

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-03 期刊論文 Three-dimensional ultrafast charge-density-wave dynamics in CuTe N. N. Quyen, W.-Y. Tzeng, C.-E. Hsu, I.-A. Lin, W.-H. Chen, H.-H. Jia, S.-C. Wang, C.-E. Liu, Y.-S. Chen, W.-L. Chen, T.-L. Chou, I.-T. Wang, C.-N. Kuo, C.-L. Lin, C.-T. Wu, P.-H. Lin, S.-C. Weng, C.-M. Cheng, C.-Y. Kuo, C.-M. Tu, M.-W. Chu, Y.-M. Chang, C. S. Lue, H.-C. Hsueh and C.-W. Luo Nature Communications
2023-10 期刊論文 Interacting Phonons between Layers in Raman Spectra of Carbon Nanotubes inside Boron Nitride Nanotubes D. P. Gulo, N. T. Hung, W.-L. Chen, S. Wang, M. Liu, E. I. Kauppinen, S. Maruyama, Y.-M. Chang, R. Saito and H.-L. Liu J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
2023-02 期刊論文 High-performance photodetector and angular-dependent random lasing from long-chain organic diammonium sandwiched 2D hybrid perovskite non-linear optical single crystal R. K. Ulaganathan, P. K. Roy, S. M. Mhatre, R. C. Murugesan, W.-L. Chen, M.-H. Lai, A. Subramanian, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Chang, S. Canulescu, A. Rozhin, C.-T. Liang*, R. Sankar* Advanced Functional Materials
2023-01 期刊論文 Ba3.5Cu7.55In1.15Se9: A wide-bandgap copper indium selenide reveals strong luminescence and third-harmonic generation Y.-H. Su, W.-L. Chen, H.-R. Byun, Y.-F. Zhang, M.-R. Zhuang, Y.-C. Lin, C.-K. Chang, P.-Y. Wang, C.-C. Lin, K.-I. Lin, H.-K. Liu, M.-K. Lee, J.-I. Jang*, Y.-M. Chang*, K.-F. Hsu* Inorganic Chemistry
2022-10 期刊論文 Nondestructive circadian profiling of starch content in fresh intact Arabidopsis leaf with two‑photon fluorescence and second‑harmonic generation imaging J.‑N. Liao, W.‑L. Chen, C.‑Y. Lo, M.‑H. Lai, H.‑L. Tsai and Y.‑M. Chang* Scientific Reports
2022-10 期刊論文 The origin of edge-enhanced second harmonic generation in monolayer MoS2 flakes M.-H. Lai*, W.-L. Chen, C.-Y. Lo, J.-R. Yu, P.-W. Tang, C. Chen and Y.-M. Chang* AIP Advances
2022-01 期刊論文 Toward quantitative SERS detection in low analyte concentration by investigating the immersion volume and time of SERS substrate in analyte solution W.-L. Chen*, C.-Y. Lo,Y.-C. Huang, Y.-C. Wang, W.-H. Chen, K.-J. Lin,Y.-M. Chang* Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
2021-12 期刊論文 Quantum efficiency increasing of a pristine polymer by curbing picosecond self-trapping via segmental stretching H. Lu, Z. M. Weng, C. C. Chen, Y.-T. Liao, Y.-M. Chang, and A. C.-M. Yang* Macromolecules
2021-12 期刊論文 Stable formamidinium-based centimeter long two-dimensional lead halide perovskite single-crystal for long-live optoelectronic applications R. K. Ulaganathan,* R. C. Murugesan,* C.-Y. Lin, A. S., W.-L. Chen, Y.-M. Chang, A. Rozhin, and R. Sankar* Adv. Funct. Mater.
2021-01 期刊論文 Phonon Dephasing Dynamics in MoS2 L.Sun, P. Kumar, Z. Liu, J. Choi, B. Fang, S. Roesch, K. Tran, J. Casara, E. Priego, Y.-M. Chang, G. Moody, K. L. Silverman, V. O. Lorenz, M. Scheibner, T. Luo, and X. Li* Nano Letters
2021-01 期刊論文 Spatially Resolving the Enhancement Effect in Surface-Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering by Plasmonic Doppler Gratings L. Ouyang, T. Meyer, K.-M. See, W.-L. Chen, F.-C. Lin, D. Akimov, S. Ehtesabi, M. Richter, M. Schmitt, Y.-M. Chang, S. Gräfe, J. Popp, and J.-S. Huang* ACS Nano
2020-06 期刊論文 Epitaxial Aluminum Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates for Large-Scale 2D Material Characterization S. S. Raja, C.-W. Cheng, Y. Sang, C.-A. Chen, X.-Q.Zhang, A. Dubey, T.-J. Yen, Y.-M. Chang, Y.-H. Lee, and S. Gwo* ACS Nano
2020-04 期刊論文 Layer-dependent and in-plane anisotropic properties of low-temperature synthesized few-layer PdSe2 single crystals L.-S. Lu, G.-H. Chen, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-P. Chuu, K.-C. Lu, C.-H. Chen, M.-Y. Lu, T.-H. Chuang, D.-H. Wei, W.-C. Chueh, W.-B. Jian, M.-Y. Li, Y.-M. Chang, L.-J. Li,* and W.-H. Chang* ACS Nano
2020-04 期刊論文 Structural evolution of in situ boron-doped SiGe ultrathin film analyzed by multi-optical methods F.-M. Chang, Z.-Z. Wu, Y. Chen, T.-Y. Yen, Y.-H. Huang, L.-Y. Chong, S.-K. JangJian, F.-Y. Lee, Y.-M. Chang, and K.-Y. Lo* Nanotechnology
2020-04 期刊論文 Ultralow Schottky barriers in hexagonal boron nitride-encapsulated monolayer WSe2 tunnel field-effect transistors G. Pande, J.-Y. Siao, W.-L. Chen, C.-J. Lee, R. Sankar, Y.-M. Chang, C.-D. Chen, W.-H. Chang, F.-C. Chou, and M.-T. Lin* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
2020-01 期刊論文 Enhancement of ultrafast photoluminescence from deformed graphene studied by optical localization microscopy E.-X. Chen, H.-Y. Cheng, Z.-G. Chen, W.-L. Chen, M. Kataria, Y.-M. Chang, Y.-F. Chen, W.-B. Su, and K.-H. Lin New Journal of Physics
2018-11 期刊論文 Intrinsic carrier transport of phase-pure homologous 2D organolead halide hybrid perovskite single crystals M.-K. Li, T.-P. Chen, Y.-F. Lin,* C. M. Raghavan, W.-L. Chen, S.-H. Yang, R. Sankar, C.-W. Luo, Y.-M. Chang, and C.-W. Chen* Small
2018-05 期刊論文 Low-threshold lasing from 2D homologous organic−inorganic hybrid Ruddlesden−Popper perovskite single crystals C. M. Raghavan,T.-P. Chen,S.-S. Li*, W.-L. Chen, C.-Y. Lo, Y.-M. Liao, G. Haider, C.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chen, R. Sankar, Y.-M. Chang, F.-C. Chou and C.-W. Chen* Nano Letters
2018-05 期刊論文 Origin of magnetic properties in carbon implanted ZnO nanowires Y. F. Wang, Y. C. Shao, S. H. Hsieh, Y. K. Chang, P. H. Yeh, H. C. Hsueh*, J. W. Chiou*, H. T. Wang, S. C. Ray, H. M. Tsai, C. W. Pao, C. H. Chen, H. J. Lin, J. F. Lee, C. T. Wu, J. J. Wu, Y. -M. Chang, K. Asokan, K. H. Chae, T. Ohigashi, Y. Takagi, T. Yokoyama, N. Kosugi, and W. F. Pong* Scientific Reports
2018-02 期刊論文 Statistical analysis of cuboctahedral silver nanocrystals Langmuir–Blodgett film SERS substrate W.‐L. Chen, Y.‐H. Huang, H.‐Y. Cheng, T.‐R. Kuo*, and Y.‐M. Chang* Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
2017-10 期刊論文 The chemical states and atomic structure evolution of ultralow energy high-dose Boron implanted Si(110) via laser annealing F.-Y. Lee, Z.-Z. Wu, L.-C. Kao, F.-M. Chang, S.-W. Chen, S.-K. Jang Jian, H.-Y. Cheng, W.-L. Chen, Y.-M. Chang*, and K. Y. Lo* Scientific Reports
2017-07 期刊論文 Origin of long lifetime of band-edge charge carriers in organic–inorganic lead iodide perovskites T. Chen, W.-L. Chen, B. J. Foley, J. Lee, J. P. C. Ruff, J. Y. P. Ko, C. M. Brown, L. W. Harriger, D. Zhang, C. Park, M. Yoon, Y.-M. Chang, J. J. Choi, and S.-H. Lee Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2017-03 期刊論文 Three dimensional characterization of GaN-based light emitting diode grown on patterned sapphire substrate by confocal Raman and photoluminescence spectromicroscopy H. Li, H.-Y. Cheng, W.-L. Chen, Y.-H. Huang, C.-K. Li, C.-Y. Chang, Y.-R. Wu, T.-C. Lu, and Y.-M. Chang Scientific Reports
2016-06 期刊論文 Plasmonic metasurfaces for nonlinear optics and quantitative SERS S. Gwo*, C.-Y. Wang, H.-Y. Chen, M.-H. Lin, L. Sun, X. Li, W.-L. Chen, Y.-M. Chang, and H. Ahn ACS Photonics
2016-03 期刊論文 Size confined magnetic phase in NiO nanoparticles A. C. Gandhi, H.-Y. Cheng, Y.-M. Chang, and J. G. Lin* Material Research Express
2015-11 期刊論文 Large-Scale Hot Spot Engineering for Quantitative SERS at the Single-Molecule Scale H.-Y. Chen, M.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Wang, Y.-M. Chang, and Shangjr Gwo* Journal of the American Chemical Society
2015-11 期刊論文 Photoluminescence from quasi-dendritic ZnO nanostructures grown in anodic alumina nanochannels S.-Y. Chen, W.-L. Chen, C.-T. Ko, M.-Y. Lai, F.-C. Li, Y.-Y. Lee, K.-T. Tsai, M.-J. Chen*,Y.-M. Chang*, and Y.-L. Wang* Materials Research Express
2015-06 期刊論文 Giant Colloidal Silver Crystals for Low-Loss Linear and Nonlinear Plasmonics C.-Y. Wang, H.-Y. Chen, L. Sun, W.-L. Chen, Y.-M. Chang, H. Ahn, X. Li and Shangjr Gwo* Nature Communications
2015-02 期刊論文 Photoluminescence of MEH-PPV brushes, pancakes, and free molecules in solutions and dry states K.S. Shih, C.C. Chen, P.-T. Chen, Y.-W. Yang, J. D. White, Y.-M. Chang, and A. C.-M. Yang* ACS Photonics
2015-01 期刊論文 Second harmonic generation response optimized at various optical wavelength ranges through a series of cubic chalcogenides Ba6Ag2.67+4dSn4.33-dS16-xSex W.-H. Lai, A. S. Haynes, L. Frazer, Y.-M. Chang, T.-K. Liu, J.-F. Hsu, I.-C. Liang, H.-S. Sheu, J. B. Ketterson, M. G. Kanatzidis, and K.-F. Hsu* Chemistry of Materials
2014-09 期刊論文 The modulation effect of transverse, antibonding, and higher-order longitudinal modes on the two-photon photoluminescence of gold plasmonic nanoantennas W.-L. Chen, F.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Lee, F.-C. Li, Y.-M. Chang, and J.-S. Huang* ACS Nano
2014-08 期刊論文 Charge transfer in Au nanoparticle-nonpolar ZnO photocatalysts illustrated by surface-potential-derived three-dimensional band diagram W.-H. Lin, J.-J. Wu*, M. M. C. Chou, Y.-M. Chang, and M. Yoshimura Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2013-11 期刊論文 Depth-resolved confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy for characterizing GaN-based light emitting diode structures W.-L. Chen, Y.-Y. Lee, C.-Y. Chang, H.-M. Huang, T.-C. Lu, and Y.-M. Chang* Review of Scientific Instruments
2013-10 期刊論文 Tunable and stable UV-NIR photoluminescence from annealed SiOx with Si nanoparticles K.-H. Lin*, S.-C. Liou, W.-L. Chen, C.-L. Wu, G.-R. Lin, and Y.-M. Chang* Optics Express
2013-06 期刊論文 Clean-lifting transfer of large-area residual-free graphene films D.-Y. Wang, I.-S. Huang, P.-H. Ho, S.-S. Li, Y.-C. Yeh, D.-W. Wang, W.-L. Chen, Y.-Y. Lee, Y.-M. Chang, C.-C. Chen*, C.-T. Liang, C.-W. Chen* Advanced Materials
2013-05 期刊論文 New metal chalcogenides Ba4CuGa5Q12 (Q = S, Se) displaying strong infrared non-Linear optical response S.-M. Kuo, Y.-M. Chang, I. Chung, J.-I. Jang, B.-H. Her, S.-H. Yang, J. B. Ketterson, M. G. Kanatzidis, and K.-F. Hsu* Chemistry of Materials
2013- 期刊論文 Interactions between fluorescence of atomically layered graphene oxide and metallic nanopartilces Y. Wang, S.-S. Li, Y.-C. Yeh, C.-C. Yu, H.-L. Chen, F.-C. Li, Y.-M. Chang*, and C.-W. Chen* Nanoscale
2012- 期刊論文 Charge transfer in the heterointeraces of CdS/CdSe cosensitized TiO2 photoelectrode K.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Chuang, Y.-Y. Lee, F.-C. Li, Y.-M. Chang*, I.-P. Liu, S.-C. Chou, Y.-L. Lee* Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2012- 期刊論文 Correlation of spin and structure in doped bismuth ferrite nanoparticles J. W. Lin, T. Tite, Y. H. Tang, C. S. Lue, Y.-M. Chang*, J. G. Lin* Journal of Applied Physics
2012- 期刊論文 Correlation of spin and structure in doped bismuth ferrite nanoparticles J. W. Lin, T. Tite, Y. H. Tang, C. S. Lue, Y.-M. Chang*, and J. G. Lin* Journal of Applied Physics
2012- 期刊論文 Investigation of nanopatterned c-plane sapphire substrates for growths of polar and nonpolar GaN epilayers Y.-S. Lin, K.-H. Lin, T. Tite, C.-Y. Chuang, Y.-M. Chang*, J. A. Yeh* Journal of Crystal Growth
2011- 期刊論文 Determination of flat-band voltage for metal-oxide-semiconductor heterointerfaces by electric field induced second-harmonic generation C.-L. Chang, W. C. Lee, L. K. Chu, M. Hong, J. Kwo*, Y.-M. Chang* Applied Physics Letters
2011- 期刊論文 Energy level alignment, electron injection, and charge recombination characteristics in CdS/CdSe co-sensitized TiO2 photoelectrode C.-F. Chi, C.-Y. Chuang, Y.-M. Chang, Y. J. Hsu, Y. L. Lee* Applied Physics Letters
2011- 期刊論文 Epitaxy of m-plane GaN on nanoscale patterned c-plane sapphire substrates Y.-S. Lin, K.-H. Lin, Y.-M. Chang* , J. A. Yeh* Surface Science
2011- 期刊論文 Local inhomogeneity and surface degradation of Fe1.15Te and Fe1.03Te0.62Se0.38 single crystals S.V. Rajasekaran, T. Tite, Y.-M. Chang, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou* Journal of Materials Science
2010- 期刊論文 Polarization Raman spectroscopy of GaN nanorod bundles T. Tite, C. J. Lee, Y.-M. Chang* Journal of Applied Physics
2010- 期刊論文 Structural and thermal properties of MnSi single crystal T. Tite, G. J. Shu, F. C. Chou, Y.-M. Chang* Applied Physics Letters
2010- 期刊論文 The electrostatic coupling of LO phonon and plasmon in wurtzite InN thin films Y.-M. Chang*, S. C. Liou, C. H. Chen, S. Gwo Applied Physics Letters
2009- 期刊論文 Carrier and phonon dynamics of wurtzite InN nanorods Y.-M. Chang*, S. Gwo Applied Physics Letters
2009- 期刊論文 Magnetization reversal process of ferromagnetic granular thin films probed by magnetization-induced second harmonic generation Y. F. Chiang, Y. J. Hsu, T. M. Liu, H. W. Chu , J. G. Lin , C. H. Chen , Y.-M. Chang* Applied Physics Letters
2009- 期刊論文 Optical control of phase transformation in Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles H.-Y. Lee, W.-L. Lan, T. Y. Tseng, D. Hsu, Y.-M. Chang*, J. G. Lin* Nanotechnology
2008- 期刊論文 Direct probe of the built-in electric field of Mg-doped a-plane wurtzite InN surfaces with time-resolved electric-field-induced second harmonic generation Y.-M. Chang*, Y.-L. Hong, S. Gwo Applied Physics Letters
2008- 期刊論文 Ultrafast E1(LO) phonon and plasma dynamics in a-plane wurtzite InN Y.-M. Chang*, H.-W. Lin, Y.-L. Hong, and S. Gwo Journal of Applied Physics
2007- 期刊論文 Determination of electron effective mass of InN by coherent upper-branch LO phonon-plasmon coupling mode Y.-M. Chang*, H. W. Chu, C.-H. Shen, H.-Y. Chen, S. Gwo Applied Physics Letters
2007- 期刊論文 Direct measurement of momentum relaxation time in wurtzite InN Y.-M. Chang*, S. Gwo Journal of Applied Physics
2007- 期刊論文 Identification of surface optical phonon in wurtzite InN epitaxial thin films by coherent phonon spectroscopy Y.-M. Chang*, H. W. Chu, C. H. Shen, S. Gwo Applied Physics Letters
2007- 期刊論文 Micro-Raman spectroscopy of a single freestanding GaN nanorod grown by molecular beam epitaxy C.-L. Hsiao, L.W. Tu*, T.W. Chi, M. Chen, T. F. Young, C. T. Chia and Y.-M. Chang Applied Physics Letters
2004-11 期刊論文 Coherent longitudinal optical phonon and plasmon coupling in the near surface region of InN Y.-M. Chang*, C. T. Chuang, C. T. Chia, K. T. Tsen, H. Lu and W. J. Schaff Applied Physics Letters
2004-04 期刊論文 Observation of coherent interfacial optical phonons in GaInP/GaAs/GaInP single quantum wells Y.-M. Chang*, H. H. Lin, C. T. Chia, and Y. F. Chen Applied Physics Letters
2003-03 期刊論文 Coherent Phonon Spectroscopy of GaP Schottky Diode Y.-M. Chang* Applied Physics Letters
2002-11 期刊論文 Coherent Longitudinal Optical Phonon and Plasmon Coupling in GaAs Y.-M. Chang* and N.-A. Chang Applied Physics Letters
2002-04 期刊論文 Interaction of Electron and Hole Plasma with Coherent LO Phonons in GaAs Y.-M. Chang* Applied Physics Letters