

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2023-08 研討會論文 桃園市「文青水園水資源回收中心」低衝擊開發設施建設與成效評估 呂東諭、邱昱嘉、劉振宇、林昱德、李岳壇、林煒銘、游景雲
2022-02 期刊論文 Propagation and Separation of Downslope Gravity Currents over Rigid and Emergent Vegetation Patches in Linearly Stratified Environments Y.T. Lin, Y.Q. Ye, D.R. Han, Y.J. Chiu Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
2021-12 期刊論文 透水鋪面成效評估-以「高雄橋頭新市鎮綜合示範社區14條低衝擊開發人行步道示範工程」為例 邱昱嘉、林昱德、蘇崇哲、游家懿、張博瑋 大地技師
Journal of Professional Geotechnical Engineers
2021-05 期刊論文 Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Flow in a Strongly Curved Channel with Gravel Beds Ying-Tien Lin, Yu Yang, Yu-Jia Chiu, Xiaoyan Ji Water
2019-02 期刊論文 Modeling Sediment Yields and Stream Stability Due to Sediment-Related Disaster in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed in Taiwan Y.J. Chiu, H.Y. Lee, T.L. Wang, J. Yu, Y.T. Lin, Y. Yuan Water
2018-12 期刊論文 Dynamic Modeling of Sediment Budget in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed in Taiwan Y.C. Chen, Y.H. Wu, C.W. Shen, Y.J. Chiu Water
2018-12 期刊論文 低衝擊開發於都市基地導入之建議與推動 蘇崇哲、潘嘉興、邱昱嘉、林昱德、陳葦庭、徐佳鴻 土木水利
2018-11 研討會論文 連江縣地方災害應變情資運用及整合 邱昱嘉、何昊哲、沈湘穎
2018-06 期刊論文 A New Technique for Batch Production of Tubular Anodic Aluminum Oxide Films for Filtering Applications C.W. Hun, Y.J. Chiu, Z. Luo, C.C. Chen, S.H. Chen Applied Sciences
2018-04 期刊論文 A Simple Route in Fabricating Carbon-Modified Titania Films with Glucose and Their Visible-Light-Responsive Photocatalytic Activity S.H. Chen, Y.C. Hsiao, Y.J. Chiu, Y.H. Tseng Catalysts
2017-08 研討會論文 整合崩塌體積估算、河道動床輸砂模擬與地工可靠度探討高含砂水流對護岸穩定性之研究 沈哲緯、紀柏全、陳毅青、胡毓港、邱昱嘉
2016-12 期刊論文 全臺國有林地土砂殘留量與崩塌地二次災害潛勢影響評估之現況發展 邱昱嘉、沈哲緯、劉時宏 台灣林業
2016-12 研討會論文 A landslide database for soil and water conservation management L.S. Chou, K.T. Chang, Y.W. Lin, C.W. Shen, Y.J. Chiu
2016-10 期刊論文 運用低衝擊開發於都市治水策略之探討 游景雲、邱昱嘉、陳葦庭、徐佳鴻、王順加 土木水利
2016-10 研討會論文 Estimation of landslide volume during typhoon events in Taiwan S.H. Liu, C.W Shen, K.F. Liu, Y.C. Chen, Y.J. Chiu, K.T. Chang
2016-09 期刊論文 全臺流域集水區崩塌土砂收支研究與探討-以莫拉克颱風前後期間(2008~2012年)為例 沈哲緯、劉時宏、陳毅青、邱昱嘉、劉格非 農業工程學報
2013-08 期刊論文 Variation of atmospheric Be-7 in relation to PM concentrations J.H. Chao, Y.J. Chiu, H.P. Lee, M.C. Lee Applied Radiation and Isotopes
2013-06 期刊論文 Large-scale simulation of watershed mass transport: a case study of Tsengwen reservoir watershed, southwest Taiwan Ko-Fei Liu, Ying-Hsin Wu, Yi-Chin Chen, Yu-Jia Chiu, Shang-Shu Shih Natural Hazards
2013-03 期刊論文 Quantifying rainfall controls on catchment-scale landslide erosion in Taiwan Yi-Chin Chen, Kang-tsung Chang*, Yu-Jia Chiu, Sze-Man Lau and Hong-Yuan Lee EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS
2012-09 期刊論文 Modeling the Sediment Yield from Landslides in the Shihmen Reservoir Watershed, Taiwan Zong-Xian Tsai, Gene J.-Y. You, Hong-Yuan Lee and Yu-Jia Chiu EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS
2012-06 期刊論文 石門水庫上游白石溪集水區蝕溝產砂量推估之研究 李昶谷、蔡宗賢、李鴻源、陳毅青、邱昱嘉 農業工程學報
2012-04 研討會論文 Combination of landslide volumes estimation and debris flow simulation in the Xinkai village, southern Taiwan Y.C. Chen, Y.J. Chiu, Y.H. Wu, H.Y. Lee, and C.W. Shen
2012-02 期刊論文 Deposition of beryllium-7 in Hsinchu, Taiwan J.H. Chao, Y.J. Chiu, H.P. Lee, M.C. Lee Applied Radiation and Isotopes
2012-02 期刊論文 Use of a total station to monitor post-failure sediment yields in landslide sites of the Shihmen reservoir watershed, Taiwan Z.X. Tsai, Gene J.-Y. You, H.Y. Lee, Y.J. Chiu Geomorphology
2011-02 期刊論文 Estimation of Soil Erosion Rates in a Subtropical Mountain Watershed Using 137Cs Radionuclide Y.J. Chiu, K.T. Chang, Y.C. Chen, J.H. Chao, H.Y. Lee Natural Hazards
2010-11 研討會論文 河川泥砂入流量推估-以莫拉克颱風林邊溪流域為例 林永峻、潘宗毅、邱昱嘉、賴進松、譚義績、陳毅青、邱煌升、潘麒帆
2010-11 研討會論文 石門水庫集水區泥砂收支與遞移率之研究 林建宏、陳毅青、邱昱嘉、李鴻源
2010-10 期刊論文 National policy of watershed management and flood mitigation after the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan Y.J. Lin, Y.H. Chang, Y.C. Tan, H.Y. Lee, Y.J. Chiu Natural Hazards
2010-04 研討會論文 GIS-based Decision Support System for Management of Landslide Hazard after Typhoon Event Y.C. Chen, Y.J. Chiu, S.M. Lau, and H.Y. Lee
2007-12 期刊論文 Estimation of Soil Erosion in a Reservoir Watershed Using 137CS Fallout Radionuclide Y. J. Chiu1*, A. M. Borghuis, H. Y. Lee , K. T. Chang, J. H. Chao International Journal of Sediment Research
2006-07 期刊論文 Quantitative Estimation of Reservoir Sedimentation from Three Typhoon Events Hong-Yuan Lee,Ying-Tien Lin, and Yu-Jia Chiu JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING