

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-10 期刊論文 Enhanced pointing and charge properties of electron beams from few-TW laser wakefield acceleration with an asymmetric density profile in a sub-millimeter nitrogen gas jet D. K. Tran; P.-W. Lai; S.-W. Chou ; C.-H. Pai ; H.-H. Chu ; S.-H. Chen ; J. Wang ; M.-W. Lin Physics of Plasmas
2024-06 期刊論文 Numerical experiment of phase-matched ion-based high-order harmonic generation in the water-window x-ray spectral region via electromagnetic envelope equation Yao-Li Liu, Ying-Shan Chen, Shih Hung Chen, Hsu-Hsin Chu Optics Express
2024-05 期刊論文 Optimization of laser-driven quantum beam generation and the applications with artificial intelligence Y. Kuramitsu ; T. Taguchi; F. Nikaido ; T. Minami ; T. Hihara; S. Suzuki; K. Oda; K. Kuramoto ; T. Yasui ; Y. Abe ; K. Ibano ; H. Takabe ; C. M. Chu; K. T. Wu ; W. Y. Woon ; S. H. Chen ; C. S. Jao ; Y. C. Chen ; Y. L. Liu ; A. Morace ; A. Yogo ; Y. Arikawa ; H. Kohri ; A. Tokiyasu ; S. Kodaira ; T. Kusumoto ; M. Kanasaki ; T. Asai; Y. Fukuda ; K. Kondo; H. Kiriyama; T. Hayakawa ; S. J. Tanaka ; S. Isayama ; N. Watamura; H. Suzuki ; H. S. Kumar ; N. Ohnishi ; T. Pikuz ; E. Filippov ; K. Sakai ; R. Yasuhara ; M. Nakata ; R. Ishikawa ; T. Hoshi ; A. Mizuta ; N. Bolouki ; N. Saura ; S. Benkadda ; M. Koenig ; S. Hamaguchi Physics of Plasmas
2024-04 期刊論文 Intrinsic resonance in gyrotron using non-resonant RF structure Tien-Fu Yang, Hsin Yu Yao, Hsin Yu Yao, Shih Hung Chen, Tsun-Hsu Chang Physics of Plasmas
2023-01 期刊論文 Laser wakefield acceleration of 10-MeV-scale electrons driven by 1-TW multi-cycle laser pulses in a sub-millimeter nitrogen gas cell P.-W. Lai, K.-N. Liu, D. K. Tran, S.-W. Chou, H.-H. Chu, S.-H. Chen , J. Wang , M.-W. Lin Physics of Plasmas
2023-01 研討會論文 Simulation Framework of Laser Produced Tin Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Light Emission Based on Quasi-Steady State Approach of Plasma Radiative Property Chun-Tse Wu, Yao-Li Liu, Po-Yen Lai, Shih Hung Chen
2022-11 期刊論文 Simulation and experimental study of a K-band extended interaction oscillator for microwave processing systems W. Y. Chiang, P. H. Hung, H. Y. Chen, H. H. Teng, and S. H. Chen Review of Scientific Instruments
2022-02 期刊論文 Robustness of large-area suspended graphene under interaction with intense laser Y. Kuramitsu, T. Minami, T. Hihara, K. Sakai, T. Nishimoto, S. Isayama, Y. T. Liao, K. T. Wu, W. Y. Woon, S. H. Chen, Y. L. Liu, S. M. He, C. Y. Su, M. Ota, S. Egashira, A. Morace, Y. Sakawa, Y. Abe, H. Habara, R. Kodama, L. N. K. Döhl, N. Woolsey, M. Koenig, H. S. Kumar, N. Ohnishi, M. Kanasaki, T. Asai, T. Yamauchi, K. Oda, Ko. Kondo, H. Kiriyama, & Y. Fukuda Scientific Reports
2022-01 期刊論文 Simulation study for the spectral broadening and compression of a sub-TW laser pulse to a few-cycle duration in a dense gas target D. K. Tran, Y.-L Liu, S.-W Chou, S.-H. Chen, and M.-W. Lin Physics of Plasmas
2021-07 期刊論文 Efficient hybrid acceleration scheme for generating 100 MeV protons with tabletop dual-laser pulses S. Isayama, S. H. Chen, Y. L. Liu, H. W. Chen, and Y. Kuramitsu Physics of Plasmas
2020-11 期刊論文 Laser wakefield acceleration driven by a few-terawatt laser pulse in a sub-mm nitrogen gas jet M.-W. Lin,, T.-Y. Chu, Y.-Z. Chen, D. K. Tran, H.-H. Chu, S.-H. Chen, and J. Wang Physics of Plasmas
2020-10 期刊論文 Collective Thomson scattering in non-equilibrium laser produced two-stream plasmas K. Sakai, S. Isayama, N. Bolouki, M. S. Habibi, Y. L. Liu, Y. H. Hsieh, H. H. Chu, J. Wang, S. H. Chen, T. Morita, K. Tomita, R. Yamazaki, Y. Sakawa, S. Matsukiyo, and Y. Kuramitsu Physics of Plasmas
2020-01 期刊論文 Simulation study of ionization-induced injection in sub-terawatt laser wakefield acceleration M.-W. Lin, C.-Y. Hsieh, D. K. Tran, and S.-H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2019-05 期刊論文 Spatio-temporal behavior of density jumps and the effect of neutral depletion in high-density helicon plasma S. Isayama, S. Shinohara, T. Hada, and S. H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2019-03 期刊論文 Nonthermal relativistic electron acceleration due to laser-induced incoherent wakefields with external static magnetic fields Yao-Li Liu, Shogo Isayama, Shih-Hung Chen, Yasuhiro Kuramitsu High Energy Density Physics
2019-02 期刊論文 Underlying competition mechanisms in the dynamic profile formation of high-density helicon plasma S. Isayama, S. Shinohara, T. Hada, and S. H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2019-01 期刊論文 High performance and high power circularly polarized horn antenna for K-band microwave processing systems P. H. Hung, W. Y. Chiang, Y. C. Hsieh, F. H. Cheng, J. D. Wang, and S. H. Chen Review of Scientific Instruments
2018-12 期刊論文 Magnetic reconnection driven by electron dynamics Y. Kuramitsu, T. Moritaka, Y. Sakawa, T. Morita, T. Sano, M. Koenig, C.D. Gregory,N. Woolsey, K. Tomita, H. Takabe, Y.L. Liu, S.H. Chen, S. Matsukiyo, M. Hoshino Nature Communications
2018-11 期刊論文 A comparative study of single-wire and hollow metallic waveguides for terahertz waves S. H. Chen, K. W. Chen, and K. R. Chu AIP Advances
2018-11 研討會論文 Progress on the Simulation Study of Sub-Terawatt Laser Wakefield Acceleration Driven by Ytterbium-Doped Lasers C.-Y. Hsieh, S.-H. Chen and M.-W. Lin
2018-10 期刊論文 Effect of driving pulse properties on the performance of sub-terawatt laser wakefield acceleration Chia-Ying Hsieh, M.-W. Lin, Shih Hung Chen AIP Advances
2018-09 研討會論文 ffect of pulse duration on the performance of sub-terawatt laser wakefield acceleration C.-Y. Hsieh, S.-H. Chen and M.-W. Lin
2018-06 研討會論文 Simulation Studies of Sub-Terawatt Laser Wakefield C.-Y. Hsieh, M.-W. Lin and S.-H. Chen
2018-05 期刊論文 Compact millijoule diode-seeded two-stage fiber master oscillator power amplifier using a multipass and forward pumping scheme P. Y. Lai, Shih Hung Chen, Louis ChangChun-Lin, Sheng-Lung Huang Applied Optics
2018-05 研討會論文 Modeling of Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Acceleration Driven by Sub-Terawatt Laser Pulses C.-Y. Hsieh, S.-H. Chen and M.-W. Lin
2018-03 研討會論文 Numerical study of laser-produced plasma extreme ultraviolet light emission using dual-pulse scheme Po-Yen Lai, Kao-Sheng Jao, Rong-Tz Wei, Chia-Ying Hsieh, and Shih-Hung Chen
2018-02 期刊論文 Simulation study of the sub-terawatt laser wakefield acceleration operated in self-modulated regime C.-Y. Hsieh, M.-W. Lin, and S.-H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2018-01 期刊論文 Radiation pressure injection in laser-wakefield acceleration Y. L. Liu, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Isayama, and S. H. Chen physics of plasmas
2017-09 研討會論文 A Paradigm Model for the Nonlinear Dynamics of Backward-Wave Oscillations S. H. Chen, L. Chen, T. C. Tsai and L. H. Lyu
2017-06 期刊論文 Interferometry Based EUV Spectrometer Y. Y. Li, Y. W. Lee, T. S.Ho, R. T. Wei, P. Y. Lai, K. S. Jao, I. C. Wu, S. H. Chen, and S. L. Huang IEEE Photonics Journal
2017-06 研討會論文 Discrete-particle effects on Landau damping in particle-in-cell simulation S. H. Chen, G. R. Wu, P. Y. Lai and Y. R. Linliu
2017-06 研討會論文 Theoretical and Simulation Studies of Transverse Beam Size Effects on Optical Transition Radiation in Pre-Wave Zone Yi-Kai Kan, Toseo Moritaka, Wei-Keung Lau, and Shih-Hung Chen
2017-05 研討會論文 Efficiency Enhancement Induced by a Precursor Electron Bunch in Quasi-Phase Matched Direct Laser Acceleration C. Y. Hsieh, M. W. Lin, I. Jovanovic, and S. H. Chen
2017-03 期刊論文 Relativistic harmonics for turbulent wakefield diagnostics Y. Kuramitsu and S. H. Chen High Energy Density Physics
2017-02 期刊論文 Transition from coherent to incoherent acceleration of nonthermal relativistic electron induced by an intense light pulse Y. L. Liu, Y. Kuramitsu, T. Moritaka, and S. H. Chen High Energy Density Physics
2016-12 期刊論文 Effects of the precursor electron bunch on quasi-phase matched direct laser acceleration Effects of the precursor electron bunch on quasi-phase matched direct laser acceleration M. W. Lin, C. Y. Hsieh, Y. L. Liu, S. H. Chen and I. Jovanovic Physics of Plasmas
2016-06 研討會論文 Numerical thermalization in one- and two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations with Monte-Carlo collisions Po-Yen Lai, Y. R. Lin-Liu and Shih-Hung Chen
2016-05 研討會論文 Simulation Studies of Relativistic Electron Acceleration due to Wakefield Induced by a Short-Pulse Intense Laser Y. L. Liu, Y. Kuramitsu, T. Moritaka and S. H. Chen
2016-03 期刊論文 Spontaneous focusing of plasma flow in a weak perpendicular magnetic field T. Moritaka, Y. Kuramitru, Y. L. Liu and S. H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2015-12 期刊論文 Maximal charge injection of a uniform separated electron pulse train in a drift space Y. L. Liu, P. Zhang, S. H. Chen, and L. K. Ang Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
2015-12 研討會論文 Numerical Study of Extreme Ultraviolet Light Emission in Laser-produced Plasmas Po-Yen Lai, Kao-Sheng Jao, Rong-Tz Wei, and Shih-Hung Chen
2015-12 研討會論文 Numerical Study of Multi-mode Effect on Stimulated Raman Scattering in Large-Mode-Area Fiber Laser Amplifiers I-Feng Chang, Po-Yen Lai, and Shih-Hung Chen
2015-09 期刊論文 Study of discrete-particle effects in a one-dimensional plasma simulation with the Krook type collision model P. Y. Lai, L. Chen, Y. R. Linliu, and S. H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2015-08 期刊論文 Maximal charge injection of consecutive electron pulses with uniform temporal pulse separation Y. L. Liu, P. Zhang, S. H. Chen and L. K. Ang Physics of Plasmas
2015-07 研討會論文 The Effects of Loading a Precursor Bunch in Quasi-Phase Matched Direct Laser Electron Acceleration C. Y. Hsieh, M. W. Lin, Y. L. Liu, S. H. Chen and I. Jovanovic
2015-04 研討會論文 Space-charge limited density of consecutively injected electron pulses with uniform separation Yao-Li Liu, Peng Zhang, Shih-Hung Chen and Lay-Kee Ang
2015-02 期刊論文 Laser acceleration of protons using multi-ion plasma gaseous targets T. C. Liu, X. Shao, C. S. Liu, B. Eliason, W. T. Hill, J. Wang and S. H. Chen New Journal of Physics
2014-12 期刊論文 Numerical thermalization in particle-in-cell simulations with Monte-Carlo collisions P. Y. Lai, T. Y. Lin, Y. R. Lin-Liu, and S. H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2014-12 期刊論文 Relativistic plasma astrophysics with intense lasers Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Hsu-Hsin Chu, Lin-Ni Hau, Shih-Hung Chen, Yao-Li Liu, Chia-Ying Hsieh, Youichi Sakawa, Takabe Hideaki, Jyhpyng Wang High Energy Density Physics
2014-12 研討會論文 Maximum Extractable Energy for High-Power Pulsed Fiber Amplifier with Stimulated Raman Scattering I-Feng Chang, Po-Yen Lai, and Shih-Hung Chen
2014-09 期刊論文 Particle-in-cell simulations of quasi-phase matched direct laser electron acceleration in density-modulated plasma waveguides M. W. Lin, Y. L. Liu, S. H. Chen, and I. Jovanovic Physics of Plasmas
2014-06 期刊論文 Spot size dependence of laser accelerated protons in thin multi-ion foils Tung-Chang Liu, Xi Shao, Chuan-Sheng Liu, Bengt Eliasson, Jyhpyng Wang, and Shih-Hung Chen Physics of Plasmas
2014-05 期刊論文 Parasitic Stimulated Amplification in High-Peak-Power and Diode-Seeded Nanosecond Fiber Amplifiers C. L. Chang, P. Y. Lai, Y. Y. Li, Y. P. Lai, C. W. Huang, S. H. Chen, Y. W. Lee, S. L. Huang IEEE Photonics Journal
2014-04 期刊論文 Two-dimensional relativistic space charge limited current flow in the drift space Y. L. Liu, S. H. Chen, W. S. Koh, and L. K. Ang Physics of Plasmas
2014-03 期刊論文 High power broadband continuum source based on an all-PM-fiber master oscillator nonlinear power amplifier C. L. Chang, Y. Y. Lin, P. Y. Lai, Y. Y. Li, S. H. Chen and S L Huang Laser Physics
2014-02 研討會論文 Effective suppression of stimulated Raman scattering in high power fiber amplifiers using double-pass scheme Po-Yen Lai, Chun-Lin Chang, Sheng-Lung Huang, and Shih-Hung Chen
2014-02 研討會論文 Intense supercontinuum generation in a nanosecond nonlinear all-PM-fiber power amplifier Chun-Lin Chang, Yen-Yin Lin, Po-Yen Laic, Yen-Yin Lia, Dong-Yo Jheng, Shih-Hung Chen, Sheng-Lung Huang
2014-01 研討會論文 Effective suppression of stimulated Raman scattering in high power pulsed fiber laser amplifiers using double-pass scheme Po-Yen Lai, Chun-Lin Chang, Sheng-Lung Huang, Shih-Hung Chen
2014-01 研討會論文 Numerical thermalization in particle-in-cell simulations of one-dimensional Plasma models with background collisions Po-Yen Lai, Tin-Yi Lin, Shih-Hung Chen, Y. R. Lin-Liu
2013-12 期刊論文 Nonstationary oscillation of gyrotron backward wave oscillators with cylindrical interaction structure S. H. Chen and L. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2013-10 期刊論文 Enhancement of proton energy by polarization switch in laser acceleration of multi-ion foils T. C. Liu, X. Shao, C. S. Liu, B. Eliasson, J. Wang and S. H. Chen Physics of Plasmas
2013-09 研討會論文 High-Peak-Power Nanosecond All-Fiber Laser System for High-Efficiency Tabletop Laser-Produced-Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Source Chun-Lin Chang, Yen-Yin Li, Po-Yen Lai, Yi-Ping Lai, Shin-Hung Chen,and Sheng-Lung Huang
2013-06 研討會論文 Influences of Amplified Spontaneous Emission on Fiber Laser Amplifier Chain Po-Yen Lai, Chun-Lin Chang, Sheng-Lung Huang and Shih-Hung Chen
2013-02 期刊論文 Generation of quasi-monoenergetic protons from thin multi-ion foils by a combination of laser radiation pressure acceleration and shielded Coulomb repulsion T. C. Liu, X. Shao, C. S. Liu, M. He, B. Eliasson, V. Tripathi, J. J. Su, J. Wang and S. H. Chen New Journal of Physics
2013-02 研討會論文 A high peak power nanosecond all-fiber MOPA system at high repetition rate Chun-Lin Chang, Po-Yen Lai, Yen-Yin Li, Shih-Hung Chen, and Sheng-Lung Huang
2013-02 研討會論文 Particle-in-cell simulations of kinetic plasma in extreme ultraviolet emission from laser produced plasma P. Y. Lai, Y. P. Lai, C. L. Chang, S. L. Huang, S. H. Chen
2013-02 研討會論文 Two-Dimensional Electrostatic Space Charged Limiting Current density of Relativistic Long-Pules Electron Flows in Drift Space Y. L. Liu, S. H. Chen and W. S. Koh
2012-12 研討會論文 A Simplified Spherical-Symmetry Simulation Model for 13.5-nm EUV Generation from Laser-Produced Plasmas Y. P. Lai, P. Y. Lai, C. L. Chang, Shih-Hung Chen, S. L. Huang
2012-12 研討會論文 A high peak power nanosecond ytterbium-doped all fiber MOPA system at high repetition rate C. L. Chang, P. Y. Lai, Y. Y. Li, Shih-Hun Chen, S. L. Huang
2012-12 研討會論文 Numerical Study of Characteristic Pulsed amplification in Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers P. Y. Lai, C. L. Chang, Shih-Hung Chen, S. L. Huang
2012-10 研討會論文 Design of Laser Profile in Boosting the Energy of Monoenergetic Protons Accelerated by Radiation Pressure and Shielded Coulomb Repulsion C. S. Liu, T. C. Liu, X. Shao, M. He, B. Eliasson, V. Tripathi, J. J. Su, J. Wang, Shih-Hung Chen
2012-10 研討會論文 Post-Laser Radiation Pressure Acceleration: Coulomb Acceleration of Mono-Energetic Protons by Electron-Screened Carbon Ions in Laser Irradiated Multi-Ion Targets C. S. Liu, T. C. Liu, X. Shao, M. He, B. Eliasson, V. Tripathi, J. J. Su, J. Wang, Shih-Hung Chen
2012-09 期刊論文 On the universality of nonthermal electron acceleration due to quasi-turbulent wakefields Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Youich Sakawa, Masahiro Hoshino, Shih-Hung Chen, Hideaki Takabe High Energy Density Physics
2012-07 研討會論文 Plasma for Plasmonics W. S. Koh, Shih-Hung Chen, L. K. Ang
2012-07 研討會論文 Theoretical Studies of Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillators Shih-Hung Chen, Liu Chen
2012-02 期刊論文 Linear and nonlinear behaviors of gyrotron backward wave oscillators Shih-Hung Chen, Liu Chen Physics of Plasmas
2011-08 研討會論文 Theoretical Study of the Nonstationary Behaviors of Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillators Shih-Hung Chen, Liu Chen
2011-03 期刊論文 Relativistic birefringence induced by a high-intensity laser field in a plasma G. Tsaur*, N.-H. Kang, Z.-H. Xie, S.-H. Chen, and J. Wang Physical Review A
2011-02 期刊論文 Two-dimensional electromagnetic Child–Langmuir law of a short-pulse electron flow Shih-Hung Chen, L. C. Tai, Y. L. Liu, L. K. Ang, W. S. Koh Physics of Plasmas
2011-02 研討會論文 Two-dimensional electromagnetic Child-Langmuir law of a short-pulse electron flow Y. L. Liu, L. C. Tai, Shih-Hung Chen, L. K. Ang, W. S. Koh
2010-12 期刊論文 Generation of intense ultrashort midinfrared pulses by laser-plasma interaction in the bubble regime C.-H. Pai, Y.-Y. Chang, L.-C. Ha, Z.-H. Xie, M.-W. Lin, J.-M. Lin, Y.-M. Chen, G. Tsaur, H.-H. Chu, S.-H. Chen, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen* Physical Review A
2010-06 期刊論文 Beam energy scaling of a stably operated laser wakefield accelerator Shih-Hung Chen, L. C. Tai, C. S. Liu, Y. R. Lin-Liu Physics of Plasmas
2010- 研討會論文 Kinetic properties of the particle-in-cell simulation of a Lorentz plasma Y. R. Linliu, T. Y. Lin, Shih-Hung Chen
2009-05 研討會論文 Beam energy scaling of a stably operated laser wakefield accelerator Shih-Hung Chen, L. C. Tai, C. S. Liu, Y. R. Lin-Liu
2008-11 研討會論文 2D limiting current of a finite-width electron pulse in a parallel-plate gap W. S. Koh, L. K. Ang, Shih-Hung Chen, L. C. Tai, W. Lin
2008-06 期刊論文 Short-pulse space-charge-limited electron flows in a drift space P. Zhang, W. S. Koh, L. K. Ang, Shih-Hung Chen Physics of Plasmas
2008- 研討會論文 Study of the Effect of the Self Magnetic Field on the Limit of the Accelerated Beam Current in Laser Wakefield Accelerators L. C. Tai, P. Zhang, W. S. Koh, L. K. Ang, Shih-Hung Chen
2007-09 期刊論文 Stable, high efficiency gyrotron backward-wave oscillator 陳仕宏 Phys. Plasmas
2007-05 期刊論文 Stability and tunability of the gyrotron backward-wave oscillator 陳仕宏 Applied Phys. Lett.
2006-10 期刊論文 Rise and fall time behavior of the gyrotron backward-wave oscillator 陳仕宏 Phys. Rev. E
2005-10 期刊論文 Dynamics of mode competition in gyrotron backward-wave oscillator 陳仕宏 Phys. Rev. Lett.
2004-12 期刊論文 Stepwise frequency tuning of a gyrotron backward-wave oscillator 陳仕宏 Physics of Plasmas
2004-06 期刊論文 Simulation Study of Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Display with Under-gate and Planar-gate Structures 陳仕宏 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B
2003-09 期刊論文 Self-consistent effects on the starting current of gyrotron oscillators 陳仕宏 International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
2002-12 期刊論文 Linear and Time-Dependent Behavior of the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator 陳仕宏 Phys. Rev. Lett.
2001-08 期刊論文 Characterization of Stationary and Nonstationary Behavior in Gyrotron Oscillator 陳仕宏 Phys. Rev. Lett.
2000-09 期刊論文 Saturated Behavior of the Gyrotron Backward- Wave Oscillator 陳仕宏 Phys. Rev. Lett.