

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2025-01 期刊論文 Phylogenetic Network of Infectious Bronchitis Virus: Exploring the Impact of Migratory Birds on Viral Clustering, Evolution, and Recombination Yu-Chen Tai, Geng-Ming Hu, Chiming Chen Veterinary Quarterly
2024-05 期刊論文 Solving puzzles using knowledge-based automation: biomimicry of human solvers Syifa Fauzia, Sean Chen, Ren-Jung Hsu, Rex Chen, Chi-Ming Chen Complex & Intelligent Systems
2023-11 期刊論文 Unraveling the Evolutionary Patterns and Phylogenomics of Coronaviruses: A Consensus Network Approach Geng-Ming Hu, Yu-Chen Tai, and Chi-Ming Chen Journal of Medical Virology
2022-11 期刊論文 MSClustering: A Cytoscape Tool for Multi-Level Clustering of Biological Networks Bo-Kai Ge,Geng-Ming Hu, Rex Chen, Chi-Ming Chen International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2021-10 期刊論文 Plastic bioconversion: Reaction mechanism of PETases B.K. Ge, G.M. Hu, and C.M. Chen Chinese Journal of Physics
2019-05 期刊論文 SeQuery: An Interactive Graph Database for Visualizing the GPCR Superfamily Geng-Ming Hu, M.K. Secario, Chi-Ming Chen DATABASE - The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
2019-01 期刊論文 Unsupervised cluster analyses of character networks in fiction: Community structure and centrality R. H.-G. Chen, C.-C. Chen, and C.-M. Chen Knowledge-Based Systems
2017-11 期刊論文 Visualizing the GPCR Network: Classification and Evolution G.-M. Hu, T.-L. Mai, and C.-M. Chen Scientific Reports
2017-01 期刊論文 Synchronization and Inter-Layer Interactions of Noise-Driven Neural Networks Anis Yuniati,Te-Lun Mai, and Chi-Ming Chen Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
2016-08 期刊論文 Visualizing the World’s Scientific Publications Rex H.-G. Chen, Chi-Ming Chen Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
2016-06 期刊論文 Visualizing and Clustering Protein Similarity Networks: Sequences, Structures, and Functions Te-Lun Mai, Geng-Ming Hu, and Chi-Ming Chen Journal of Proteome Research
2015-06 期刊論文 Visualizing the clustering of financial networks and profitability of stocks C.-M. Chen and Y.-F. Chang Journal of complex networks
2015-05 期刊論文 Clustering and Visualizing Similarity Networks of Membrane Proteins G.-M. Hu, D.-L. Mai, and C.-M. Chen PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics
2015-01 期刊論文 Towards an Integrated Solution for Renewable Water and Energy Rex Hung-Gang Chen and Chi-Ming Chen Journal of Emerging Investigators
2014-02 期刊論文 Computational Prediction of Kink Properties of Helices in Membrane Proteins T.-L. Mai and C.-M. Chen J. Comput. Aid. Mol. Des.
2012-11 期刊論文 Monte Carlo simulations of single and coupled synthetic molecular motors C.-M. Chen* and M. Zuckermann Phys. Rev. E
2012-10 期刊論文 Statistical Analyses and Computational Prediction of Helical Kinks in Membrane Proteins Y.-H. Huang and C.-M. Chen* J. Comput. Aid. Mol. Des.
2012-03 期刊論文 Replica Exchange Monte-Carlo Simulations of Helix Bundle Membrane Proteins: Rotational Parameters of Helices H.-H. Wu, C.-C. Chen, and C.-M. Chen* J. Comput. Aid. Mol. Des.
2011-11 期刊論文 Synchronization in a Noise-driven Developing Neural Network I.-H. Lin, R.-K. Wu, and C.-M. Chen* Phys. Rev. E
2011-09 期刊論文 Classification and Visualization of the Social Science Network by the Minimum Span Clustering Method Y.-F. Chang and C.-M. Chen* J. Am. Soc. Inform. Sci. Tec.
2009-01 期刊論文 A dual-scale approach toward structure prediction of retinal proteins C.-C. Chen,C.-M. Chen* J. Struct. Biol.
2008-08 期刊論文 Classification of scientific networks using aggregated journal-journal citation relations in the Journal Citation Reports C.-M. Chen* J. Am. Soc. Inform. Sci. Tec.
2008--- 期刊論文 Packing of Transmembrane Helices in Bacteriorhodopsin Folding: Structure and Thermodynamics C.-C. Chen, C.-C. Wei, Y.-C. Sun, C.-M. Chen* J. Struct. Biol.
2007-04 期刊論文 Contact-induced structure transformation in transmembrane prion propagation D.-M. Ou, C.-C. Chen, C.-M. Chen* Biophys. J.,
2007-04 期刊論文 Driven polymer transport through a nanopore controlled by a rotating electric field: Off-lattice computer simulations Y.-S. Tsai and C.-M. Chen* J. Chem. Phys.
2006-08 期刊論文 Visualizing the scientific world and its evolution I. Samoylenko, T.-C. Chao, W.-C. Liu, and C.-M. Chen* J. Am. Soc. Inform. Sci. Tec.
2005-10 期刊論文 Learning-induced synchronization and plasticity of a developing neural network T.-C. Chao and C.-M. Chen* J. Comput. Neurosci.
2005--- 期刊論文 Driven translocation dynamics of polynucleotides through a nanopore: Off-lattice monte-carlo simulations C.-M. Chen* physica A
2003-03 期刊論文 Computer Simulations of Membrane Protein Folding: Structure and Dynamics C.-M. Chen* and C.-C. Chen Biophysical Journal
2003-02 期刊論文 Nanopore sequencing of polynucleotides assisted by a rotating electric field C.-M. Chen* and E.-H. Peng Appl. Phys. Lett.
2001--- 期刊論文 Instability of myelin tubes under dehydration: Deswelling of layered cylindrical structures C.-M. Chen*, C.F. Schmidt, P.D. Olmsted, F.C. MacKintosh Phys. Rev. E
2001--- 期刊論文 Lattice model of transmembrane polypeptide folding C.-M. Chen Phys. Rev. E
2001--- 期刊論文 Monte Carlo simulations of polymer brushes C.-M. Chen* and Y.-A. Fwu Phys. Rev. E
2000-09 期刊論文 Dilution Wave and Negative-Order Crystallization Kinetics of Chain Molecules 19. G. Ungar*, P.K. Mandal, P.G. Higgs, D.S.M. de Silva, E. Boda, and C.M. Chen Phys. Rev. Lett.
2000--- 期刊論文 Theory for the Bending Rigidity of Protein-coated Lipid Membranes C.-M. Chen* Physica A
1999--- 期刊論文 Theory for Bending Anisotropy of Lipid Membranes and Tubule Formation C.-M. Chen* Phys. Rev. E