

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2022-01 期刊論文 Non-conventional superconductivity in magnetic In and Sn nanoparticles Ma-Hsuan Ma, Erdembayalag Batsaikhan, Huang-Nan Chen, Ting-Yang Chen, Chi-Hung Lee, Wen-Hsien Li, Chun-Ming Wu and Chin-Wei Wang Scientific Reports
2021-11 期刊論文 Extremely space and time limited phonon propagation from electron-lattice scattering induced by Sb/Bi codoping in Ge0.86Sb0.08Bi0.06Te single crystal Ma-Hsuan Ma, Chun-Min Wu, Tsu-Yin Ling, Erdembayalag Batsaikhan, Wen-Hsien Li, Vankayala Krishna Ranganayakulu, Yang-Yuan Chen Physical Review Materials
2021-10 期刊論文 Single crystal growth and structural, magnetic, and magnetoelectric properties in spin-frustrated bow-tie lattice of a-Cu5O2(SeO3)2Cl2 D. Chandrasekhar Kakarla, Z. H. Yang, H. C. Wu, T. W. Kuo, Ajay Tiwari, W.-H. Li, C. H. Lee, Y.-Y. Wang, J.-Y. Lin, C. K. Chang, B. H. Chen, Chin-Wei Wang, C. A. Lee, Mitch M. C. Choub and H. D. Yang Materials Advances
2021-04 期刊論文 Charge transfer enhanced magnetic correlations in type‐II multiferroic Co3TeO6 Chi‐Hung Lee, Erdembayalag Batsaikhan, Ma‐Hsuan Ma, Wen‐Hsien Li, Chin‐Wei Wang, Chun-Min Wu, Hung‐Duen Yang, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Helmuth Berger Journal of Chinese Chemical Society
2021-01 期刊論文 Dual lattice incommensurabilities and enhanced lattice perfection by low temperature thermal annealing in photoelectric (CH3NH3)PbBr3 Wen-Hsien Li, Chi-Hung Lee, Tsu-Yin Ling, Ma-Hsuan Ma, Pai-Chun Wei, Jr-Hau He, Chun-Min Wu, Jen-Chih Peng, Guangyong Xu, Yang Zhao and Jeffrey W. Lynn Physical Review Materials
2020-02 期刊論文 Largely Enhanced Ferromagnetism in Bare CuO Nanoparticles by Small Size Effect Erdembayalag Batisakhan, Chi-Hung Lee, Han Hsu, Chun-Ming Wu, Jen-Chih Peng, Ma-Hsuan Ma, Sangaa Deleg, and Wen-Hsien Li ACS Omega
2020-02 期刊論文 Magnon profile on SrRuO3 films studied by inelastic neutron scattering G. D. Dwivedi, C.-M. Wu, Bo-Yu Chen, S. T. Lin, W.-Z. Qiu, S. J. Sun, Guangyong Xu, J. W. Lynn, J. W. Chiou, C.-H Lee, W.-H. Li, S. Yano, and H. Chou Physical Review B
2019-12 期刊論文 Extremely space and time restricted thermal transport in the high temperature Cmcm phase of thermoelectric SnSe Chi-Hung Lee, Ma-Hsuan Ma, Wen-Hsien Li, Pai-Chun Wei, Yang-Yuan Chen, Yang Zhao, Jeffrey W. Lynn Materials Today Physics
2019-12 期刊論文 Observation of chargeetransferedriven antiferroelectricity in 3dpyrochlore multiferroic Cu2OCl2 H. C. Wu, K. N. Denisova, D. Chandrasekhar Kakarla, O. V. Maximova, T. W. Kuo, C. H. Lee, W.-H. Li, H. Berger, C. W. Wang, C. K. Chang, Y. C. Chung, J.-Y. Lin, M. Gooch, C. W. Chu, H. D. Yang, and A. N. Vasiliev Physical Review B
2019-04 期刊論文 Fault Dynamics of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: clues from nanometric geochemical analysis of fault gouges Wen-Hsien Li, Chi-Hung Lee, Ma-Hsuan Ma, Ping Jung Huang, Sheng Yun Wu Scientific Reports
2019-03 期刊論文 High temperature superconductivity at 18 K in nano-sized rhombohedral Bi enhanced by Ni-doping Chi-Hung Lee, Ken-Ming Lin, Yu-Hui Tang, Bo-Yong Wu, Ma-Hsuan Ma, Wen-Hsien Li ACS Omega
2019-03 期刊論文 Thermoelectric figure-of-merit of a fully dense single crystalline SnSe Pai-ChunWei, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Yu-Fei Liu, Fengjiao Liu, Jian He, Yung-Shiang Tung, Chun-Chuen Yang, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Duc-Long Nguyen, Ching-Ming Wei, Mei-Yin Chou, Yen-Chung Lai, Tsu-Lien Hung, Syu-You Guan, Chia-Seng Chang, Raphael P. Hermann, Hsin-Jay Wu, Chi-Hung Lee, Wen-Hsien Li, Yang-Yuan Chen, Apparao M. Rao ACS Omega
2019-01 期刊論文 Observation of charge-transfer-driven antiferroelectricity in 3d-pyrochloremultiferroic Cu2OCl2 H. C. Wu, J. K. Yuan, K. D. Chandrasekhar, C. H. Lee, W.-H. Li, C. W. Wang, J. M. Chen, J. -Y. Lin, H. Berger, and H. D. Yang Materials Today Physic
2018-12 期刊論文 In operando detection of lithium diffusion behaviors at low temperature in 18650 Li-ion battery anode Chun-Ming Wu, Chia-Chin Chang, Maxim Avdeev, Ping-I Peng, Wen-Hsien Li Physica B
2017-08 期刊論文 Complex magnetic incommensurability and electronic charge transfer through the ferroelectric transition in multiferroic Co3TeO6 Chi-Hung Lee, Chin-Wei Wang, Yang Zhao, Wen-Hsien Li, Jeffrey W. Lynn, A. Brooks Harris, Kirrily Rule, Hung-Duen Yang,Helmuth Berger Scientific Reports
2017-08 期刊論文 Photo-enhanced ferromagnetism in high K+-containing K-Ni-Cr Prussian blue analogues coated on Rb-Co-Fe nanocubes Chi-Hung Lee, Min-Yung Wang, Erdembayalag Batisakhan, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, and Wen-Hsien Li ACS Omega
2017-08 期刊論文 Photo-enhanced ferromagnetism in high K+-containing K-Ni-Cr Prussian blue analogues coated on Rb-Co-Fe nanocubes 160. Chi-Hung Lee, Min-Yung Wang, Erdembayalag Batisakhan, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, and Wen-Hsien Li ACS Omega
2017-04 專書論文 Spin polarization and small size effect in bare silver nanoparticles Wen-Hsien Li and Chi-Hung Lee Complex Magnetic Nanostructures Synthesis, Assembly and Applications
2016-10 期刊論文 SIKA-the multiplexing cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer at ANSTO C.-M. Wu; G. Deng, J. S. Gardner, P. Vorderwisch, W.-H. Li, S. Yano, J.-C. Peng, E. Imamovic, Journal of Instrumentation
2016-05 期刊論文 Engineering and Scaling the Spontaneous Magnetization Reversal of Faraday Induced Magnetic Relaxation in Nano-Sized Amorphous Ni Coated on Crystalline Au Wen-Hsien Li, Chi-Hung Lee, and Chen-Chen Kuo Materials
2016-04 期刊論文 Oxygen deficiency-induced anomalous enhancement of Neel temperature and magnetic coupling for Bi0.9Ca0.1FeO3-δ and Bi0.9Pb0.1FeO3-δ Chen W Yen, Chun C Yang, Gopeshwar D Dwivedi, Kung S Yang, C P Wu; K C Liu; Wen-Hsien Li Acta Materilia
2016-03 期刊論文 Confined martensitic phase transformation kinetics and lattice dynamics in Ni-Co-Fe-Ga shape memory alloys Daoyong Cong, Kirrily Rule, Wen-Hsien Li, Chi-Hung Lee, Qinghua Zhang, Haoliang Wang, Yulin Hao, Yandong Wang, and E-Wen Huang Acta Materilia
2015-12 期刊論文 Complex Magnetic Phases in Nano-sized Core@Shell Prussian Blue Analogue Cubes: Rb0.48Co[Fe(CN)6]0.75[(H2O)6]0.25·0.34H2O@K0.36Ni[Cr(CN)6]0.74[(H2O)6]0.26·0.11H2O Chi-Hung Lee, Chun-Ming Wu, Erdembayalag Batsaikhan, Hsiao-Chi Li, Carissa H. Li, Marcus K. Peprah, Daniel R. Talham, Mark W. Meisel, Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2015-12 期刊論文 Surface Spin Polarization Induced Ferromagnetic Ag Nanoparticles Po-Hsun Shih, Wen-Hsien Li, Sheng Yun Wu, Surface Spin Polarization Induced Ferromagnetic Ag Nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
2015-09 期刊論文 Development of ferromagnetic superspins in bare Cu nanoparticles by electronic charge redistribution Erdembayalag Batsaikhan, Yen-Cheng Chen, Chi-Hung Lee, Hsiao-Chi Li, and Wen-Hsien Li Int. J. Mol. Sci.
2015-08 期刊論文 Fe-excess Ions as Electronic Charge Suppliers for Zero Thermal Expansion in the Normal State of Fe1.16Te0.6Se0.4 Sunil K. Karna, Chi-Hung Lee, Wen-Hsien Li, Raman Sankar, Fang-Cheng Chou, Maxim Avdeev J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
2015-08 期刊論文 Huge inverse magnetization generated by Faraday induction in nano-sized Au/Ni core/shell nanoparticles Chen-Chen Kuo, Chi-Yen Li, Chi-Hung Lee, Hsiao-Chi Li, Wen-Hsien Li International Journal of Molecular Science
2015-06 期刊論文 Development of a ferromagnetic component in the superconducting state of Fe-excess Fe1.12Te1-xSex by electronic charge redistribution Wen-Hsien Li, Sunil K. Karna, Han Hsu, Chi-Yen Li, Chi-Hung Lee, Raman Sankar, Fang Cheng Chou Scientific Reports
2014-07 期刊論文 Fine structures of self-assembled beta-cyclodextrin/Pluronic in dilute and dense systems: a small angle x-ray scattering study Kuo-Chih Shih, Chi-Yen Li, Wen-Hsien Li, and Hsi-Mei Lai Soft Matter
2014-06 期刊論文 Direct interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in Fe1+y(Te0.5Se0.5) Sunil K. Karna, Han Hsu, Chi-Yen Li, Shin-Bin Liu, Chi-Hung Lee, Wen-Hsien Li, Raman Sankar, and Fang Cheng Chou Journal of Physical Society of Japan
2014-05 期刊論文 Remarkable enhancement of magnetization in the superconducting state of In/Ni nanoparticle composites by inhomogeneous spin anti-screening Chi-Hung Lee, Chi-Yen Li, Sunil K. Karna, Erdembayalag Batsaikhan, Shih-Bin Liu, Chi-Hang Hung, and Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Nanoparticle Research
2014-04 期刊論文 Photoluminescence Tuning via Cation Substitution in Oxonitridosilicate Phosphors: DFT Calculations, Different Site Occupations, and Luminescence Mechanisms Guogang Li, Chun-Che Lin, Wei-Ting Chen, Maxim S. Molokeev, Victor V. Atuchin, Chang-Yang Chiang, Wuzong Zhou, Chin-Wei Wang, Wen-Hsien Li, Hwo-Shuenn Sheu, Ting-Shan Chan, Chonggeng Ma, and Ru-Shi Liu Chemical Materials
2013-11 期刊論文 Complex magnetic couplings in Co3TeO6 Chin-Wei Wang, Chi-Hung Lee, Chi-Yen Li, Chun-Ming Wu, Wen-Hsien Li, Chih-Chieh Chou, Hung-Duen Yang, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Qingzhen Huang, A. Brooks Harris, and Helmuth Berger Physical Review B
2013-08 期刊論文 Correlation of thermostability and conformational changes of catechol 2, 3-dioxygenases from two disparate micro-organisms Anna Sokolova, Shir-Ly Huang, Anthony Duff, Elliot Paul Gilbert, Wen-Hsien Li Biophysical chemistry
2013-08 期刊論文 Large magnetoresistance and charge transfer between the conduction and magnetic electrons in layered oxyselenide BiOCu0.96Se Sunil K. Karna, Chi-Hang Hung, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, Wen-Hsien Li*, Raman Sankar, Fang Cheng Chou, and Maxim Avdeev Dalton Transactions
2013-08 期刊論文 Magnetic-field tunable negative thermal expansion in layered oxyselenide BiOCuSe Sunil K. Karna, Wen-Hsien Li*, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, Chi-Yen Li, Raman Sankar, and Fang Cheng Chou Journal of physical society of japan
2013-08 期刊論文 Spin Polarization and Quantum Spins in Au Nanoparticles Chi-Yen Li, Sunil K. Karna, Chin-Wei Wang, and Wen-Hsien Li* International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2013-08 期刊論文 Unusual large magnetic moments in the normal state and superconducting state of Sn nanoparticles Chi-Hang Hung, Chi-Hung Lee, Chien-Kang Hsu, Chi-Ye Li, Sunil K. Karna, Chin-Wei Wang, Chun-Ming Wu, Wen-Hsien Li* Journal of Nanoparticle Research
2013-05 期刊論文 Inverse magnetic proximity effects in superconducting In-Ni and Sn-Ni nanoparticle assemblies Chun-Ming Wu, Sunil K. Karna, Shih-Bin Liu, Chi-Hung Lee, Chin-Wei Wang, Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Nanoparticle Research
2013-03 期刊論文 Enhanced superconducting parameters of zero-dimensional Sn nanoparticles by magnetic proximities Chun-Ming Wu, Chi-Hung Lee, Chi-Hang Hung, Shih-Bin Liu, Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Superconductivity and Noval Magnetism
2012-07 期刊論文 Formation of superconductivity through interparticle interactions in ferrimagnetic-like Sn nanoparticle assemblies Wen-Hsien Li, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, Chi-Yen Li, and Chien-Kang. Hsu Journal of Nanoparticle Research
2012-06 期刊論文 Spin, charge and lattice couplings in Cu-deficient oxysulphide BiOCu0.94S Sunil K. Karna, Chin-Wei Wang, Chun-Ming Wu, Chien-Kang Hsu, Daniel Hsu, Chih-Jen Wang, Wen-Hsien Li, Raman Sankar, and Fang-Cheng Chou Journal Physics, Condensed Matters
2012-03 期刊論文 Interplay between the magnetic and electric degrees of freedom in multiferroic Co3TeO6 Wen-Hsien Li, Chin-Wei Wang, Daniel Hsu, Chi-Hung Lee, Chun-Ming Wu, Chih-Chieh Chou, Hung-Duen Yang, Yang Zhao, Sung Chang, Jeffrey W. Lynn, and Helmuth Berger Physical Review B
2011-11 期刊論文 Magnetic phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic cobalt tellurate Co3TeO6 J. L. Her, C. C. Chou, Y. H. Matsuda, K. Kindo, H. Berger, K. F. Tseng, C. W. Wang, W. H. Li, and H. D. Yang Physical Review B
2011-05 期刊論文 Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Pb/PbO core/shell nanoparticles Chien-Kang Hsu, Daniel Hsu, Chun-Ming Wu, Chi-Yen Li, Chi-Hang Hung, Chi-Hung Lee, and Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Applied Physics
2011-05 期刊論文 Observations of large magnetic moments in Icosahedral Pb nanoparticles Sunil K. Karna, Chi-Yen Li, Chun-Ming Wu, Chien-Kang Hsu, Chin-Wei Wang, and Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2011-04 期刊論文 Interplay between the Crystalline and Magnetic Structures in BiOCu0.94S Sunil K. Karna, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, Daniel Hsu, Chih-Jen Wang, and Wen-Hsien Li, Raman Shankar and Fang Cheng Chou Journal of Physical Society of Japan
2011-04 期刊論文 Neutron diffraction study of the Mn spin correlations in Bi0.46Ca0.54Mn0.95Cr0.05O3 Chi-Hung Lee, Chun-Ming Wu, Daniel Hsu, Chin-Wei Wang, Chih-Jen Wang, Wen-Hsien Li, Chun-Chuen Yan, Jirong Sun, Jeffrey W. Lynn Journal of Physical Society of Japan
2011-04 期刊論文 Suppression of superconductivity by interparticle interactions in Al nanoparticle assembly Shih-Bin Liu, Chia-Tang Chen, Chun-Ming Wu, Chin-Wei Wang, Chih-Jen Wang, Sunil K. Karna, and Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Applied Physics
2011-03 期刊論文 Intrinsic Magnetic Moments of Gold Nanoparticles Chi-Yen Li, Chun-Ming Wu, Sunil K. Karna, Chin-Wei Wang, Daniel Hsu, Chih-Jen Wang, and Wen-Hsien Li Physical Review B
2011-02 期刊論文 Electrically controllable metal-insulator transition in nanoparticle compacts Chin-Wei Wang, Chun-Ming Wu, Sunil K. Karna, Chi-Yen Li, Chien-Kang Hsu, Carissa H. C. Li, and Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Nanoparticle Research
2011-01 期刊論文 A polyethylene glycol-assisted carbothermal reduction method to synthesize LiFePO4 using industrial raw materials George Ting-Kuo Fey, Kai-Pin Huang, Hsien-Ming Kao, Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Power Sources
2010-12 期刊論文 Thermal effects on the activity and structural conformation of catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida SH1 Shir-Ly Huang, Yuan-Chang Hsu, Chun-Ming Wu, Jeffrey W. Lynn,Wen-Hsien Li Journal of Physical Chemistry B
2010-08 期刊論文 Charge transfer in FeOCl intercalation compounds and its pressure dependencies: An x-ray spectroscopic study I. Jarrige, Y. Q. Cai, S. R. Shieh, H. Ishii, N. Hiraoka, S. Karna,W.-H. Li Physical Review B
2010-07 期刊論文 Reply on “Comments on ‘Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Sn Nanoparticles’” W.-H. Li, C.-M. Wu Physical Review B
2010-07 期刊論文 Spin-phonon coupling effects in antiferromagnetic Cr2O3 nanoparticles C.-H. Hung, P.-H. Shih, F.-Y. Wu, W.-H. Li, S. Y. Wu, T. S. Chan,H.-S. Sheu Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
2010-06 期刊論文 Short range magnetic correlations induced by La substitution in Ho1-xLaxMn2O5 Chin-Wei Wang, Chun-Ming Wu, Chi-Yen Li, Sunil K. Karna, Chien-Kang Hsu, Carissa H. C. Li, Wen-Hsien Li, Chun-Chen Yu... Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter
2010-03 期刊論文 Quantum spins in Mackay icosahedral gold nanoparticles C.-M. Wu, C.-Y. Li, Y.-T. Kuo, C.-W. Wang, S. Y. Wu,W.-H. Li Journal of Nanoparticle Research
2010-02 期刊論文 Interplay between the crystalline and magnetic structures in lightly Cr-doped Bi0.37Ca0.63Mn0.96Cr0.04O2.99 Chun-Chuen Yang, Wen-Hsien Li, Chun-Ming Wu, Carissa C. H. Li, Jirong Sun, Jeffrey W. Lynn Inorganic Chemistry
2009-10 期刊論文 Crossover from incommensurate to commensurate magnetic orderings in CoCr2O4 L. J. Chang, D. J. Huang, W.-H. Li, S.-W. Cheong,J.W. Lynn J Phys. Condens. Matter
2008-04 期刊論文 Low-temperature phase separation in GaN nanowires An in situ x-ray investigation 李文 Appl. Phys. Lett.
2008-03 期刊論文 Coexistence of ferromangnetism and superconductivity in Sn nanoparticles C.-W. Wang,C.-Y. Li,C. K. Hsu,C. C. Yang, and C.-M. Wu Phys. Rev. B
2008-02 期刊論文 Effects of oxygen deficiency on the magnetic ordering of Mn in Tb0.9Na0.1MnO2.9 C. C. Yang, C-M. Wu, W.-H. Li, T. S. Chan, R. S. Liu, Y. Y. Chan,M. Avdeev J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
2008-01 期刊論文 Carboxylic acid-assisted solid-state synthesis of LiFePO4/C composites and their electrochemical properties as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries W.H. Li J Solid State Electrochem
2008--- 期刊論文 Measurements of superconducting transition temperature T-c of Sn nanoparticles W.-H. Li Colloids and Surface A:Physicockem. Eng. Aspects
2007-12 期刊論文 Neutron diffraction and specific-heat study on magnetic ordering of [FeII(D)FeII(L)(ox)2(Phen)2]n molecular magnet C. J. Ho, J. L. Her, C. P. Sun, C. C. Yang, C. L. Huang, C. C. Chou, Lu-Lin Li, K. J. Lin, W.-H. Li, J. W. Lynn, H. D. Phys. Rev. B
2007-12 期刊論文 Stress relaxation in GaN by transfer bonding on Si substrates 李文 Appl. Phys. Lett.
2007-05 期刊論文 Superconductivity in zero-dimensional Indium nanoparticles F.Y.Wu, C.C.Yang, C.M.Wu, C.W.Wang AIP
2007-03 期刊論文 Magnetic ordering of Mn and Ru in (La0.52 Ba0.48)(Mn0.51Ru0.49)O3 S. Y. Wu, W.-H. Li, C. C. Yang, J. W. Lynn,R. S. Liu Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)
2007--- 期刊論文 Chemical size effect on the magnetic and electric properties in the (Tb1-xEux)MnO3 (0≦x≦1.0) system T.-S. Chan, R.-S. Liu, C. C. Yang, W.-H. Li, Y. H. Lien, C. Y. Huang, Jeff W. Lynn, J. M. Chen,H.-S. Sheu J. Phys. Chem. B
2007--- 期刊論文 Influence of oxygen defects on the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the (Tb1-xNax)MnO3-y (0≦x≦0.3) system T.-S. Chan, R.-S. Liu, C. C. Yang, W.-H. Li, Y. H. Lien, C. Y. Huang, J. W. Lynn, J.-M. Chen, H.-S. Sheu Inorg. Chem.
2007--- 期刊論文 Magnetoresistance in two-component Ag/Ni nanocompacts S. Y. Wu, Y.-R. Ma, M. T. Liao,W.-H. Li J. Magn. Magn. Mat.
2007--- 期刊論文 Neutron diffraction study of multiferroic Tb0.85Na0.15MnO3-y T. S. Chan, R. S. Liu, C. C. Yang, W.-H. Li, Y. H. Lien, C. Y. Huang, J. W. Lynn J. Magn. Magn. Mat.
2006-09 期刊論文 Crystalline and Magnetic Structures of Sr2FeMoO6 Double Perovskites M. K. Chung, P. J. Huang, W.-H. Li, C. C. Yang, T. S. Chan, R. S. Liu, S. Y. Wu, and J. W. Lynn Physica B
2006-09 期刊論文 Magnetic instability and oxygen deficiency in Na-doped TbMn03 C.C Yang, M.K Chung, T.S Chan, R.S Liu, Y.H Lien, C.Y Huang, Y.Y Chan, Y.D Yao, J.W Lynn Phys. Rev. B
2006-02 期刊論文 London penetration depth of zero-dimensional Pb nanoparticles P. J. Huang, M. K. Chung, C. C. Yang, W.–H. Li Chinese J. Phys.
2006--- 期刊論文 Crystalline and Magnetic Structures of Sr2FeMoO6 Double Perovskites M. K. Chung, P. J. Huang, W.-H. Li, C. C. Yang, T. S. Chan, R. S. Liu, S. Y. Wu,J. W. Lynn Physica B
2006--- 期刊論文 London penetration depth of zero-dimensional Pb nanoparticles P. J. Huang, M. K. Chung, C. C. Yang, and W.–H. Li Chinese J. Phys.
2006--- 期刊論文 Magnetic instability and oxygen deficiency in Na-doped TbMnO3 C. C. Yang, M. K. Chung, W.-H. Li, T. S. Chan, R. S. Liu, Y. H. Lien, C. Y. Huang, Y. Y. Chan, Y. D. Yao, and J. W. Lynn Phys. Rev. B
2006--- 期刊論文 Magnetic order and spin fluctuations in Ni-rich Li0.9Ni1.1O2 C. C. Yang, M. K. Chung, S. Y. Wu, W.-H. Li, Y. D. Yao, J. W. Lynn, T. S. Chan, and R. S. Liu Physica B
2006--- 期刊論文 Magnetic order and spin fluctuations in Ni-rich Li0.9Ni1.1O2 C. C. Yang, M. K. Chung, S. Y. Wu, W.-H. Li, Y. D. Yao, J. W. Lynn, T. S. Chan, R. S. Liu Physica B
2006--- 期刊論文 Magnetic structures of [Co3(pyz)(HPO4)2F2], a Fluorinated Cobalt Phosphate with a Pillared Layer Structure C. C. Yang, S. F. Lee, Y. D. Yao, W-H. Li, K. H. Li, and J. W. Lynn Physica B
2006--- 期刊論文 Magnetic structures of [Co3(pyz)(HPO4)2F2], a Fluorinated Cobalt Phosphate with a Pillared Layer Structure C. C. Yang, S. F. Lee, Y. D. Yao, W-H. Li, K. H. Li,J. W. Lynn Physica B
2006--- 期刊論文 Percolation threshold and tunneling magnetoresistance in Ag/Ni nanocompacts S. Y. Wu, M. T. Liao, P. J. Huang, F. C. Tsao, M. K. Chung, C. C. Yang, W.-H. Li INTERMAG ASIA 2005: Digests of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference
2006--- 期刊論文 Percolation threshold and tunneling magnetoresistance in Ag/Ni nanocompacts S. Y. Wu, M. T. Liao, P. J. Huang, F. C. Tsao, M. K. Chung, C. C. Yang, W.-H. Li INTERMAG ASIA 2005: Digests of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference
2005-09 期刊論文 Enhancement of superconductivity by the small size effect in In nanoparticles 李文 Phys. Rev. B
2005-09 期刊論文 Transport characteristics and unconventional magnetoresistance in nonmagnetic Ag PbO nanocompacts 李文 Phys. Rev. B
2003-12 期刊論文 Quantum size effects on the superconducting parameters of zero-dimensional Pb nanoparticles 李文 Phys. Rev. B
2003-09 期刊論文 Thermal Contraction of Au Nanoparticles 李文 Phys. Rev. Lett.
2002--- 期刊論文 Crystal structure and magnetic ordering of Mn and 李文 J. Phys. Cond. Matter
2000-05 期刊論文 Size-Induced Transition from Magnetic Ordering to Kondo Behavior in (Ce,Al) Compounds 李文 Phys. Rev. Lett.
2000--- 期刊論文 Spiral magnetic structure of Fe in Van der Waals gapped FeOCl 李文 Phys. Rev. B