出版年月 | 著作類別 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
2022-11 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪噴射發動機靜力試車操作循環之參數探勘(Mining the Operating Cycle Parameters of a Turbojet Engine under Static Test Conditions) | 夏筱明 | |
2020-11 | 研討會論文 | 多級軸流壓縮器初步設計與性能計算之教學實作試算表開發(On Developing a Spreadsheet for Teaching and Doing Preliminary Design and Performance Calculation of Multi-Stage Axial Flow Compressors) | 夏筱明 | |
2019-11 | 研討會論文 | 次音速巡航之渦輪噴射發動機設計點性能概算與參數效應分析(On the Design Point Estimation and Parameter Effect Analysis of a Subsonic Cruising Turbojet Engine) | 夏筱明 | |
2019-05 | 期刊論文 | 發動機概念設計之燃燒室絕熱焰溫估算與流場模擬分析(Adiabatic Flame Temperature Estimation and Burner Flow Simulation for Jet Engine Conceptual Design) | 李秉錡、夏筱明 |
2018-11 | 研討會論文 | 衝壓噴射推進系統之元件操作特徵分析與整合性能計算(On the Component Operating Characteristics Analysis and the Integral Performance Calculation of a Ramjet Propulsion System) | 夏筱明 | |
2017-11 | 研討會論文 | 發動機概念設計之燃燒室絕熱焰溫估算與流場模擬分析(獲選最佳論文獎) (Adiabatic Flame Temperature Estimation and Flow Analysis for Gas Turbine Engine Burner Conceptual Design)*Best Paper Award | 李秉錡、夏筱明* | |
2017-11 | 研討會論文 | 發動機熄火故障檢測與修護工序之派翠網模型建構(研究成果展示海報) (On Constructing the Petri Nets of Fault Diagonsis and Maintenace Workflow Management for Aircraft Engine Flameout Event) *Poster | 胡慧田、夏筱明* | |
2016-11 | 研討會論文 | 空用載具推進動力系統之性能設計研究(I)-整合定義功能分析模型(獲選最佳論文獎) (A Performance Design Study of an Aviation Used Propulsion System (I)-The IDEF0-Based Functional Analysis Model)*Best Paper Award | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2016-11 | 研討會論文 | 空用載具推進動力系統之性能設計研究(II)-熵基設計方案評選 (A Performance Design Study of an Aviation Used Propulsion System (II)-An Entropy-Based Design Plan Selection) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2016-11 | 研討會論文 | 離心式壓縮器設計點性能探勘計算程式之發展研究 (On Developing a Performance Calculation Program for the Design Point Mining of Centrifugal Compressor) | 李秉錡、夏筱明* | |
2015-11 | 研討會論文 | 系統概念設計之可視化模型建構研究 (On Developing a Visualization Model for the Conceptual Design of System) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2014-11 | 研討會論文 | 以離散事件模擬軍用渦噴發動機運轉程序之實踐-Petri 網模型 (On Simulating the Operation Process of a Military Turbojet Engine Using Discrete Event Approach-The Petri Nets Model) | 胡慧田、夏筱明* | |
2014-11 | 研討會論文 | 複合式系統開發之機能運作分析與設計程序可視化研究(I)-基礎系統建置 (On Visualizing the Functional Analysis and Design Process of a System of Systems Development (I)-The Base System Setup) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2014-11 | 研討會論文 | 複合式系統開發之機能運作分析與設計程序可視化研究(II)-整合系統實踐 (On Visualizing the Functional Analysis and Design Process of a System of Systems Development (II)-The SOS Implementation) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2013-11 | 研討會論文 | 以系統工程及類神經網路方法探索高空UAV之發動機穩態運轉機制 (On Exploring the Equilibrium Running Mechanism of a Turbine Engine for High Altitude UAV Using Systems Engineering and ANN Methods) | 周哲名、夏筱明* | |
2013-11 | 研討會論文 | 基於IDEF0模型之氣渦輪機概念設計程序分析(I):系統層級探索 (IDEF0-Based Conceptual Design Process Analysis of a Gas Turbine (I): The System Layer Exploration) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2013-11 | 研討會論文 | 基於IDEF0模型之氣渦輪機概念設計程序分析(II):元件層級探索 (IDEF0-Based Conceptual Design Process Analysis of a Gas Turbine (II): The Component Layer Exploration) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2012-11 | 研討會論文 | 噴射發動機壓縮器葉片於指定性能規範下之最佳化構形設計(I)-算則開發 (An Optimal Configuration Design Study for Jet Engine Compressor Blades under Specified Performance Conditions (I)-Algorithm Development) | 吳宏佑、夏筱明* | |
2012-11 | 研討會論文 | 噴射發動機壓縮器葉片於指定性能規範下之最佳化構形設計(II)-實例驗證 (An Optimal Configuration Design Study for Jet Engine Compressor Blades under Specified Performance Conditions (II)-Case Validation) | 吳宏佑、夏筱明* | |
2012-11 | 研討會論文 | 空用載具渦輪推進系統壓縮器元件效能預測之類神經網路參數設定探討 (A Parameters-Setting Investigation of Using Neural Networks to Predict the Compressor Performance for Aviation Turbine Engines) | 謝紹政、夏筱明* | |
2012-11 | 研討會論文 | 雙節式探空火箭關鍵設計參數預測及可行性分析探索 (A Study of Key Parameters Prediction and Feasibility Analysis for a Two-Staged Sounding Rocket) | 楊宗燁、夏筱明* | |
2012-09 | 研討會論文 | 航空噴射發動機監控診斷系統之發展與飛安之關係(2012ATFS 大會講座論文) (On the Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics of Jet Engines for Aviation Safety Concerns) | 夏筱明* | |
2011-12 | 技術報告 | 以渦輪引擎為動力之無人飛行器壓縮器元件特徵建置所需關鍵技術之研究 (A Study of Key Technologies for the Compressor Characteristics Setup of a Turbine Engine-Powered UAV) | 夏筱明*、吳宏佑 | |
2011-11 | 研討會論文 | 空用載具渦輪壓縮器性能建置之關鍵技術研究(I)-實用計算架構的開發 (Key Technologies for the Compressor Performance Setup of an Aviation Used Gas Turbine Engine, Part I: On Developing a Practical Calculation Framework) | 吳宏佑、夏筱明* | |
2011-11 | 研討會論文 | 空用載具渦輪壓縮器性能建置之關鍵技術研究(II)-經驗算式與模型之檢驗 (Key Technologies for the Compressor Performance Setup of an Aviation Used Gas Turbine Engine, Part II: Reexamining Empirical Correlations and Models) | 吳宏佑、夏筱明* | |
2010-11 | 研討會論文 | 一種改良式軸流壓縮器葉片性能解析架構之研究 (A Modified Novel Approach for the Cascade Performance Analysis of an Axial Flow Compressor) | 吳宏佑、夏筱明* | |
2010-11 | 研討會論文 | 以 Petri 網絡探討軍用發動機元件故障診斷之研究 (A PN-Based Fault Diagnosis Study for Military Turbine Engine Components) | 林昶廷、夏筱明* | |
2010-11 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪冷卻氣流抽取效應對軍用渦扇發動機性能影響之研究 (A Study of the Turbine Cooling Flow Extraction Effects on the Performance of a Military Turbofan Engine) | 賴啟超、夏筱明* | |
2009-12 | 研討會論文 | 多級軸流壓縮器性能預測之解析研究(I):架構建置 (An Analytic Study for the Performance Prediction of a Multi-Staged Axial Flow Compressor(I):The Framework Setup) | 吳宏佑、夏筱明* | |
2009-12 | 研討會論文 | 多級軸流壓縮器性能預測之解析研究(II):葉片構型與安裝之效應探討 (An Analytic Study for the Performance Prediction of a Multi-Staged Axial Flow Compressor(Ⅱ):Effects of Blade Configuration and Installation) | 李紀聖、吳宏佑、郭庭甫、夏筱明* | |
2009-12 | 研討會論文 | 多級軸流壓縮器性能預測之解析研究(III):熵值分布與操作效率探討 (An Analytic Study for the Performance Prediction of Multi-Staged Axial Flow Compressor(III):Entropy-Efficiency Considerations) | 郭庭甫、吳宏佑、李紀聖、夏筱明* | |
2009-12 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪噴射引擎偏離設計點操作循環與系統性能之預測研究 (On Predicting the Off-Design Cycle Variations and System Performance of a Turbojet Engine) | 吳宏佑、李紀聖、郭庭甫、夏筱明* | |
2009-11 | 研討會論文 | 從系統工程之概念發展觀點看軍用發動機廠級修護流程之精進研究 (A Study of Depot Overhaul Process Improvement for Military Turbo Engines -the Concept Development Stage View of Systems Engineering) | 李紀聖、夏筱明* | |
2008-03 | 研討會論文 | SOFC/GT 複合系統於空用地支動力裝備應用之再評估研究 (A Revised Assessment Study of Using SOFC/GT Hybrid System for Airbase Ground Support Power Unit) | 顏沛峰、夏筱明* | |
2008-03 | 研討會論文 | 以衝壓動力推進超音速巡航載具之飛行性能估算研究(I)-架構建置 (A Study for the Flight Performance Estimation of a Ramjet-Powered Supersonic Cruising Vehicle (I)-Setup of the Calculation Architecture) | 黃偉昕、夏筱明* | |
2007-11 | 研討會論文 | 典型攻擊直昇機T700 渦輪發動機之性能模擬與比較研究 (A Performance Simulation and Comparison Study for the T700 Turboshafts of Two Typical Attack Helicopters) | 蔡逸峰、洪健君、夏筱明* | |
2007-11 | 研討會論文 | 固態氧化物燃料電池與渦輪複合系統於空用地支動力裝備之應用評估研究 (An Assessment Study of Using SOFC/GT Hybrid System for the Ground Support Equipments of Airbase Flight Line) | 顏沛峰、夏筱明* | |
2007-03 | 研討會論文 | 以基因演算法預測氣渦輪引擎壓縮器性能圖之研究(I)-三段式模擬架構 (A GA-Based Prediction Study for the Compressor Performance Map of a Gas Turbine Engine(I):A Tri-Regime Simulation Architecture) | 李秉錡、夏筱明* | |
2007-03 | 研討會論文 | 以基因演算法預測氣渦輪引擎壓縮器性能圖之研究(II)-參數設定效應探討 (A GA-Based Prediction Study for the Compressor Performance Map of a Gas Turbine Engine(II):Effects of the GA Parameters Settings) | 李秉錡、夏筱明* | |
2006-07 | 技術報告 | 水幕系統應用於艦艇防護之研究評估(III) (An Evaluation Study of Water Screen System on Ship Protection (III) ) | 夏曉文、夏筱明* | |
2006-03 | 研討會論文 | 以低N2轉速性能變化模擬渦扇發動機熄火徵兆之評估 (Assessment of Using Low N2-Speed Performance Changes to Simulate the Flameout Symptoms of a Turbofan Engine) | 夏筱明*、陳俊安 | |
2006-03 | 研討會論文 | 模組熱損效應對渦扇引擎設計點探勘之影響(I)-熱損估算 (Influence of the Module Heat Loss Effect on the Design Point Investigation of a Turbofan Engine(I)-The Heat Loss Calculation) | 夏筱明*、崔光忠 | |
2006-03 | 研討會論文 | 模組熱損效應對渦扇引擎設計點探勘之影響(II)-特徵參數掘取 (Influence of the Module Heat Loss Effect on the Design Point Investigation of a Turbofan Engine(II)–The Design Point Digging) | 夏筱明*、崔光忠 | |
2005-03 | 研討會論文 | 一維爆震燃燒之噴流衝量計算模式評估研究 (An Assessment Study of Impulse Estimation Models for 1-D Detonation Burner Flow) | 夏筱明*、楊宗燁 | |
2005-03 | 研討會論文 | 從實驗數據探討爆燃與爆震燃燒轉換過程(DDT)之加速機制 (On Modeling the DDT Combustion Wave Propagation Using Literature Experiment Data) | 夏筱明*、楊宗燁 | |
2005-03 | 研討會論文 | 火焰可燃極限對渦輪噴射引擎加速性能與反應時間之影響 (Effect of Fuel Flammability on the Acceleration Performance and Dynamic Response of a Turbojet) | 夏筱明*、張顧寶 | |
2005-03 | 研討會論文 | 燃氣比設定對渦輪噴射發動機暫態性能之影響研究 (A Study of the Influence of Fuel/Air Ratio Setting on the Transient Performance of a Turbojet Engine) | 夏筱明*、張顧寶 | |
2004-03 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪引擎燃室流場下游模組壓縮氣流冷卻效應之評估 (An Assessment Study of the Burner Downstream Module Cooling Effects on the Performance of a Turboshaft Engine) | 夏筱明*、文宏達 | |
2004-03 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪引擎燃室流場入口壓縮氣流性質估算之研究(I):性能圖尺度法 (On Predicting the Compressed Air Flow Properties at the Burner Inlet of a Turbo Engine(I): The C-Map Scaling Approach) | 夏筱明*、文宏達 | |
2004-03 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪引擎燃室流場入口壓縮氣流性質估算之研究(II)-逐級解析法 (On Predicting the Compressed Air Flow Properties at the Burner Inlet of a Turbo Engine(II): The Row-by-Row Approach) | 賴正權、夏筱明*、吳宏佑 | |
2004-03 | 研討會論文 | 衝壓引擎燃室流場渦漩交互作用基本模式之探討 (A Fundamental Study of an Asymmetric Two-Vortex Interaction System in the Field of a Ramjet Burner) | 夏筱明*、鍾沛祥 | |
2004-03 | 研討會論文 | 衝壓引擎燃室流場性能參數之效應評估與影響探討 (A Simulation Study of the Burner Flow Parameter Effects on the Performance of a Ramjet Engine) | 夏筱明*、鍾沛祥 | |
2003-07 | 技術報告 | 小型渦輪引擎軸流式壓縮器性能建立(Ⅰ) (Axial Compressor Performance Setup for a Small Turbo Engine (I) ) | 夏筱明*、賴正權 | |
2003-03 | 研討會論文 | 具後燃作用混流式渦扇引擎設計點操作性能之研究 (Study of the On-Design Performance of A Mixed Turbofan with Afterburning) | 夏筱明*、王立杰 | |
2003-03 | 研討會論文 | 單軸傳動渦扇引擎設計點性能數據重建之理論研究 (On Rebuilding the Design Point Performance Data of a Single-Spooled Turbofan Engine) | 夏筱明*、賴正權、許勝雄 | |
2002-09 | 研討會論文 | 戰機引擎系統模擬關鍵技術的育成與應用(大會邀請論文) (A Survey Study of Fighter Engine System Simulation and Application)*Invited Lecture | 夏筱明* | |
2002-07 | 技術報告 | 渦輪引擎維修效應對其整體性能與失速界限之影響研究 (A Study of the Maintenance Effects on the Performance and Stall Margin of a Gas Turbine Engine) | 夏筱明*、賴正權 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 以模糊邏輯探討LM2500氣旋主機模組效率對其輸出馬力之影響 (The Effect of Module Efficiencies on the Power of a LM2500 Gasturbine Engine Using Fuzzy Logic) | 夏筱明*、戴瑞龍 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 具齒輪式渦輪風扇噴射引擎設計點性能數據規範之重建 (On Rebuilding the On-Design Point Performance Data of a Geared Turbofan Engine) | 夏筱明*、潘彥良 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 分流與混流式渦扇發動機性能模擬之比較研究 (Performance Comparison of a Non-Mixed and Mixed Flow Turbofan Based on Simulation Results) | 夏筱明*、賴正權、許勝雄 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 分流式渦扇發動機偏離設計點性能之模擬研究 (A Simulation Study for the Off-Design Performance of a Non-Mixed Flow Turbofan) | 夏筱明*、高廣權 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 模組操作效率衰減對分流式渦扇發動機整體性能之影響 (Effects of the Module Deterioration on the Performance of a Non-Mixed Flow Type Turbofan) | 夏筱明*、高廣權 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 模糊邏輯於典型渦輪風扇發動機修護決策律定之應用 (A Maintenance Decision-Making Model for a Typical Turbofan Engine Based on Fuzzy Logic) | 王立杰、夏筱明* | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 渦輪冷卻效應對F100-PW-220E發動機設計點性能影響之研究 (A Study of the Turbine Cooling Effect on the Design Point Performance of an F100-PW-220E Turbofan Engine) | 賴正權、夏筱明*、陳家俊 | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 燃氣渦輪引擎壓縮器特徵分析實驗測試設備之建置 (The Setting Up of a Test Facility for Gas Turbine Engine Compressor Characteristics Analysis) | 陳光宏、賴正權、夏筱明* | |
2002-03 | 研討會論文 | 高濃度燃料噴霧於渦偶流場內擴散燃燒之解析 (Analysis of a Dense Fuel Spray Burning in the Field of a Vortex-Pair) | 夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
2001-07 | 技術報告 | 多渦流交互作用對渦輪引擎燃燒性能之影響研究 ( A Study of the Multiple Vortex Interaction Effect on the Combustion Performance of a Turbo-Engine) | 夏筱明* | |
2001-03 | 研討會論文 | 燃氣渦輪引擎壓縮器特徵分析與實驗模組建置之研究 (On Setting Up a Characteristics Analysis and experimental Module for the Compressor of a Gas Turbine Engine) | 賴正權、夏筱明*、潘彥良、陳光宏 | |
2001-03 | 研討會論文 | 雙軸分流式渦扇發動機設計點性能模擬之研究 (A Simulation Study for the On-Design Cycle of a Twin-spool Non-Mixed Flow Type Turbofan Engine) | 夏筱明*、賴正權、高廣權 | |
2001-03 | 研討會論文 | 雙軸混流式渦扇發動機偏離設計點性能之模擬研究 (A Simulation Study for the Off-Design Performance of a Twin-Spool Mixed-Flow Type Turbofan Engine) | 夏筱明*、林豪傑 | |
2000-12 | 技術報告 | 戰場頻譜管理之先期研究 (A Preliminary Study of Warfield Spectrum Management) | 夏筱明*、楊耀波 | |
2000-11 | 研討會論文 | 混流式渦扇發動機設計點循環之模擬研究 (A Simulation Study for the On-Design Cycle of a Mixed Type Turbofan Engine) | 夏筱明*、林豪傑 | |
1999-12 | 研討會論文 | T53-L-13B渦軸引擎偏離設計點性能之研究 (A Simulation of the Off-Design Performance of T53-L-13B Turboshaft Engine) | 夏筱明*、林豪傑 | |
1999-12 | 研討會論文 | 國防航太科技教育的精進與前瞻(論壇講座論文) (Prospect on the Aerospace Science and Technology Education for Defense Needs)*Workshop Lecture | 夏筱明* | |
1999-12 | 研討會論文 | 平面渦偶流域無限燃率擴散火焰之解析 (A Theoretical Study on the Diffusion- Rated Flame Burning in a Planar Vortex-Pair ) | 夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
1999-12 | 研討會論文 | 平面單渦流場內有限反應動力擴散火焰燃燒之研究 (On the Finite-Rated Diffusion Flame Burning in a Plane Vortex Field) | 夏筱明*、張有雄、陳大達 | |
1999-12 | 研討會論文 | 雙軸氣渦輪機設計點操作循環之模擬研究 (Simulation of the On-Design Cycle of a Twin-spool Turboshaft Engine) | 夏筱明*、林豪傑 | |
1999-07 | 技術報告 | 渦偶流域中液滴族群燃燒之理論與數值研究 (A Theoretical and Numerical Study of the Group Combustion of Fuel Droplets in a Vortex-Pair Field) | 夏筱明* | |
1999-05 | 研討會論文 | On the Structure of Species Mixing in a Planar Vortex Dipole. (ASPACC-99) | S. M. Shiah and Y. H. Chang | |
1999-04 | 研討會論文 | 複式渦流燃域微觀結構之研究(研究成果展示海報) (A Study of the Micro-structure of a Burning Complex Vortex Field)*Poster | 夏筱明* | |
1998-12 | 技術報告 | 機械輔助設計電腦自動化之研究(II) (An Automation Study of Computer Aided Design on Marine Machinery (II) ) | 夏曉文、夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
1998-11 | 研討會論文 | A Theoretical Method for the Flow Structure of an Evolving Vortex-Pair. (ISTP-11, 1998) | S. M. Shiah* and Y. H. Chang | |
1998-11 | 研討會論文 | On the Structure of Species Burning in the Field of a Vortex-Pair. (ISTP-11, 1998) | S. M. Shiah* and Y. H. Chang | |
1998-11 | 研討會論文 | 單軸渦噴發動機設計點熱動力循環建構之研究 (On the Aerodynamic Cycle of a Single-Spooled Turbojet under the Design Point Condition) | 夏筱明*、茹承斌 | |
1998-11 | 研討會論文 | 平面單渦流場內有限反應動力擴散燃燒區域結構之研究 (On the Local Structure of a Finite Rate Diffusion Flame Burning in the Field of a Plane Vortex) | 夏筱明*、陳大達 | |
1998-07 | 技術報告 | 複式渦流燃域微觀結構之研究 (A Study of the Micro-Structure of a Burning Complex Vortex Field) | 夏筱明* | |
1998-05 | 研討會論文 | 雙渦流場內流體捲曲對物種混合影響之理論研究(研究成果展示海報) (A Theoretical Study of the Flow Roll-Up Effect on Species Mixing in a Vortex-Pair Field)*Poster | 夏筱明* | |
1998-03 | 研討會論文 | 以Burke-Schumann燃燒動力處理靜域中有限速率擴散焰之準則探討 (A Criterion Study of Using Burke-Schumann Kinetics to Approximate a Finite-rated Diffusion Flame Burning) | 夏筱明*、陳大達 | |
1998-03 | 研討會論文 | 平面渦偶流域暫態捲曲結構與流體應變之解析 (Analysis of Flow Roll-up and Strain of a Plane Vortex-Pair) | 夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
1997-12 | 技術報告 | 機械輔助設計電腦自動化之研究(I) (An Automation Study of Computer Aided Design on Marine Machinery (I) ) | 夏曉文、夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
1997-09 | 研討會論文 | 蒸汽渦輪機抽取點對動力系統之影響研究 (A Study of the Effect of Steam Turbine Extraction Points on a Power System) | 夏曉文、夏筱明* | |
1997-07 | 技術報告 | 航空發動機整體推進性能計算模式之研製 (Development of a Compact Software for the Integral Performance of a Jet Engine) | 夏筱明*、王立杰 | |
1997-07 | 技術報告 | 蒸汽渦輪機抽取點對動力系統之影響研究 (A Study of the Effects of Steam Turbine Extraction Points on a Power System) | 夏曉文、夏筱明* | |
1997-07 | 技術報告 | 雙渦流場內流體捲曲對物種混合影響之理論研究 (A Theoretical Study of the Flow Roll-Up Effect on Species Mixing in a Vortex-Pair Field) | 夏筱明* | |
1997-04 | 研討會論文 | 渦流場中物質混合與燃燒之理論研究 (A Theoretical Study of Mixing and Combustion of Species in a Vortex Field) | 夏筱明* | |
1997-03 | 研討會論文 | 平面渦流系統暫態時線的解析計算研究 (An Analytical and Numerical Study of the Timelines of a Planar Vortex System) | 夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
1997-03 | 研討會論文 | 汽電共生系統應用在焚化上之分析研究 (A Study of the Analysis for a Cogeneration System Applied on Incineration) | 夏曉文、夏筱明*、張有雄、楊正濬、李子明 | |
1996-12 | 技術報告 | 焚化爐熱傳分析與設計之研究(II) (A Study on the Heat Transfer Analysis and the Design Work of a Municipal Incinerator (II) ) | 夏曉文、夏筱明*、張有雄、楊正濬 | |
1996-11 | 研討會論文 | 汽電共生系統中怯氧器之熱流平衡分析 (A Heat and Mass Flow balance Analysis for the Deaerator of a Cogeneration System ) | 夏曉文、楊正濬、夏筱明*、張有雄、李子明、黎健明 | |
1996-07 | 技術報告 | A Theoretical Study of Mixing and Combustion of Species in a Vortex Field | S. M. Shiah* | |
1996-03 | 研討會論文 | A Theoretical Study on the Sheath Flame Burning of a Planar Fuel Droplet Group | S. M. Shiah | |
1996-03 | 研討會論文 | Structure Modeling of a Planar Sheath Burning Octane Droplet Group | S. M. Shiah | |
1995-12 | 研討會論文 | 蒸汽渦輪機抽取點對汽電共生系統之影響研究 (Effect of Steam Turbine Extraction Points on the Performance of a Cogeneration System) | 夏曉文、楊正濬、夏筱明*、張有雄、黎健明、胡枝益 | |
1995-09 | 研討會論文 | Modeling of a Diffusively Burning Dense Fuel Cloud in a Quiescent Field *Poster | S. M. Shiah* | |
1995-03 | 研討會論文 | Modeling of a Diffusion-Rated Burning Fuel Strip in a Flow Strained Field | S. M. Shiah* and S. W. Shiah | |
1995-03 | 研討會論文 | 焚化物廢熱回收之研究 (A Study of the Waste Heat Recovery form Incinerating Municipal Solid wastes) | 夏曉文、楊正濬、夏筱明*、張有雄 | |
1994-09 | 研討會論文 | On the Roll-Up of a Nonstationary Diffusion Flame in a Vortex Field *Poster | S. M. Shiah* | |
1994-07 | 技術報告 | A Theoretical Study of Nonstationary Diffusion Flame/vortex Interaction | S. M. Shiah* | |
1993-12 | 研討會論文 | Performance of a Nonstationary Diffusion-Rated Flame in an Inviscid Vortex Field | S. M. Shiah* | |
1993-08 | 研討會論文 | An Analytical Model of Sheath Spray Combustion in a Vortex Field *Poster | S. M. Shiah* | |
1993-03 | 研討會論文 | A Theoretical Method for Contours of a Concentration Driving Diffusion Flame in the Field of a Potential Vortex | S. M. Shiah* | |
1993-01 | 研討會論文 | On the Interaction of a Dense Spray Diffusion Flame and a Potential Vortex (AIAA Paper 93-0901) | S. M. Shiah* and M. Sichel | |
1992-11 | 研討會論文 | Analytical Diffusion Layer Structure of a Concentration Driving Non-Stationary Diffusion Flame | S. M. Shiah* | |
1992-11 | 研討會論文 | Effects of Flow Strains on a Concentration Driving Diffusion Flamelet in the Field of a Vortex. | S. M. Shiah* | |
1992-05 | 專書 | Dynamic Behavior of a Dense Spray Diffusion Flame in a Potential Vortex. | S. M. Shiah* | ProQuest, SciTech Premium Collection |
1991-03 | 研討會論文 | Self Similar Structure of a Diffusion Flame in the Field of a Potential Vortex | S. M. Shiah* and M. Sichel |