出版年月 |
著作類別 |
著作名稱 |
作者 |
收錄出處 |
2022-10 |
磁阱中超冷玻色氣體的BEC相變與Kibble-Zurek動力學(上)(下) (物理雙月刊44卷第5期10月號) |
劉翼綱、郭西川 |
2020-09 |
Phase diagram of solitons in the polar phase of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate |
I-Kang Liu, Shih-Chuan Gou, and Hiromitsu Takeuchi |
Physical Review Research 2, 033506 (2020).
2020-07 |
Kibble-Zurek Dynamics in a Trapped Ultracold Bose Gas |
I-Kang Liu, Jacek Dziarmaga, Shih-Chuan Gou, Franco Dalfovo, and Nick P. Proukakis |
Physical Review Research 2, 033183 (2020).
2018-06 |
Dynamical Equilibration Across a Quenched Phase Transition in a Trapped Quantum Gas |
I-K. Liu, S. Donadello, G. Lamporesi, G. Ferrari, S.-C. Gou, F. Dalfovo, and N. P. Proukakis, |
Communication Physics (Springer-Nature) 1:24, (2018). DOI:10.1038/s42005-018-0023-6 .
2017-10 |
Reply to “Comment on ‘Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium: A numerical approach’ " |
Shih-Chuan Gou, Shih-Wei Su, and Ite A. Yu |
Physical Review A, 96, 047801 (2017)
2017-07 |
Setting a disordered password on a photonic memory |
Shih-Wei Su, Shih-Chuan Gou, Lock Yue Chew, Yu-Yen Chang, Ite A. Yu, Alexey Kalachev, and Wen-Te Liao |
Physical Review A 95, 061805 (Rapid Communications) (2017)
2017-05 |
Hidden long-range order in a spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional Bose gas |
Shih-Wei Su, I-Kang Liu, Shih-Chuan Gou, Renyuan Liao, Oleksandr Fialko, and Joachim Brand |
Physical Review A 95, 053629 (2017)
2016-10 |
Controllable vacuum-induced diffraction of matter-waves using an all-optical dispersive cavity |
S.-W. Su, Z.-K Lu, S.-C. Gou*, and W.-T. Liao* |
Scientific Reports 6, 35402 (2016)
2016-05 |
Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling in bilayer Bose-Einstein condensates |
S.-W. Su, S.-C. Gou*, Q. Sun, L. Wen, W.-M. Liu, A.-C. Ji, J. Ruseckas, and G. Juzeliunas |
Physical Review A 93, 053630 (2016)
2016-05 |
Unconventional Bose-Einstein condensation in a system with two species of bosons in the p-orbital bands in an optical lattice |
J.-S. You, I-K. Liu, D.-W. Wang, S.-C. Gou* and C. Wu*, |
Physical Review A 93, 053623 (2016)
2016-02 |
Stochastic growth dynamics and composite defects in quenched immiscible binary condensates |
I.-K. Liu, R. W. Pattinson, T. P. Billam, S. A. Gardiner, S. L. Cornish, T.-M. Huang, W.-W. Lin, S.-C. Gou, N. G. and Parker N. P. Proukakis |
Physical Review A 93, 023628 (2016)
2015-03 |
Position-dependent spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms |
S-.W. Su, S.-C. Gou, I. K. Liu, I. B. Spielman, L. Santos, A. Acus, A. Mekys, J. Ruseckas, and G. Juzeliunas |
New Journal of Physics 17, 033045 (2015)
2015-02 |
Oscillons in coupled Bose-Einstein condensates |
Shih-Wei Su, Shih-Chuan Gou, I-Kang Liu, Ashton S. Bradley, Oleksandr Fialko, and Joachim Brand |
Physical Review A 91, 023631 (2015)
2014-02 |
Crystallized and amorphous vortices in rotating atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates |
Chao-Fei Liu, Heng Fan, Shih-Chuan Gou, and Wu-Ming Liu |
Scientific Reports 4: 4224, (2014)
2013-12 |
Transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography: Analytical approach to the forced Gardner equation |
A. M. Kamchatnov, Y.-H. Kuo, T.-C. Lin, T.-L. Horng, S.-C. Gou, R. Clift, R. H. J. Grimshaw, and G. A. El, |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 736, 495 (2013)
2013-06 |
Ground States, Solitons and Skyrmion Lattices in Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates”, |
S.-W. Song, L. Wen, C.-F. Liu, S.-C. Gou, and W.-M. Liu |
Frontiers of Physics 8, 302 (2013)
2013-06 |
Vortex chain in anisotropic spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein
Chao-Fei Liu, Yan-Mei Yu, Shih-Chuan Gou, and Wu-Ming Liu |
Physical Review A 87, 063630 (2013)
2013-05 |
Kibble-Zurek Scaling and its Breakdown for Spontaneous Generation of Josephson Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates |
Shih-Wei Su, Shih-Chuan Gou, Ashton Bradley, Oleksandr Fialko, and Joachim Brand |
Physical Review Letters 110, 215302 (2013)
2012-09 |
Undular bore theory for the Gardner equation |
A. M. Kamchatnov, Y.-H. Kuo, T.-C. Lin, T.-L. Horng, S.-C. Gou, R. Clift, G. A. El and R. H. J. Grimshaw |
Physical Review E 86, 036605 (2012)
2012-08 |
Crystallized half-skyrmions and inverted half-skyrmions in the condensation of spin-1 Bose gases with spin-orbit coupling |
S.-W. Su, I.-K. Liu, Y.-C. Tsai, W.M. Liu and S.-C. Gou |
Physical Review A 86, 023601 (2012)
2012-06 |
冷原子不冷─非零溫玻色–愛因斯坦凝聚體的動力學(物理雙月刊,34(3), 184 (2012)) |
蘇士煒、劉翼綱、郭西川 |
2012-02 |
“Formation of stationary light in a medium of non-stationary atoms”, |
T Peters, S.-W. Su, Y.-H. Chen, J.-S. Wang, S.-C. Gou, and I. A. Yu, |
Physical Review A 85, 023838 (2012)
2011-08 |
Equilibrium vortex formations in ultra-rapidly rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensates |
C.-H. Hsueh, T.-L. Horng, S.-C. Gou, and W.-C. Wu* |
Physical Review A 84, 023610 (2011)
2011-08 |
Spontaneous crystallization of skyrmions and fractional vortices in the fast-rotating and rapidly-quenched spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates |
S.-W. Su, C.-H. Hsueh, I.-K. Liu, Y.-C. Tsai, T.-L. Horng, S.-C. Gou* and W. M. Liu |
Physical Review A 84, 023601 (2011)
2011-07 |
An effective thermal-parametrization theory for the slow-light dynamics in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically–induced -transparency medium |
S.-W. Su, Y.-H. Chen, S.-C. Gou*, and I. A. Yu |
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44,165504 (2011)
2011-01 |
Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically induced transparency medium: A numerical approach |
Shih-Wei Su, Yi-Hsin, Chen, Shih-Chuan, Gou*, Tzyy-Leng Horng and Ite A. Yu* |
Physical Review A 83, 013827 (2011)
2009-11 |
Large forbidden angles for two dimensional photonic crystal of connected-honeycomb lattice |
Y.-C. Tsai, J.-H. Wong, and S.-C. Gou |
Optics Communications 283, 400 (2009)
2009-06 |
Two-dimensional quantum turbulence in a nonuniform Bose-Einstein condensate |
T.-L. Horng, C.-H. Hsueh, S.-W. Su, Y.-M. Kao, and S.-C. Gou |
Physical Review A 80, 023618 (2009)
2009-05 |
Stationary wave patterns generated by an impurity moving with supersonic velocity through a Bose-Einstein condensate |
T.-L. Horng, S.-C. Gou, T.-C. Lin, G.A. El, A.P. Itin, and A.M. Kamhatnov |
Physical Review A 79, 053619 (2009)
2008-06 |
Transition to quantum turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensate through bending-wave instability of a single vortex ring |
T.-L. Horng, C.-H. Hsueh, and S.-C. Gou* |
Physical Review A 77,063625 (2008)
2007-11 |
Vortex-ring solutions of Gross-Pitaevskii equation for an axisymmetrically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate |
C.-H. Hseuh, S.-C. Gou, T.-L Horng and Y.-M. Kao |
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40, 4561 (2007)
2006-11 |
Bending-wave instability of a vortex ring in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate |
T.-L. Horng, S.-C. Gou*, and T.-C. Lin |
Physical Review A 74, 041603(R) (2006)
2005-10 |
從天邊那一朵雲談起(物理雙月刊廿七卷五期) |
郭西川 |
2005-04 |
聖杯中的精靈(2005年4月, 科學人月刊)(邀稿) |
郭西川 |
2003-10 |
離子阱中的0與1(物理雙月刊25卷4期) |
郭西川 |
2002-06 |
Transition temperature for the all-optical formation of F=1 spinor condensate |
W.-J. Huang, S.-C. Gou* and Y.-C. Tsai, |
Physical Review A 65, 063610 (2002)
2000-10 |
陷獲費米氣的簡介(物理雙月刊22卷5期) |
郭西川及蔡雅芝 |
1999- |
Ground state energy of the spinor Bose-Einstein condensate |
W.-J. Huang and S.-C. Gou |
Physical Review A 59, 4608 (1999)
1999- |
Reconstruction of the two-mode vibronic quantum state of a trapped atom |
S. Wallentowitz, R.L. de Matos Filho, S.-C. Gou, and W. Vogel |
European Physical Journal D 6, 397 (1999)
1998- |
Impurity modes in one-dimensional photonic crystals ― analytic approach |
Y.-C. Tsai*, K.W.-K. Shung, and S.-C. Gou |
Journal of Modern. Optics 45, 2147 (1998)
1997- |
Generation of mesoscopic superpositions of two squeezed states of motion for a trapped ion |
S.-C. Gou, J. Steinbach, and P.L. Knight, |
Physical Review A 55, 3719 (1997)
1997- |
Generation of motional SU(1,1) intelligent states of a trapped ion |
C. C. Gerry , S.-C. Gou, and J. Steinbach |
Physical Review A 55, 630 (1997)
1996- |
Dark pair coherent states of the motion of a trapped ion |
S.-C. Gou, J. Steinbach, and P. L. Knight |
Physical Review A 54, R1014 (1996)
1996- |
Trapped ions as vibrational beam-splitters: SU(2) states in two-dimensional ion trap |
S.-C. Gou* and P. L. Knight |
Physical Review A 54, 1682 (1996)
1996- |
Vibrational pair cat states |
S.-C. Gou, J. Steinbach, and P. L. Knight |
Physical Review A 54, 4315 (1996)
1994- |
Exchange interaction model on the simple cubic lattice |
S.-C. Gou* and H. H Chen |
Physical Review B 49, 1450 (1994)
1993- |
Antiferromagnetic ordering and phase transitions in the exchange interaction model and the Potts model on general lattice |
H. H. Chen, S.-C. Gou and Y. C. Chen |
Physics Letters A 177, 248 (1993)
1993- |
Characteristic Oscillations of phase properties for pair coherent states in the two-mode Jaynes-Cummings model dynamics |
S.-C. Gou |
Physical Review A 48, 3233 (1993)
1992- |
Polarization of the spin-S exchange interaction model |
H. H. Chen, S.-C. Gou and Y. C. Chen |
Physical Review B 46, 8323 (1992)
1990- |
Dynamics of the two-mode Jaynes-Cummings model modified by Stark shifts |
S.-C. Gou |
Physics Letters A 147, 218 (1990)
1990- |
Time evolution of a two-mode Jaynes-Cummings model in the presence of pair-coherent states |
S.-C. Gou |
Journal of Modern Optics 37, 1469 (1990)
1989-11 |
Quantum behavior of a two-level atom interacting with two modes of light in a cavity |
S.-C. Gou |
Physical Review A 40, 5115 (1989)