出版年月 | 著作類別 | 著作名稱 | 作者 | 收錄出處 |
2024-09 | 期刊論文 | Implementation of Shor's algorithm with a single photon in 32 dimensions | H.-C. Weng and C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review Applied |
2024-08 | 期刊論文 | Scalable Determination of Multipartite Entanglement in Quantum Networks | W.-T. Kao, C.-Y. Huang, T.-J. Tsai, S.-H. Chen, S.-Y. Sun, Y.-C. Li, T.-L. Liao, C.-S. Chuu, H. Lu, C.-M. Li | npj Quantum Information |
2024-07 | 期刊論文 | Compact Polarization-Entangled Photon Source Based on Coexisting Noncritically Birefringent and Quasi Phase Matching in a Nonlinear Crystal | C.-Y. Yang, C.-Y. Wang, K.-H. Lin, T.-Y. Tsai, C.-C. Lin, C. Canalias, L.-B. Wang, A. Yabushita, C.-S. Chuu* | Optics Express |
2024-06 | 期刊論文 | Observation of highly correlated ultrabright biphotons through increased atomic ensemble density in spontaneous four-wave mixing | J.-S. Shiu, Z.-Y. Liu, C.-Y. Cheng, Y.-C. Huang, I. A. Yu, Y.-C. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, C.-M. Li, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-F. Chen | Phys. Rev. Research |
2024-03 | 期刊論文 | Tunable Single-Photon Emission with Wafer-scale Plasmonic Array | C.‐A. Chen, P.-H. Chen, Y.-X. Zheng, C.-H. Chen, M.-K. Hsu, K.-C. Hsu, Y.-Y. Lai, C.-S. Chuu, H. Deng, and Y.-H. Lee | Nano Letters |
2024-02 | 期刊論文 | Tuning atom-field interaction via phase shaping | Y.-T. Cheng, C.-H. Chien, K.-M. Hsieh, Y.-H. Huang, P. Y. Wen, W.-J. Lin, Y. Lu, F. Aziz, C.-P. Lee, K.-T. Lin, C.-Y. Chen, J. C. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, A. F. Kockum, G.-D. Lin, Y.-H. Lin, I.-C. Hoi | Physical Review A |
2023-07 | 期刊論文 | Field Test of Quantum Key Distribution with High Key Creation Efficiency | Y.-C. Kao, S.-H. Huang, C.-H. Chang, C.-H. Wu, S.-H. Chu, J. Jiang, A.-C. Zhang, S.-Y. Huang, J.-H. Yen, K.-M. Feng, C.-S. Chuu* | Optics Express |
2022-12 | 期刊論文 | Temporally ultralong biphotons with a linewidth of 50 kHz | Y.-S. Wang, K.-B. Li, C.-F. Chang, T.-W. Lin, J.-Q. Li, S.-S. Hsiao, J.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Lai, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, I. A. Yu | APL Photonics |
2022-10 | 期刊論文 | Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform | W.-J. Lin, Y. Lu, P. Y. Wen, Y.-T. Cheng, C.-P. Lee, K. T. Lin, K. H. Chiang, M. C. Hsieh, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chien, J. J. Lin, J.-C. Chen, Y. H. Lin, C.-S. Chuu, F. Nori, A. F. Kockum, G. D. Lin, P. Delsing, I.-C. Hoi | Nano Letters |
2022-05 | 期刊論文 | Room-temperature biphoton source with a spectral brightness near the ultimate limit | J.-M. Chen, C.-Y. Hsu, W.-K. Huang, S.-S. Hsiao, F.-C. Huang, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, I. A. Yu | Physical Review Research |
2021-10 | 期刊論文 | Hidden nonmacrorealism: reviving Leggett-Garg inequality with stochastic operations | H.-Y. Ku, H.-C. Weng, Y.-A. Shih, P.-C. Kuo, N. Lambert, F. Nori, C.-S. Chuu*, Y.-N. Chen* | Physical Review Research |
2021-07 | 期刊論文 | Very Robust Spray-Synthesized CsPbI3 Quantum Emitters with Ultrahigh Room-Temperature Cavity-Free Brightness and Self-Healing Ability | B.-W. Hsu, Y.-T. Chuang, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, A. Brumberg, L. Yang, Y.-S. Huang, R. Schaller, L.-J. Chen, C.-S. Chuu*, H.-W. Lin* | ACS Nano |
2021-06 | 期刊論文 | Manipulation of Multipartite Entanglement in an Array of Quantum Dots | Y.-J. Chen, C.-S. Chuu* | Optics Express |
2021-03 | 期刊論文 | Purification of Single and Entangled Photons by Wavepacket Shaping | C.-S. Chuu*, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, S.-W. Feng, S.-Y. Huang, Y.-J. Chen, C.-Y. Yang | Advanced Quantum Technologies |
2021-01 | 期刊論文 | Generation of sub-MHz and spectrally-bright biphotons from hot atomic vapors with a phase mismatch-free scheme | C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-S. Wang, J.-M. Chen, F.-C. Huang, Y.-T. Ke, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K.-L. Chao, S.-S. Hsiao, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, I. A. Yu | Optics Express |
2020-09 | 期刊論文 | Time-resolved detection of photon-surface-plasmon coupling at the single-quanta level | C.-Y. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Y.-J. Chen, C.-H. Wu, C.-N. Wang, C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review A |
2020-06 | 期刊論文 | Efficient Generation of Subnatural-Linewidth Biphotons by Controlled Quantum Interference | R. Chinnarasu, C.-Y. Liu, Y.-F. Ding, C.-Y. Lee, T.-H. Hsieh, I. A. Yu, C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review A |
2019-09 | 期刊論文 | Revival of Quantum Interference by Modulating the Biphotons | C.-H. Wu, C.-K. Liu, Y.-C. Chen, C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review Letters |
2017-10 | 期刊論文 | Purification of single photons from room-temperature quantum dots | S.-W. Feng, C.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Wei, J.-H. Yang, Y.-R. Chen, Y.-W. Chuang, Y.-H. Fan, C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review Letters |
2017-08 | 期刊論文 | Bright single photons for light-matter interaction | C.-H. Wu, T.-Y. Wu, Y.-C. Yeh, P.-H. Liu, C.-H. Chang, C.-K. Liu, T. Cheng, C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review A |
2016-09 | 期刊論文 | Shaping single photons and biphotons by inherent losses | W.-M. Su, R. Chinnarasu, C.-H. Kuo, and C.-S. Chuu* | Physical Review A |
2016-05 | 期刊論文 | Parametric down-conversion with nonideal and random quasi-phase-matching | C.-Y. Yang, C. Lin, C. Liljestrand, W.-M. Su, C. Canalias, and C.-S. Chuu* | Scientific Reports |
2015-07 | 專書論文 | Narrowband Biphotons: Generation, Manipulation, and Applications | C.-S. Chuu* and S. Du | Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction |
2013-12 | 期刊論文 | 2012物理諾貝爾獎得主Serge Haroche研究簡介 | 褚志崧* |
物理雙月刊 Physics Bimonthly |
2012-12 | 期刊論文 | Coherent Control of Single-Photon Absorption and Reemission in a Two-Level Atomic Ensemble | S. Zhang, C. Liu, S. Zhou, C.-S. Chuu, M. M. T. Loy, and S. Du* | Physical Review Letters |
2012-08 | 期刊論文 | A Miniature Ultrabright Source of Temporally Long, Narrowband Biphotons | C.-S. Chuu*, G.Y. Yin, S. E. Harris | Appl. Phys. Lett. |
2011-06 | 期刊論文 | Ultra-bright Backward-wave Biphoton Source | C.-S. Chuu* and S. E. Harris | Phys. Rev. A |
2010-06 | 期刊論文 | Hiding Single Photons with Spread Spectrum Technology | C. Belthangady, C.-S. Chuu*, I. A. Yu, G. Y. Yin, J. M. Kahn, S. E. Harris | Phys. Rev. Lett. |
2009-09 | 期刊論文 | Modulation and Measurement of Time-Energy Entangled Photons | C. Belthangady, S. Du, C.-S. Chuu, G.-Y. Yin,S. E. Harris | Phys. Rev. A |
2009-09 | 期刊論文 | Suppression of Phase Decoherence in a Single Atomic Qubit | C.-S. Chuu*, C. Zhang | Phys. Rev. A |
2009-02 | 期刊論文 | A millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks | B. Zhao, Y.-A. Chen, X.-H. Bao, T. Strassel, Chih-Sung Chuu, X.-M. Jin, J. Schmiedmayer, Z.-S. Yuan | Nature Physics |
2008-09 | 期刊論文 | Quantum memory with optically trapped atoms | Chih-Sung Chuu*, T. Strassel, B. Zhao, M. Koch, Y.-A. Chen, S. Chen, Z.-S. Yuan, J. Schmiedmayer | Physical Review Letters |
2008-02 | 期刊論文 | Memory-Built-In Quantum Teleportation with Photonic and Atomic Qubits | Y.-A. Chen, S. Chen, Z.-S. Yuan, B. Zhao, Chih-Sung Chuu, J. Schmiedmayer, J.-W. Pan | Nature Physics |
2005-12 | 期刊論文 | Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Number Statistics in a Degenerate Bose Gas | Chih-Sung Chuu*, F. Schreck, T. P. Meyrath, J. L. Hanssen, G. N. Price, M. G. Raizen | Physical Review Letters |
2005-04 | 期刊論文 | A High Frequency Optical Trap for Atoms Using Hermite-Gaussian Beams | T. P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J. L. Hanssen, Chih-Sung Chuu, M. G. Raizen | Optics Express |
2005-04 | 期刊論文 | Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Box | T. P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J. L. Hanssen, Chih-Sung Chuu, M. G. Raizen | Physical Review A |