

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-01 期刊論文 Group Buying in Multiple Channels with Consideration of Heterogeneous Customers Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, J.-W., and Lee, C.-L. International Journal of Production Economics
2023-10 期刊論文 Coordination with Multiple Fare Breaks for Transportation in Two-Echelon Supply Chains Huang, Y.-S.* and Lin, Y.-S. International Journal of Management and Applied Science
2023-08 期刊論文 A Study on Optimal Release Schedule for Multi-Version Software Huang, Y.-S.*, Fang, C.-C. Chou, C.-H., and Tseng, B. INFORMS Journal on Computing
2023-06 期刊論文 Pricing and Operating Strategies for Products in the Sharing Economy Huang, Y.-S.*, Fang, C.-C., and Lin, S.-Y. International Journal of Production Economics
2023-04 期刊論文 Capacity Coordination Under Uncertain Yield for Supply Chains with a Single Supplier and Two Competing Retailers Huang, Y.-S.*, Sun, W.-J., and Fang, C.-C. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
2023-02 期刊論文 A Study on Selling Inter-Generational Products under Competition Huang, Y.-S.*, Huang, P.-Y., and Li, C.-H. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
2022-11 期刊論文 Condition-based Preventive Maintenance with a Yield Rate Threshold for Deteriorating Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S.*, Fang, C.-C., and Wijaya, S. Quality and Reliability Engineering International
2022-06 期刊論文 Availability and Reliability of Information Transmission for Supply Chain Coordination with Demand Information Sharing Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, J.-Y., and Kao, W.-Y. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2022-05 期刊論文 A Study on Promotion with Strategic Two-Stage Customized Bundling Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, J.-Y., and Wu, G.-J. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service
2022-04 期刊論文 Multi-round Coordination for Capacity Allocation in Supply Chains with Multiple Retailers Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, J.-Y., and Chuang, C.-H. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2022-03 期刊論文 Bundling Decisions for Selling Multiple Items in Online Auctions Huang, Y.-S.*, Yang, M.-S., and Ho, J.-W. Decision Analysis
2022-02 期刊論文 Optimal Warranty Policy for Consumer Electronics with Dependent Competing Failure Processes Huang, Y.-S.*, Wu, T.-Y., Fang, C.-C., and Tseng, B. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety
2022-01 期刊論文 A Software Reliability Growth Model for Imperfect Debugging Huang, Y.-S.*, Chiu, K.-C., and Chen, W.-M. Journal of Systems and Software
2021-12 期刊論文 Determination of Buffer Stock between Preventive Maintenance Activities for Repairable Production Systems Ho, J.-W., Jian-Yi-Yang, and Huang, Y.-S. International Journal of Industrial Engineering
2021-09 期刊論文 Bundling and Pricing Decisions for Bricks-and-Clicks Firms with Consideration of Network Externality Huang, Y.-S.*, Fang, C.-C., Lin, P.-C., and Liao, Y. C. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimizations
2021-06 期刊論文 A Customized Warranty Model by Considering Multi-Usage Levels for the Leasing Industry Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, J.-W., Hung, J.-W., and Tseng, B. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety,
2021-06 期刊論文 Decisions on Probabilistic Selling for Consumers with Different Risk Attitudes Huang, Y.-S.*, Wu, T.-Y., Fang, C.-C., and Tseng, B. Decision Analysis
2021-03 期刊論文 Dispatching Problems for Parallel Machines in the TFT-LCD Assembly Process Ho, J.-W., Huang, Y.-S.*, and Fu, C.-T. International Transactions in Operational Research
2021-03 期刊論文 Effects of Component Commonality and Perishability on Inventory Control in Assemble-to-Order Systems Huang, Y.-S.*, Lo, H.-W., and Ho, J.-W. Operational Research: An International Journal,
2021-01 期刊論文 Quantity Discount Coordination for Supply Chains with Deteriorating Inventory 1. Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, J.-Y., Jian, H.-J., and Tseng, B. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2020-01 期刊論文 Inventory and Logistic Management in Supply Chains with Consideration of Carbon Emissions Huang, Y.-S.*, Fang, C.-C., and Lin, Y.-A. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2019-09 期刊論文 A Study of Software Reliability Growth with Imperfect Debugging for Time-Dependent Potential Errors Chiu, K.-C., Huang, Y.-S.*, and Huang, I.-C. International Journal of Industrial Engineering
2019-08 期刊論文 A Study on Contractual Agreements in Supply Chains of Agricultural Produce Huang, Y.-S.*, Hsu, Y.-C., and Fang, C.-C. International Journal of Production Research
2019-08 期刊論文 Pricing of Perishable Products with a Speculator and Strategic Customers Huang, Y.-S.*, Gu, Y.-H., and Fang, C.-C. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
2019-05 期刊論文 A Study on Recycle Schedules for Trade-In Rebates with Consideration of Product Life Cycle Huang, Y.-S.*, Lin, C.-J. and Fang, C.-C. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2018-04 期刊論文 Pricing under Internal and External Competition for Remanufacturing Firms with Green Consumers,” , Ho, J.-W., .Huang, Y.-S.*, and Hsu, C.-L. Journal of Cleaner Production
2018-02 期刊論文 A Mixed Dispatching Rule for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Huang, Y.-S.* and Chen, H.-W. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics,
2018-01 期刊論文 Coordination for Distribution of Motion Pictures in the Context of Piracy Huang, Y.-S.*, Huang, W.-J. and Fang, C.-C. Journal of Business Research
2017-09 期刊論文 Optimization of the LCD Optical Film Cutting Problem Huang, Y.-S.*, Wang, S.-A., and Fang, C.-C. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2017-08 期刊論文 Pricing and Coordination with Consideration of Piracy for Digital Goods in Supply Chains Huang, Y.-S.*, Lin, S.-H., and Fang, C.-C. Journal of Business Research,
2017-07 期刊論文 Optimization of the LCD Optical Film Cutting Problem Huang, Y.-S.*, Wang, S.-A., and Fang, C.-C. International Journal of Producition Research
2017-06 期刊論文 Production Planning of New and Remanufacturing Products in Hybrid Production Systems 51. Fang. C.-C., Lai, M.-H., and Huang, Y.-S.* Computers and Industrial Engineering
2017-05 期刊論文 Information Sharing in the Supply Chains of Products with Seasonal Demand Huang, Y.-S.*, Ho, C.-S., and Fang, C.-C. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2017-03 期刊論文 A Customized Two-Dimensional Extended Warranty with Preventive Maintenance Huang, Y.-S.*, Huang, C.-D., and Ho, J.-W. European Journal of Operational Research
2017-02 期刊論文 A Study on Information Sharing for Supply Chains with Multiple Suppliers Huang, Y.-S.*, Hung, J.-S., and Ho, J.-W. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2016-10 期刊論文 A Mixed Dispatching Rule for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Huang, Y.-S.* and Chen, H.-W. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
2016-07 期刊論文 A Study on Emotional Hyperbolic Discount Utilit for Intertemporal Decision Making Huang, Y.-S.*, Chen, Y.-S. The Journal of American Business Review
2016-03 期刊論文 Determination of the Optimal Degree of Information Sharing in a Two-Echelon Supply Chain Huang, Y.-S.*, Li, M.-C., and Ho, J.-W. International Journal of Production Research
2015-11 期刊論文 Quantity Discount Coordination for Allocation of Purchase Orders in Supply Chains with Multiple-Supplier Huang, Y.-S*., Ho, R.-S., and Fang, C.-C. International Journal of Production Research
2015-10 期刊論文 Determination of Optimal Lot Size and Production Rate for Multi-Production Channels with Limited Capacity Huang, Y.-S.*, Wang, R.-P., and Ho, J.-W. International Journal of Systems Science
2015-04 期刊論文 Non-Periodic Preventive Maintenance with Reliability Thresholds for Complex Repairable Systems Lin, Z.-L., Huang, Y.-S.*, and Fang, C.-C. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety
2015-02 期刊論文 Cost Analysis of Two-Dimensional Warranty for Products with Periodic Preventive Maintenance Huang, Y.-S.*, Gau, W.-Y., and Ho, J.-W. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety
2015-01 期刊論文 Decisions on New Product Development under Uncertainties Huang, Y.-S.*, Liu, L.-C., and Ho, J.-W. International Journal of Systems Science
2015- 期刊論文 LED磊晶MOCVD製程之最佳參數設定 黃宇翔,呂政冀 管理研究學報
2015- 期刊論文 混合型資料集的K-means分群演算法 黃宇翔*,王品鈞,方志強 電子商務學報
2014-12 期刊論文 Dynamic Pricing for Fashion Goods with Partial Backlogging Huang, Y.-S.*, Hsu, C.-S., and Ho, J.-W. International Journal of Production Research
2014-01 期刊論文 Efficient Maintenance of Basic Statistical Functions in Data Warehouses, Huang, Y.-S.*, Duy, D., and Fang, C.-C. Decision Support Systems
2014- 期刊論文 醫院精神病患轉床醫療決策制定之研究 陳宏州,黃宇翔* 商略學報
2013-12 期刊論文 Two-Dimensional Warranty with Reliability-Based Preventive Maintenance Huang, Y.-S.*, Chen, E., and Ho, J.-W. IEEE Transactions on Reliability
2013-11 期刊論文 A Study on Pricing and Delivery Strategy for e-Retailing Systems Huang, Y.-S.*, Chen, S.-H., and Ho, J.-W. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
2013-08 期刊論文 A Study of the Optimal Production Strategy for Hybrid Production Systems Huang, Y.-S.*, Chen, M.-W., and Fang, C.-C. International Journal of Production Research
2013-06 期刊論文 A Study on Negative Binomial Inspection for Imperfect Production Systems Huang, Y.-S.*, Lin, Y.-J., and Ho, J.-W. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2013-03 期刊論文 Aggregation of Utility-Based Individual Preferences for Group Decision-Making Huang, Y.-S.*, Chang, W.-C., Li, W.-H., and Lin, Z.-L. European Journal of Operational Research
2013-03 期刊論文 Decisions on optimal adoption time for new technology Huang, Y.-S.*, Hsueh, T.-L., and Zheng, G.-H. Computers and Industrial Engineering
2013-01 期刊論文 A Study on Coordination of Capacity Allocation for Different Types of Contractual Retailers Huang, Y.-S.*, Chen, J.-M., and Lin, Z.-L. Decision Support Systems
2013- 期刊論文 鋼鐵產業海外投資之區位決策評估模式 黃宇翔*,張宥榛 管理與系統
2012-09 期刊論文 A Study on Associated Rules and Fuzzy Partitions for Classification Huang, Y.-S.* and Yao, J.-F. Intelligent Information Management
2012-06 期刊論文 A Study on Aggregation of TOPSIS Ideal Solutions for Group Decision-Making Huang, Y.-S.* and Li, W.-H. Group Decision and Negotiation
2012-02 期刊論文 Stochastic Entry of Competitors and Marketing Decisions Huang, Y.-S.* and Ho, J.-W. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2012- 期刊論文 內部稽核協助台灣鋼鐵業達成組織願景之個案研究 駱玫君,黃宇翔 內部稽核
2012- 期刊論文 運用QFD及DEA技術於新產品開發功能評選之研究 黃宇翔*,郭旭原 商略學報
2011-12 期刊論文 A Study on Lead-Time Discount Coordination for Deteriorating Products Huang, Y.-S.*, Su, W.-J. Lin, Z.-L. European Journal of Operational Research
2011-05 期刊論文 A Study on the Life of an Innovative Product Using a Bayesian Approach Ho, J.-W. and Huang, Y.-S.* Computers and Industrial Engineering
2010-10 期刊論文 Nonperiodic Preventive Maintenance for Repairable Systems Lin, Z.-L. and Huang, Y.-S.* Naval Research Logistics
2010-09 期刊論文 A study on decisions of warranty, pricing, and production with insufficient information Fang, C.-C. and Huang, Y.-S.* Computers and Industrial Engineeringng
2010-09 期刊論文 Cost Allocation with Learning and Forgetting Considerations in a Monopolistically Competitive Market Ho, J.-W. and Huang, Y.-S.* International Journal of Systems Science
2010- 期刊論文 TFT-LCD產業多能工技術員最適化指派問題之研究 黃宇翔*,黃鐘錡 商略學報
2009-10 期刊論文 A Study on Aggregation of Group Decisions Huang, Y.-S.*, Liao, J.-T., and Lin, Z.-L. Systems Research and Behavioral Science
2009-07 期刊論文 A Study of Two-Dimensional Warranty Policies with Preventive Maintenance Huang, Y.-S.* and Yen, C. IIE Transactions
2009-05 期刊論文 Bayesian Updating of Optimal Release Time for Software Systems Chiu, K.-C., Ho, J.-W., and Huang, Y.-S.* Software Quality Journal
2009-03 期刊論文 A Study on Customer Involvement Degree in Final Assembly for DIY Products Ho, J.-W. and Huang, Y.-S.* Computers and Industrial Engineering
2009-02 期刊論文 Recognition of Multi-Interval Rules in Dataset with Continuous-Valued Attributes Huang, Y.-S.* and Huang, B.-C. Expert Systems with Applications
2008-11 期刊論文 A Cost Sharing Warranty Policy for Products with Deterioration Huang, Y.-S.* and Fang, C.-C. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2008-11 期刊論文 The Determinatin of Optimal Software Release Times at Different Confidence Levels with Consideration of Learning Effects Ho, J.-W., Fang, C.-C., and Huang, Y.-S.* Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
2008-08 期刊論文 A Study of Software Reliability Growth from the Perspective of Learning Effects Chiu, K.-C., Huang, Y.-S.*, and Lee, T.-Z. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety
2008-08 期刊論文 Decisions on an Optimal Life Test Sampling Plan with Warranty Considerations Huang, Y.-S.*, Hsieh, C.-H., and Ho, J.-W. IEEE Transactions on Reliability
2008-06 期刊論文 A Bayesian Decision Analysis in Determining the Optimal Policy for Pricing, Production, and Warranty of Repairable Products Fang, C.-C. and Huang, Y.-S.* Expert Systems with Applications
2008-05 期刊論文 Bayesian Enhanced Decision Making for Deteriorating Repairable Systems with Preventive Maintenance Huang, Y.-S.*, Hung, C.-C., and Fang, C.-C. Naval Research Logistics
2008-02 期刊論文 Design of Effective Inspection Schema for Imperfect Production Systems Huang, Y.-S.*, Lo, H.-C., and Ho, J.-W. International Journal of Production Research
2008-01 期刊論文 An Anticipative Hyperbolic Discount Utility on Intertemporal Decision Making Huang, Y.-S.* and Hsu, C.-Z. European Journal of Operational Research
2008- 期刊論文 ARIMA與適應性SVM之混合模型於股價指數預測之研究 黃宇翔*,王百祿 電子商務學報
2008- 期刊論文 以樹狀結構及新詞判斷分類XML文件之研究 黃宇翔*,潘柏璇 資訊管理學報
2008- 研討會論文 A Heuristic to Optimize Makespan for a Flowshop with Waiting Time Constraint Cheng, C.-M. and Huang, Y.-S.
2008- 研討會論文 An Order Allocation Strategy for Supply Chains with Multiple Suppliers Huang, Y.-S., Ho, R.-H., and Fang, C.-C.
2008- 研討會論文 以科技接受模式探討行動條碼於行動電子商務之使用 江佰璋,黃宇翔
2008- 研討會論文 利用非線性特徵萃取以提高資料分類能力 蘇高玄,黃宇翔
2008- 研討會論文 影響使用電子病歷系統行為意向因素之研究 江佰璋,黃宇翔
2008- 研討會論文 結合特徵選取與支持向量回歸應用於房價預測 蘇高玄,黃宇翔
2007-03 期刊論文 A Power Law Type of Time Preferences on Intertemporal Choices Huang, Y.-S.* and Wu, H.-C. European Journal of Operational Research
2007- 期刊論文 應用關聯法則於多磁碟資料庫系統表格配置之研究 黃宇翔*,陳鐸仁 電子商務學報
2007- 研討會論文 A Study on Decision Aggregation with AHP,” 2007 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) Huang, Y.-S. and Liao, J.-T
2006-08 期刊論文 A Web-Based Decision Support Systems for Chronic Diseases Chang, C.-C., Cheng C.-S.*, and Huang, Y.-S. Journal of Universal Computer Science
2006- 期刊論文 ERP系統導入之績效評估-傳統產業之個案實證研究 黃宇翔*,郭旻翰 電子商務學報
2006- 研討會論文 Batching and Scheduling in a Two Machine Flowshop with Limited Waiting Time Cheng, C.-M. and Huang, Y.-S.
2006- 研討會論文 The Determination of Product Life in a Monopolistically Competitive Market Ho, J.-W. and Huang, Y.-S.
2005- 期刊論文 由已訓練類神經網路擷取成本敏感之分類規則 黃宇翔*,毛紹睿 電子商務學報
2005- 研討會論文 An Optimal Warranty Proportion for Products with Deterioration under the Policy of PRW Huang, Y.-S., and Wang, B.-F
2004-08 期刊論文 A Study of Defuzzification with Experts’ Knowledge for Deteriorating Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S.* and Chang, C.-C. European Journal of Operational Research
2004-07 期刊論文 A Structural Design of Decision Support Systems for Deteriorating Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S.* Computers and Operations Research
2004-05 期刊論文 Estimation of Future Breakdowns to Determine Optimal Warranty Policies for Products with Deterioration Huang, Y.-S.* and Zhuo, Y.-F. Reliability Engineering and System Safety
2003- 期刊論文 資訊系統委外承包商之評選-群體決策過程應用之研究 黃宇翔*,鍾桂芳,李坤清 資訊管理研究
2002-04 期刊論文 An Empirical Investigation of Total Quality Management -- ATaiwanese Case Huang, Y.-S.* and Lin, B.M.T. The TQM Magazine
2002- 研討會論文 冪次型折扣效用模型之研究 黃宇翔,吳慧貞
2001-10 期刊論文 A Decision Model for Deteriorating Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S.* IIE Transactions
2001-06 期刊論文 On the Variable-Depth-Search Heuristic for the Linear-Cost Generalized Assignment Problem Lin, B.M.T.*, Huang, Y.-S. , and Yu, H.-K. International Journal of Computer Mathematics
2001- 研討會論文 An Approach with Fuzzy Arithmetic for Modeling Experts’ Prior Knowledge in Aging Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S., and Chang, C.-C.
2001- 研討會論文 Two-Machine Flowshop Batch Scheduling to Minimize the Total completion Time Yu, H. K., Lin, B. M. T., and Huang, Y.-S.
2000- 研討會論文 A Structure Design of DSS for Aging Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S.
2000- 研討會論文 委外承包商評選群體決策過程之研究-以經濟部商務司電子工商計劃為例 黃宇翔,鍾桂芳,李坤清
1999-06 期刊論文 A Natural Conjugate Prior for the Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process with an Exponential Intensity Function Huang, Y.-S. and Bier, V. M.* Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods
1999- 研討會論文 A Fuzzy Decision Process for Aging Repairable Systems Huang, Y.-S., and Chang, C.-C.
1998-05 期刊論文 A Natural Conjugate Prior for the Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process with a Power Law Intensity Function Huang, Y.-S. and Bier, V. M.* Communications in Statistics-Simulations and Computation
1998- 研討會論文 On the Variable-Depth-Search Heuristic for Generalized Assignment Huang, Y.-S., Lin, B. M.-T., Yu, H.-K., and Lin, S.-H.
1998- 研討會論文 Selecting the Course Contents for OR/MS via AHP and QFD Chang, C.-L., Yang, Y-L., Huang, Y.-S., and Chen, C.-K.
1998- 研討會論文 TQM Implementation in Taiwan – A Field Study with Taiwan’s Top 500 Companies Huang, Y.-S. and Chen, C.-K.
1996- 研討會論文 Natural Conjugate Prior Distributions for Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes Huang, Y.-S. and Bier, V. M.
1996- 研討會論文 Natural Conjugate Priors for Bayesian Analysis of Aging Phenomena Huang, Y.-S. and Bier, V. M.