Hui Chou, Chih-HaoTsai, Chih-Fang Chiu
2015-05 期刊論文 價值基礎策略觀點之公、私部門夥伴關係的價值共創:以文創產業之駁二藝術特區為例 周信輝, 蔡志豪 組織與管理
2014- 研討會論文 Co-evolution of technology, interfirm networks and firm capabilities: Evidence from the optical recording media industry Chih-Yuan Wang, Tommy Tsung-Ying Shih, Hsin-Hui Chou
2014- 研討會論文 Coopetition and its impact on value creation: A network perspective Hsin-Hui Chou, Judy Zolkiewski
2014- 研討會論文 Strategies and network consequences in an interactive context Tommy Tsung-Ying Shih, Christina Oberg, Hsin-Hui Chou
2013- 期刊論文 網絡組織間關係治理的搭架:行動者網絡理論的動態觀點 周信輝, 蔡志豪 臺大管理論叢
2013- 研討會論文 How relationship ending affects the competitive advantage of firms in networks: Evidence from a business net evolution Hsin-Hui Chou
2013- 研討會論文 Strategizing to bridge technological change in resource-based inter-organizational structures: A sociomaterial perspective Hsin-Hui Chou
2012- 期刊論文 Decoding network dynamics Hsin-Hui Chou*, Judy Zolkiewski Industrial Marketing Management
2012- 期刊論文 Managing resource interaction as a means to cope with technological change Hsin-Hui Chou*, Judy Zolkiewski Journal of Business Research
2012- 研討會論文 Exploring technology battles: A resource evolution perspective Hsin-Hui Chou
2012- 研討會論文 How to achieve the long-term survival of firms: A network perspective Hsin-Hui Chou
2012- 研討會論文 Using a processual case study to reveal implications for managing NPD process: An empirical study Hsin-Hui Chou
2011- 研討會論文 An exploration of relationship ending: Some strategic implications from the optical recording media industry Hsin-Hui Chou
2010- 期刊論文 The arrival of technological changes at the business nets: A learning process Hsin-Hui Chou*, Judy Zolkiewski Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
2009- 研討會論文 Managing the network position in coping with technological changes Hsin-Hui Chou
2009- 研討會論文 Understanding the dynamics of interfirm relationships: A longitudinal perspective on the Network position Hsin-Hui Chou*, Judy Zolkiewski
2008- 研討會論文 Gaining sustainable momentum in marketing technological innovations: Insights from a network approach to strategy Hsin-Hui Chou*, Judy Zolkiewski
2008- 研討會論文 How embracing technological discontinuities disrupted relationships in a business network Hsin-Hui Chou*, Judy Zolkiewski
2008- 研討會論文 Relationship turbulence in bridging technological discontinuities: A network strategy perspective Hsin-Hui Chou*,Judy Zolkiewski