

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-07 期刊論文 Semiclassical saddles of three-dimensional gravity via holography Heng-Yu Chen, Yasuaki Hikida, Yusuke Taki, and Takahiro Uetoko Phys.Rev.D 110 (2024) 2, 026018
2024-07 期刊論文 The semi-classical saddles in three-dimensional gravity via holography and mini-superspace approach Heng-Yu Chen, Yasuaki Hikida, Yusuke Taki, Takahiro Uetoko JHEP 07 (2024) 283
2023-09 期刊論文 Complex saddles of Chern-Simons gravity and dS3/CFT2 correspondence Heng-Yu Chen, Yasuaki Hikida, Yusuke Taki, Takahiro Uetoko Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 6, 066005
2023-05 期刊論文 Complex saddles of three-dimensional de Sitter gravity via holography Heng-Yu Chen, Yasuaki Hikida, Yusuke Taki, and Takahiro Uetoko Phys. Rev. D 107, L101902
2023-02 期刊論文 Late-time correlation functions in dS3/CFT2 correspondence Heng-Yu Chen, Shi Chen & Yasuaki Hikida Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2023, Article number: 38 (2023)
2022-08 期刊論文 Three-Dimensional de Sitter Holography and Bulk Correlators at Late Time Heng-Yu Chen, Yasuaki Hikida Physical Review Letter
2021-06 期刊論文 Machine learning Lie structures & applications to physics Heng-Yu Chen, Yang-Hui He, Shailesh Lal, Suvajit Majumder. Phys.Lett.B 817 (2021) 136297
2020-09 期刊論文 Quantum Integrable Systems from Supergroup Gauge Theories Heng-Yu Chen, Taro Kimura, Norton Lee JHEP 09 (2020) 104
2020-07 期刊論文 Superconformal block from holographic geometry Heng-Yu Chen, Jun-ichi Sakamoto JHEP07 (2020) 028
2020-02 期刊論文 Quantum Elliptic Calogero-Moser Systems from Gauge Origami Heng-Yu Chen, Taro Kimura, Norton Lee JHEP02(2020)108
2020-02 期刊論文 The gravity dual of Lorentzian OPE blocks Heng-Yu Chen, Lung-Chuan Chen, Nozomu Kobayashi, Tatsuma Nishioka JHEP 04 (2020) 139
2019-10 期刊論文 On Conformal Blocks, Crossing Kernels and Multi-variable Hypergeometric Functions Heng-Yu Chen, Hideki Kyono JHEP 1910 (2019) 149
2018-07 期刊論文 Connecting localization and wall-crossing via D-branes Chih-Kai Chang, Heng-Yu Chen, Norton Lee, Dharmesh Jain Nuclear Physics B, Volume 932, July 2018, Pages 298-322
2018-07 期刊論文 Quantum integrability from non-simply laced quiver gauge theory Heng-Yu Chen, Taro Kimura JHEP 1806 (2018) 165
2018-06 期刊論文 Towards Spinning Mellin Amplitudes Heng-Yu Chen, En-Jui Kuo, Hideki Kyono Nuclear Physics B Volume 931, June 2018, Pages 291–323
2017-05 期刊論文 Anatomy of geodesic Witten diagrams Heng-Yu Chen, En-Jui Kuo, Hideki Kyono JHEP 1705 (2017) 070
2017-05 期刊論文 Quantum Integrable Systems from Conformal Blocks Heng-Yu Chen, Joshua D. Qualls Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.10, 106011
2016-01 期刊論文 On Higgs branch localization of Seiberg–Witten theories on an ellipsoid Heng-Yu Chen, Tsung-Hsuan Tsai PTEP 2016 (2016) no.1, 013B09
2014-12 期刊論文 Connecting Mirror Symmetry in 3D and 2D via Localization Heng-Yu Chen, Hsiao-Yi Chen, Jun-Kai Ho Int.J.Mod.Phys. A29 (2014) no.32, 1530004
2014-10 期刊論文 Heterotic surface defects and dualities from 2d/4d indices Heng-Yu Chen, Hsiao-Yi Chen Journal of High Energy Physics
2013-08 期刊論文 On the Integrability of Four Dimensional N=2 Gauge Theories in the Omega Background Heng-Yu Chen, Po-Shen Hsin, Peter Koroteev JHEP 1308 (2013) 076
2013-05 期刊論文 On Integrable Structure and Geometric Transition in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories Heng-Yu Chen, Annamaria Sinkovics JHEP 1305 (2013) 158
2012-10 期刊論文 BPS States in Omega Background and Integrability Kseniya Bulycheva, Heng-Yu Chen, Alexander Gorsky, Peter Koroteev Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)
2012-07 期刊論文 A 5d/3d duality from relativistic integrable system. Heng-Yu Chen, Timothy J. Hollowood, Peng Zhao. Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)
2011-11 期刊論文 Moduli Space and Wall-Crossing Formulae in Higher-Rank Gauge Theories. Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Kirill Petunin JHEP
2011-09 期刊論文 A New 2d/4d Duality via Integrability. Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Sungjay Lee, Timothy J Hollowood JHEP
2010-11 期刊論文 Towards multi-field D-brane inflation in a warped throat. Heng-Yu Chen , Jinn-Ouk Gong, Kazuya Koyama, Gianmassimo Tasinato JCAP
2010-10 期刊論文 Notes on Wall Crossing and Instanton in Compactified Gauge Theory with Matter. Heng-Yu Chen, Kirill Petunin JHEP
2010-06 期刊論文 Wall Crossing and Instantons in Compactified Gauge Theory. Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Kirill Petunin JHEP
2010-05 期刊論文 On D3-brane Dynamics at Strong Warping. Heng-Yu Chen, Yu Nakayama, Gary Shiu Int.J.Mod.Phys.
2010-02 期刊論文 Towards a Holographic Model of Color-Flavor Locking Phase. Heng-Yu Chen, Koji Hashimoto, Shunji Matsuura JHEP
2010-01 期刊論文 On Supersymmetric D7-branes in the Warped Deformed Conifold Heng-Yu Chen, Peter Ouyang, Gary Shiu JHEP
2009-09 期刊論文 Towards a warped inflationary brane scanning Heng-Yu Chen, Jinn-Ouk Gong Phys.Rev.
2009-03 期刊論文 Inflation on an Open Racetrack. Heng-Yu Chen, Ling-Yan Hung, Gary Shiu JHEP
2008-09 期刊論文 Systematics of multi-field effects at the end of warped brane inflation Heng-Yu Chen, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Gary Shiu JHEP
2008-02 期刊論文 Comments on the Boundary Scattering Phase Heng-Yu Chen, Diego H. Correa JHEP
2007-09 期刊論文 Quantum Scattering of Giant Magnons Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Rui F. Lima Matos JHEP
2007-07 期刊論文 Geometry and topology of bubble solutions from gauge theory Heng-Yu Chen, Diego H. Correa, Guillermo A. Silva Phys.Rev.
2007-03 期刊論文 The Asymptotic Spectrum of the N=4 Super Yang-Mills Spin Chain Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Keisuke Okamura JHEP
2007-01 期刊論文 The Shape of Instantons : Cross-Section of Supertubes and Dyonic Instantons Heng-Yu Chen, Minoru Eto, Koji Hashimoto JHEP
2006-11 期刊論文 On the Scattering of Magnon Boundstates Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Keisuke Okamura JHEP
2006-09 期刊論文 Dyonic Giant Magnons Heng-Yu Chen, Nick Dorey, Keisuke Okamura JHEP
2006-06 期刊論文 Instantons and Emergent AdS_3 x S^3 Geometry Heng-Yu Chen, David Tong JHEP
2006-03 期刊論文 Precision Test of AdS/CFT in Lunin-Maldacena Background Heng-Yu Chen, Keisuke Okamura JHEP
2006-02 期刊論文 The Anatomy of Gauge/String Duality in Lunin-Maldacena Background Heng-Yu Chen, S. Prem Kumar JHEP
2005-04 期刊論文 The Kähler Potential of Abelian Higgs Vortices Heng-Yu Chen, N.S. Manton J.Math.Phys.