

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-07 研討會論文 Materialising ‘quantum for good’: a global chips value chain perspective from Asia Yeh, Chih-wei
2024-06 研討會論文 Contemporary Taiwanese Semiconductor Strategy: Affording AI and Quantum Technological Development Yeh, Chih-wei
2024-05 研討會論文 Semiconductor physics within neoliberal universities and global value chain, the Red Queen's race or 'overtaking on a bend'? Mody, Cyrus, Yeh, Chih-wei,
2024-01 研討會論文 Echoes in the Taiwanese Semiconductor Research Policy: The Triple Helix Model of Innovation Revisited Yeh, Chih-wei
2022-10 期刊論文 Working with Curiosity: Knowledge Transfer Practitioners' Ambivalence at CERN Yeh, Chih-wei 科學與公共政策 (SSCI)
Science and Public Policy
2022-10 研討會論文 科學機構的知識移轉難題:以歐洲核子研究組織CERN 為例 葉致微
2022-09 研討會論文 創新研究:愛丁堡STS的「人造物與實作的傳記」研究方法 葉致微
2022-04 專書論文 新冠病毒圖像與在地疫情圖景 葉致微 科技社會人4:跟著關鍵物去旅行
2021-08 研討會論文 科技政策的質性研究方法:科學家的話語和文字「如何」建構價值? 葉致微
2021-06 期刊論文 A Hierarchy of Interests: Discursive Practices on the Value of Particle and High-Energy Physics Yeh, Chih-wei 科學與公共政策 (SSCI)
Science and Public Policy
2019-05 專書 Particle Physics in Public: Legitimising Curiosity-driven Research on the Higgs Boson and Beyond Yeh, Chih-wei The University of Edinburgh
2017-07 研討會論文 Bonding with the Immediate Public: Particle Physicists in the Interviews Yeh, Chih-wei
2016-04 期刊論文 有圖有真相 希格斯粒子於科學溝通的視覺再現 葉致微 科學月刊
2015-09 研討會論文 Constructing the Higgs Boson in Science Communication Yeh, Chih-wei
2015-02 期刊論文 Seeing is Believing: Constructing the Higgs Boson Yeh, Chih-wei Method Quarterly