

出版年月 著作類別 著作名稱 作者 收錄出處
2024-05 期刊論文 Estimation of riverbank erosion by combining channel morphological models with AI techniques Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
2024-04 期刊論文 Urban storm water prediction by applying machine learning techniques and geomorphological characteristics Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] Hydrological Sciences Journal
2023-12 期刊論文 An alternative for predicting real-time water levels of urban drainage systems Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一作者] Journal of Environmental Management
2023-12 期刊論文 Establishing a shallow-landslide prediction method by using machine-learning techniques based on the physics-based calculation of soil slope stability Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] Landslides
2023-12 期刊論文 Establishing a time‐varying flood‐wave impulse function combined with a dynamic machine‐learning technique in response to the disturbance of boundary conditions Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] Journal of Flood Risk Management
2023-02 期刊論文 A novel method of estimating dynamic partial contributing area for integrating subsurface flow layer into GIUH model Huang, P.-C.*, Lee, K. T. [本人為第一、通訊作者] Journal of Hydrology
2022-10 期刊論文 An innovative partition method for predicting shallow landslides by combining the slope stability analysis with a dynamic neural network model Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] CATENA
2022-04 期刊論文 An effective alternative for predicting coastal floodplain inundation by considering rainfall, storm surge, and downstream topographic characteristics Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] Journal of Hydrology
2021-12 期刊論文 Channel-flow response function considering the downstream tidal effect and hydraulic characteristics Huang, P.-C.*, Lee, K. T. [本人為第一、通訊作者] Journal of Hydrology
2021-12 期刊論文 Influence of topographic features and stream network structure on the spatial distribution of hydrological response Huang, P.-C.*, Lee, K. T. [本人為第一、通訊作者] Journal of Hydrology
2021-02 期刊論文 Improvement of two-dimensional flow-depth prediction based on neural network models by preprocessing hydrological and geomorphological data Huang, P.-C.*, Hsu, K.-L., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一、通訊作者] Water Resources Management
2020-09 期刊論文 Channel hydrological response function considering inflow conditions and hydraulic characteristics Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一作者] Journal of Hydrology
2020-07 期刊論文 Refinement of the channel response system by considering time‐varying parameters for flood prediction Huang, P.-C.*, Lee, K. T. [本人為第一、通訊作者] Hydrological Processes
2020-02 期刊論文 Analysis of hydrograph shape affected by flow-direction assumptions in rainfall-runoff models Huang, P.-C.* [本人為單一、通訊作者] Water
2019-02 期刊論文 Influence of Topographic Characteristics on the adaptive time interval for diffusion wave simulation. Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T., Gartsman, B. I. [本人為第一作者] Water
2018-08 期刊論文 Assessment of flood mitigation through riparian detention in response to a changing climate Lee, K. T., Huang, P.-C.* [本人為第二、通訊作者] Journal of Earth System Science
2017-12 期刊論文 Efficient DEM‐based overland flow routing using integrated recursive algorithms Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一作者] Hydrological Processes
2016-01 期刊論文 Distinctions of geomorphological properties caused by different flow-direction predictions from digital elevation models Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一作者] International Journal of Geographical Information Science
2015-11 期刊論文 A simple depression-filling method for raster and irregular elevation datasets Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一作者] Journal of Earth System Science
2013-03 期刊論文 An efficient method for DEM-based overland flow routing Huang, P.-C., Lee, K. T. [本人為第一作者] Journal of Hydrology
2012-06 期刊論文 Evaluating the adequateness of kinematic-wave routing for flood forecasting in midstream channel reaches of Taiwan Lee, K. T., Huang, P.-C. [本人為第二作者] Journal of Hydroinformatics