出版年月 |
著作類別 |
著作名稱 |
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收錄出處 |
2024-02 |
Spatially distributed PT symmetric refractive index using four-wave-mixing in a double-Lambda setup |
Viačeslav Kudriašov, Wen-Te Liao, Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Hamid R. Hamedi |
Optics & Laser Technology
2023-12 |
Propagation effects of seeded collective emission by two-photon excited oxygen atoms |
Xin Wang, Yu-Hung Kuan, Jun Jie Cui, Yu Kun Yang, Fan Xing, Wen-Te Liao, Luqi Yuan, Yongjun Cheng, Zeyang Liao, Zheng Li, and Song Bin Zhang |
Physical Review Research
2023-11 |
Synthetic Landau levels and robust chiral edge states for dark-state polaritons in a static and scalable continuum media |
Yu-Hung Kuan, Shin-Yu Lee, Siang-Wei Shao, Wu-Cheng Chiang, I-Kang Liu, Julius Ruseckas, Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Yu-Ju Lin, and Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review Research
2023-09 |
Three-level Λ-type microwave memory via parametric-modulation-induced transparency in a superconducting quantum circuit |
Kai-I Chu, Wen-Te Liao, and Yung-Fu Chen |
Physical Review Research
2022-11 |
Time-Delayed Magnetic Control of X-ray Spectral Enhancement in Two-Target Nuclear Forward Scattering |
Po-Han Lin, Yu-Hung Kuan, Yen-Yu Fu, and Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review Applied
2022-07 |
Transient nuclear inversion by x-ray free electron laser in a tapered x-ray waveguide |
Yu-Hsueh Chen, Po-Han Lin, Guan-Ying Wang, Adriana Pálffy, and Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review Research
2022-04 |
Increasing the decoherence rate of Rydberg polaritons due to accumulating dark Rydberg atoms |
Ko-Tang Chen, Bongjune Kim, Chia-Chen Su, Shih-Si Hsiao, Shou-Jou Huang, Wen-Te Liao, and Ite A. Yu |
Physical Review Research
2020-12 |
Ramsey interferometry through coherent 𝐴2Π𝑢−𝑋2Σ+𝑔−𝐵2Σ+𝑢 coupling and population transfer in N+2 air laser |
Zheng Li, Yu-Hung Kuan, Xiangxu Mu, Zhiming Miao, Chengyin Wu, and Wen-Te Liao |
Optics Letters
2020-02 |
Transition between amplified spontaneous emission and superfluorescence in a longitudinally pumped medium by an x-ray free-electron-laser pulse |
Y.-H. Kuan, Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
2019-12 |
Nuclear Quantum Memory and Time Sequencing of a Single γ Photon |
Xiwen Zhang, Wen-Te Liao, Alexey Kalachev, Rustem Shakhmuratov, Marlan Scully, and Olga Kocharovskaya |
Physical Review Letters
2018-12 |
Collective effects in 229Th-doped crystals |
Brenden S. Nickerson, Wen-Te Liao, and Adriana Pálffy |
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
2018-07 |
Generation of Short Hard-X-Ray Pulses of Tailored Duration Using a Mössbauer Source
Guan-Ying Wang and Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review Applied
2017-06 |
Setting a disordered password on a photonic memory |
Shih-Wei Su, Shih-Chuan Gou, Lock Yue Chew, Yu-Yen Chang, Ite A. Yu, Alexey Kalachev, Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review A (Rapid Communication)
2017-03 |
Optomechanically induced transparency of x-rays via optical control |
Wen-Te Liao, Adriana Pálffy |
Scientific Reports
2016-10 |
Controllable vacuum-induced diffraction of matter-wave superradiance using an all-optical dispersive cavity |
S.-W. Su, Z.-K. Lu, S.-C. Gou and Wen-Te Liao |
Scientific Reports
2016-09 |
X-ray-generated heralded macroscopical quantum entanglement of two nuclear ensembles |
Wen-Te Liao, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy |
Scientific Reports
2015-02 |
Gravitational and Relativistic Deflection of X-Ray Superradiance |
Wen-Te Liao, Sven Ahrens |
Nature Photonics
2014-09 |
All-Electromagnetic Control of Broadband Quantum Excitations Using Gradient Photon Echoes |
Wen-Te Liao, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy |
Physical Review Letters
2014-04 |
Coherent Control of Nuclei and X-Rays |
Wen-Te Liao |
2014-02 |
Proposed Entanglement of X-ray Nuclear Polaritons as a Potential Method for Probing Matter at the Subatomic Scale |
Wen-Te Liao and A. Pálffy |
Physical Review Letters
2014-01 |
Field Control of Single X-ray Photons in Nuclear Forward Scattering |
X. Kong, Wen-Te Liao and A. Pálffy |
New Journal of Physics
2013-08 |
The Potential Uses of X-Ray FELs in Nuclear Studies |
Wen-Te Liao, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy |
2013-07 |
Coherent Control of Single X-Ray Photons & Coherent Determination of 229Th Isomeric Transition |
Wen-Te Liao, S. Das, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel |
2013-05 |
Three-beam Setup for Coherently Controlling Nuclear-state Population |
Wen-Te Liao, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel |
Physical Review C
2012-12 |
Coherence Enhanced Optical Determination of the 229Th Isomeric Transition |
Wen-Te Liao, S. Das, C. H. Keitel and A. Pálffy |
Physical Review Letters
2012-11 |
Coherent Storage and Phase Modulation of Single Hard-X-Ray Photons Using Nuclear Excitons |
Wen-Te Liao, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel |
Physical Review Letters
2011-11 |
Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-ray Laser Pulses |
Wen-Te Liao, A. Pálffy and C. H. Keitel |
Physics Letters B
2009-12 |
Propagation, Broadening, and Energy Decay of Quasi-stationary Light Pulses in Thermal Atoms |
Wen-Te Liao, T. Peters, E.-C. Shen, and Ite A. Yu |
Chinese Journal of Physics
2009-05 |
Stationary Light Pulses in Cold Atomic Media and without Bragg Gratings |
Y.-W. Lin, Wen-Te Liao, T. Peters, H.-C. Chou, J.-S. Wang, H.-W. Cho, P.-C. Kuan, and Ite A. Yu |
Physical Review Letters
2008-09 |
Low-light-level All-optical Switching Based on Stored Light Pulse |
W.-H. Lin, Wen-Te Liao, C.-Y. Wang, Y.-F. Lee, and Ite A. Yu |
Physical Review A