出版年月 |
著作類別 |
著作名稱 |
作者 |
收錄出處 |
2024-12 |
Non-Markovian Quantum Exceptional Points |
Jhen-Dong Lin, Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nor, and Yueh-Nan Chen |
Nature Communications
2024-11 |
Unveiling the nonclassicality within quasi-distribution representations through deep learning |
Hong-Bin Chen, Cheng-Hua Liu, Kuan-Lun Lai, Bor-Yann Tseng, Ping-Yuan Lo, Yueh-Nan Chen and Chi-Hua Yu |
Quantum Science and Technology
2024-10 |
Preparing remote states for genuine quantum networks |
Shih-Hsuan Chen, Chan Hsu, Yu-Chien Kao, Bing-Yuan Lee, Yuan-Sung Liu, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Che-Ming Li |
communications physics
2024-05 |
Quick charging of a quantum battery with superposed trajectories |
Po-Rong Lai, Jhen-Dong Lin, Yi-Te Huang, Hsien-Chao Jan, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. Research
2024-04 |
Visually quantifying single-qubit quantum memory |
Wan-Guan Chang, Chia-Yi Ju*, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Huan-Yu Ku* |
Phys. Rev. Research
2024-03 |
Emergent parallel transport and curvature in Hermitian and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics |
Chia-Yi Ju, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori |
2023-12 |
Controlling periodic Fano resonances of quantum acoustic waves with a giant atom coupled to a microwave waveguide
Po-Chen Kuo, Jhen-Dong Lin, Yin-Chun Huang, and Yueh-Nan Chen*
Optics Express
2023-11 |
Kondo QED: The kondo effect and photon trapping in a two-impurity anderson model ultra-strongly coupled to light
Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Mauro Cirio, Yi-Te Huang, Franco Nori, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. Research
2023-10 |
An efficient Julia framework for hierarchical equations of motion in open quantum systems
Yi-Te Huang, Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Mauro Cirio, Simon Cross, Shen-Liang Yang, Franco Nori, Yueh-Nan Chen*
Communications Physics
2023-08 |
Boosting entanglement growth of many-body localization by superpositions of disorder
Jhen-Dong Lin and Yueh-Nan Chen*
Phys. Rev. A
2023-07 |
Pseudofermion method for the exact description of fermionic environments: From single-molecule electronics to the Kondo resonance |
Mauro Cirio, Neill Lambert, Pengfei Liang, Po-Chen Kuo, Yueh-Nan Chen, Paul Menczel, Ken Funo, and Franco Nori |
Phys. Rev. Research
2023-04 |
Coherent activation of a steerability-breaking channel |
Huan-Yu Ku, Kuan-Yi Lee, Po-Rong Lai, Jhen-Dong Lin, and Yueh-Nan Chen |
Phys. Rev. A
2023-02 |
Steering-enhanced quantum metrology using superpositions of noisy phase shifts |
Kuan-Yi Lee, Jhen-Dong Lin, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori, Huan-Yu Ku, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Physical Review Research
2022-11 |
Maxwell's two-demon engine under pure dephasing noise |
Feng-Jui Chan, Yi-Te Huang, Jhen-Dong Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, Jui-Sheng Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. A
2022-08 |
Complete classification of steerability under local filters and its relation with measurement incompatibility |
Huan-Yu Ku, Chung-Yun Hsieh, Shin-Liang Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Costantino Budroni |
Nature Communications
2022-08 |
Space-time dual quantum Zeno effect: Interferometric engineering of open quantum system dynamics |
Jhen-Dong Lin, Ching-Yu Huang, Neill Lambert, Guang-Yin Chen, Franco Nori, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. Research
2022-05 |
Quantifying quantumness of channels without entanglement |
Huan-Yu Ku, Josef Kadlec, Antonín Černoch, Marco Túlio Quintino, Wenbin Zhou, Karel Lemr, Neill Lambert, Adam Miranowicz, Shin-Liang Chen, Franco Nori, Yueh-Nan Chen* |
PRX Quantum
2022-04 |
Deterministic one-way logic gates on a cloud quantum computer |
Zhi-Peng Yang , Huan-Yu Ku, Alakesh Baishya, Yu-Ran Zhang, Anton Frisk Kockum, Yueh-Nan Chen, Fu-Li Li, Jaw-Shen Tsai, and Franco Nori |
Phys. Rev. A
2022-01 |
Canonical derivation of the fermionic influence superoperator |
Mauro Cirio, Po-Chen Kuo, Yueh-Nan Chen, Franco Nori, and Neill Lambert |
Phys. Rev. B
2022-01 |
Electrically Controllable Kondo Correlation in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Quantum Point Contacts |
Luke W. Smith, Hong-Bin Chen, Che-Wei Chang, Chien-Wei Wu, Shun-Tsung Lo, Shih-Hsiang Chao, I. Farrer, H. E. Beere, J. P. Griffiths, G. A. C. Jones, D. A. Ritchie, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Tse-Ming Chen |
Phys. Rev. Lett.
2022- |
Maxwell's two-demon engine under pure dephasing noise |
Feng-Jui Chan, Yi-Te Huang, Jhen-Dong Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, Jui-Sheng Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. A
2021-10 |
Hidden nonmacrorealism: Reviving the Leggett-Garg inequality with stochastic operations |
Huan-Yu Ku, Hao-Cheng Weng, Yen-An Shih, Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Franco Nori, Chih-Sung Chuu*, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. Research
2021-09 |
Robust self-testing of steerable quantum assemblages and its applications on device-independent quantum certification |
Shin-Liang Chen, Huan-Yu Ku, Wenbin Zhou, Jordi Tura, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
2021-08 |
Quantum steering as a witness of quantum scrambling |
Jhen-Dong Lin, Wei-Yu Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Phys. Rev. A
2021-05 |
Canonical Hamiltonian ensemble representation of dephasing dynamics and the impact of thermal fluctuations on quantum-to-classical transition |
H. B. Chen and Y. N. Chen |
Scientific Reports
2021-05 |
Device-independent quantification of measurement incompatibility |
Shin-Liang Chen, Nikolai Miklin, Costantino Budroni, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Phys. Rev. Research
2021-04 |
Benchmarking quantum state transfer on quantum devices |
Yi-Te Huang, Jhen-Dong Lin, Huan-Yu Ku, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Physical Review Research
2020-12 |
Experimental test of non-macrorealistic cat-states in the cloud |
H.Y. Ku, N. Lambert*, F.R. Jhan, C. Emary, Y.N. Chen*, F. Nori. |
npj Quantum Information
2020-10 |
Quantum direct cause across the Cherenkov threshold in circuit QED |
Jhen-Dong Lin and Yueh-Nan Chen*. |
Phys. Rev. A
2020-09 |
Experimental demonstration of measurement-device-independent measure of quantum steering |
Y. Y. Zhao, H. Y. Ku, S. L. Chen*, H. B. Chen, F. Nori, G. Y. Xiang*, C. F. Li, G. C. Guo, and Y. N. Chen*. |
npj Quantum Information
2020-05 |
Optical Quantum Frequency Filter Based on Generalized Eigenstates |
C. Y. Chu, M. H. Chou, G. Y. Chen*, and Y. N. Chen*. |
Optics Express
2020-01 |
Collectively induced exceptional points of quantum emitters coupled to nanoparticle surface plasmons |
Po-Chen Kuo, Neill Lambert, Adam Miranowicz, Hong-Bin Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori. |
Physical Review A
2019-08 |
Quantifying the nonclassicality of pure dephasing |
Hong-Bin Chen*, Ping-Yuan Lo, Clemens Gneiting, Joonwoo Bae, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Nature Communications
2018-10 |
Exploring the framework of assemblage moment matrices and its applications in device-independent characterizations |
Shin-Liang Chen, Costantino Budroni, Yeong-Cherng Liang, and Yueh-Nan Chen |
Physical Review A
2018-10 |
Probing higher-order transitions through scattering of microwave photons in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED |
Guan-Ting Chen, Po-Chen Kuo, Huan-Yu Ku, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Physical Review A
2018-08 |
Hierarchy in temporal quantum correlations |
Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review A
2018-02 |
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering: Its geometric quantification and witness |
Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen, Costantino Budroni, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori. |
Physical Review A
2018-01 |
Simulating open quantum systems with Hamiltonian ensembles and the nonclassicality of the dynamics |
Hong-Bin Chen*, Clemens Gneiting, Ping-Yuan Lo, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review Letters
2017-12 |
Thermodynamic description of non-Markovian information flux of non-equilibrium open quantum systems |
Hong-Bin Chen*, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen*.
Physical Review A
2017-06 |
Spatio-Temporal Steering for Testing Nonclassical Correlations in Quantum Networks |
Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori |
Scientific Reports
2017-01 |
Plasmonic bio-sensing for the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex |
Guang-Yin Chen*, Neill Lambert, Yen-An Shih, Meng-Han Liu, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Scientific Reports
2016-12 |
Temporal steering in four dimensions with applications to coupled qubits and magnetoreception |
Huan-Yu Ku, Shin-Liang Chen, Hong-Bin Chen, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review A
2016-11 |
Scattering of nanowire surface plasmons coupled to quantum dots with azimuthal angle difference |
Po-Chen Kuo, Guang-Yin Chen, and Yueh-Nan Chen |
Scientific Reports
2016-11 |
Vibration-induced coherence enhancement of the performance of a biological quantum heat engine |
H. B. Chen, P. Y. Chiu, and Y. N. Chen |
Physical Review E
2016-06 |
Natural framework for device-independent quantification of quantum steerability, measurement incompatibility, and self-testing |
Shin-Liang Chen*, Costantino Budroni*, Yeong-Cherng Liang*, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Physical Review Letters
2016-02 |
Experimental violation of Bell inequalities for multi-dimensional systems |
Hsin-Pin Lo, Che-Ming Li, Atsushi Yabushita, Yueh-Nan Chen, Chih-Wei Luo, and Takayoshi Kobayashi |
Scientific Reports
2016-01 |
Quantifying non-Markovianity with temporal steering |
Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Adam Miranowicz, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review Letters
2015-12 |
Certifying single-system steering for quantum-information processing |
Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen, Neill Lambert, Ching-Yi Chiu, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review A
2015-12 |
Relative nonclassicality quantified by standard entanglement potentials can be increased by dissipation and unbalanced beam splitting |
Adam Miranowicz, Karol Bartkiewicz, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review A
2015-10 |
Detecting the existence of an invisibility cloak using temporal steering |
S. L. Chen, C. S. Chao, and Y. N. Chen |
Scientific Reports
2015-10 |
Hierarchy of non-Markovianity and k-divisibility phase diagram of quantum processes in open systems |
H. B Chen, J. Y. Lien, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen |
Physical Review A
2015-08 |
Using non-Markovian measures to evaluate quantum master equations for photosynthesis |
H. B. Chen, N. Lambert, Y. C. Cheng, Y. N. Chen*, and F. Nori |
Scientific Reports
2015-07 |
Genuine high-order Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering |
Che-Ming Li, Kai Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, Qiang Zhang, Yu-Ao Chen, and Jian-Wei Pan |
Physical Review Letters
2015-04 |
Statistical mixtures of states can be more quantum than their superpositions: Comparison of nonclassicality measures for single-qubit states |
A. Miranowicz, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Pathak, J. Pe\v{r}ina Jr., Y. N. Chen, and F. Nori |
Physical Review A
2015-01 |
Multistability and condensation of exciton-polaritons below threshold |
J. Y. Lien, Y. N. Chen*, N. Ishida, H. B. Chen, C. C. Hwang, and F. Nori |
Physical Review B
2014-11 |
Increase of entanglement by local PT-symmetric operations |
S. L. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen* |
Physical Review A
2014-05 |
Scattering of microwave photons in superconducting transmission-line resonators coupled to charge qubits |
G. Y. Chen, M. H. Liu, and Y. N. Chen* |
Physical Review A
2014-04 |
Long-lived quantum coherence and non-Markovianity of photosynthetic complexes |
H. B. Chen, J. Y. Lien, C. C. Hwang, and Y. N. Chen* |
Physical Review E
2014-03 |
Temporal steering inequality |
Y. N. Chen, C. M. Li, N. Lambert, Y. Ota, S. L. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and F. Nori |
Physical Review A
2013-11 |
Entanglement swapping and testing quantum steering into the past via collective decay |
Y. N. Chen*, S. L. Chen, N. Lambert, C. M. Li, G. Y. Chen, and F. Nori |
Physical Review A
2013-09 |
Rerouting Excitation Transfers in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson Complex |
Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Physical Review E
2013-08 |
Examining non-locality and quantum coherent dynamics induced by a common reservoir |
G. Y. Chen, S. L. Chen, C. M. Li, and Y. N. Chen |
Scientific Reports
2013-01 |
Quantum Biology |
Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori |
Nature Physics
2012-11 |
Delocalized single-photon Dicke states and the Leggett-Garg inequality in solid state systems |
Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori |
Scientific Reports
2012-11 |
Witnessing Quantum Coherence: from solid-state to bio-logical systems |
Che-Ming Li, Neill Lambert, Yueh-Nan Chen*, Guang-Yin Chen, and Franco Nori |
Scientific Reports
2012-10 |
Correspondence between entanglement and Fano resonance of surface plasmons |
G. Y. Chen and Y. N. Chen |
Optics Letters
2012-04 |
Generating maximum entanglement under asymmetric couplings to surface plasmons |
Guang-Yin Chen, Che-Ming Li, and Yueh-Nan Chen* |
Opt. Lett.
2011-09 |
Controlling Fano resonance of nanowire surface plasmons |
W. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen*,
Opt. Lett.
2011-08 |
Detecting quantum phase transitions of photons through a defect cavity |
J. Y. Lien, Y. N. Chen*, and C. H. Chou
New J. Phys
2011-07 |
Surface plasmons in a metal nanowire coupled to colloidal quantum dots: Scattering properties and quantum entanglement |
G. Y. Chen, N. Lambert, C. H. Chou, Y. N. Chen*, and F. Nori.
Phys. Rev. B
2011-05 |
Retardation effects in quantum dot systems coupled via one-dimensional waveguides |
H. B. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen* |
Opt. Commun.
2011-03 |
Magneto-electronic properties of rhombohedral trilayer graphene: Peierls tight-binding model |
C. H. Ho, Y. H. Ho, Y. H. Chiu, Y. N. Chen, M. F. Lin
Annals of Physics
2010-12 |
Unified single-photon and single-electron counting statistics: From cavity QED to electron transport
N. Lambert, Y. N. Chen*, and F. Nori
Phys. Rev. A
2010-11 |
Verifying Genuine High-Order Entanglement |
Che-Ming Li, Kai Chen, Andreas Reingruber, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Jian-Wei Pan |
Physical Review Letters
2010-10 |
Distinguishing quantum and classical transport through nanostructures |
N. Lambert*, C. Emary, Y. N. Chen, and F. Nori |
Phys. Rev. Lett.
2010-05 |
Coherent transport of nanowire surface plasmons coupled to quantum dots |
W. Chen, G. Y. Chen, and Y. N. Chen* |
Opt. Express
2010-04 |
Pure dephasing of double-quantum-dot charge qubits in freestanding slabs |
Y. Y. Liao and Y. N. Chen |
Phys. Rev. B
2009-12 |
Detecting Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons via electron transport |
Y. N. Chen*, N. Lambert, and F. Nori |
Phys. Rev. B
2009-10 |
Quantum chaos and critical behavior on a chip |
N. Lambert, Y. N. Chen, R. Johansson, and F. Nori |
Phys. Rev. B
2009-06 |
Detecting non-Markovian plasmonic bandgaps in quantum dots using electron transport |
Y. N. Chen*, G. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Liao, N. Lambert, and F. Nori |
Phys. Rev. B
2009-03 |
Quantum-dot exciton dynamics with a surface plasmon: Band-edge quantum optics |
Y. N. Chen, G. Y. Chen, D. S. Chuu, and T. Brandes |
Phys. Rev. A
2008-11 |
1. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Solid-State Quantum Computing & Mini-School on Quantum Information Science |
H. S. Goan and Y. N. Chen |
2008-09 |
Proposal for observation of retardation effect between two quantum dots via current noise |
Yueh-Nan Chen and Lukas Gilz |
Appl. Phys. Lett.
2008-09 |
Spontaneous emission of quantum dot excitons into surface plasmons in a nanowire |
G. Y. Chen, Y. N. Chen, and D. S. Chuu |
Opt. Lett.
2008-05 |
Photoinduced fluorescence enhancement in colloidal CdSeTe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots |
C. T. Yuan, W. C. Chou, D. S. Chuu, Y. N. Chen, C. A. Lin, and W. H. Chang |
Appl. Phys. Lett.
2008-01 |
Decoherence of a charge qubit embedded inside a suspended phonon cavity |
Y. Y. Liao, Y. N. Chen, W. C. Chou, D. S. Chuu |
Phy. Rev. B
2008-01 |
Proposal for detection of non-Markovian decay via current noise |
Y. N. Chen and G. Y. Chen |
Phys. Rev. B
2007-09 |
Entanglement detection via the condition of quantum correlation |
Che-Ming Li, Li-Yi Hsu, Yueh-Nan Chen, Der-San |
Phys. Rev. A
2007-08 |
Study of fluorescence enhancement of colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots bound to |
Chi-Tsu Yuan, Wu-Ching Chou, Yueh-Nan Chen, Jui-Wen Chou, Der-San Chuu, Cheng-An J. Lin, Jimmy K. Li |
J. Phys. Chem. C
2007-07 |
The Aharonov-Bohm effect in concentric quantum double rings |
G. Y. Chen, Y. N. Chen*, and D. S. Chuu |
Solid State Communications
2007-04 |
Studies on the electronic and vibrational states of colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots |
C. T. Yuan, Y. C. Lin, Y. N. Chen, Q. L. Chiu, W. C. Chou, D. S. Chuu, W. H. Chang, H. S. Lin, R. C. |
2007-04 |
Super-Poissonian noise in a quantum dot p-i-n junction |
Yueh-Nan Chen |
Appl. Phys. Lett.
2007-03 |
Electron transport of a driven three-level system in an asymmetric double quantum dot irradiated by an external field |
Liao YY, Chuu DS, and Chen YN |
Phys. Rev. B
2006-08 |
Rotational and entangled states of polar molecules |
Y. Y. Liao YY, Shih YT, Chen YN*, and Chuu DS |
Nova Science Publishers
2006-03 |
Orientation of adsorbed dipolar molecules: A conical well model |
廖英彥,陳岳男,周武清,褚德三* |
Phys. Rev. B
2006-02 |
Spin relaxation in a GaAs quantum dot embedded inside a suspended phonon cavity |
廖英彥,陳岳男,褚德三*, T. Brandes |
Phys. Rev. B
2006-01 |
Rotational entangled states between two coupled molecules |
Y Y Liao, Y N Chen, C M Li and D S Chuu* |
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.
2005-12 |
Shot noise of quantum ring excitons in a planar microcavity |
Chen YN*, Chuu DS, and Cheng SJ |
Phys. Rev. B
2005-12 |
Effects of cavity and superradiance on electrical transport through quantum dots |
Chen YN*, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes |
2005-11 |
W state generation and effect of cavity photons on the purification of dot-like single quantum well |
Li CM*, Chen YN , Luo CW, Hsieh JY, and Chuu DS |
International Journal of Quantum Information
2005-10 |
Current noise of a quantum dot p-i-n junction in a photonic crystal |
Chen YN*, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes |
Phys. Rev. B.
2005-08 |
Proposal for teleportation of charge qubits via superradiance |
Chen YN*, Li CM, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes |
New Journal of Physics
2004-12 |
Alignment and orientation of absorbed dipole molecules |
Y. Y. Liao, Chen YN, and Chuu DS* |
Phys. Rev. B.
2004-10 |
Orientations of two coupled molecules |
Liao YY, Chen YN*, and Chuu DS |
Chem. Phys. Lett.
2004-06 |
Shot noise spectrum of superradiant entangled excitons |
Chen YN*, T. Brandes, Li CM, and Chuu DS |
Phys. Rev. B
2004-02 |
Renormalized frequency shift of a Wannier exciton in a one-dimensional system |
Chen YN* and Chuu DS |
Phys. Lett. A
2004-02 |
Superradiant and Aharonov-Bohm effect for the quantum ring exciton |
Chen YN* and Chuu DS |
Solid State Commun.
2003-04 |
Current detection of superradiance and induced entanglement of double quantum dot excitons |
Chen YN*, Chuu DS, and T. Brandes |
Phys. Rev. Lett.
2003-01 |
Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of superradiant exciton in a cylindrical quantum wire |
Chen YN* and Chuu DS |
Physica B
2002-10 |
Resonant tunneling into a quantum dot embedded inside a microcavity |
Chen YN* and Chuu DS |
Phys. Rev. B
2002-03 |
Bound state of the quantum dot formed at intersection of L- or T-shaped quantum wire in inhomogeneous magnetic field |
Lin YK, Chen YN, Chuu DS* |
J. Appl. Phys.
2001-10 |
Bound states of L- or T-shaped quantum wires in inhomogeneous magnetic fields |
Lin YK, Chen YN, Chuu DS* |
Phys. Rev. B
2001-09 |
Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of a quantum wire Wannier exciton in a planar |
Chen YN*, Chuu DS, Brandes T and Kramer. B |
Phys. Rev. B
2001-05 |
Decay rate of a Wannier exciton in low-dimensional systems |
Chen YN and Chuu DS* |
Europhys. Lett.
2000-09 |
Effect of electron-phonon interaction on the impurity binding energy in a quantum wire |
Chuu DS*, Chen YN and Lin YK |
Physica B
2000-04 |
Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of superradiant excitons: Crossover from two-dimensional to three-dimensional crystals |
Chen YN and Chuu DS* |
Phys. Rev. B
1999-09 |
The effect of electron-phonon interaction on the impurity binding energy in a quantum well |
Chen YN, Chuu DS* and Lin YK |
J. Phys. C